Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1319619-Mary-Marvel-confronts-her-past
by jungle
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1319619
Mary must face her killing of Superman and who shes become
Chapter one:Truth

It was you" hissed jimmy Olsen waving a photograph for everyone in their office to see. "You killed superman and all those people." Mary just stood there not knowing what to say. "You chopped off my leg. You killed perry white and destroyed the planet." Jimmy" said Mary starting to get tired of his tirade, "I'm not defending myself or anything but I am attempting to make up for the past." "I don't need you're approval, I do want you're forgiveness." Jimmy just threw the file with the information on her true nature into her face and stormed out. "Mary, Hal Jordan Mary's guide and sometimes partner, look whatever jimmy said you should know you are not the same person you were two years ago." Hal" said Mary "What is the Well of eternity?" "Well..." "Because Jimmy apparently found out that I'm not supposed to be aware." "Well Mary that's certainly intresting but...

"Actually Hal, all magical sources say that I'm supposed to be a vegetable." Mary turned into her Marvel self with her black uniform on and shot over lifting Hal Jordan up to face her. "So friend, WHERE IS MY BROTHER!"

Hal turned into the spectre throwing Mary into the opposite wall and standing up. "You're brother made a deal with beings of higher power to save you're life, Mary Baston." Hal's face softened a little as he reached out a hand to her and said "Mary don't question his sacrifice."

Mary looked at Hal's hand like it was a snake and walked over changing back to Mary Baston. Grabbing her leather coat and baseball hat she looked back saying, "I'm going to get drunk, forget who, and more importantly what I am. I'm going to come into work tomorow because Metorpolis needs Mary Marvel. We though Hal, are not okay." And with that Mary left the tattered remains of her office to get drunk and forget

A mysterious figure watching from afar grinned and held the original picture that Jimmy had of Mary's alter ego

Chapter 2.Honest

Mary sat at a bar stool nursing a beer in her hand. "I know your here, Bishop." She said this without even moving an inch. "Mary look I don't know what's wrong but is it anything I can help with?" asked Bishop.

Mary swung around on her barstool and looked up slightly into the large black cop. "Bishop, I don't think I can make it better. How do you fix a problem you haven't even solved yet?" Bishop sat down on the opposite barstool and signaled for a beer himself. "I guess you look at the beginning of where everything went wrong. Sometimes you just have to start at the very top and work your way down."

Mary just sipped on her beer, thinking about where all the changes in her life had started. That day she had met Billy Baston on the swings.

Mary and bishop stood infront of an old swing set. Bishop watched as the 7ft. tall woman walked over to the swing and sat down. "I first met my brother here. At the time he said 'Mary, what's wrong?' Wrong billy?' I asked him. 'Yes wrong Mary.' Billy, I told the boys I wanted to become Captain Marvel when I grow up and, I sniffled a little, they laughed at me.' Billy looks at me and put his hand out. Inside his hand is the half of a locket. This locket was given to us by our birth parents. 'Mary bromefield, you are in fact Mary Baston. You are my sister and your dream is not silly." And he grabed my hand and said Shazam.

Mary stood up and saw the look on bishops face. "And that was when Mary Baston became Mary Marvel." Mary looked down at the man who she had grown to admire and said "So Detective, what would you do."

"Mary, I already knew." Mary through her hands in the air. "What's the deal, Jimmy Lois, and you who next?" Bishop held up the vanilla envelope. "I received this today. I wondered If you would tell me. Mary I know about Mister Mind you aren't the person you were when you killed Superman."

"So what do I do now?" asked Mary staring at the night sky in while sitting in her swing. "I would continue to explore what brought me to this point." said bishop with a smile. Mary nodded and a second later Mary Marvel was sailing in the air toward Lexcorp and the man she used to love.

Lex luthor was sitting at his desk as he had done for the last two years and staring at the photobook Mary had made of them both. He heard a tapping at his window. Turning around he saw her hovering in his window. "Hello lex, she said her arms crossed over her chest, care to let me in?" Lex couldn't believe his eyes but obliged and opened the door. "So Lex, business good?" Asked Mary as she walked by the her former lover. "What business is that?" Lex asked sitting down into his chair. "Corrupting your girlfriend to insanity. tell me the truth Lex did you ever love me." Luthor burst into tears, "Yes Mary more then you can possibly imagine." Mary picked up his desk and through it across the office. "THEN WHY DID YOU DO IT!" "Because it wasn't me Mary, lex shouted, It was a cabal of people, all of whom a may add are dead now." Mary just grabbed her head shaking "I can't take it any more, I can still fill the hollow portions of my mind which will never be whole." Lex moved to hold her but she through him back against the wall. "thanks to you no one in this city will ever be able to admire me again. Lex sat there and watched as mary shot off and he clicked his panel. "Mercy, execute operation, Mary the Hero."

