Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1321714-Smooth-as-Silk
by sunray
Rated: 18+ · Other · Adult · #1321714
a work in progress - sort of!
Amanda Silk closed the last file on her desk and looked at the watch on her wrist. Six thirty again, she thought, wondering if Andy had started dinner yet. She smiled, thinking of her husband, sitting at home, beer in hand, and watching sport on TV. No, probably hadn't even noticed the time, when Andy was in front of any sporting event whether it be football, golf, or even tiddly-winks the whole world disappeared. Andy was a panel beater who managed to go to work early and come home at about five every day. He would then have a shower and sit and relax until she got home. Dinner tonight would be out of the freezer and a packet, and then a bit of relax time in front of the TV before bed. Amanda tingled just thinking about the bed bit. They had been married for eleven years and the sex was still every night and still just as good as the first time when he had swept her off her feet at Susie's party. Looking up, as if staring into space, Amanda let her mind drift back to that time as if it was just yesterday.

Susie was Amanda's best friend and they had gone through university together, learned about boyfriends together and been there for each other when they needed a shoulder to cry on. Even after university they had stayed in touch, despite the three hundred miles separating them once they had settled into working. Susie had had a party, yet another one, this time for her birthday not that she needed an excuse to have one,  and Amanda had made the effort to get there early in the afternoon to catch up on the gossip and help with setting up. Which usually meant taking their time punctuated with several glasses of something alcoholic.

"Boyfriend?" Susie asked Amanda, in the usual first serious question of the day.

"In between." Amanda replied, thinking about yet another boy who had pursued her because of her looks and, once successful, had lost interest in keeping the effort up to maintain it. Amanda was plagued with the fact that she looked like a famous film star, Nicole Bonham, she often wondered if it was Amanda they were chasing or Nicole. Or for that matter was it her or Nicole that they were with when they had sex. Not that she could blame them, wouldn’t be the first time that the boy was some star she had the hots for.

Amanda had come to the conclusion that most boys thought they were the world's greatest lover and once you had sex the girl should be eternally grateful. The last guy had been pretty big downstairs, but he had known it and assumed he did not have to work at making it good for her. She and Susie once discussed size and whether it was true that size didn’t matter. The final decision was it did. As Susie put it, if you have had four inches and eight inches you can tell the difference honey. They had never had sex for longer than half an hour and he was always under ten minutes from the time he put it in to the time he grunted in satisfaction and rolled over to sleep. Amanda had managed to endure two months of this, hoping for an improvement, before she had finally broken up with him. He could not understand why, and made a half-hearted attempt to win her back before he found a girl with huge tits and no IQ that agreed with him that he was a great lover. Amanda thought they deserved each other and imagined a brood of children with no brains but big dicks or tits who would be the start of the next master race.

Susie giggled, "There are quite a few single guys coming tonight, lets see, Phil is a doctor, well off but not too handsome, Richard keeps the girls very happy, but its all the girls, he doesn't want to be tied down, Kevin on the other hand is..."

"Stop it Susie," Amanda interrupted the flow, knowing Susie would list the good and bad points of every single guy that might be there, just so Amanda would not be lonely, "I'm here for you, not to look for Mister Right. I need a bit of time before jumping in again."

"Bad experience?" Susie asked seriously.

"Yeah," Amanda replied, "so let's just leave it."

"OK." Susie said, knowing when to leave a discussion alone with Amanda.

"Who's your current toy?" Amanda asked, referring back to the early college days when Susie had a number of vibrators for use between boyfriends. She had named them all and only Amanda had known that when Susie said in conversation that she had a date with Ron for that night that she meant a pink tickler with rotating bits too.

"You are going to love Sean," Susie enthused, "he's tall and handsome, and got the ability to keep me happy."

"Great." Amanda said, happy that her friend was happy.

