Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1327772-smooth-as-silk---part-three
by sunray
Rated: 18+ · Other · Death · #1327772
a work in progress - if you read it can you please give me a review - Please -thanks
Whatever, Amanda thought, as she picked up her handbag and turned out the light, there's always another job. She walked down the corridor and let herself out into the car park, smiling now as she thought about Andy again. They had been inseparable since the party and were living together within a month and married within a year. Susie's disbelief and horror had slowly turned to envy as other relationships failed and Amanda and Andy were still so obviously in love. The sex just got better every time.

As Amanda walked through the car park toward her car, an MG that had been painstakingly restored by Andy, or to be more precise, by Eric, Andy’s apprentice, he thought it would be a good project for him to learn on. Just then two men approached and she looked up, confused.

"Amanda Silk?" One asked.

She did not answer, unsure of what they wanted and feeling threatened.

"Of course it's Amanda," said the second, "just look at her. Its Nicole with a different name!”

Suddenly feeling the danger Amanda turned to run but a hand reached across her face and she smelled a strong chemical smell before collapsing.

The men looked around the empty car park, and seeing no one else there carried Amanda to a van and strapped her into a strong seat in the back.

They went through her handbag and checked her license. Knowing now that they had the right person they then got her car keys and one of the men left in the MG while the other drove the van in the other direction.

Amanda was unconscious for the entire trip and when the van arrived at its destination it was driven up a long driveway after passing through a security gate, and into an open garage. The driver got out and closed the garage door. He checked to see if she was still out before untying her.

Another man walked into the garage from an internal door.

"How'd it go?" He asked the driver.

"No problems, just like clockwork." The driver replied with satisfaction.

The man looked at the unconscious figure in the seat.

"You and I are going to have a lot of fun, Nicole." He said in a chilling voice.

Amanda was struggling between dream and reality, between consciousness and darkness. She could not see anything, could not say anything and could not move. She could hear disembodied voices floating around her.

"...can't wait for our turn at this one, Blain, a real beauty..."

"...patience Reb, I am going to enjoy every possible thing..."

"...last one had trouble convincing..."

"...not money then family is the key..."

"...can't believe this works every time..."

"...possible with enough money..."

The world swam and then darkness.

Amanda woke slowly. Her head hurt like she had been drinking and she was tied down on a bed, spread-eagled with a gag and a blindfold on. She tried moving but there was not a lot of give in the ropes securing her. She could bring her legs together and bend her knees up a fair way but her arms were tied tight. Her mind started to work again and she remembered the men in the car park. The realisation dawned that she had been abducted, but why? She and Andy were reasonably comfortable but certainly not rich. So not for money. They had no enemies at all so it was not revenge. Maybe they thought she was Nicole and she could explain the mistake? Would promise not to say anything, she would laugh about it later with Andy, with Susie. But wait a minute. No! The first one had asked her if she was Amanda. Not Nicole, She ruled out all the other possibilities before coming to the conclusion that this was going to be a sexual thing.

Oh god no, she thought, please not that. She had not been a virgin when she met Andy and he was not the only man she had ever had sex with, but there had been no others since that first night on the sand dunes. The thought of another man using her that way made her horrified. And to have no control or say over it...

Amanda started to get angry. Angry with herself for not running sooner, angry with the men who had so calmly taken her, angry with the security guard for not seeing what was happening and preventing it. When Amanda got angry she was not the typical redhead hothead, flying off the handle. She smouldered and brooded, hiding her anger as it built and waiting for the best chance to show her fury. She tried the ropes once more and realized there was no point hurting herself fighting the unmovable. She waited and hoped, but slowly seethed.

Blain left her there for a few hours longer than he had planned. A sweet business deal was concluded and he wondered if some of the cocaine could be used to sweeten up his little Nicole in the back room. Keep it in mind anyway he thought. You never know she might be up for a little game or two. If not there was always plan ‘A’

He finally walked into the room where the girl was held and looked down at her. She was gorgeous, even with the gag and mask on, the absolute image of Nicole, who he loved from afar. But now he had her closer. He knew this was just an image, a look-alike, but in his mind it will be Nicole. He would have preferred if she had accepted his proposal earlier but as you are about to find out, nobody, and I mean nobody refuses me.

"From now until I tell you, you are Nicole." He said. She looked toward the sound of his voice. "Do you understand?" The girl shook her head. Blain crossed the space to the bed silently and slapped her calf with as much force as he could muster. She jumped and a muffled cry came out from under the gag.

