Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1323149-Mothers-Boy-Part-II
Rated: XGC · Other · Other · #1323149
A Woman shrinks her wayward son as punishment for his behaviour.
Amanda couldn't help but smile as she stood in the shower. It had been almost thirty minutes since she had slipped her son's shrunken body inside her vagina and it gave her an enormous buzz to know that she had a shrunken human being trapped inside her pussy, although she did feel a little guilty about what she had done. Despite the fact he drove her crazy with her excessively bad behaviour, Jake was still her son and she did love him. Strangely though, that guilt wasn't as strong as she thought it should have been. And it seemed to be fading. In fact, far from feeling sorry for what she had done to him, she found herself feeling slightly annoyed that Jake wasn't moving. She could feel him inside her, he was about halfway up her vagina, but apart from the odd twitch he was as still as a corpse.

Amanda finished her shower and stepped out. After drying herself, she got dressed and headed out to her local Wal-Mart to do her weekly shop. It was here that things went slightly awry. She was about half way through the store when Jake suddenly seemed to panic and started thrashing around. Amanda gasped as her right hand automatically went her groin, and she squeezed her thighs together as tightly as she could. It was ironic, and slightly annoying that Jake had suddenly decided to move while she was out in public. Even when he was shrunk and trapped inside her, he was still capable of causing her grief. She concentrated and clamped her vaginal muscles around Jakes shrunken body, and after a few seconds he stopped struggling. She gave a sigh of relief and continued down the aisle. She found it ironic that Jake would suddenly decide to start to start moving, just when she wanted him to be still.

Amanda was in the store for around 45 minutes, and in that time Jake wriggled inside three more times. One occasion she managed to make him stop, only to find an elderly lady staring at her as though she'd gone mad. Amanda gave the woman an embarrassed smile and said, "time of the month". She then quickly moved on to another aisle. By the time she got to the checkout, Amanda was incredibly aroused and frustrated. She also felt hot and her cheeks were red. The cashier looked somewhat concerned.
'Are you feeling alright ma'am' she asked.
Amanda smiled weakly and replied, 'yes, I'm just feeling a little ill. I think I have a virus or something'.
The cashier expressed her sympathy and continued scanning the shopping.

After paying for the shopping, Amanda walked back to her car. As soon as she sat in the driver's seat, Jake began to squirm even more wildly than he had previously. Amanda closed her eyes and groaned loudly as a wave of pleasure went her through her. Despite feeling somewhat angry at Jake's lousy timing, she decided that this time she'd let him carry on. After checking that nobody was watching, she slid forward slightly and sat back in the seat. She then unbuttoned her jeans, slid her left hand into her panties, and gently began to rub her clitoris. Jake, of course, was completely unaware of this and continued to wriggle around like a fat worm that had been set on fire. After about five minutes of playing with herself while Jake squirmed and wriggled inside her, she orgasmed. It wasn't a particularly strong one, but it was enough to scratch the itch that her shrunken prisoner had caused. Temporarily at least. It also seemed to give a Jake a massive shock, which Amanda found quite amusing, and made him stop wriggling. He obviously hadn't thought of the consequences of moving around too much whilst being trapped inside a giant vagina. Amanda sighed with relief as she pulled her hand out of her panties and fastened her jeans. She then used her new powers to dry herself and her panties.
'Didn't like that did you'? she asked with a giggle. 'Just wait 'till we get home. You're really gonna hate what I do to you then'. Amanda new he couldn't hear her, but it made her feel good to say it out loud.

Thirty minutes later, Amanda arrived home. She unpacked the groceries and then made herself a coffee, which she sat down and drank before heading up to her bedroom. She undressed slowly before climbing on to her bed and lying down, and propping herself up on her elbows. She then took hold of the string that was sticking out of her and gently pulled on it, slowly dragging Jake out of her. She smiled as watched her shrunken son dangling upside down, with the other end of the string tied around one of her ankles. It gave her an enormous sense of power to see him so small and helpless. Strangely though, the thought of what she intended to do to him made her feel somewhat guilty. She was still going to do it though. She gently lowered her shrunken son down on to her shaved pubic mound and watched him as he slowly got to feet, his body glistening with her vaginal fluids. She could see the anger on his face and in his eyes, mixed in with fear as he glared up at his giantess mother. She could see that he was dying to start screaming threats and abuse at, but she knew that he wouldn't dare for fear of what she might do to him. It amused her that he didn't yet have a clue of what she had planned for him.

"You can take that off now", she said, pointing to the string tied around his right ankle.

Jake hesitated for a moment, then sank to his left knee and untied the knot that secured the string to his ankle. He threw the string behind him and landed on the bed between Amanda's legs, then he turned back to face her.