They had continued talking for the couple of hours they had alone before the guests started arriving. They talked about old times and naughty things they had done, and believe me those were very naughty times. They talked about work and where they were going in their companies, and who wanted to get them there quicker, and what they wanted in return. They talked about fashion and make up. They talked about families and babies (not yet I want to live a bit first, they agreed). It had been a great afternoon. Wish we could have more of them Amanda thought.

Sean was one of the first to arrive, his widening eyes showing Amanda he had noticed her good looks immediately. The look that she had seen many times before from too many guys.  He had taken Susie in his arms and given her a kiss better suited for moments alone, before asking if there was enough time before the party for a quickie. She had pointed out they already had a guest, he turned to look at their guest with a look of a man formulating a plan in his head involving him and two women. “in your dreams” Susie interrupted.  He shrugged and went to get a beer. Just as well thought Amanda, the scene that could have unfolded in front of her was beginning to set those ever familiar feelings of her hormones kicking in. did she have voyeuristic tendencies? Maybe she had. And if he had his way - worse. Not that Susie and Amanda had never gone down that route but that is a story for another day.

From that point it got worse. Once Sean had a couple of beers in him he started hanging around Amanda, and before long he was telling her how frustrated he was and how much happier they would both feel if they found a quiet room and got to know each other better. Amanda tried to put him off gently by reminding him that Susie wasn’t far away, but he just wouldn't take the hint. He started groping and just as Amanda was about to destroy the party, and even maybe her friendship with Susie, by slapping him someone she didn't know rescued her.

"Darling," she heard behind her and turned to see a handsome man with piercing eyes smiling as if he knew her, "it's been ages, how have you been?" He continued, touching her arm lightly. Amanda was about to say she didn't know who he was when Sean muttered something about getting a beer and left.

"I, uh..." Amanda was not sure what to say. She hoped this wasn’t some guy she had enjoyed and dropped like a hot potato after one of hers and Susie’s escapades.

"Don't worry," the man said smiling, "I don't know you and you don't know me, I was just watching that octopus and thought you may need to get away before you slapped him." Besides, I am in the mood for a good knees up and this party just seems to be what the doctor ordered.

Amanda was surprised it had been that obvious. "Thanks," she said, a bit worried that this might be a frying pan to the fire thing, "you did get there in the nick of time. I'm Amanda." She smiled and held her hand out.

"I'm Andy," the man said, retuning the smile with a mischievous grin that was somehow exciting, "lets grab you another drink and sit down for a few minutes like we are old friends and that should allow that prick to latch on to another target." Before she could think about it Andy was leading her towards a free seat on the couch.

They sat and talked, as much as the music would allow, and Amanda felt comfortable with Andy. She had no idea later what they had discussed but they worked out pretty soon that they had a lot in common. She decided that this party was a good idea after all.

After they had a few drinks Andy excused himself to use the toilet but promised, on Amanda's insistence to come straight back. He had hardly left the room when Susie made a beeline to Amanda. You would think she was in training for the next Olympics as a sprinter by the speed she arrived at Amanda’s side.

"Who is that divine man?" She asked.

"Hands off, I saw him first." Amanda giggled, a bit tipsy. "His name is Andy and he came here with Kevin apparently, but Kevin has disappeared with that blonde with the fuck me boots."

"Yvette." Susie said with that knowing look. In the world of Yvette her kind of man was male with a pulse. In fact in her world, the pulse was optional.

"Yeah." Amanda agreed.

There was a squeal from a late arrival that had spotted Susie, and with an apologetic smile Susie went to meet her new guests. A relief to Amanda who didn’t want to discuss what was happening between her and Andy.  To Amanda's relief Andy retuned before Sean realised she was alone.

"Do you want to take a walk?" Andy asked. It was refreshing to Amanda that guys still used that excuse. Took her back to her teenage years were the question was a euphemism for “I want to make out with you but don’t want everyone else to watch”. Inwardly she could feel herself smile and yes! I do want to make out with you Andy she thought.

