Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1322460-Cancer-Changes-Minds
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Health · #1322460
What Cancer can do to a man & the choices that face him
      “God…” Dan murmured in despair. “Cancer, are you sure?” he asked the oncologist desperately.
         “Yes Mr. Turner, we ran your MRI results through several times and they all came back positive. You have two tumors in your left lung, and one in your left thigh. The disease has spread so quickly, and the damage is so immense that there is nothing we can do for you. I am sorry to have to tell you this, but you do not have very long to live.”
      All of the other doctors he had seen had cleverly evaded this fragile statement, but now this doctor was shoving it in his face. This was the third doctor Dan had been referred to, and though all of the other results had been positive he had hoped that this one would be different. For some strange reason he had retained a single spark of hope that he didn't really have cancer. That somehow the others had gotten it wrong. But now, with his doom thrust so rudely upon him, Dan felt strange...he was confused, why did he have to die, he had only just turned thirty last month. He was sad, he didn't want to die, he wanted to live, to marry and have kids. But most of all he was mad...his knuckles were turning stark white gripping the test results. It was his life, why should some stupid disease be able to take it away. His anger grew with every moment spent in that damn office.
         “What,”  Dan exclaimed. Rising from the examination table he proceeded to grab the tests results from the doctor, and was horrified by what he saw. The large abnormalities protruding from healthy flesh…disgusting. “How long?” He asked. Struggling with much internal conflict. On the one hand he wanted to know when he would die so he could prepare, or do...something. But on the other...well who really wants to be told when they are going to die?
         “How long…to live”
         “Well, if the tumors continue to grow at their present pace then…a month, more or less. I am so sorry Mr. Turner. If you need anything don't hesitate to...” The oncologist started to say.
         Damn this man. He doesn’t care about me. All he wants is my money. Dan thought angrily. His judgment was clouded by his feelings. “I…thank you.” And with that said, Daniel Turner stormed out of that terribly depressing office.
         “Sir” the receptionist called. But Dan was already out the door, and marching (unknowingly) into a new way of life.
         On the lonely drive back to his flat, Dan recalled all the happy memories of his short life. Running through them like he would run through files at work. When a particularly strange recollection hit him with such force that he pulled to the side of the road…

         “Hey Dan, I’ve been thinking,” started Jim.
“Well that’s always a good thing,” interrupted Dan.
         “Ha Ha You’re so funny!” Jim rolled his eyes. “Anyway, what I was trying to say was, we should go skydiving!”
         “Okay, maybe thinking wasn’t so good”
         “I am serious! First of all chicks dig it, and if that weren’t enough, our lives are so boring, it would be something new.”
         “Well at least we have our lives.”

        At the time Dan had gone on and on about how dangerous skydiving was and had absolutely refused to go. But now he didn’t even have his life anymore, and with no wife to live for, being safe didn’t really matter. With these thoughts in mind, Dan picked up his cell phone and dialed Jim’s  number.
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