Chapter 3 Breakout

Mary Baston walked into her office the next morning. The snow fell lightly onto the windows of the office. Mary walked over to her desk and picked up a beer. "Well, anything your not telling me?" Mary asked the innocent bottle. When it responded with silence she chugged it down. Due to her enlarged frame she could consume a ridiculous amount of alchohol before becoming drunk. bring. Mary reached over and picked up the phone. "Mary are you there?" Mary sat up in her seat and ajusted her bear. "Jimmy where are you?" "Look, I still don't like you, but since there isn't any one else your needed." Where?" asked mary already standing up.

Everywhere, mary, Everywhere." said jimmy as mary changed and flew out the window

As she met jimmy on top of the roof of the old Daily planet Hal Jordan appeared. "What's he doing here?" said the maid of lightning cooly. "We don't have time for this Mary, Hal said, Arkyum, Bell Reuve, even the Metropolis prison has seen massive breakouts." jimmy who had been silent up until this point said "And the entire Justice league is off planet." Mary shook her head. "So it's two former mass murders and a one legged former reporter versus some of the worst villians ever to exist." Hal looked down and said, "Pretty much." Mary just picked up the steel pipe lying by her feet. "Well boys, what are we waiting for. Let's get to work."

Mary is brilliant. Everyone for years would talk of her. She was every where. One second huntress was surounded by at least a dozen supervillians. The next mary has them on the ground.

Not that it wasn't exhausting. Mary was infected with scarecrow power this time battling her brother as he condemned her for what she had become. Then there was the ultrahumanite who almost stuck another mind corrupting Mister Mind clone into her brain. She had been within inches of killing him.

Mary stood in the alley way as she scooped up Mr. Freeze. Sneezing loudly she sighed. Mary was sure she had a cold from the freezing she went through. Up above her in the sky a mysterious figure calmy went toward the museum. Crashing through the door the dark figure approached the case where a large black diamond resided. picking the diamond up the figure quickly absorbed the spirit of eclipso. "I sense...nooooo!" And silently the dark figure walked out the back door.

Chapter 4 In brightness shine

Mary walked into the Fawcett detective agency and saw her bedraggled teamates. "Well so far we've got two thirds of the crooks back into jail." Hal nodded and then slumped back. He had taken the brunt of a majical attack that might have killed her. She knew she should forgive him but she just couldn't.

"A museum was robbed last night." Jimmy said reading the paper out loud. "So it was probably just some burglars." said mary sneezing into her jacket sleeve. "Mary, look what they stole.." said Jordan standing up. "What, Oh my GOD!" Mary quickly changed into her marvel form and she and Hal Jordan were flying to the crime scene. Bishop was picking up a fragement of glass as Mary Marvel strode in. "You know that even three months earlier if you'd walked in I wouldn't have been able to say anything to you. "Yeah Bishop I've been a real good girl." Maybe not, said bishop sadly Mary just looked at her hands where he had placed cuffs on. "What's the meanin' of the this." said Hal angrily. Bishop just motioned them into a room with a tv, Mary watched as a dark figure wearing a uniform just like her's fly toward the case and cut open the glass. The figure took the gem of eclipso and flew out of the building. Turning to proclaim her innocence bishop held up a sign. "MARY IT"S A FRAME JOB." Mary just marked "HOW" "I THINK THAT SOMEONE GOT A COSTUME LIKE YOUR"S AND FLEW IN. THAT IS UNLESS YOU HAVE HEAT VISION."

"But who?" whispered Mary. Bishop handed her a paper with three names. Then he mouthed SHAZAM! And Mary Marvel was replaced by Mary baston. She and the spectre disappeared as Bishop shouted that Mary was escaping.

chapter 5 into the dim night

Mary Baston and Hal Jordan warped straight into Fawcett detection agency. This caused jimmy olsen to fall on his rump.

"OW! What's wrong, did you get a break in the case?" Jimmy asked accusingly

Mary looked at Hal and said simply, "The police think that Mary Marvel took the Jewel."

"Well did you?" Jimmy asked knocking her offered hand roughly away

Mary just looked hurt. Hal stepped in and held up a hand. "Of course she didn't Jimmy!"

Jimmy just got to his feet and crossed his arms.

Mary dug into her pocket and drew out the paper BIshop had given her. "This is who Bishop thinks might be responsible.

Mary, Hal, and the reluctant Jimmy Olsen took a look at the names

The Joker

Lex Luthor

Lois Lane

What the..." said Jimmy Olsen. "Wait he thinks Lois Lane might be responsible?" asked a bewildered Mary Marvel.

Hal just nodded. "What do you mean by that?" asked Mary with her arms crossed and her coat apart showing off her tremondous endowments.

Hal just said "Only that a three years ago if someone had killed Lex you would have gone off the deep end."

Without another word Mary and Hal Jordan were with jimmy in the van heading toward lois Lane's apartement.

Sitting in her room, Lois watched on her moniter as the three approached applying the finishing the final touches to her artwork.

Chapter 6 Super, Marvel, and a ghost Oh MY!

