Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1319228-Obediance
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1319228
Some people have no choices about how their life goes. Adult content.
I had dreams once. Those fanciful delights that all little girls have that bring smiles to their face and laughter bubbling from the inside. That was before my father brought me into his study. I thought I was going to be told that I could have a party, like my friend Melissa did. They had an outdoor party with lots of out door games and music. We had a nice sized swimming pool, an outdoor party here would be great. I sat waiting in my father's leather chair. He came in and I sat up a little straighter. He detested slouching. Setting his briefcase down, he gave me an appraising look as he pulled out some papers.

"How old are you Elaine?" He started, as he began to organize the papers.

"Not yet twelve, sir." I replied, wondering what he was working on that could be so distracting. He knew my age, I had been with him since I was six. "My birthday is in three months."

"Twelve. Just the right age," He mumbled to himself. then he looked up at me. "Your physical from the doctor is right here. You are in good health. The dentist reports the same. No cavities, no crooked teeth, no gum disease. The optometrist says your vision is acute, and I can see you are in good shape. I have your report cards from the last two years at Oglethorpe Academy and you have been on the Dean's List." He recited as he went through the papers on his desk.

"That sounds very good father," I said. "I don't know why I am here though."

"You are here because I am in debt." He sighed. "I had no idea when your mother died that raising a child would be this expensive. We both are accustomed to a very comfortable lifestyle," He said. My heart jumped into my throat. I didn't know. I thought that he had plenty of money. "I would never consent to have you anywhere but in a private school for your education."

"You have a plan though right? You always have a plan." I said, trying not to panic, trying to stay composed as I was taught. My father leveled his steel gray gaze at me.

"Yes. I have a plan." He said. "I will be selling my greatest investment. I have put a lot into it and I expect it will yield a good return. Enough to settle my debts and put my in the clear." I relaxed. My father always had a plan. I knew he had stocks and bonds, and a few pieces of real estate.

"What are you selling?" I ventured. I was curious to see what he had come up with.

"You." He said. I thought he was joking, but his look told me that he wasn't joking.

"You can't sell me. I am your daughter. You can't sell people." I argued. He had to be pulling my leg. Who would sell a person, much less a child? From my father's grim look, he could and would sell me.

"Honey, I tried the fathering business. You are a great success. I could not be happier than I am now. But I have to get a greater return to cover what I have lost. I have already spoken with my accountants and they all agree you are my greatest commodity." He explained, expecting me to be eased by his great explanation. I was stunned. I meant no more to him than anything else here he owned. I didn't want to be here anymore if he was just going to sell me to the highest bidder.

"How much am I worth? And to whom am I being sold?" I asked. I couldn't believe that I had a price stamped on me somewhere that could be cashed in. Tears sprang to my eyes, though I fought them down. Emotional outbursts were not permitted here, so I had to swallow my anger and grief long enough to hear his answers, and hope I could deter him from this course of action.

"You are worth five million dollars," He said "A healthy female child, clear complexion, no health problems, and very well placed in school. You would have been worth more had you been blonde or even a red head, Your gray-blue eyes are unique though, and that is what set your price. I may be able to squeeze out enough to make 7 million since you are untouched. " He rifled through some papers and I felt at my ears for a tag or something and felt nothing. I held my hands in my lap and wondered when this would all take place. "The auction will take place tonight, so dress your best. The highest bidder will be able to claim you tomorrow morning."

" But father, why? Who would pay so much for a little girl who already had a good home and a good school?" I asked in desperation. I tried to swallow my fear, but my father couldn't be sane.

"Elaine, the world has changed. A female that has the possibility of giving birth to a new generation fetches high prices. I am going to capitalize on that, and make my investment come to fruition. Now, go on and be ready for tonight." he said as he turned his attention back to his computer, with no other words for his daughter.

Tonight! My whole life had just been dashed upon the floor like unwanted clothing. I would be leaving everything I know and the one family member I had. My father excused me and I walked to my room in a daze, then collapsed on my bed. Letting the tears fall unfettered now, I cried at the betrayal of the one person I was supposed to wholeheartedly trust. He was my father, he was supposed to protect me, not hand me out to whomever could settle his debts. Margie, my friend and maid, came in and paused seeing me in such a state.

"What is wrong Elaine?" she said as she came to sit next to me. She held me in her arms as I cried out the whole story, short as it was. Margie sat there holding me until I could cry no more, then wiped the tears from my face.

"It is a horrible thing, to be sure. A parent selling their child. Did he say how much of a debt he owed, or to whom?" Margie asked. She picked up a hair brush and gently ran it through my hair. The way it felt was soothing, and my face cleared up as I thought about what she said.

"He didn't say how much he owed. He just said that selling me would cover the debt.," I said bitterly. "5 million dollars, he might get seven since I am a virgin. Millions Somewhere on me I keep seeing a little tag with my price on it. And some stranger will be bidding on me tonight."

"Elaine, I am not sure there is anything I can do for you. I can go to the police, but I know how smart of a man your father is. Some excuse will be made, and you will still go." Margie said, the smooth motions she made as she brushed my hair was soothing. "I can ask if I can go with you to your new home. At least then, you'd be with someone you know."

"Margie. I couldn't ask you to leave a good job here to go with me. Besides what if my new owner doesn't want you?" I asked. I couldn't ask my friend to do this. to follow me to wherever my road would lead.

"I can ask at least. The worst thing that could happen is that I could be told no." Margie said as she set down the brush. "Besides, what could I do here if you were gone? I was hired to be your personal maid. Your father has his own attendants. I would be out of a job."

"So will you help me prepare for tonight?" I asked. "I have never been to an auction. I don't know what I will have to do."

"I will help anyway I can." Margie said. "I know at an auction. A buyer will look at the merchandise, ask questions and place a bid. So these men will want a look at you. I think you should dress in your school uniform. It is formal enough, and a reminder you are a child still. Maybe these other men will change their minds."

I listened to Margie's words of hope as she helped me to prepare for the coming auction. I had to hope that somehow this was a horrible dream and that it would pass and everything would be normal. Deep inside though, I knew my father. I know the type of men he deals with will not care. I just wondered what another man would do with someone else's daughter. What will I be allowed to say and do, and will I have my freedom when I reach eighteen? These things plagued my mind until my father came to get me for the auction. I was dressed in my uniform, which was clean and pressed. My hair was tied back so it wasn't in my face. My father looked me over, assessing me for any faults. He nodded his approval and herded me into the hall and stopped me before we went down the stairs.

"The men are in the study. This auction isn't like the ones with the man who shouts out numbers real fast. During the course of the night, these men will give you an envelope that is colored. The color of the envelope will correspond to the color of the handkerchief in their lapel. Once you have had all the envelopes, open them at your leisure and pick one." her father explained slowly. "This is the only thing I can do to make this easier. It will be your choice to who you will go to."

I nodded. How would I know what a good offer would be? I only knew that the lowest price would be five million. I suppose I would just have to guess. Going down the stairs, I made a vow. I wasn't going to pick the highest amount unless I was sure it was the best choice. I wasn't going to give my father the satisfaction of getting so much and losing me. I just hoped my choice wouldn't be a bad one.
© Copyright 2007 Skyaire (chrysanthys at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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