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Rated: 13+ · Other · Fantasy · #1319864
Just before the Witch's revolt Shadow Order member Azrieth orchestrates an assassination.
NOTE: This piece is completely raw, it is unedited, unspell checked (used word pad) and only just finished.
I am looking for reviews of the story itself rather than grammatical and technical spelling reviews.
Please bear this in mind :)

Chapter III:
         Altar Assasination

         The mass in the temple all sat facing the altar in silence.
Three figures stood before it, one holding a scroll, the other two holding each others hands.
In the crowd a man reached into his pocket where a long blow pipe sat against the velvet of his shirt.
"In the eyes of the great lovers I pronounce you wed.".
The two figures who stood facing each other kissed.
A shadow of a man descended from the roof with extreme speed landing directly behind the temple priest.
People in the gathered assembly shrieked as blood spurted out from the priests chest where the tip of a knife now showed.
The shadowy figure quickly whipped around to slay the man holding the womans hands.
He dropped to the floor, a dagger protruding from his heart.
The man in the crowd pulled out his blow pipe and aimed for the darkly clad Assassin but he was too quick and had already run through a door behind the altar.
The blow pipe wielding man gave chase.
The temple had suddenly erupted into chaos with wedding go-ers running around everywhere screaming hysterically.
Children stood and cried, lost.
A few men rushed forward to the aid of the wounded.
They could easily see it was too late for the groom, he had been turned to ash, an enchanted blade had most defenitely been used.
The priest however was simply laying on the floor coughing up blood, a couple of the men picked him up and put him on the altar and set about trying to save his life.

         The Assassin was in a dark room full of shelves of unlit candles, robes, holy trinkets and a few locked chests.
He moved swiftly to the locked chests and took out a long lockpick which he opened the first with.
Inside sat a great quantity of gold which he quickly bagan shovelling into a bag he wore on his back.
The door he had entered through burst open allowing warm amber light to spill in.
He very quickly found a place in the shadows behind a shelf to hide.
He observed a man of medium build wearing a well tailored shirt enter the room with a blow pipe in his hand.
"Come on, show yourself assassin, I promise I shall make this quick if you do."
The Assassin laughed at this which made the man quickly look in his direction.
"Put away your pipe fool and leave, you are not my quarry."
"I would lay down my life for the family you have just insulted, I know it is you Azrieth."
"Well in that case, prepare yourself the best you can."
With that the assassin, Azrieth, leapt on to one of the shelves and catapulted himself straight toward his foe.
The man fired a dart from his blow gun and managed to catch the over confident assassin in the shoulder.
Azrieth cursed as he crashed into the man, knocking them both to the ground, his blade dug deep into the man's leg.
"Damn you Fridzrick, damn you to the burning underworld."
Fridzrick kneed his attacker in the stomach with his unwounded leg and rolled him onto his back.
He hissed at the searing pain in his leg.
"I chose one of my special daggers for you Fridzrick." Azrieth spat into the face above him.
"Well that's a good job because I chose one of my special darts for you Azrieth." Fridzrick wiped away the spit from his cheek and punched Azrieth in the face. "Why did you come here?"
"Well I thought that would be quite obvious by now you great blundering idiot."
"Who sent you then?"
Azrieth simply laughed in scorn.
"You wouldn't know who my leader was even if he danced about in front of you straight naked, your that thick Fridzrick."
"I guess your still working for the Shadow Order then?"
"Good guess, maybe you can match a donkeys score at the local tavern quiz then?"
Fridzrick punched him again.
"Who's the leader damnit?!"
"For one, I would never tell you, for a second thing, I don't even know myself."
Fridzrick looked a little unsuprised at this.
"I thought as much..."
He winced at the pain in his leg again.
Azrieth laughed for a second time.
"You thought?" Azrieth grinned at him. "I wondered what the funny burning smell was."
Fridzrick hit him again.
Azrieth spat blood out.
"Looks like I'll have to kill you then Azrieth."
"Not a chance fat boy."
Azrieth kicked him straight in the groin, Fridzrick fell off of him groaning.
Now unpinned Azrieth jumped up and made for the door into the street at the back of the store room.
Fridzrick half stood to run after him but the pain in his groin was far too strong.
"I'll get you!" Fridzrick shouted after him.
"You mark my words.. you bloody.. you bloody shit rag!"
He turned and limped back into the temple's main chamber to see it quite empty now except for a few men still trying their best to save the priest.

         Azrieth ran into the dark and empty street hearing the fat boy's taunt, he cackled at it.
He took a sharp left and sprinted off down the street towards the docks as a storm was beginning to roll out of the horizon.
© Copyright 2007 C. J. Sayer (silverex at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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