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Rated: E · Short Story · Experience · #1319806
Quantum Physics, DNA Activation and the 100 Monkey Theory!
The Singing Atom

During this part of the workshop, we were to modify our DNA through theta meditation and quantum physics healing. At this point, I was still skeptical and I was really present more for learning how to take myself into deep mediation rather than the quantum physics side of it. I had an aversion to the words physics and maths and was not in the slightest interested to learn anything more than I needed to in those fields.

My state of mind was one of lightheadedness and bliss from the previous weeks mediations and I was looking for more of the same. Though I was not entirely comfortable with the way I was feeling, it was better than feeling angry, depressed or morbid!

Laser & Light Show

So now it is Saturday and Norman is taking us through DNA restructuring. He had grounded us and guided us into the pineal gland. Initially at the start of the DNA restructuring, I realized that I was taking way too long adding the extra strands because my analytical mind was trying to literally see everything in minute detail and as real as possible. I thought,

“Oh, oh! I am going to be left behind.” So I decided to work on just one chromosome and then zapped it and told it do like the “100” monkeys and teach the others, which is what Norman more or less told us to do a bit later anyway.

The 100 monkey theory is about experiments with a group of monkeys on an island in the Pacific Ocean. They were being fed food by a group of scientists. One day, one of the babies dropped her food into the ocean and when she ate it, she realized that there was no sand on it and it was much nicer to eat. From that moment onwards, every time she got her food, she would take it to the water to wash it before eating it. Soon all of the other babies were doing it and then the adults started to do the same. The theory is that once it the 100th monkey had learned how to do it, then all of the monkeys could do it, in fact it was not only those on that island that could do it but incredibly all of the monkeys started to wash their food on all of the surrounding islands.

So back to the meditation! We had been instructed to modify the DNA by adding more strands to the helix formation within the chromosomes. Then we had to instruct the chromosomes to duplicate themselves. The chromosomes were initially brownish grey and when I zapped them, they were filled up with a beautiful golden light and as each one was rebuilt you could see them all lighting up. I still found it a bit slow because the chromosomes were all over the place so I ordered them to line up in pairs and in a straight line, which made the restructering much quicker, because then there was a domino effect as the previous one touched the next one.

At one stage I felt like Luke Skywalker because I was waving this laser wand around and touching the chromosomes with it to hasten the activation process. There were swirling pinks, violets, greens and golden lights fading in and out and it was like a laser and light show put on privately for me.

It was an awesome experience even though somewhere in the back of my mind, my doubtful ego self was busy sulking because I had shut it out. It was scoffing at the idea that what I was doing was possible and “any way!” my ego pouted “It’s all in your imagination!”

Norman brought us out of that phase of the mediation. We were sitting there with shiny eyes, trying to adjust to the normality of the “real” world. Each of us shared our experiences with the rest of the group.

It’s very difficult to come back to the “real” world after such intense experiences, none the less, we proceeded to the next stage.

The Singing Atom

It was an unusual experience and none of us wanted to do anything else because we wanted to revisit the same space. Norman could sense that we were not with him so he suggested that we go outside to continue the rest of the workshop.

We readily agreed because his garden was on the top of the cliff that over-looked Johannesburg. It was a beautiful day and the jacarandas were all in full bloom. We were looking out over a carpet of purple/violet trees, with the sun warming our bodies and the birds singing in the trees. There was also a light breeze…ideal conditions for meditating.

We had now reached the stage where the restructuring had taken place and Norman then asked us to imagine that we are an atom in a specific place in our bodies. We must visualize what the atom is doing, is it moving, how fast? Is it getting bigger or smaller, changing colours, doing anything in particular? I went to the tip of the index finger on my right hand and go and find my little atom and low and behold, it is zipping around like a maniac, extremely happy and singing,

“Zippidy doo dah, Zippidy day, my oh my, what a wonderful day”

I start to smile, then I start to snigger whilst saying to myself, “this is not happening!!” I am trying hard not to laugh out loud but I can’t help it because this atom is just bouncing around on its merry little way, singing the whole song and now the other atoms are joining in… I snort and open my eyes because I am concerned that I am disturbing the group concentration. I see a couple of people smiling, while they try to concentrate on their own mediations. At this point my body is shaking because I am trying so hard to contain the laughter. I snort again (remember this is group meditation and we are all holding hands).

I try to contain myself but now, the atoms are all in my body bouncing and speeding around and singing Zippidy doo dah. I am silently killing myself laughing, with shoulders heaving up and down, then the next thing the atoms start nudging each other (imagine the atoms have now grown arms and legs), they’re pushing each other along and getting into chorus lines. At this point, I start really laughing out loud and I break the circle because I fall out of it, I am laughing so much and rolling on the floor. Somewhere this rational voice says,

“You gotta get back into the circle because you’re breaking their concentration.”

I get back into the meditation but I must say that from the point when I first saw the singing atom, I really was not listening at all to Norman. It was really difficult to tune back in and luckily I had asked Norman to spend a bit more time in grounding us on the return because otherwise I think I would still be rolling on the floor.

Oh! I also forgot to tell the group that there was a green and pink mist all around me everywhere in my body whilst all this was going on.

We start to share our experiences and of course they want me to go first because after all, I had been so agitated. I honestly do not remember what they had experienced except that two of them couldn’t get into the meditation because of my antics.

The modification of the DNA strands themselves and their effect on my life, had a gradual effect. I still did not truly believe that I had done anything spectacular and believed what my ego self had said at the time – “That it was all in my imagination”.

I didn’t expect much to change but was enjoying the workshop because it really challenged all that I believed in. I had great difficulty however in accepting that I could ever willingly create and manifest something just because I wanted to.

I was looking forward to the next class.
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