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Club consitution
1. The Hiking Club of Fife High School will establish a fulfilling physical activity, promote environmentally sound practices, participate in regular hikes and outdoor education, work to improve community spirit, and achieve mature, self-actualized student responsibility of judgment, do ordain and establish this constitution.
2. The membership in the Hiking Club shall be compromised of all students enrolled in Fife High School regardless of any history.
3. Officers for the club shall be:
A. Grand master - presides over all meetings and assigns and enforces duties of club members; reserves final say in all decisions.
B. Activities coordinator - designs and creates club plans for trips; sets dates and works with treasurer to decided cost
C. Scribe - keeps track of the calendar and informs members of upcoming events
D. Treasurer - keeps track of current club account; is responsible for collecting student trip fees, reducing costs, and requesting fund raising

4. Elections will be held in the spring when all ASB and class elections have been completed. The election meeting will be announced in whichever way the scribe deems fit so that all members may attend the meeting. A majority vote of those in attendance at the election meeting will constitute an election. Officer positions must be held by students who have spent at least half a year in the club, which implies the officers must be juniors or seniors. Sophomores may take over a position if an officer discontinues his/her term. In the case that the Grand Master must for some reason quit term, the Activities Coordinator is takes the position and members vote for a fourth member to become an officer.
5. Officer recall shall occur when an adviser, members of the club, and other officers feel that the student has not represented the club in their best interest. In the case of the Hiking Club, special emphasis on environmentally friendly habits will be stressed and lack thereof will be grounds for dismissal.
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