"That's was pretty stupid, what you did earlier", she said softly. "Struggling while you were inside one of the most sensitive parts of my body. Did you think I'd just let you out? I was in the middle of the store when you did that and it was a little embarrassing. I have to say though, once I was back in the car and playing with myself, I found the orgasm very satisfying. To be fair though, I DID warn you about moving around inside me too much. Now, I've made a big decision about your future. I've decided to keep you as my slave, forever. From this moment on, I'm not your mother, I'm your Goddess. You will worship me, serve me...pleasure me...in any way that I choose. And you will obey me. If you refuse, I will bring one of your asshole friends here and you will watch me torture them. And I'll keep doing it, until you either run out of friends, or you start to obey. I've already created an exact replica of you, so you won't be missed. The only difference is that's he's a good boy. A son that I can be proud of. He's in his room right now, doing his homework. HE is Jake now, that's not your name anymore. Your name is...slave".

Amanda could see Jake trembling with rage as his face turned a deep red. She smiled as she waited for him explode, which didn't take long.


"I changed my mind", she replied. "I did intend to return you to normal, eventually. But having you inside me gave me a pleasure I've never known before. And I loved the feeling of power I got from it. In all honesty, I like you like this. Helpless, afraid, completely at my mercy. It turns me on to think of all things I can do to you. Turn you into a sexy pair of panties, let you spend a day as my pussy. I'm going to have so much fun with you. And the best thing is, eventually, you'll become a willing little slave who adores his Goddess, and will not just do anything to please her, but will beg her to let him please her".


Amanda laughed loudly. Her whole body shook, which caused Jake to lose his balance and he fell backwards onto her pubic mound. That made Amanda laugh even more, especially as she watched him being thrown about by what, to him, must have seemed like a major earthquake. Eventually, she stopped laughing and put on a sad face as she taunted him.

"Aw, poor little slave, are we having trouble adjusting to our new life?" She said with a pout. "Well I'm afraid you'll have to. Because like it or not, this IS your life now, and there's nothing you can about it".

Jake got back on his feet, shaking with rage and breathing heavily as he glared at her.

She grinned evilly and said, "go on, threaten me again. It amuses me".

She could see that he wanted to, but it was clear that he was beginning to realise that it would be futile.

"Kneel", she said.

"No!" Jake spate.


"NO!" He repeated.

A flash of anger appeared on Amanda's face, before the evil grin returned.

"Well, I'll just have to give you an incentive". She said softly.

She thought for a moment and then concentrated. Within seconds, there were two bright flashes of light and two shrunken people, two inches tall, a man and a woman appeared on Amanda's stomach, facing Jake.

"Dad?" Jake said as he stared at the new arrivals in shock.

"Jake?" His dad replied in obvious confusion. "What...what's happening? Where are we?"

Before Jake could answer, the woman turned around, and on seeing the giantess Amanda smiling down at her, a look of sheer horror appeared on her face and she began screaming hysterically. Brad, Jake's dad spun around and his jaw dropped as he looked up at his enormous ex-wife.

"Amanda?" He said. "What...."

Amanda held up a finger to silence him.

"Shh, I'll get to you in a minute Brad", she said before turning her gaze to Megan, the younger woman that Brad had left her for. "Hey skank, surprised to see me?"

She reached down for the shrunken woman, who screamed again before turning and trying to run. Amanda pinched the woman's sides between the thumb and forefinger of her right hand and lifted her off her stomach. She turned her to face her and brought the struggling woman up to her face. Then she gave her the same evil grin she had given Jake, before sticking her tongue out and slowly drawing the tip up the tiny woman's naked body, from her ankles all the way up to her face, enjoying the woman's pathetic struggle and terrified screams as she did so.

"Mmm", she said softly. "You taste good".

The woman's eyes widened in sheer horror as the realization of what was about to happen to her sank in.

"Oh God", she said in terror. "Oh Jesus...No...no please...don't eat me. I beg you...don't eat me". Then she started crying.

"Begging is good. I like begging. But I'm not going to eat you, you silly little slut". Amanda replied. "I'm going to swallow you whole, and digest you alive".

Megan looked at Amanda for a couple of seconds, before starting to struggle wildly whilst screaming hysterically as Amanda tipped her head back and lifted her above her open mouth.

"OH GOD....NO...PLEASE...PLEASE DON'T!" Megan begged as she stared down into Amanda's gaping maw, while Jake and Brad both begged her to stop.

Amanda released her grip and Megan screamed as she dropped down into Amanda's mouth. Amanda managed to stop Megan's descent by pressing her legs against the roof of her mouth, and turned her around so that she was facing Brad and Jake. Then she closed her lips around the shrunken woman's body and gently began to suck.


She felt Brad running across her stomach as he shouted, "MEGAN! AMANDA, PLEASE. FOR GOD'S SAKE, DON'T DO THIS".

