Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1319947-Discombobulated
Rated: E · Short Story · Other · #1319947
This is about a dream that I had, a very strange dream and one of many that I've had.
                   This is a journey, a journey I boar witness to. There are no names, just faces, just a single family and their amazing story.
                   The mother had been at the hospital all day with the father, the children at home with the oldest brother bearing the babysitting duties. The children knew their father was sick, and after spending several months in the hospital they knew that it was a lot more serious than their mother had warned them about. They knew that their father didn’t have long to live, but they didn’t understand why their mother would not allow them to go visit him in the hospital. Today they would learn why….
                   The eldest son watched TV while the 3 other children; 2 more boys and the youngest being a girl, wandered aimlessly throughout the house and backyard playing hide and seek. A car pulled in the driveway; it was their mother home from the hospital. All the kids gathered at the front door to greet their mother and hopefully receive some good news about their father. But she wasn’t alone, their father was with her. The kids were so excited to see him that they jumped all over him; their mother quickly scolded them, warning them how weak their father had been. But the father embraced them like the day they were born. After the short homecoming the father told the children, “get in the car, were going on a little trip” Without hesitation the children were out the front door and in the car, seatbelts all on.  The mother and father stood in the doorway for a moment, the father could see the pain in his wife’s eyes, he rubbed her on the shoulder and told her “everything will be all right” And they were off….
                   The place they were going was far away but the trip there seemed almost instantaneous. It was a holy city with no name; the children had heard many stories about it but never thought they would ever see it. It was a city ran entirely of machines that way the people there didn’t have to worry about anything but living their lives. There were buildings so tall you couldn’t see the tops of them, and marvelous machines with enormous gears and switches, it was truly an amazing site. The children; awe struck as they were, still didn’t understand why they were here but they just went along with their fathers wishes. The children had noticed several roller coasters, and desperately wanted to ride them but none of them would speak up. They knew their father didn’t like roller coasters; he always said “there dangerous” and “you can’t trust your life in a machines hands”. The father noticed the children’s amazement. He turned to them and knelt down… “What do you guys say we go conquer that thing?” The children’s eyes lit up, the oldest stared at his father rather confused; “But you hate roller coasters?” he questioned. “Not today” the father was quick to reply. Amazed the boy then said “well….which one you want to ride” looking at his father who was staring up at the sky. “The biggest one!” And so they did. The eldest had never seen his father more excited about anything before in his life.
                   Looking around you notice that not only are there roller coasters but there are also some rather extreme activities, sky diving, high beam walks, death defying activities. The father said he wanted to go on the high beams, so they made way for them. He used to always say how he wished he was a bird and how he would just fly above so that he could see it all. Well I guess this was his chance. The high beams were made of steel and roughly 40 stories in the air. The children were frightened but their father told them “If you never risk anything how are you going to truly enjoy life?” The children followed their mother and father out onto the beams and they all stood there for several minutes. The youngest son was rather clumsy, he had the worst sense of balance and because of it he had fallen behind the group. As the oldest brother turned to check on him he noticed that he wasn’t doing so well. He began to turn back and just then he watched his youngest brother fall from the beam and into the sky, he screamed and watched his brother fade away. The rest of the family had taken notice; all began to weep, with the exception of the father, he quickly comforted them and told them “don’t worry, he’s in the wind now, I will take care of him” The children didn’t understand but it made them feel a little better. They all exited the beams and proceeded to the elevator and back on down to the ground. No one said a word.
                   The father and mother walked ahead of the children holding hands. The building that they were walking towards didn’t appear to have a top to it. It reached up beyond the clouds. There was a doorway at the bottom and the family proceeded through it and began to ascend what would seem like an endless amount of stairs. But after only one flight of stairs at most they were atop the colossus of a building. The children looked around in wonderment; only clouds were there and they stretched as far as the eye could see. There was another doorway that leads to a small room, the mother instructed the children to give their father a hug and then go into the little room. The children did as they were told, and the mother and father stood together alone on top of the world. The mother began to cry; the father just held her for a moment before whispering something into her ear, the mothers weeping grew stronger and then they parted. The mother joined the children in the small room. She told them to all face the wall with their heads down. They did as they were told and she proceeded to do the same. A few moments went by and finally the mother let out a loud gasp and looked up with her eyes closed. The oldest looked at her in question “Mom?” She brought her head back down and opened her eyes; she gazed upon her children for a moment then said “it’s ok now…..He’s in the wind….”
                   Believe it or not, this is another one of many strange dreams that I have. I do not understand this one at all and have no idea what it means. I know it’s badly written but I felt the need to share it, and I found it very difficult to type out. I shared this dream with several friends last night and they were just as confused as I was. But I thought it would make somewhat of an interesting story, despite the bad writing I hope that everyone can understand it and maybe get a small visual of what I saw. For some reason I don’t think I will ever forget this one.
© Copyright 2007 DennyJames (dennyjames at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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