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Rated: E · Short Story · Inspirational · #1320812
This it the story of a part of my life and a special angle
The Angel and Me

I never had these feelings before. At first I didn’t even realize what they were all about and didn’t even tie them together, but finally I did and now I kind of enjoy them.

It happened shortly after he died. I was in a hotel in Boston on business and I felt this strange but refreshing breeze. It woke me up out of a sound sleep. I knew that I had closed the windows going out to the terrace and the Air Conditioning was not on, but I felt it all the same. I got out of bed and looked around, but couldn’t find anything. I finally went back to bed and didn’t think anything of it.

Again he came around, this time while I was removing wallpaper in the master bedroom. After all it was once his house. I tried everything to remove the wallpaper and was getting no place fast. I was actually on the ladder above the door scraping it off. I felt a strange hand on my shoulder and it knocked the scrapper out of my hand. At first it scared me a little. My wife was in the kitchen at the time and I went and told her about what had actually happened, because I was a little shook up. She then told me Daddy is trying to tell you something. I fixed the area I was working on and decided to paint right over the wallpaper.

At least now I knew what these strange things were and would be able to better deal with them. Again one night while sleeping I woke up in the early morning hours and there was a strange golden glow in the bedroom. At first I thought I was dreaming, but I sat up on the edge of the bed and it was still there. This time I felt a strange calming effect. I got up and sat in the chair and talked to him. I told him how things weren’t very easy since he was gone. I talked about the work I was doing in his house. I talked about the family and how hard things were. I felt I had the world on my shoulders and it was crushing me. He never talked back just listened. I fell asleep in the chair and the glow disappeared. Sometime later I got up and went back to bed.

Early one morning I was taking a hot shower and I smelled something funny. It smelled like cigar smoke and I know he was there. I talked and he listened to me for a couple of minutes. By the time I was done with the shower he was gone. After the first time he came around a lot in the morning while I was in the shower.

In July of 2005 I went in for open heart surgery. It was something that was very hard on me and my wife. I gave her a lot of grief. While in the hospital he was there. I felt the presence of angels all around me. I guess he got together a bunch of old sailors and brought them to watch over me. During this stay I also saw the angel wings of the one God sent down to watch over me many years ago. I always knew she was beautiful, but with the angel wings she had a golden glow. God wasn’t ready for me yet and he sent all these angels to make sure I made it home.

The presence of angels didn’t stop there. I felt them all around the house during the eight weeks I was home recovering. During these times I seen the angel wings on the one God sent me many times. I also experienced the glow at night. By now it didn’t bother me at all and I welcomed someone to talk to at night.

The first trip I made on my own to Virginia I could smell the cigar again. Once again it assured me that God was indeed watching over me. I did some more talking and we listened to music on the five hour trip down. Going back he was there again and I welcomed the presence.

All throughout the house I could feel his presence.  It was strange feelings like tripping over nothing when I was tired and I should have taken it easy. I could smell the cigar and knew it was time to relax. He held me back when I tried to push myself too much. After a while I welcomed the hints.

Almost a year after my initial surgery I had another blocked artery. The doctors were skeptical on whether or not I would need another open heart surgery. I spent days in the hospital doing tests and taking it easy. Once again I felt his presence and I guess he brought his crew back, because I felt them all around. My special angel was with me every step of the way and I worried about her more than myself. I knew whatever they put me though I was not going to die. This time they felt that Angioplasty would take care of the problem. As I was wheeled into surgery I was told that I had a look like I wasn’t coming back, but I did. The pain was excruciating but, the angels were there.

Upon completion of the surgery I once again seen the wings of the angel God sent me so many years ago. The cigar smell disappeared and I knew he had left for now. Once again I had a period of healing at home. The angels came and went. One stayed all the time.

I made many more business trips to other states and I smelled the cigar smoke a lot. I guess God saw I needed a little more attention.

God left me a special present, my own angel. She had been with me a long time and I love her so very much. She has been there for me through thick and thin, showed me the way when I felt lost, comfort me when I needed it and scolded me when I needed that too.

Recently we moved to Delaware and I haven’t smelled the cigar smoke any more. I guess God and the angels feel that its time to be back on my own. We do have a new puppy though and we named her Angel.

Believe in them or not I have expressed what I have saw and felt for a long time. I have written other stories of angels including Angel’s Among Us, Our Angels in Hell, and Angels and Hero’s, Hero’s and Angels. I will always believe in Angels, because I see one every day.

© Copyright 2007 John J. Matyjewicz (jmatyjewicz at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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