Amanda sucked the rest of Megan into her mouth, and felt a rush of excitement as she felt the helpless little woman thrashing wildly in her mouth. She let Megan struggle for a few more seconds, enjoying the thrill of knowing that Megan knew her life was going to end horribly inside another woman's stomach. Then she swallowed and felt Megan's feet and legs slide down into her throat. She swallowed again, and the rest of Megan's body slipped down. Amanda pushed Brad back down to her groin, and she smiled as she looked down at him and Jake, who were looking at her in horror. She swallowed for a third time, sending Megan sliding all the way down her throat and into her stomach. She was surprised to find that she could feel Megan banging on the inside of one of the walls of her stomach and it sent a wave of pleasure through her body. Amanda made a show of smilingly evilly as she slowly licked her lips.

"Now", she said as she looked at Jake. "You. Kneel".

Amanda could see that the rage Jake had shown just a few minutes earlier had gone. It had been replaced by something else. Fear. Jake slowly sank to his knees and trembled as he looked up at her.

"What are you?" She asked.

Jakes mouth slowly opened and closed, but no words came out for several seconds. Then he said. "I...I...I am your...slave".

"What am I?"

Amanda saw tears roll down his cheeks as Jake replied; "You are...You are my Goddess".

There was silence for a few seconds, then Brad said. "Jesus Amanda. What're you doing?"

Amanda looked at her ex-husband and replied. "Since you left me for that slut, our son has been a little shit. And he's been even worse in the past year. You would have known that if you'd been any kind of father to him. In fact, this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't left. But no, you were more concerned with sticking cock inside this bitch". She patted her stomach. "He started hitting me. Not anymore. He's given up the right to call himself my son. Now he's my slave, and he will serve his Goddess forever".

"My God", Brad said. "You're insane. Look, let me take his place. Don't do this to him, please".

Amanda laughed, causing the two shrunken males to struggle to stay upright as her body shook.

"You're going to join your slut", she replied coldly. "But if you want to swap places, he'll be joining her instead. By the way, I really enjoyed swallowing her. It was such a thrill. And I made it so she could see, just to make it worse for her. She's trying to get out y'know. I can feel her, banging on the inside my stomach, right beneath you. It feels great. I think I should send you to her now".

Brad tried to run as Amanda reached down for him, but there was nothing he could do. As with Megan, she held him up to her face and smiled. "Before you go, I want you to know something. While the two of you are dissolving in my stomach acid, I'll be sliding your son in and out of my pussy. Using him for a dildo, and loving every second of it".

Brad stared at her with hatred on his face. "You twisted bitch", he said. "You won't get away with this". Then he spat at her, but at two inches tall, it didn't really do anything.

"Yes I will", Amanda replied. "In fact, I already have".

She quickly moved her head forward, taking Brad's lower legs into her mouth. Then she snapped her mouth shut, severing Brad's legs with her teeth, just below his knees. Brad immediately threw his head back and screamed in agony. Amanda quickly swallowed his lower legs, briefly wondering what Megan would make of it when she saw Brad's severed feet and shins joining her in Amanda's stomach. She sucked on the stumps and drew her tongue across them, enjoying the metallic taste of Brad's blood as it seeped out onto her tongue. Brad looked at her, his face contorted into a mask of agonising pain and horror. "Mmm, you're delicious". She taunted, showing her blood stained teeth as she smiled. She quickly got bored, and wanted him in her belly, so she stuffed him into her mouth and swallowed him with two loud gulps.

Jake was sobbing when she looked down at him.

"Stop that, you pathetic creature", she snapped. "You're not gonna get any sympathy from me. It's time you went to work, helping me digest my snack".

He suddenly gasped as she grew him to ten inches. Then she pointed between her legs and said; "Get down there. Play with me".

Amanda drew legs up so the soles of her feet were resting on the mattress. As Jake slid down between her enormous thighs, she made it so he knew what she wanted. He knelt down and gently began rubbing the gigantic pussy lips before him. Amanda closed her eyes and sighed softly, then she gently bit her lower lip and smiled as she enjoyed the feel of Jake's tiny hands on her.

"Good slave". She said softly. "That's nice".

She became increasingly aroused over the next couple of minutes, and she was already feeling the urge to slide Jake inside her. She resisted it though, because she wanted the tension to build until she couldn't wait a second longer.

"Lick my clit", she commanded, and watched him lean forward and bow his head.

She let a soft, breathless groan and shuddered with pleasure as she felt Jake's tongue slowly but firmly slide across her clitoris. She unconsciously started to slowly move her hips in a circle, clockwise. A few minutes later and she was so horny that she couldn't resist any longer.

"Stand up", she said breathlessly. Jake looked up, but didn't move. "STAND THE FUCK UP, YOU LITTLE PRICK". She shouted in frustration.