It was noisy and stuffy inside the smoke filled room. Until that point she hadn’t noticed. "Where?" Amanda asked, interested.

"It's only a short walk to the beach." Andy replied, smiling.

"Let's go." Amanda said trying not to sound too enthusiastic, and they left without being noticed.

As they walked Amanda could sense the nervousness of them both as they decided what to do next.  Would it be too forward to hold hands, should we put a reasonable distance between us. While Amanda was still evaluating her options the decision was made.  Half way there Andy took Amanda's hand in his, she could feel the warm, almost perspiring hand hold onto hers, even with this innocent act she could sense the nervousness of that first touch, first contact of flesh to flesh. It felt so right. They walked the beach for some time, holding hands, talking, listening, enjoying,  before climbing into the sand dunes and lying down to look at the stars.

They lay in the sand dunes watching the stars and the quarter moon and talking for a long time before Andy had reached over slowly, firstly looking into her face, absorbing her smile, his turn to evaluate his options, he slowly leaned over, the distance between them getting closer, and closer, and kissed Amanda. She returned the kiss, knowing this is what she wanted tonight and tomorrow could take care of itself.

Andy tenderly stroked her face and neck as he kissed Amanda and their excitement grew. She pulled him onto her body and hugged him tight. Feeling his excitement. So he did like her then she thought.

Andy broke the kiss and looked into her sparkling eyes.

"Do you..." He started, uncertain if he was going too fast. not wanting to scare her away. But before he could finish his question.

"Oh yes." Amanda interrupted, pulling his mouth back to hers. Oh yes she thought, I need this more than you could imagine. So much for taking a time out from guys as she smiled inwardly.

Slowly they undressed, each piece of clothing being discarded leaving some more skin to thoroughly explore before moving on. His mouth on her bare shoulder, his fingers tracing the contours of her body, feeling the weight of her breasts in the palm of his hands. She feeling the smoothness of his chest, the muscles of his arms that would soon be around her in the height of passion.

Eventually Amanda was lying on her back, her dress around her waist, her bra gone and her nipples erect in the chilly night air. Only to be warmed again by disappearing into Andy’s warm mouth. Andy was lowering her panties, as if unwrapping that special gift he wanted, but unsure on what he would find. He stared, moved closer, kissing as he went to kiss he left thigh. Then her right,  and then moved his tongue back up to explore the last bit of her to be exposed.

He had a talented tongue, Amanda thought as the sensations grew, and slowly and very thoroughly he brought her to a massive climax, her excitement soaking his face and sand below her.

When he made love to her it was also slow and deliberate. No frantic thrusting, no feeling of Andy being on a sole mission for himself. Just a feeling of sharing the most intimate sensation. Andy was huge, although Amanda was lucky that she didn't see what he had that night, it may have put her off. He very carefully worked his way inside Amanda, allowing her body to adjust and respond before beginning his rhythmic strokes. He made love to her for hours. This is real hours, not just "it felt like hours" hours. Amanda came twice more, gushing around the huge intruder inside her and Andy allowed the feelings to build in intensity before they both reached their final release in a perfect moment of sexual harmony.

Andy had looked at her and said, "This should be forever."

Amanda, still panting, had answered, "It will be."

From there it had all just happened. Susie was horrified. Andy was a hunk, sure, but he was "just a panel beater" and, according to Susie, well below Amanda's social status. Amanda, on the other hand, was gorgeous. Perfect figure, beautiful red hair, she had film star looks, and not just any film star; the living image of a soft porn star. She was the absolute image of Nicole Bonham, the biggest sex symbol of the time. This was still embarrassing to her eleven years later as she often got stopped in the street or in a shop and asked for an autograph. She had to explain gently that she was not Nicole, to a disbelieving fan who could obviously see she was. Although at times is was very handy when she went night clubbing with Susie. She tried different hairstyles, but they always ended up being similar to some film Nicole had done, and the fans continued to hassle her.

© Copyright 2007 sunray (pronto60 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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