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Rated: XGC · Chapter · Erotica · #1319166
Chapters 46 through 50
Chapter 46

Leaving Vulcan lying unconscious on the floor of the women’s quarters, Jupiter forced me to stumble after him across the courtyard and into his palace on the other side. This was the first time I’d ever been in this magnificent building, but Jupiter gave me no time to reflect on its splendid grandeur. When we entered an especially beautiful room, Jupiter released my hand and shoved me to fall on the floor in front of Hera. She was reclining on a dark green chaise lounge, and standing next to her, I saw a smiling Venus.

Venus walked toward me and nudged me none too gently with her small foot. “So this is the slave Vulcan prefers over me. Strange, she’s rather ordinary looking, isn’t she?” She asked this of Hera, who nodded in agreement.

Jupiter laughed, a coarse and ugly sound. “You females don’t know what we males find important in slaves. This one is mine now, and she will be the instrument to bring my son into line. When he arrives looking for her, tell him I’ve taken her to my bed as I should have done when she first came here.” He bent and pulled me to my feet and started to leave the two women.

“I wouldn’t touch her, father,” a voice from the door we’d just entered called out. I saw Ares with his arm around the waist of a swaying Vulcan. My master was barely able to stand, but the fury in his green eyes stopped Jupiter from leaving the room.

“And why shouldn’t I? She’s no longer wearing his chain, so any male can have her.”

Ares guided Vulcan to an ornate wooden chair and helped him sit down. “Father, I made the same mistake and am awaiting the punishment Vulcan will devise for breaking one of the chain’s rules.” Leaving Vulcan, he came to where Jupiter was still holding my arm, his cruel fingers bruising my flesh.

I remembered how close Ares came to raping me in the forge and drew away from him. Vulcan called out, “It’s all right, Melody.” He got up and slowly limped toward the three of us. Taking my free hand in his, he held it up to show Jupiter the golden horseshoe nail ring he had recently put there.

Behind us, I could hear Hera, spite filling her voice. “So, my unfaithful philandering husband, Vulcan has triumphed over you and your lust.”

* * *

Chapter 47

“I don’t understand. What is important about the ring?” I waited to ask this question until Ares had escorted us back to Vulcan’s home. The three of us were sitting inside enjoying the evening meal an old servant had delivered while we were away.

Before he answered me, Vulcan passed a mug of wine to his brother. “Ares, I forgive your unlawful action of touching a forbidden woman. I thank you for finding and bringing me in time to keep Jupiter from committing the same heinous act with my woman.” Ares quickly finished his wine, having decided it was time to leave while his brother was in such a good mood.

Once we were alone, I again asked, “Why is the ring important?”

“First, let me finish telling you about the original chain of submission.” While saying this, Vulcan led me back to our bed where he decided to remove our clothing in the old fashioned way, by hand. I was starting to get used to his power as a god, so it felt sexually exciting to have him undress me slowly.

He hooked his long index fingers into the neck of the dress and slowly pushed the loose silk material over and off my shoulders. This left my arms trapped at my side within the dress when he pulled it even lower. This exposed my breasts even as my arms remained held prisoner by the silk dress, now stretched to its limit around my upper body.

“I rather like you this way, woman, unable to throw items at me.” Vulcan moved his hands from my arms to take possession of my breasts. His thumbs teased the nipples until they stood out hard and ready. With a definite carnal expression on his face, he picked me up in his arms and laid me down in the middle of the bed. The dress still had my arms trapped so I was unable to move around easily.

When I felt one of Vulcan’s hands sliding the long dress up my legs, I struggled to free my arms. The material, however, remained taut. He was now kneeling on the bed next to my struggling body. One hand was roughly pulling the dress material down from my breasts, ripping the delicate fabric in the process. When this released the tight pressure on my arms, I attempted to pull them out of the dress. Vulcan saw I’d almost escaped from the tight binding and finish the job by tearing the dress down to my waist.