"It's like this Nicole," Blain said in a cold, level voice, "you and I are going to spend a lot of time together and I am going to have my fun anyway. The more you fight it the harder it will be on you.” Twisting the skin on her leg just to get the point across. “Now you are Nicole right?" She shook her head again. It's always the same, thought Blain; they resist for a while but finally give in to the inevitable. Usually they end up enjoying it anyway. He watched the tense girl on the bed for a couple of minutes waiting for the punishment she knew must be coming. Finally he reached down to the top of her blouse with both hands and ripped it open, buttons flying across the room. He then pulled her bra as far off her as he could before letting it snap back sharply. More muffled screaming and writhing. Blain once again pulled the bra away from her body and held it at full stretch. Enjoying the view of her uncovered breasts. He was sure that her nipples were hard. I think she is beginning to enjoy this he thought.

"Your tits are great," he said, giving them a good look over, "reasonable size, good and firm and I love the freckles across the tops." The girl was wriggling madly, trying to cover herself. "Stop moving." Blain said. She didn't. He reached down and caught a nipple, pinching it hard and then viciously twisting it. More cries, arching of the back and finally he saw tears coming from under the blindfold. Good, he thought, she is starting to get the message.

"Stop moving." He said again, still cruelly twisting her nipple. She stopped. He slowly let the nipple go, and noticed it was more erect than the other. "Are you Nicole?" He asked. She didn't move. The bra snapped home again and once again she jumped. "You will give me an answer to all my questions without delay," he said, "now, are you Nicole?" She nodded slowly.

"Good," said Blain pleasantly, "you are starting to learn." He watched her for a while, the tears running down her face. "Do you need the toilet?" He finally asked. She nodded. "Do not move before I tell you to." He said. What is he doing, Amanda thought, blinded to her surroundings she could only listen to the noises around her.  He then clipped handcuffs on her wrists and linked a chain between them over a cable that ran the length of the room. He untied her hands from the bed and then undid her legs. As soon as her legs were free the girl lashed out with her feet, missing him as he had expected it, and made to dive off the bed. The chain across her arms tightened as she fell and she was left on her knees held up by the chain. Blain punched her hard in her kidneys and she writhed in pain again.

"As I said earlier," he said conversationally, "we can do this easy," he stroked her throat down to her cleavage, "or we can do this hard." He punched her again in the same place. "Do you want hard?" He screamed in her ear. Gasping for breath she shook her head. "Good, you may now stand up." Blain said calmly. She struggled to her feet and stood, breathing heavily through the gag, her blouse hanging open at the front and her skirt twisted. Watching her Blain already had an erection.

"Now Nicole," said Blain conversationally, "you have proven that I cannot trust you. Do you still need to go to the toilet?" She nodded. He continued, "Then you have to ask me, and you have to agree to my way of doing things." She mumbled something into the gag. "I am not yet ready to release your hands," Blain told her, "so I will need to remove your skirt and panties for you." She tensed up visibly at this comment. "I will then lead you to the toilet on the wire and you will do your business. I will do anything reasonable to clean you up after but if you make a mess I will chain you up outside and hose you with high-pressure cold water. When you are ready to agree to this you can nod three times to ask me to do it, until then you can stand where you are." The girl stood still and Blain sat in a chair and lit a cigarette. He surveyed how she looked with her blouse wide open with her beautiful breasts encased in her bra. He could see them rising and falling in time with her breathing. She certainly was a sexy woman. He was going to enjoy this one as long as possible. Watching the way she stood he could tell she had a full bladder and it would not be long before she made her first request of him. It is so easy, he mused, first let them know you had control, show them they cannot change it and they eventually accept it. Next give them a choice that really isn't a choice and they start asking for what you want. Eventually they didn't really know how much was what you wanted and how much was what they wanted. They usually enjoyed the sex and the combination of a sizeable lump sum payment and some blunt threats on family made them forget the idea of pursuing legal action. If they ever did it wouldn't matter anyway with his contacts. As he smoked a second cigarette he wondered how much this one would cost, plenty he thought, but still well worth it.

