Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1317371-Bad-Karma---Good-for-you
Rated: 18+ · Other · Family · #1317371
Now you know how it feels like being abandoned.
Accidentally, I spotted you at the Shoemart hand in hand with a girl. You were both looking for something to buy around the men's section. I don't know why you were scanning items that were obviously for men. When after a few more rounds you gave up looking for I don't know exactly what. You went out of the mall and I still tagged you both, wondering where you two would be going. I realized after a few meters away from the establishment, you checked into a small hotel. My knowledge about your philandering confirmed that this someone you're with is the one who wrecked  your family and a lesbian at that. And brought my father to the point of giving up life.

How I wish my Nanay was still alive, for her to see the Karma that is coming to my father's second family. We were abandoned! Grew up and sustained life through hardships. Nobody cared whether we ate three times a day or not. Now that we all survived the consequences of my father's abandonment and had moved on with our lives, we, six children are  witnesses to the Karma our father is experiencing - being abandoned himself by his second family. Now that he's old and all, with colon cancer to account as his share of the hardships that his turning away had given our young life back then. Even his children to his second family never took care of him in the hospital. He's got no penny to his name. In his prime, he worked to the bones to support the whims of his second family, to the starvation of his original children. We struggled our way to school and finished through our own efforts. My father never did see any of our sufferings because he is happy with his second family. For 20 years, my mother did her best to support us all. Did everything she could to move on with her life taking care of us without support from our father.

Now the time has come for my father to experience the same - abandoned! Callousness and bitterness grew with us. We became hardened to the point that we feel nothing towards our father's predicament. All we know is that he is extremely trying to amend his life yet too late and too short as he has now  few more years to live.He tried to make up with us but we never gave him the benefit. He is not a family anymore. He should be where all his prime years and money were spent. He knows where he should belong - and its not to us! He belongs to the person who had taken all what is ours 20 years ago- the good-for-nothing bitch!
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