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Rated: E · Short Story · Educational · #1320696
My little drama queen and how one school play can make you think
My daughter, also my little drama queen was in her school play, a lead role of course. She played Tracy the monster. Yes I bet you are wondering what’s that all about. The play was based on racism. Instead of colors they used monsters verses humans and vice versa. A really unique idea or so I thought. I love Tracy the green faced monster not only was I honored and humbled by Wind being in this play but also because of the role she chose to play.

I was recently talking to a family member who resides in Oklahoma I had been thinking of moving there for a spell so I was asking about the schools and such. I was told my kids would fit in much better with their own kind, yes it made me wonder well what is their own kind I asked? They are mixed, yet look more of one than the other. One would think they would fit in anywhere. That’s me I am different in so many ways proud of it too. I suppose in some places you just don’t or can’t fit in for various reasons but tis so sad when it comes to fitting in by the color of your skin and it makes me sad. You know how many surprised faces I have seen over the years. When it comes to meeting for the first time a teacher or perhaps a parent of one of the kid’s school chums. Oh your Dakota’s mom? Why yes I am, did you expect someone darker maybe my eyes not so blue. The reaction to my question of their question raises an eyebrow or two.

Gosh I hope you understood that its complicated like I hehehehe. Our family pictures display a family of vibrant color and all races So Tracy the monster painted her face green befriended a human girl and became a hero. She already was to me but then I may be a bit bias yet the fact remains that I raised a child who can look past color and into the eyes of another regardless of skin tone, race or even handicapped and like them or not. It all depends on what’s inside them I am so proud.

About fitting in well I’ll take a road that leads to where all blends well and one does not have to worry about such things. Yes I know racism exists in all places. The bigger town, cities, places of diverse cultures has in my opinion a little bit more of an open minded. Some of the smaller towns may be laid back and comfortable and cute yet some, some little towns need to grow in a way where they are more accepting of people of color. I know this for a fact look it happened to me. It does not make me dislike small towns truly I love them but yet I don’t like my neighbor to know all my business. If given a choice I’d live in a small town far from the main street on a ranch perhaps I like the city as well a mixture of cultures good food and lots of museums a love of mine.

I’ve lived in both worlds and both have pro’s and con’s. It was really quite sad I had never seen a person of color other than mine until the age of thirteen. I lived in a tiny town next to the ocean. I even remember a time as a bitty little thing about four maybe five mother gave me a birthday card on the card was a little girl skin so brown her eyes looked like stars, she was really beautiful yet I was madder than a wet hen on a below freezing day. I told mother what is that? Yes that my reference unacceptable. I am so glad it did not stick. I think divine power and love from the great mystery above encountered my heart making me see clear and understand that we all bleed red and color’s do not matter in any case.

That came about in middle school when mother moved us to the big city of San Francisco.
I met and became friends with persons of all sorts. Moved back to another semi small town where there lived only five African Americans one became my best friend. Bless his sweet soul as he resides in heaven now I suspect listening and dancing to Midnight Star a favorite group of ours.

Oh I am so glad Tracy the monster brought about those old memories and so much more!!!!! She is more like me than any one I know. We need to start at birth teaching our children to be accepting pf all peoples and of difference, the only variation would be in the way person’s lives in their heart. I’ll never stop writing on this subject and will keep trying in my best effort to somehow end that old ugly word racism. I don’t think it’s in honor of American Indians to be ridiculed in my mind by baseball fans who adorn headdresses and wave toma hawks in larger than large crowds. Headdresses are made by hand for various reasons dancing and pride they are made with great love and effort. I don’t think it’s acceptable when someone calls another a Jew cause they don’t want to spend their money or store owner’s prices may be to high. Who ever came to the stupid conclusion that the Jewish people don’t like to spend money who does unless you’re buying a gift or food.

I don’t think it’s acceptable to be called a honkey or a cracker because your skin is white and where did this all white people who live in Arkansas are married to their cousin and Tracy the monster wanted me to add not all Mexicans need to learn English some folks just love their own language. I could go on and on but I think most people know these common stereotypes and wrongs. As with Rodney King after being beaten down said why can’t we all just get along.

I’m turning forty years young I got a cute little cake that dances and sings and a digital camera whew yeah baby! Life is looking up not looking down got to find the good things not dwell on the bad. My little monster helped me to see that and it brought me here to you. This here is for my Tracy the green face monster that made me laugh and cry and see I did good and I am proud. I’m going to be gone a spell surgery yep I am doing it December 14th I’ll have lots of time to think of things and come back well and strong and I hope wiser too.

Find the good in life and enjoy it I am. The next forty years are going to be better than ever. Please lets not forget Tracy the monster who changed the world.
Kelly Tagaban
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