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Rated: E · Essay · Entertainment · #1323715
How movies made nowadays don't hold a candle to those of the past!
This topic just came to me about thirty minutes ago while I was watching the movie The Lost Boys. Through watching I realized that the movies made today in the 2000's don't compare to those made in the 1980's... Now please, I mean not to take any respect from the filmmaker's of today's era, but it seems that they are trying way too hard.
Nowadays what seems to sell big motion pictures is big names; rarely will you see a number one box-office hit without any big brand names, such as Pitt, Clooney, Smith, etc.
But back in the 80's it was the plot and movie itself that sold; not the cast. If you take a look back at some of the classics of the 80's, such as The Outsiders, Stand By Me, The Breakfast Club; these all featured actors that today are household names, though back then they were beginning their careers, and still performed in dynamite roles.
The unfortunate thing about today's cinema is that director's and screenplay writer's seem to lack the creativity in which it takes to create an original film. I don't have to waste time listing all of the remakes since the year 2000; I'm sure you won't have any problem agreeing that these remakes have severely fallen short from the original, yet they still seem to pop up in our movie theaters season after season.
To close, my advice to any movie goer is to pass on the opportunity to see the next "big hit of the summer", and frequent your local video store to rent one of the above mentioned hits, or one that may cater to your preferences.
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