Amanda stood, wondering what she could do to stop this hell. She was furious, but unable to vent it. She knew she would have to use the toilet soon, but did not want this prick to undress her. Deep down she knew that without a miracle he was going to be doing a lot more than undress her soon. Her kidneys ached, her breasts stung, her bladder felt like it was going to burst. What can I do she thought. You have a brain Amanda, think. Think fast. Let him think he is winning. Yes! That’s what to do for now. Finally she bowed to the inevitable and slowly nodded three times.

"You are ready?" The voice asked.

She nodded again.

"You will not fight it?" He asked.

She shook her head.

"If you do anything wrong I will use this knife to cut your earring off." He said, running a metallic thing across her throat.

Amanda gulped. This asshole is evil, she thought, and she slowly nodded.

His hands reached to the waist of her skirt. He lowered the zip and then undid the button. With a slight tug the skirt fell to the floor. He stepped back slightly to enjoy the vision before him. Amanda shivered. His hands then hooked on her panties and he slowly pulled them down exposing her most private part. She could feel his breath on her pubic hair. Please get this over with she prayed silently, just let it be gone.

Without speaking he led her to the edge of the room and into a toilet. The cable must come into here she thought as he sat her down, her arms stretched above her. She emptied her bladder with relief. When she had finished she just sat, hoping again it would all go away. But she knew it wouldn’t. this wasn’t like a bad dream that she could waken from and turn and hold her husband for some comfort. This was real. She must think. There must be a way out.

"Finished?" He asked. She nodded.

"Stand up and move back toward the bed." She stood and took a few steps.

"Stop." He said. She stopped.

"Spread your legs so I can clean you up."

Amanda was totally humiliated. She did not dare refuse so she stood shaking with her legs apart and she heard him get some toilet paper. He then wiped her dry, an almost delicate contact to her most intimate place. Her feelings betrayed her. It felt almost sensual just like Andy would do. No! I won’t let it feel that way. Will fight my own body!

"Lovely," he said, "now walk back to the bed and lie down on your back."

She heard the toilet flush as she shuffled back to the bed and awkwardly climbed on and lay down.

"I will use the knife if you resist in any way," the man said, "do you understand?"

Amanda nodded and laid still as he returned the restraints to their original setup. She was terrified of what would come next and the man was obviously thinking about the same thing.

Chapter 3 – The one plays the other.

"We both know what happens next," he told her, "and I will make it as easy as possible for you. If you are good." He ran the knife up her stomach and under the bra strap. She could feel the cold steel running over her flesh like cold water from her early morning shower, like the ice cube that Andy sometimes like to use in their lovemaking. Stop! Amanda – get those thoughts of pleasure from your mind.

"We don't need this." He said, as he twisted the knife round. Amanda feeling the pressure and every movement, and cut the strap with a flick of the knife. He lifted the cups off her breasts. They moved freely now free of their imprisonment. Blain allowed himself a short period of admiration. What a beautiful body lay there before him. His hand started to move towards his prize but he stopped himself. Resigning himself to being a voyeur. For now anyway.

Amanda lay there, blouse and bra open, nothing on the bottom at all. She wondered when her shoes had been taken off, she wondered what colour the room was, and she wondered all sorts of things trying to distract herself from the situation. She did not wonder who the man was. She recognised that voice, that aftershave, the laugh. She knew alright who her captor was and she hated the very thought.  It was the owner of the company, the same creep that had tried to talk her into bed. The same creep who paid her salary every week. If she knew who he was then even he was not stupid enough to think he would not be punished when she got away. If she got away. This thought brought her more anger and with it more strength. More control. He wouldn’t be arrogant enough to think he would get away with it. At that moment she remembered the rumours of other women from his companies who just disappeared. She remembered overhearing a conversation about a girl called Lorraine who left town suddenly. Even her friends couldn’t understand it when they spoke to her. At least they spoke to her she thought, at least she lived. That at least gave Amanda some hope that she would live through this ordeal. Maybe she should give in and get this over with as quick as possible.

His hands ran up her smooth skin of her calves past her knees to her thighs, across over her most intimate area. He could feel her tense up as if knowing what was to happen next. This excited Blain. He could feel his erection getting harder. He continued his journey of this exquisite woman, Nicole, Not stopping he travelled down her other leg until he reached her knee. She felt his other hand on the now untouched knee he pushed her legs apart. She at first resisted but he just used more force and she reluctantly spread her legs for him, afraid of the consequences of disobeying. Lets get this over with was all she could think of but his touch was making her feel sick.