His other hand, meanwhile, had managed to push the material up my legs to his final destination, the area near my luxurious patch of blonde pubic hair. By now, the dress was in tatters around my body, but Vulcan left it there even as he removed his own loincloth. After he removed our sandals, Vulcan was wearing only his magnificent tanned skin, and I had on just shreds of a once-beautiful dress. Soon, even this Vulcan took away, and I lay there waiting to see what would happen next. The story of the chains was the farthest thing from my mind at this point.

I felt something warm and wet between my legs, and my memory went back to the honey my sweet satyr had once poured there. In one hand, my master was holding a ruby-red bottle from which he was slowly dribbling a thick liquid. He then smoothed the contents of the bottle over the inner portion of my upper thighs, paying attention to not missing an inch of skin.

The dark substance smelled familiar, and I realized Vulcan was covering me, ever so slowly, in melted dark chocolate.

* * *

Chapter 48

He leaned down and licked some chocolate off that landed at the entrance to my vagina. His tongue had me almost coming off the bed with the delight its roughness caused that tender flesh.

“You want more?” With a grin, Vulcan continued to pour the hot confection between my legs, turning the hair there from blonde to a rich brunette. With his free hand, he rubbed the chocolate deep into the hair, while massaging the skin underneath. Holding the bottle in his other hand, he slowly dripped the stream of thick chocolate up to my navel where a small pool of it settled.

“You’re not playing fair,” I managed to get out, giving up the battle to control my uneven breathing. I reached down and scooped some of the liquid off my stomach. Grabbing his penis, which was within easy reach, my hand transferred the hot chocolate onto the hard distended shaft. I wiggled away from him on the bed and managed, with some effort, to lick the chocolate penis lollipop clean.

In our laughing struggle for supremacy, the rest of the bottle’s content spilled over both of us. Vulcan got off his knees, reluctantly removing himself from my mouth, and spread his slippery body over mine. When he pressed his mouth to my waiting lips, I could taste chocolate mixed with our sexual body fluids in a delicious combination.

The satin sheet, so recently clean and smelling of fresh grass, soon became saturated with chocolate as we rolled back and forth, each trying to remain on top of the other. Vulcan soon relaxed, sitting almost upright on the pillows, and placed me astride his hips. Both of us were covered with chocolate and sweat from our playful exertions. I looked down and could feel his penis pressing against me, so I raised my body and easily inserted it.

Vulcan groaned at the pleasure this gave him. I know it gave me pleasure, and my body silently drew in his penis into me inch by thick, hard inch. He grabbed my hips, still slippery with chocolate. He then moved his hands around behind me, and his fingers dug painfully into the cheeks of my ass. By now, I was leaning backwards with my own hands holding onto his bent legs behind me for balance. Vulcan sat up further so he was able to hold onto my ass more firmly. I could hear his whispers urging me on, to ride him more furiously.

Just when I felt he would rip me apart from the violent and repeated penetrations, Vulcan shifted our bodies so I lay on my back, his penis still deep inside. Within seconds, he had pushed me beyond my limit once again, my cries of submissive surrender bringing on his own loud release.

* * *

Chapter 49

It took a long time for my breathing to return to normal, but when it did, I found myself gently pulled between Vulcan’s outstretched legs. With my back against his warm and currently sticky chest, this had become our favorite position for talking.

“Okay, you want to know more about the chain of submission.” Vulcan’s deep voice, so close to my ear, started the next part of the story. “When I returned the original chain to Jupiter, he ordered me to use the remainder of the gold bar to make a chain for each of the gods here in his compound.” Vulcan thought for a bit. “If I remember correctly, that was about 47 new chains in all.”

When I started to object to this cruelty he had inflicted on the mortal women, Vulcan put a hand over my mouth to quiet me. “I did impose certain rules and conditions before I would make the chains. Jupiter was furious, but he had to agree since I was the only smithy capable of forging the chains.”

“And what were these rules?” I sniffed in disgust. “I bet they helped the males and not the females.”

“Hush, woman. You keep interrupting, and I’ll go get some more chocolate and not finish the story.”

I hushed, even though the idea of another chocolate tussle was very appealing.

