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Rated: E · Short Story · Comedy · #1320541
A day in the life of a wanna be super mom and grand ole granny.
A Day In The Life Of Super Mom Singing The Thirteen Year Old Blues Yeah Sing It Baby B. B King Ain't Got Nothing On Me
The time has arrived and the all-inclusive eighth grade graduation is coming my third time around, well fourth if you include mine. Yes I still remember my graduation to the big time. High school. Scary yet we all have to transfer over to the ninth grade to be pushed and shoved hopefully not into lockers. Mine was quite the affair as I arrived via horse and carriage, and daddy battled the dinosaurs. All kidding aside umm that may be hard for me. Questions often asked of me by my two lingering youngins who call me Ma. Did they have cars? What about radios? Oh come on Ma you did not have to shovel your way through miles of snow with a lunch pale and book bag to get to school! No I say I rode on the backs of nice dinosaurs. A sly smile plays across my face adding so nice of you to remember.

Mariah my brainy well behaved most days’ schoolgirl also known as the drama queen of school and home. Is to graduate and become an official old lady. Singing the blues she is. Ma! I need a new jeans new shoes new this new that I wish I could get away with just one new shoe at fifty bucks a pop its killing me. I love payless shoes even been known to buy a pair at the good will. With good will in mind.

So here it is the big I don’t have anything to wear crisis. I’ll need all new clothes for school I’ll have to look good Ma! And it all comes at the expense of a very low bank account that will have to be stretched far and wide. Now I’m singing those ain’t got no money blues.

A new dress for the graduation ceremony is in dire need yes I know of course a beautiful new dress. Yet my ideas are so out of date. I don’t even want you to come shopping with me Ma. It hurts yes to a certain degree but I’ve been through this I know all to well those thirteen year old blues. A song I have heard sung even in my days. In my days we were dirt poor so poor I had to barrow a dress, this true fact no jokes and I tell every child of mine around this blues fest time. I play Bille Holiday loud no not on the Victoria it’s a CD. The children listen as I sway to the notes and charms of this lovely lady, sometimes I close my eyes and sing along very quietly I might add The kids love her which I am grateful not many young ones would even dare listen to the music sung so long ago. They say she was so pretty. Her picture adorns my dresser and has for many years A flower neatly tucked just behind her ear the black and white photo is one many know and love. My kids ask did I too wear a flower in my ear I tell them its not in her ear and yes I did wear flowers in my hair but I know that’s out of date. Now its earrings lots of earrings

So yes this is to be a gallant affair it is really… as long s I keep my distance from helping pick out the dress that I know will only be worn once, that’s a hard one for me. No way can I be frugal at such a time. Then there is the party after graduation. What’s a good time for a young girl to be home I say always with the exception of school, yet I’ll give in but meet ya at the front door for a good look over after that party. . Actually I’ll be outside peering in the windows hiding in the bushes watching her every move. I have my night vision goggles and black ski mask for such times. I’ll need to know her every move after all she’s just a baby ready to venture into high school. The world of old people. Rules will be enforced and I’ll hear about that yet the harsh words I’ll brave even if they sting my ears and heart

I have my rules she has hers that would be the graduator I speak of. Now Ma don’t yell so loud when I get my diploma hey wait a minute there missy I tell her. I’ll yell as loud as I am able it will reach the far corners of the universe that’s my gal! I’ll proudly boast a smile from ear to ear and no I won’t wear a flower In my hair maybe just some dangling earrings that sparkle. Nothing to busy to embarrass my drama queen What are you going to wear Ma? PLEASEEEEE don’t wear that! as I show miss blues the dress I think will serve well. Umm that’s out on to the next. No No No, well maybe that red one will be okay. Thank God I was almost out of possibilities.

Just as proud as I am of my wonderful talented girl, I too want her to be pleased with me. So I’ll let her pick my dress, tell me what to do with my hair and I really won’t yell that loud as she accepts her well-deserved diploma. I’ll be good and well behaved, stand by ever so watchful not silent no I could not ever be mute, no this here mama was made for drama. Yet I will be careful to not embarrass my kid’s moment.

However I will continue to push and talk. My never ending constant talks, making sure they take it to their dreams, can’t get me out of their head talks. So if by chance some peer pressure might come dancing by they have me stuck in the head reminding them to just say no or to do what they know is right. My little girl is coming about and all her worries and blues as she transfers from one stage to the next will soon be behind her and some different new blues will be waiting around the corner and I’ll be there to help sing them away.

She will be a star forever in my eyes and like I said these thirteen year old blues are to soon fade away….
Mama won’t ya hear meeeeeeee, I’m singing this for you oh yeah baby I’ve got the thirteen year old bluesss Mama I need some new jeans and some new shoes too cause I’m singing these here blues
Kelly Tagaban
Keywords: Humor, Children, Family, Love, Blues
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Alway's inspiring to be more,by personal experience
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