"That's better, Nicole." He said, and then he moved back, leaving her open for him. She felt his touch leave her. What was he doing she wondered. Afraid to even think. Amanda would have killed him at that moment if there had been any means available, but there was no opportunity. What can I do trussed up like a common animal, blindfolded, drugged. She decided, if you want Nicole then I will become Nicole Bonham, it is not Amanda here in this situation, it is Nicole in a raunchy movie, this is not my sleazy boss this is some sexy young up and coming star. Maybe one who looks like Andy? Oh Andy, she thought, will you ever forgive me? If I am to survive my sweet I will have to forget you. At least for the time being. I love you Andy she thought to herself one last time before her loving husband was dismissed to the back of her mind.

Then he touched her. His fingers stroking just her pubic hair, the light stroking was erotic but unwanted. At first she flinched at his touch. No, she told herself, you are Nicole, and she wants it. The stroking got heavier, his fingers parting her lips lightly. You are acting, girl, and soon you will need to pretend this is good, but not yet. She lay there with her legs spread, chained to the bed, as he explored her vagina. She shivered at his touch and then she felt his breath down there as he moved to explore her with his tongue. You are acting, Nicole, she screamed to her herself as her lips were opened by his fingers and his tongue licked in between. He moved up to her clit and sucked it until it grew. She moaned, not in pleasure, but in pretence. He looked up. She knew she had to make it look and sound good.

"You like that, don't you Nicole?" She nodded, a small nod, almost indistinguishable,  but it was there.

He moved his head back and started licking firmly. He wants to make me orgasm, she thought, and if I let it happen it will. I will pretend it is coming faster and fake it, I will not let him have the victory, but I will let him think he has had the victory. I am, after all, one of the best actresses in the world.

She moaned through the gag again, a little louder, and started bucking her hips slightly. The licking continued, stimulating her, even though she did not want it to. She felt his finger pressing her entrance and slowly it opened to let him in. She was concentrating hard now on what she would be doing if she was enjoying this. She pushed onto his finger to allow deeper penetration, she moaned softly and bucked her hips with apparent enjoyment.

"I knew you were a hot one, Nicole," he said, lifting his head and pressing his finger deep inside her, "we are going to have so much fun together." A second finger joined the first and she was opened wider. Her juices were flowing and it was now easier to imagine she was the actress and she just had to get through this one scene and it would all be over.

"Do you want to cum?" He asked. She nodded vigorously. "Then you will." He said and resumed tonguing her clit, sucking and nibbling. She writhed harder in the restraints, moaning louder and louder as she showed him the orgasm was approaching. His attention to her intensified with her reactions and she finally tensed up, clenching her pussy muscles repeatedly to simulate an orgasm. She shuddered and shook as she slowed the clenching motions until she finally lay there, panting. Did it work, she wondered, did he believe she had cum? Did he believe he was the worlds best lover.

"Fantastic," he said, confirming he did believe it, "wasn't that great?" She nodded. "My turn now." He said, and she could feel his fingers leave her body and he began sliding up the bed. She tried not to tense up knowing she was about to be raped, and there was nothing she could do about it. Think acting, she reminded herself, you made him the loser by deceiving him once, you can do it again. If you do you will have won at least one battle.  Winning the war will come. It maybe slowly in coming but it will. Your opportunity will be there. Just wait and be ready to pounce.

His lips circled her left nipple and he sucked it in, chewing firmly. She jumped and he said nothing but became a little gentler. After a while he moved to the right one and worked it up to firmness too. As he sucked she felt his cock brushing her lips. Actress mode she thought desperately as he thrust his hips and entered her in one stroke.

"How does it feel, Nicole?" He asked as he started thrusting in and out. "Do you like my cock in your little red haired cunt?" Amanda hated it. She hated his power over her and to be quite honest it was quite a small cock, short and thin, and it didn't do anything for her at all. If she had agreed to have sex with him she would have had to fake it anyway, she thought. Even while Amanda was thinking this Nicole was nodding her approval, thrusting her hips to make it go deeper.

"Oh yeah baby, take it all." He said as he slammed his cock into her. Nicole did all the right things, moving her hips and moaning through the gag. Amanda agonized over Andy. Would he forgive her for allowing this to happen? He couldn't, she thought, how could he face sex with her knowing another man had taken her, had used her? Amanda thought she would not go back. If she survived this treatment she would just go because her pure life with Andy was gone, torn away by this sub human creature, she was now tainted. While Nicole's moans and movements showed enjoyment, Amanda's fury grew. Her life was ruined, just because this asshole had decided it should, on a whim. She would not let him get away with it. She must find a way to stop him.

