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Rated: E · Essay · Philosophy · #1318913
I am writing about complete emancipation. I will be talking about perception and the soul.
What we want, is to act in such a way that we get better, smarter, fitter, and live longer and healthier lives.
If you pay close attention and have respect for the very general nature of this truth, then you will begin to understand what the problem is and how to get free.
Truth is general because general concepts are comprehensive, and deal with the whole and not with fragmented parts. We want to consider the whole picture, not a square of paint in the left hand corner. Unless we tackle the whole, we cannot see or solve any problem.
Truth is also vital. Truth is concerned with the necessary, the essential. If its not essential its not worth knowing and not worth writing about. If you see a author with three 300 page books on relationships, you immediately smell a stink because the truth would not require so many pages; he's writing a lot of bullshit so he can keep making money. If he actually told you the full truth in the first book, he would have nothing left to say and would have to plant a garden. To actually help people you have to give without getting a reward. Look at Jesus: no book at all.
The psychologist or psychiatrist will try to solve your problem in a sophisticated way using powerful techniques that work, but do not solve the whole problem of living. Its the same with religions, and self help and new age solutions, in fact its the same with the whole spectrum of this type.
The basic thing they do is ignore any talk about a righteous work-sex union. The first general truth is: life is about work and sex and how their combined. So any freedom to be gained has to tackle the issue of work-sex combination. The fact the issue is ignored is evidence of the ignorance of the world's peoples.
The next general truth is that we divide our attention between the precision and power of any act we do. Have you ever noticed that? If you have not it means your taking this aspect of your life for granted.
But its just pure logic: if I use too much power the spoon cuts my lip or breaks my teeth, if I ignore precision placement the food might end up my nose, if I ignore precision timing I might try to feed myself with the mouth closed. If I use too little power it might take a month of Sundays for the food to reach my mouth.
Every single act requires just those two, and in a ratio to be effective according to the task performed.
The attention thus decides what ratio of precision-power will be used in any act to be done. Obviously, were talking about sex too -- it might be that high precision in sex is slight touch -- -- it being better to maintain arousal with as little effort as possible -- yes or no? If you say no its because you worship power and have little interest or time for precision. You value excitement at the expense of control.
However, if you tried an experiment with precision for long enough, you might find out such interesting things like ejaculation is not necessary for enjoyment of sex.
Yes its an odd truth that we find out all kinds of things about life we never find out if we worship power.
This really already is the third general truth: that we worship either precision or we worship power in order to deal with life and survive. Surprise surprise: there are no atheists. Atheists are people who do not realise they are religious, because they do not realise their worshiping power. In fact almost all people are ignorant of the fact they are worshiping power -- it just comes so naturally, or is just so taken fpr granted, its ignored or not recognised for what it is. Sigmund Freud isolated it and called it the' Id' for him the worship of power was defined as the Id. L. Ron Hubbard created Scientology and called the worship of power 'The Reactive Mind'.
We worship because we have to be passionate about what we do or we do not survive. Since we only have precision or power to choose from, we can only get passionate about the application of either one in everyday living.
Pay careful attention -- not powerful atention -- and I will do my best to describe the two souls possible from the two ways of worshiping.
What is the soul, or 'a' soul? It is our method of organizing all our acts together so that they form some sort of coherent whole. We prioritize, we must value some acts more than others, or we fail to put food on the table, or sexually please the wife.
As an example, the precision of a geometrical plane figure is its shape and the power of the plane figure is its area -- the form of action or pattern, and the power or passion put into the action. So a rectangle 2 by root 3, a equilateral triangle of the same height, and a square and a circle of the same height -- there are only two ways to place them in order from least to greatest. (You could say well are there not three ways, since each figure has a perimeter?  The perception does not take perimeter length into account. You might say the perimeter interface is what the attention is drawn to, and then the perimeter length is noted to have shape and size.) The point is, the shape order is totally different from the power order: triangle rectangle square circle; versus, rectangle square circle triangle. Thus we can say the triangle is most important to a precision worshiper and of least importance to a power worshiper. And both these people have two entirely separate ways of perceiving the world. Its true to say, their living in separate realities: separate values, separate thoughts, separate feelings, separate priorities, and entirely different ways of doing things -- we just saw the example that a precision worshiper hates ejaculation and orgasm whereas the power worshiper loves it.
I can take this geometrical analogy further and actually describe the cross-section of the precision-worshipers soul and the geometrical cross-section of the power-worshipers soul.
You discover a lot of things if you worship precision, and one of those things is that the soul is manifested as a ball of light where we store our personal energy. Energy is an invisible colored cloud of vibrating light that associates with any act we do, a different color a different act. We can store this energy and stay young or throw it away and get old. The ball of light is centered around the head -- and that is why you get medieval portraits of saints with halos depicted around their heads.

