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Rated: E · Short Story · Experience · #1318210
An inner journey of discovery to an extraordinary world of knowledge and wisdom.
This is the final part of a 4 short stories, relating my experience with theta meditation and quantum healing.

The following week, we did a meditation to actually activate the modified DNA strands by adding a final strand which bound them all together. Norman was reluctant at first to do it, even though that was what was planned. We insisted since we were still feeling too spacey, we felt that if it was activated then we would be able to ground properly.

The class was fun and we were much more relaxed because now we knew each other better and felt much more comfortable together. We had the giggles and were like a bunch of school kids. This time we challenged Norman on some of the more controversial ideas that he was teaching about. It was good natured and we went into Theta level much faster and deeper than we had before.

The Crystal Chamber

We had been instructed to go into our bodies and find our hearts. From there we had to look for a door or a hole that would allow us to enter and once we got inside, we were to let our hearts take us to any peaceful and safe place.

Extract from journal

In this meditation, I find myself in a crystal “learning” centre. I had started off in a beautiful valley / glade (it is neither one nor the other) There is a great white wall of water pouring into the valley and there is a carpet of green grass as far as the eye could see. It is peaceful and serene. The birds are singing and the sky is a wonderful cerulean blue.

I start to see big oval forms of coloured light. I know that these are “beings of light” but they are also “thought forms”. I know this and I also know that they are kind and gentle.
I am looking out ahead towards the horizon and I say take me from here to where I need to go. I am “taken” through our skies and our galaxy and arrive in the “learning” place.

It is a huge crystal chamber made from amethyst. On the left, there are giant honey combs, which I also immediately know are not for insects. This is where all knowledge is gathered and stored. The concept of size is irrelevant except to say that I know the place is gigantesque but at the same time it isn’t. Size as we define it, is not the same in the learning chamber – the measurement does not exist in our human language.

On the right is an object that I simply cannot describe, neither its form, colour nor size. I do know that it generates sound and colour and this is how the beings of this world are taught, through sound and colour. At the time I did not realize it but as I wrote this mediation in my journal, I understood that I was in Melchizdeks chambers.

- End of Extract -

Today as I write again, I know that this is also a healing chamber. The room is vast and I have been back there to be taught in my dreams. I have a sense of quiet reverence every time I see these chambers.

However for the longest of times, I thought I really had made the whole thing up due to the fact that I had read something about crystal chambers that week and that the name Melchizdek had been mentioned for the first time to me that week too.

I remember coming out of the meditation feeling confused, especially since I had told Norman that I had been having several experiences of deja-vu and that I had even felt that I had already done the workshop before. He smiled and said nothing but I was shocked, when the next part of the workshop talked about Melchizidek and some of his teachings. It was an eerie and uncomfortable situation because now, I really was moving into realms of the unknown that I had believed could only be reached after many years of deep meditation in silent retreat in some monastery or if you were someone special who was born that way or even worse, what some people called freaks.

It was not a nice feeling at all. I think what bothered me the most was seeing things with my own eyes, experiencing them and knowing exactly what I was seeing and then being unable to relate them to anyone else because the information came from “out of this world”..freaky!! My quiet acceptance had disappeared and my rational mind was telling me that I had to be crazy if I thought anyone would believe me.

When I came out of the meditation, I did not fully share all that I had seen. The rest of the group was also very quiet and subdued. I know that one person did not enjoy what they saw at all and preferred to say, they saw nothing. It was a strange and uncomfortable session.

DNA Activation

For this, we again started off in our hearts back in our safe place. We went into the pineal gland again and added the final strand which would activate all of the others. There were a lot of fireworks going off and streams of light pouring into every cell in my body but after the first two experiences, this had now become “normal”. (How fast we become blasé about something!)

We were brought back out and now we were instructed to draw energy from Mother Earth and Father Sky and then send it out again in to the world to heal humanity, the earth and the Universe.

I did that and sat waiting for the energy to come back to me and as I did, I asked to be taken to the ocean. I had traveled out but now I was brought back into the room. I mentally “stomped” both feet on the ground, which created a rippling wave of concentric earth-red circles from where we were all sitting out of Norman house. As I watched, I could see particles of dust and small stones riding the crest of each circle, bouncing and rolling on top of them. The circles spread out around his house, then Johannesburg, then then Africa, far around the world. It was smooth ripples of energy, which rose and covered the whole world. The red gave it a warm, loving feeling.

It gave comfort and touched all the creatures and things on Earth and just made everyone feel good. Then there was another wave of colour. This time it was green, which gave off a sense of peace and healed many things that it touched but not all was healed.

The next wave was pink, filled with love and joy. Each wave emanated from my feet to reach the world on Mawu’s request and by this time, my feet were burning as were my legs.

The next wave was pure white but before it went out to the world, the white energy first traveled anti-clockwise in a circle through the whole group and then it traveled out and around the rest of the globe like the other waves had.

The meditation ended and one person in the group told me that I had been giving off intense heat. Another person said she saw that I had become bright orange and most of the colour was coming from my feet and my legs. Those who were holding my hands had both felt the heat and the whole group had felt the white energy when it went around the group. We felt much better than we had at the end of the previous meditation.

What it all means to me now

Although I returned to the last two workshops, something had changed for all of us and we did not enjoy them as much. We spent much of that time questioning what we were being taught because at that time, we were not ready to go to the next levels of Norman’s teachings.

The DNA activation needed some time for us to integrate into our systems and the theory’s that were being taught were now much to much for us to process. At that time, I again thought that Norman had had the intention of brainwashing us into some made cult and that he was in fact crazy!

I now know that I was not capable of absorbing any more new and wild concepts at that time. I have since discovered some extraordinary concepts myself and I am now able to “travel” more or less at will to places where I have gained knowledge, wisdom and understanding of the things that I have no other way of knowing, which I cannot as yet put into words.

The Theta Meditation / Quantum Healing workshops, opened up access to worlds far beyond my imagination and taught me to believe the impossible.

I have continued to explore other areas of spiritual awareness and have finally truly begun to understand that we are all and nothing; that all that we learn will lead us to that magnificent Source, the Creator of all that is.

Whether we choose to get there through prayer, meditation, physics or metaphysics, whether we believe in angels or Buddha or simply ourselves and whether we choose to call it God, Allah, Mother/Father God, it truly has no importance since at the end of the day, each of those choices will lead us to that brilliant, wonderful Source of unconditional love and the power to intentionally create All That Is!  All it takes is to actually open up to all that life offers you.

I understand much more than I did then because in a way it was just a game I was playing and I did not really believe some of the experiences I had. I have since learned to trust what I “see” it does not matter if it is conform to what conventional society believes. These words are written solely to share my experience. They are not there to convince anyone of anything. We all have our own paths to walk and on that path we all experience and learn in our own manner, since we all perceive things in different ways.

These words were written so that those who have consciously decided to embrace the Light may do so without doubting at any moment that what they are experiencing is real and to trust in the fact there is always more to life, than what one initially believes.

Find your own truth and walk in the light.

In love, light and laughter be blessed.

Oh and by the way, I do not live as a recluse in a retreat. I am simply me, a mother of 3 children, experiencing an ordinary life in an extraordinary way.
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