As their pace became faster she knew he was close, get him off, she thought, and try to get him to release her for some reason. But he suddenly pulled out of her leaving her bucking as if to encourage him back in.

"Not yet, Nicole," he said, "I want to try something else before I finish." She tensed, wondering and then felt his cock head push against her ass. She jumped away and shook her head over and over.

"What's the matter baby?" He asked. "Don't you like the back door?" Again she shook her head. "But I want something different." He said. She still shook her head.

"You know I can just take it, don't you?" He asked, and she nodded. "But you don't want it." He stated. She shook her head.

"So, what to do this with this?" He asked brushing her lips with the tip of his cock. She made humping movements but he ignored her. She tried to speak through the gag but all it sounded like for unintelligible noises. She needed him to remove the gag. More acting she thought.

"Can I trust you?" He asked. She nodded. "OK, I'm going to remove the gag, but you must promise not to scream." She nodded again. "I still have the knife, understand, and if you scream I will use it to open your ass to a useable size." More nodding. He reached behind her head and fumbled with something. As the gag loosened he held the knife to her throat.

"No noise." He reminded her as the gag came away. She nodded.

"Are you Nicole?" He asked.

Her eyes lifted slowly to meet his. "Yes." She replied in a croaky voice. Well, part of her was.

"Why don't you want anal?" He asked.

"I've got piles," she lied, "and even just to go to the toilet usually causes bleeding and agony."

"What will you do instead?" He asked. Almost patting himself on the back for bringing this one to her knees so quickly.

She thought for a moment. "Anything you ask."

"Anything?" He asked.

"Anything." She answered timidly.

He thought for a while. What could he get her to do.

"Will you suck my dick?" He asked.

"I said anything, and it would be much less painful." She said, trying to sound reluctant and at the same time thinking this could be her chance. I better make it good. Better be convincing. “would you enjoy that. I know I would” she said, lying through her teeth. Teeth, that’s it, my only weapon is my teeth she figured.

"If you were to hurt me I would make you suffer for a very long time before you died." He said.

"Please don't hurt me, I promise I will be good." Amanda feigned terror while hoping she could finally do something to get some control back.

"Just do what I say." He said. She nodded. But as the same time plotting her revenge in her head. Going through every scenario, every eventuality.

He moved her into a position sitting on the edge of the bed, undoing and then redoing her restraints to suit. Finally she was sitting, her feet wide apart with a bar between them and her hands were tied over the cable giving her enough movement to bring her arms down to shoulder level when they were stretched in front of her.

Amanda suddenly remembered the vague snippets of conversation earlier and realised that it would not just be him it would be others too. Her ordeal had only just begun. There is no escape for me. She was defiled and Andy would never forgive her, oh God, she thought, her life might as well be over. If that is the case, she thought, I will go out fighting. Even if I die in the process. At this point a plan had formulated in her mind and it was now or never. What she thought then could maybe her be the  last thought ever but she didn’t care. I loved you Andy from the moment we met.

Give me that cock, she thought, and I will make sure you never do this to anyone again.

"Ready?" He asked. Looking at Amanda, or was it Nicole, with a sense and feeling of victory.

For once the Nicole and Amanda parts had the same answer.

"Ready." They both replied.

She felt his cock on her lips and she opened them to let it in.

Reb and Tim watched through the window in the door. Blain always drew the curtains but the way they fell you still got a pretty good view of the action.

"This one's a real honey." Said Reb.

"Can't wait to get my cock in that stuck up bitch's ass," said Tim, "I bet he has her thinking that the blow job is it and then she can go home.

"Yeah, he's a real prick like that," said Reb, "you reckon he'll fuck her ass?"

Tim thought for a bit. "Yeah, likely will unless she's real good with her mouth and makes him cum."

Inside the room they could see the girl, still blindfolded, sitting on the edge of the bed. Blain was standing in front of her with his arms over her shoulders, the knife held in his hand and pointing at her back. Although he believed she had surrendered to her fate he was just being cautious. She had started by just sucking and licking the head and now she was licking down to his balls and back up toward the head again. Her hands were on his ass cheeks.