Jake sprang to his feet, looking terrified. He knew what was she about to do with him. She made his body stiff and hard and then lifted him of the bed.

She licked her lips in anticipation and said, "I like that look of terror of your little face. Fear suits you".

She turned him so that he was facing down and moved him down between her legs. She had the urge to plunge him inside her and use him hard, but she didn't want that. Instead, she slowly slid his head and shoulders inside her, followed by his shoulders and upper torso. She groaned softly as she slid in lower torso, enjoying the feel as his body stretched the walls of her pussy around him.

"Oh, that feels so good", she whispered.

She slid in his upper legs down to his knees and then, finally his lower legs, leaving only his feet outside of her, which she was holding in her right hand. She held him inside for a while, enjoying the feel of Jake's body inside her, before finally pulling him out until only his head and shoulders were left insider her. She giggled on seeing his body glistening with her vaginal fluid, then closed her eyes and groaned as she slowly slid him back in. She didn't pause this time, she pulled his body out and then quickly pushed him back in, groaning loudly. She did this several times before she started to slide him in and out of her pussy with a more regular rhythm. After a couple of minutes, she started thrusting Jake in and out of her as hard and fast as she could. Amanda couldn't believe it, Jake's little body was giving her more pleasure than any sex she'd had before. It was heaven. All the stress she felt quickly melted away and what little guilt she still felt evaporated as she entered a state of sheer ecstasy. A layer of sweat built up on her body and she began thrusting her hips up and down as she continued to thrust Jake in and out her pussy hard. After ten minutes, she felt the familiar feeling of an orgasm building up deep inside her. She didn't want it though, she was getting too much pleasure for her to end so soon.

"NO, NO!" She cried, and immediately slowed right down. "I'm not done with you yet".

The orgasm faded away and after a couple of minutes, she worked backed to thrusting as hard and as fast as she could. She slowed down twice more before she was finally ready. After nearly thirty minutes of fucking Jake's body, she felt what she knew was a really big orgasm building.

"Yes", she said breathlessly and through gritted teeth. "Now I'm ready. Make me cum, you little bastard. I wanna cum all over you!".

She soon got her wish. Amanda arched her back, threw her head back, let out a long, loud howl of pure delight and pushed Jake back inside her and held him there as the most intense orgasm she'd ever had exploded inside her pussy, drenching Jake and sending an intense wave of pleasure through her whole body, causing it to shudder. It lasted for almost a minute, and when it was over, she collapsed onto her bed, panting heavily, exhausted yet exhilarated. She slowly licked her lips and ran her fingers through her sweat soaked hair as she enjoyed the immense feeling of satisfaction and relief.

"FUUUCCKKK!" She shouted. "That was incredible. Oh God. I am gonna have so much fantastic sex from now on".

Amanda lay still on the bed and sighed contentedly. She left Jake inside her, partly because she was enjoying the feel of him and found him really comfortable. Mostly though, it was because she wasn't finished. She unconsciously put her left hand on her stomach and suddenly remembered Brad and Megan.

"And how are you two doing?" She asked out loud. "Started digesting yet?" She rubbed her belly gently and said, "I've gotta say, being a cannibal was surprisingly fun. I don't why people get so freaked out by it. I enjoyed you both".

Amanda used Jake twice more over the next couple of hours. Both times were every bit as intense as the first. She felt a little sad when she finally pulled him out, and did it as slowly as she could. She shrank Jake down to four inches, allowing him to move once again. She propped herself up on her left elbow as she put him down on her pubic mound again, and he immediately curled up into the foetal position, looking traumatised.

She didn't feel even a little sympathy as she looked down at him. She didn't see her son either. All Amanda saw, was her slave. A living toy, whose only purpose was to serve her in any way she wanted. She gently placed the tips of her right index and middle fingers on his left side, and felt him jump beneath them.

"It's ok". She said softly. "I'm not gonna hurt you. Don't worry, you will get used to it. Like I said earlier, eventually, you'll love this as much as me. You're mine now. You belong to me, and I will do whatever I want with you. You need to accept to it, because this is your life now".

She gently picked him up and got off the bed. She walked over to a set drawers that were against the wall by the door to her bedroom and put him in the hamster cage she had created. She closed and locked the door, then turned and started to walk toward the door.

"Please", came a trembling voice from the cage. "Will you clean me up"?

Amanda walked back to the cage and looked down. Jake was still curled up and looking at the wall of the cage in front of him.

"I'm only going for a drink and a snack". She said. "I'm not finished with you yet. I'll clean you up when I'm done. I had a lot of fun with you. And I've that, as long as you behave, you'll be well treated. Now, get some rest".

She heard a whimper as she turned and walked away for a second time. She still didn't feel any sympathy for him though. She just smiled as she left the bedroom and headed down to the kitchen.
© Copyright 2007 Mad Dog (gunbunny at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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