This subject is complete emancipation. The short answer is that if you repeat a precise act for long enough one thing will lead to another and you will realise your full potential in a miracle moment --- and that, in brief, is complete emancipation.

Plenty of people do precise acts and do not get free as described -- why? The only reason is their obsessed with power and so their heading to wards power in intent and so are not heading in the opposite direction of maximizing precision. Their not intending to get to maximized precision so of course they never get there.
A perfect example is Pete Sampras who won about 11 major titles and could serve precisely into the corners of the service court -- he never reached his full miracle potential because he was obsessed with winning, and that's the same as an obsession with power: the power to defeat an opponent. A person has to let go and "die" or they will never fully win: Jesus demonstrating this truth boldly.

Not all women are ready for sex, so precision in sex will only work if she is a Wall -- Song of Solomon 8:9. A Door becomes a Wall after 7 or more years: however long it takes the couple to finish work with miracles.

About the soul diagrams:
sine 9,18,27....90 gives the interfaces of the cross-section of the true soul of precision worship -- holy spirit worship: which is SHAPE of the rings.
the sine of the inverse tangent of counting numbers and their reciprocals gives the cross-section of the false soul, the soul due to power worship: area-size worship.
-- remebering a soul is a way of organizing or otherwise throwing together the acts of your life into a coherent whole. Each ring represnts an act. Obviously we would have more than ten acts in a whole life, which would be maybe 100,000 rings or more, but the ten rings illustrates the soul more clearly.

Analysis says the worship of precision creates a harmonious whole where every act is related to every other act, and where one act leads to another of increasing precision -- which is movement from within the soul to the edge ring, at which edge we do a miracle. This is soul surfing, and the wave is the grace of God and our faith is faith in precision. This person lives to 500 years of youth EASILY, and up to 900 is possible -- Genesis 5. This person is only seeking a miracle moment, not comfort or excitement and it is not a procedure nor a contest. This person is a true warrior seeking freedom, seeking to be the very best they can be. This person never gets tired.

By contrast the shape of the rings of the second soul are next to each other but unrelated to each other, meaning one act does not logically flow into the next act but rather the person just moves toward an act of great power through acts of little power. Its just a forced relation of acts and not a true soul.
This person is not really in the present moment because unconcerned with the form of any act and just concerned about getting to the powerful act. Like a business man with no time for small talk, and intent on getting to the big talk of the important business meeting.
Since form is unimportant to them, they construct a faulty vessel that does not store energy but dissipates it: consequently they get old fast. The faulty soul as good as a stab would constantly leaking blood.
The person of this life is addicted to contests or procedures, and they seek excitement or comfort till it kills them. Their going now-where, their treading water not surfing; eventually they get tired and drown.
They do worship God: the god of infinite power. But they fail to see God IS omnipotent, but IS NOT imprecise nor blind -- they fail to see their worship of gross-power makes them both imprecise AND blind. This is no metaphor, the worship of power distorts the sense-perception. Its like their trying to force their senses to see what is not there.
They do this because they worship highly intense and repetitive action; and so everything they see must be identical or similar at least in nature even if its not.
For example the Table of Elements is really a straight-line set of elements and not a box-table with periods or elements having properties in common. They have nothing in common! But to see this you need the precise holy spirit.
'The word of God is quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and is discerning of the thoughts and intents of the heart.'
A similar error occurs in music, where we think we hear simularities in notes of the same frequency-power. There are no two identical doh's or fah's! Were trying to force our ears to hear them as identical. We do this because our power-worshiping soul tends to disregard pitch in preference for focus on loudness.
Anyone who tunes a Guitar is a liar, because he is not using his ears but is either feeling the vbrations of the two dissimilar notes with his hands or is seeing the vibrations with his eyes. Sure they both vibrate sympathetically, but that does not necessarily mean the pitch is identical! Prove it, blindfold and man and do not let him touch the Guitar -- I'd be amazed if his ears alone could tune the Guitar.
If he can he has forced himself to pretend the two dissimilar pitches are identical after years of practice, and is not really hearing the notes distinctly and precisely. In effect, such a man is making himself go deaf.
The worship of gross-power in work and sex is responsible for all illnesses and diseases and accidents, and all such defects passed on to children.
So worship precision and find complete emancipation.
Your servant, The stump of jesse. Romans 15:8-13, Isaiah 1:10.

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