Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1326520-Hope
by szamot
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Experience · #1326520
Hope is a gem best displayed on a plate of darkness: 7 poems. bit depressing
          Hope is when after an infinite tide of the most fearsome darkness a infinitesimal speck of light appears on the horizon.


O, the beautiful vast landscapes!
Painted on the prison wall.

Four dismal walls surround them.
The darkness of the deepest sea,
They are drowned.
The silence of the arctic plane,
They are lost.
The fear of a hunted animal,
They are cornered.
The helplessness of a mouse,
In a serpent's gaze.

The inmates sit on the dusty floor.
They are as mechanical trinkets;
Their purpose - beginning, being, dying.

They, who light their way with candles,
That cast only darkness.
They, who look intently into the distance,
With their eyes tightly shut.
Plato's cave was less a prison.

The devil-magician works his craft,
And the blind mice stagger on.
Those who have never seen light,
Won't see the darkness.

              Little Theatre of Reality
                  (allegro, agitato)

The steel shackles, have been laid to rest,
A stronger substance put to test,
In twisted threads of human mind,
The wicked web has time to bind,
Free will; a helpless doll.

Entangled in the thread,
The helpless human hunk of flesh,
Has no resemblance to its proper form.

The puppet master's bidding is your own.

In the desert you stand, O sole, O free mind,
To a glimmering sliver of purpose you hold,
Wrench it out when they please,
And you will be left with nothing.

        Those Cheery Agreeable Folks

Hatred slithering,
Anger seeping,
Like a serpent sneak and hide.

But, not a whisper nor a
                                                escape your lips.

All is sealed;
In poisoned, overflowing heart concealed,
For no one of this world to see.

Go ahead and please those faces.
Eye to eye you tell your lies.
Like a python's is your smile:

Fake and everlasting.

        You treacherous beast; most of all you failed yourself.
                  Let the black blood flow or you will die.

                        Midnight Dream

In the murky vapors of a midnight dream
I fear to see things most obscene.

In the never ending well of soul a standing-water mirror glows.
I dare not look within.

          I am a person,
          Who has no face and no name:
          No knowledge of self.

I take the form required by the script.
My body made of rags and tied with string.
A lifeless sculpture of no relation to the transcendent form: mind or soul.

I am a true embodiment of logos; lifeless logos crafted by a soulless mind.

For this ever-lasting sin I await the punishment of heaven.
         Fire will purge the body and free the essence.


         He stood in the vast expanse of dark barren ground in the middle of infinity. In a state of euphoria, standing firmly on the patch of dirt god knows where, he screamed into the darkness: "Come! Come and devour my body and soul o vicious dogs. Wild dogs from the pits of hell, dogs from the deep dark forest of insanity." The demons gather round, burning red fiery eyes in the darkness, as the sky roars and thunders. They circle, they stare, and leer, and bark like the clanging of metal. "Hurry and come for me! I will stand here for all eternity, but I can't bear to wait another moment. What is this to me? What are the powers of heaven and hell!? Come for me, dogs!…" The man yelled into the vastness, into the infinity of time and space - into the dark unrelenting sky, the endless barren plain. He screamed his soul out to the demons that surrounded him, but the creatures looked on and howled only, but they would not touch one of their own.


                                        Horrid Fantasy
                                        (vicious battle)

This is the type of battle that does not end
When the ammunition runs out
Or when the bayonet is lost in the mud, in the blood, in the rain
          For the victor there will be no rest and no fame

Fall back!
Defend your position!

There are no casualties,
There are no wounded,
No one notices such things
There is only deep dark insanity

The bloody medal of the moon shines in the sky
The clouds swirl in the giant cauldron of destiny

The smell of finality, the smell of the absolute - INTOXICATING!
They are not body, not soul, nor will
They are the instruments of logos

With no goal and no fear they are bestowed with perfect harmony of motion
Having no cause they are capable of perfection

There is no compromise: all is one sided
All or nothing, nothing or everything - All the same
The goD of the Damned makes no demands and requires no worship

They have forfeited their very humanity and all they possessed
Now for the brief moment before The End the ugly, the pitiful, the senseless, the
miserable, the useless shall be glorified in their worthless existence.

                              Fair is foul and foul is fair.

In the total revocation of all that is good the world is lost.

                                                          11.17.05 (M/D/Y)
                                  Ode to happiness

            O raining snow
            O drizzling rain
              I love you all the same
            Sunny mornings and gloomy dawns
            Every minute is great
            The singing bird will not resist
            The temptation to burst in song
            And I the same shout and fame
            The glory of Life and its forms

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