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Rated: E · Short Story · Emotional · #1317386
A longer version of "In the News" Modified for a contest.
(Center)News, Phone Calls, and Drivers
© D. Cavanaugh(/Center)

I watched the news today, switching from channel to channel it was all the same. Airport security increased, everyone is pleased. Everyone is annoyed by the delays. Is there any other way?

Someone was shot, gunned down in the streets near their homes. The neighbors are furious, they want the killers caught.

The victims were good people, someone everybody loved. I didn’t even know them, not the one in the city or the one in upstate. “It must have been racial the family believes, why else would they take such a good person away.

There were two stores robbed, one at gun-point, and another with a knife. No one was hurt. The thieves got away. No one can identify the perpetrators for sure, even though there were several witnesses.

The video cameras are just a deterrent. There was no film was ever caught of the criminals in the act.

An actor from yesteryear has died. He was famous in his right and had won many awards. Today the news will end with a tribute to him. Movies I’ve never scene, actors I do not know mourn the loss of a close friend. I shrug.

A fight broke out in the streets amongst neighbors, not friends. Perhaps one or two were placed under arrest, the others warned to stay away. I guess there will be no borrowing sugar from your neighbor today.

The cops made an arrest in the Serial killings in nearby Pennsylvania. It was a long tedious investigation that led them to the arrest of a 5’11” Black male, who had only been released from prison one year ago.

Just a month before the killings began.

The commentators ask why such a violent criminal had been released back into society. Perhaps he had only committed armed robbery prior to this, but “The justice system should have known better”.

Finally after an hour of news I make the phone call I have been avoiding, to find out where my order is.

I press #1 for English and then listen to several more prompts and select # 6 for customers checking the status of an order. My ID number is requested, I type it in.

“Invalid entry, press 1 to return to the main menu”. I try again and get the same result. I think well maybe I’ll skip this part.

I press zero for the operator. “Please hold your estimated wait time is less than one minute”. A sigh a bit of relief, finally I will speak to someone. After five minutes an operator picks up. “Hello this is Denise can I have your patient ID number please?”

“I’m not sure of it right now, my name is Damien Cantwait”

Denise politely asks, “Could I have your home phone number please?” I give it to her.

“Is this Damien Cantwait, I am speaking with?” I sigh a bit frustrated, “Yes”.

“Can you verify your mailing address?” I do as asked. “Your mother’s maiden name please?” Again I comply.”Great! Mr. Cantwait what is it that I can do for you today?”

“I’m calling to check the status on the wheelchair that was ordered for me?”

Well, that would be our Medical Supply department, please hold?” Click…….. I wonder if the Please hold is a question you ever get to answer. What happens if you say no? It doesn’t really matter they never give you time to say no, or yes for that matter.

I glance at my watch. Another two minutes of music I can’t identify and finally a voice answers.

“Good Morning, this is Michael, Can I have your Patient ID number please”.

“I don’t have it. My name is Damien Cantwait and my address is 123 Forest Wood road. Mount Hope, New York,  I am calling to check on the status of a wheelchair that was ordered for me.”

“Ok, Mr. Cantwait, please hold while I pull up your information.” There is a long pause, then he says, “We are waiting from payment authorization from your insurance company. Is there anything else I can help you with?”

Holding my breath, “I spoke with my insurance adjuster Friday and everything was all verified and apparently sent to you then.”

“Well, it looks to me like it is unclear as to the actual cost covered, there is a slight discrepancy on the exact amount.” Michael says in uncertainty.

“Have you called the adjuster back and clarified this?”  I asked since I did not know this was an issue I could not have called.

“Well, there doesn’t seem to be any notes on there that anyone called here to correct the matter?”

“Michael I’m just curious, if my adjuster thought it was correct and I knew nothing about it why would anyone call to correct the matter?”

“Well Mr. Cantwait I’m telling you now. You are asking?”

“I understand that Michael, but I am the patient who has been waiting for two months, Why did you not call the adjuster back to clarify the matter?”

“Could you hold please I’ll get my supervisor?”

After two more minutes, “This is Miss Anton. Mr. Cartwright?’

“That is Mr. Cantwait.”

“Fine, Mr. Cantwait, Michael tells me you are having a problem with your insurance adjuster?” I sit shaking my head wondering if anything I am saying even makes sense.

“No, Miss Anton, apparently my adjuster submitted the authorization, but Michael said there was a slight discrepancy on the amount.”

“Yes, that is correct and we need them to clear the matter up before we can order the wheelchair.”

I can understand that, Miss Anton. However, if you call the adjuster and make her aware of the discrepancy she could probably clear it up immediately, don’t you agree.”

“I do, but that is not our normal procedure Mr. Cantwait.”

“Well, why would the adjuster call you to clear a matter up, if she is unaware of a discrepancy?” I asked trying to stay calm.

She hesitates as I hears some papers ruffling. “I have her contact number here. Would you like the number Mr. Cantwait?”

“No Miss Anton, I have her number, what I would like is for you to call her and ask her to clear up the matter so I can get the wheelchair before Christmas.”

“There is no need for that tone Mr. Cantwait. I don’t think sarcasm is a very professional way to speak to me.”

“I’m sorry if you feel I am being sarcastic, but the wheelchair was ordered in April and it is now September.  Christmas is not all that far off.  When I originally ordered this I was told by your company I would have this in a few weeks.”

“Fine Mr. Cantwait I’ll call and leave a message for your adjuster to call me and we will see if we can get this straightened out in the next week.”

Tired of arguing the fact that I wanted an answer today, I agree and hang up. Clenching the hair on my head as if to pull it out and holding back a scream that would send the neighbors running.

I relax, breathe deeply for a few minutes and decide that I need to get out of the house for a while.

I leave my house. I have shopping to do today, not much more. As I drive to the stores and near the malls cars swerve in and out of lanes. Some signal some don’t, but who am I to judge.

I can’t curse or swear for fear they may shoot. Road rage has taken over my thoughts of obeying the laws. No rationing with others like years ago, you keep your mouth shut and on you go.

I recall watching the news earlier as I make my way to my destination. I realize that I must remain silent about the driving who seem to ignore all laws.

Why? If your opinion is voiced and your anger displayed you may be tomorrow’s news from today.
© Copyright 2007 D. Cavanaugh (opannod at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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