“Well, I started out by changing the wording on the new chains, and Jupiter never noticed the difference. The original Egyptian lettering said ‘Submit or die,’ while my own lettering now said ‘Submit and live.’

This puzzled me how this helped the women, but I continued to hold my tongue and just listen.

“In this way, Melody, when a god removed his chain from his slave, she wouldn’t automatically die, either by her master’s hands or her own as had Iris. There were now different fates awaiting the freed woman.”

I placed a tentative hand where Vulcan’s own chain had once rested around my hips. Which of these destinies was I facing with the removal of my master’s chain?

* * *

Chapter 50

Vulcan continued, unaware of the fear his words were causing me. “When a male tired of his slave, or she had betrayed him in some way, he simply had to remove her chain. In the second instance, because of a betrayal, the god has the right to punish his slave in any way he feels necessary. It depends on the nature of the god and the type of crime against him.”

My mind raced back to Astrid and the horrible way she had died. Without conscious thought, I pulled slightly away from Vulcan, but he put his arms around me and brought me back tightly against his body.

“If the god simply tires of his slave or wants a new one, he removes the chain and sends her back to the women’s seraglio to await one of two futures. In the next fortnight, other gods might use her body in any way they want, trying her out to see if she sexually pleases them. Within that time, a god might decide to keep her and put his own chain of submission around her. At this point, only he has the right to her body. If she does not please any of the males, she then belongs to the old servants.”

I sat up straight at hearing this, knowing this happened to Sabrina. “What do you mean, she belongs to the old servants?”

“If not claimed, the old women take the unwanted slave down into their living quarters, an area forbidden to everyone else, including Jupiter. There she stays for the time it takes her to become one of the old ones. Her outer body ages until she reaches the century mark, but inside she remains always young.”

I turned in Vulcan’s arms, shocked to see such sadness in his eyes that I wanted to cry from his pain. “Is that what will happen to Sabrina now?” I asked.

Vulcan nodded. “And Grace before her. Long ago, while I was still married to that bitch Venus, Jupiter brought an 18-year-old virgin up for Ares. Grace was everything I wanted at the time in a woman. She was sweet, gentle in spirit, beautiful, and with a soft voice that took away all the ugliness in my life caused by Venus’s hateful words. Even after all the cruelty she suffered being the slave of Ares, she stayed as innocent and loving as when she had been a mortal on earth.”

“What happened to her?” I realized this was upsetting Vulcan to talk about Grace, but I had to know.

“After seeing my growing love for Grace, Ares conspired with our father to send me away on a trip to search for iron so I could make more battle gear for the newly arriving gods. It took me over a month, but I returned triumphant with enough ore for a thousand swords and shields. When I entered my home, I discovered Venus had left me for Ares and was now carrying his child inside her sluttish belly.”

“I’m sorry, Vulcan. That must have hurt.” Sabrina told me of his wife’s betrayal weeks ago, but not all the facts.

“That I didn’t mind since she and I never got along. It was what Ares did to Grace that started our long-standing feud. The day after I left on my journey, he had removed his chain and sent her back to the women’s quarters. He also spread the threat that he would kill or at least mutilate any other male who attempted to enslave her. A fortnight later, while I was still miles away and unable to know what was happening, she descended to the forbidden area below, there to age.”

Vulcan brushed my cheek with his warm lips, but I realized he was still somewhere in his past. “When I saw Grace for the first time after I got back home, I knew I’d never stop loving her, but that I’d lost her forever. Over time, my loss gradually became less painful, and we continued to be friends until that day she died.”

Unable to help myself, I started crying. This wasn’t because of Grace or even for Sabrina. My frightened tears were for myself, and what lay ahead of me. I didn’t understand what had kept Ares and even the powerful Jupiter from attacking me now that I no longer wore Vulcan’s chain.

* * *

To be continued in next segment.
 Seraglio of the Gods - Segment 11  (XGC)
Chapters 51 through 55.
#1319515 by J. A. Buxton

© Copyright 2007 J. A. Buxton (judity at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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