Mary smiled as Hal and Jimmy tried to knock down Lois' door. Finally she walked by, making sure to emphasize her size. She punched the door down. "Lois Lane are you okay?" asked Mary Baston as she strode in.

"Why Mary, so good to see you again, tell me when you killed my husband did you even think about what would happen to you?" said Lois' voice from nowhere

"Well, you know Lois I actually wasn't all together then..." said Mary with a sigh.

"Well, wouldn't you think a murderer like you would even be persecuted. But everyone forgave you. What did you do kill some space slug? My Husband saved their lives for decades and you kill him and they sweep it under the rug." Lois' voice was getting closer.

"Hal, mary said, Get out. NOW!"

"What Mary?" asked the spectre

"You heard me now Hal!" Mary said. Before she could say another word the spectre was going crazy. "VENGENCE! VENGENCE MUST BE SERVED." and Hal was gone

"Mary it's for the best really, said Lois' finally visable in the distant room. Mary began to run toward her as she continued to speak. "I mean really we do need some....

That's when mary saw what was waiting for her. Lois was wearing a female superman costume with the 'S' on it. But the most disturbing tattos which were ritualisticly apllied all over her. she hovered in front of an image of her and superman. the most disturbing image was what appeared to be her broken body under Lois' feet.

Girl Time" said Lois' with a sadistic smile.

Chapter 7 Girl fight

"Well Mary here's how this fights going to go, said Lois, intently, I punch you bleed"

Mary barely managed to change before getting hit by a purple bolt of energy. "Lois are you insane?"

Well my dear you would know more about that then me." Said lois sweetly.

"Lois, eclipso is evil it will consume you." Mary said coughing and sneezing.

"Well I hope you noticed these tatto's." Said lois rubbing her body gingerly. "These bind eclipso to me. He will serve me until I tire of him." Lois grinned and picked Mary up onto her feet and slugged her in the jaw.

Mary dodged barely but she was getting pummeled. As she ducked Lois' knee hit her straight in the solar Plexus. Mary was barely breathing and coughing blood. "Where did you get the powers Lois?" asked the battered marvel

"I got them from Bizaro, they are my Clark's any way you BITCH! " Said Lois flying foward and knocking the laughing Mary on her rear.

"WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT MARY?" screamed Lois holding Mary up in the air.

This" said mary and then SHAZAM! and a magic lightning bolt sent them both flying. Mary said it again and transformed back. Mary quickly flew up wanting to get on the roof. Lois who was suprised at Mary's clearing move grabed her remote and tucked it in her belt.

Mary Marvel stood on the top of the building. Below was the Holiday parade, snow falling around them and spotlight's shining everywhere. "Listen Lois, Mary said without turning around, what do you want me to say. That I'm sorry?'" Lois crossed her arms. "It wouldn't hurt." Mary just stared down at the supeman float and sighed. "But how can I begin to say how sorry I am. For what it is worth I am sorry." she said this while turning around to face Lois. "It means more then you think Mary." said Lois. Then Lois was in motion hitting Mary left and right. Finally mary caught Lois' fist and crunched using all her strenghth. she then punched Lois. "I have fought hard to earn my redemption Lois." Mary grabbed lois leg and tripped her up. "I almost let you convince me to give up." Mary grabbed Lois by her hair and hung her up to her face. "I'm Mary Marvel, Bitch."

Mary flew down to the police. As the officers grabbed their guns Mary sighed and shot lightning melting their sidearms. "Lois Lane did the crime that I'm accused of. Inside is all the proof you need." Mary handed the Superwoman over to a beaming Bishop and walked over to the befuddled Jimmy Olsen. "Jimmy what's wrong." Jimmy just shook his head. "I don't know Mary I Just don't know maybe I was wrong about you. I mean, look at what all that bitterness did to Lois."

Hal Jordan walked up to mary and jimmy and said "Mary I know you might not like me very much at this particular moment. But I wanted you to know how proud of you I am."

Mary just hugged Hal close to her as he startled just reciprocated the hug.

They broke apart only to have her sneeze causing all three of them to laugh.

"C'mon, said Mary, Let's have a drink." and for the first time mary felt like she might one day heal.

Five seconds before Lois Lane broke free of the cops and shot her with the ray causing Mary to disappear

Laughing manically Lois was hauled into the air by Hal Jordan who shouted "WHERE IS SHE."

Lois still laughing just managed to get out. "Hell, or as close as she can be...."


Mary Marvel stood there, 8 ft. tall and looking incrediblly dark in an very bright world.

Mary swiveled around looking at the familiar city calling out for Hal or Jimmy.

Seeing as she had been thrown by Lois she was thinking for the worst she was unprepared for the sight which greeted her eyes

Help!" shouted the man as he ran away from the gigantic robot.

Then she heard a phrase, something she had said a bunch

This looks like a job for....

Mary just looked on and shaking said "I am in HELL!"

To be continued in Mary Marvel and the Alternate world
© Copyright 2007 jungle (superdude6666 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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