Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1323145-A-Knights-Dragon-tale
Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1323145
Short piece about a kingdom invaded by dragons
[Dreamer's note: This story is meant to be simplistic, and lack major descriptions and details. It's more of a rough short story, rather than an elaborate short story. Enjoy :]

Once upon a time, long ago somewhere far far away. There was a kingdom ruled by a king and a queen and their two daughters, the princesses of the kingdom. Time went by and the two princesses grew into beautiful young women. Around the time of the eldest princess's eighteenth birthday, a flock of dragons came into the kingdom, led by the fiercest dragon known to the land. He was a large deep navy colored dragon. His eyes sparkled like sapphire, and his breath was hotter than ten times the hottest day known to man.

The people of the kingdom would not have been bothered with the invasion of the dragons, if the dragons kept to themselves. The youngest dragons would fly over the kingdom, and pick up sheep, and cows and horses and take them back to the lair and present them to the deep navy dragon, upon which he would eat them.

The King was becoming fed up with the loss of the livestock, for his people were suffering. He wanted a safe kingdom for his people and his family to live in. Princes came from far and wide to try to slay the deep navy dragon, for if the head dragon were slain, the rest of the flock would fly away and not return, thus securing the safety of the kingdom.

Each prince that came, presented themselves in front of the King and recieved his blessing to go slay the dragon. One by one they set off, decked out in their armor on horseback to make the trek up to the dragon's lair. One by one, the horse and Prince's armor were brought back. Each time, the King became more and more disappointed and less hopeful for the next Prince in line.

One day, from a Kingdom far far far away, came a prince and his servant. The prince and his servant grew up together and were the best of friends. The prince presented himself in front of the King. The King gave his blessing and set off.

Wanting to warn the prince of the oncoming danger, the eldest princess met the prince on the road up to the mountain.

"Do be careful" She said to him. "For each Prince has died trying to slay the great dragon."

"Fear not princess" He replied. "For I am the great prince of yonder Kingdom. I have failed at nothing and intend to not start now." He set his horse to a trot and took off.

"I fear arrogance in this one." the princess told his servant, her eyes filled with worry.

The servant met his eyes with hers. "Fear not princess. The kingdom will become safe eventually." He gave her a reassuring smile.

She nodded in response, calmed by his smile, and he too took off, following his prince.

Sunset came, and the prince and his servant reached the top of the mountain, and were outside the dragon's lair.

"Hold my horse dear friend. This shouldn't take long." The prince slid off his horse and marched into the lair.

Silence followed. The servant knew his friend, and his personality. He tied up his prince's horse and crept into the cave after his prince.

A clang clatter of metal was heard.

"Please don't eat me!" Pleaded the prince, knocked on the ground by the angered dragon.

"You have disturbed my slumber, and my peace. Why do you wreak havoc on me! I have done nothing!" Lied the dragon.

The prince cowered on the ground. The servant feared for his prince's life. The prince tried to get up, and find his sword, but the dragon only taunted him with his fiery breathe.

"I shall finish you off now!" He roared. The deep navy dragon reared up to a frightening height, and began his descent, gathering force to blow his deadly flame.

The servant wouldn't stand for this. He grabbed his prince's sword and ran at the dragon, battle cry echoing in the cave. He shoved the sword with all his might into the dragon's chest.

The dragon gasped in pain.
The prince gasped in shock that his servant would do that for him.
The servant gasped at his courage.
And the eldest princess gasped at who slayed the dragon.

The servant stood a moment, then released the sword. And down the dragon fell, aiming right for the prince. The servant ran with all his might and got his prince out of the way. The dragon fell, and pinned the servant's leg to the floor, crushing it beneath the deep navy dragon's weight.

The prince smiled. He knew the servant wouldn't be able to get out, and he was already formulating a story in his head about how his servant died a horrible death trying and failing to slay the dragon.

"Help me, my prince." The servant pleaded to his prince.

"I'm sorry my friend." The prince ripped his sword from the dragon's chest, and exited the cave. The prince mounted his horse, and returned to the King, eager to tell his story.

The servant exhaled. He would die, he knew he would. All hope was lost and there was no way he could move the dragon himself.

The eldest princess waited until the prince was out of sight, then entered the cave. Seeing the servant stuck in his predicament, she pushed rocks toward the dragon and slowly shoved them under the dragon around the servant's trapped leg.

"Why do you help me princess?"

"That so called Prince of yours does not deserve his title." She smiled at him.

Soon the servant was able to slide his leg out. The princess helped him to his feet.

"It is too far to help me princess. Really, you have done enough."

"How can we thank the real hero if he is left behind?" She whistled, and into the cave cantered a beautiful chestnut horse. She helped the servant mount the steed, and she hopped on in front of him.

"Hold on." She said, and before the servant could protest at the nature of the ride, they were off, galloping back towards the kingdom.

As the princess and the servant made their way back, the prince was done with his elaborate lie and the King was about to hand over his daughter's hand to the Prince, when there was a clearing of a throat.

"Who dares to interrupt?" The king bellowed.

"Tis I father." The youngest princess said softly.

"Why my child?"

"My sister isn't in the castle. She left."

A murmur echoed across the room.

"Silence." The king ordered, silence ensued. "Tell me more my child."

"She said something about following the prince."

The king turned to the prince. "Did you see my daughter on your way to slay the dragon?"

The prince started to shake his head no, then changed it to a nod. "She intercepted me and my servant, God rest his soul. She warned us of the ferocity of the dragon. I thanked her for her words, then my servant and I ascended the mountain, your princess was not with us. I know not what happened to her." The prince finished.

More murmurs began.

"I can tell you your majesty." Came a voice from the back of the room.

Heads turned to see a limping figure escorted by the princess.

A confused wave fell over the castle.

"Is that your servant Prince?" the king asked.

The prince's mouth gaped like a fish out of water. "Aye it is your majesty."

"Father the story he told you was a tangled web of lies."

The princess and the servant explained the story to the court.

"But I have the sword!" The prince whined.

"A sword you did not weild as you cowered on the ground." The servant hobbled over to the prince and removed the sword from his belt.

"A new decision must then be made." The king decided. "For you, prince, are not worthy of either of my daughter's hand with your mouth of lies. Be gone from my kingdom. And never return, or you will not live to see the next day."

The prince ashamedly left the kingdom and was never seen anywhere ever again. Legend has it he walked into the sea and on a stormy night, you can hear his cry of "No!" echo over the ocean.

"As for you servant," The king said. "It is my daughter's hand you may have, for you truly are the brave."

The servant smiled. "I would love to your majesty, but on one condition."

"You name it and it is yours."

"Thank you your majesty, but as to what the condition is, it is not yours to give."

"I beg your pardon."

"My love, let him speak." Spoke the queen, her voice slightly louder than the breeze.

"I will only take your daughter's hand if she is willing to give it to me." The servant turned to the princess. "Afterall, tis her life that's involved too."

She met his eyes and a smile spread across her face. "I'd be honored." She wrapped him in a hug and it was so.

They were married three days later, at sunset.

The dragon flock did leave, and settled in Ainamon, where they were later cared for by mankind.

As for the servant and the princess, and her family, they all lived happily ever after.

The end
© Copyright 2007 Samantha (trinity_writer at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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