Reb continued his thoughts. "Even if he does she'll still suffer plenty more with us, the boss is a real needle dick."

"Yeah," agreed Tim, "my dogs got more downstairs than him."

They laughed quietly and concentrated on the action again. She was deep throating Blain, taking him fully into her mouth before drawing back again, using her hands to pull him in. she was listening to his voice, his moans, just waiting for the perfect time.

"Man," said Tim, "she looks real hungry for cock."

"Fuck yeah," said Reb, "an' we got plenty for her too."

Inside the room she was drawing the cock deep into her mouth again, hands tight on his cheeks. The two outside watched her take him deep inside again and hold him there.

Amanda could feel him relax. She could hear his sighs of pleasure as she sucked on him. With her mouth she could feel his shape, his size, just a moment longer you bastard she thought. With that she slowly ran her mouth up and down a few more times. Her thoughts were interrupted by her captors voice. “God! Nicole you certainly know how to suck good”. She mumbled “I love you Andy” into the cock in her mouth. With that one sentence she pounced and bit down as hard as she could possibly could.

Blain suddenly screamed a bloodcurdling scream. A scream of pure agony. The knife plunged into her back in an involuntary reflex action. Suddenly there was blood everywhere, on Blain, on the girl, on the floor, on the bed. The screaming continued as Blain now writhed on the floor. The girl was hanging motionless on the cable, the hilt of the knife sticking out of her back.

One last time she said, “I love you Andy” as Amanda's sudden blackness dissolved into a brilliant white.

"Oh fuck." Screamed Reb.

"Jesus Christ," breathed Tim, "she bit his cock off - She has bit his fucking cock off” for a brief time he was motionless. The shock washing into his brain. The dread of every man. Was he wrong? He had to be. But then he saw something fall from her dead lips.  She had. It was lying on the floor while Blain screamed non-stop.

Reb finally gathered himself. "Get Doc Anderson quick, Blain won’t have long." Tim ran, one part of him wanting to get out of there, the other wanting to get the Doc and quick before Blain bled to death.

Reb kicked down the locked door, walked across the floor and with one blow to the head he knocked Blain unconscious.

"Sorry boss," he said, but it's the only way to stop you hurtin'."

He rolled up a bed sheet and pressed it against the torn stump that was still pumping blood. He had never seen so much blood in his life. Hang on in there boss he thought. He held it there until Tim came back in, then he got Tim to take over. Reb went over to the girl, her face a hideous mask of blood. Blain’s blood. He checked her pulse.

"Dead." He said.

"Oh fuck," Tim moaned, "we are in deep shit when the Doc sees this."

Reb found the keys to the bindings and let the girl down. He put her on the bed and rolled the body in the remaining bloodied blankets, the knife still in her back. He picked up the roll and carried her out to the van, putting her in the back and locking the door carefully behind him. The less the Doc sees the better he said to himself as he walked back slowly to the building.

By the time the doctor got there Blain was in a different room, a small amount of blood on the floor. Blain was still alive but just.

"Get an ambulance," Doc Anderson advised, "or he will die."

Reb just looked at him for a second, and then said, "This is how we do it. There will be no ambulance, and no publicity." The doctor tried to say something but Reb continued. "Don't interrupt, I got more important things to do that listen to you." The Doctor listened and Reb started again. "No one but you is to know who it is but you gotta get the best there is to fix him, and fix him good right? No questions at all unless it's doctorin' stuff right?" The doctor nodded. "If he lives your debt is cleared, if it works again after you put it back on you get a million clear right? Your mates get paid regardless" The doctor nodded eagerly, his gambling debt wiped and money too, the best of care will certainly be found. He pulled the phone out of his pocket, cleared his throat and then started arranging the transfer, when the private ambulance arrived he went with it, guiding them to a safe surgery while talking constantly on his mobile phone, arranging the best surgeons that money could buy. Well! Ones who were more concerned about money than asking embarrassing questions. Ones who wouldn’t regale the story over dinner.

With this all achieved he sat back and sighed. What am I getting into he thought. A few gambling debts shouldn’t have ended like this. What if he does die will I get the blame. Of course I will, it will ruin me and my career. His thoughts were quickly dismissed with the sound of Blain moaning in pain. “don’t worry” he said to him as he checked his blood pressure and pulse “we will have you sorted in no time.” I hope he thought.

© Copyright 2007 sunray (pronto60 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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