Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1316345-Mary-Marvel-and-the-amalgalem-killer
by jungle
Rated: 18+ · Other · Detective · #1316345
Mary Baston meets her worst case.
Chapter 1
To view your family die in flames, to watch your home burn, and to have the power to stop it all but to not. That Mary is what being in the company of 'god's' is all about.-Black Adam three months before fawcett is burnt to cinders

Mary set behind her desk drinking her fourth beer with an intent look upon her face. Before her is the pictures to the latest case given to her by Detective Bishop. Mary took the time to imagine her and bishop doing things that would have made the old Mary blush. Ever since she had gone insane and killed her childhood idol she had found herself going down an ever slippery slope. The only piece of Mary the innocent she had left was a photo of her and billy. She had fallen of the swing and billy had helped her back up and told her that the only thing's in life to fear were the things that drive one to fear. Mary had sworn she would fly, and again thanks to billy she had done so and much more. "God, she moaned throwing the beer at the wall," Billy where are you?"

Hal walked in and looked at the busted glass, "Well it's good to see you took my advice on giving up alchohol as a crutch." "Oh shut up." "Mary, I wasn't just sent to watch you and assist on your journey, I'm here to advise you." "No, Hal look at the photo." Hal Jordan looked at the fory-five year old Joey the Fish who was grinning from ear to ear. On the wall were the words GEX in the victms blood. Mary knew it probably was some sick joke that only made sense to the person who committed this crime. "Joker gas!" shouted Hal who was already becoming the specter. Mary grabbed his arm and shook her head, "It couldn't have been him, he's still in Arkham." "So let's go down to Arkahm and ask him."

Mary grabbed a baseball cap and swung out the door, "I'm going to check it out on my own Hal, grab jimmy and get to gotham and see if Harley Quinn is still there."

Mary transformed into her marvel form and flew to Arkham taking great care not to be seen. Mary Baston steped into the dank cells of Arkham, going to see one of the greatest evils she had ever seen

"Mary, Mary quite contrary how did your body grow?" The joker sang this song with a malicious grin. (See the interactive story giantess superheroines for the backstory) "Well you know you usually have to give a girl somethin' to get some." Mary said this rubing the glass in a motion making a large J with her breath.

The joker started to laugh uncontrollably and said "Well bad girls get gifts, I take it your here about the joker gas." "I am." Well I hate to disappoint my muse but I didn't loose the gas on Joey the fish." "But you think you know who did?" Mary said with her back against the wall with her leather jacket at her knees. "Mary remeber our deal." Mary sighed and handed him the brown envelope and just stood there waiting for it...."but were will we find the CHEESE HAHAHAHAHAHA!" "Okay, said the joker with a manical look of glee, what would someone have to gain by impersonating my gimmicks." "I've explored...." "NO, Mary listen you've only worked it out from a logical point of view. Think like your insane, you've been there, it's how you caught me." "Mary, someone impersonates someone because they wish to somehow make a point with there methods."

Mary's eyes brightened considerably, and then she felt a slow smile. "A copycat, someone who wants to use your style as a homage." The joker frowned a little, "That's a conclusion." "It's enought." Mary started to walk away from the cell as he began to screem about using her own insanity as leaping off point.

Chapter 2
"All it takes is one really bad day, that's all." "One bad day to seperate the nutters and the sane people." The Joker on the insane (The Killing Joke by Alan Moore)

Mary stood on the roof to at night with Hal Jordan as the rain poured down on top of them. "When did the last murder occur?" "While we where with harliquinade Mary."

"Damn," Mary said crushing her fist through a wall. "Well how many other Joker impersonators are there?"

"Mary, it's not that simple." Hal said with a sorry all but unspoken. "Oh! well was someone seen at the crime?"

"Come and I'll show you." Hal said as Mary Marvel turned back into Mary Baston and walked her up to a room that was covered in green plants. "I didn't think Pete the fin was a horticulturist." Mary said wryly while examining the mass of plants. "He isn't, said Hal grinning at the joke, "He was killed by these plants." "Poisin Ivy?" asked the still chuckling Mary poking the vines gently. "I'm afriad she's also in Arkham." Hal said giving Mary the file. "What about Jimmy?" Mary asked standing up and wiping her now slimy hand on the dead Pete's shirt. "He's looking but Ivy's plants are like her children, she wouldn't just hand them over to anyone." "Looks like my friend and I have another session in the making." Said Mary sourly. On the wall was the letters GEX in the victms blood. "It looks like our killer's are the same." she said with a look of confusion

"Well hello Mary Baston, smiled the Joker, "Since your back I take it you didn't take my advice and look into your own madness." "Joker we had a deal, Mary said with anger clear in her voice. "Either give me what you think or I can leave and be no worse of then before. "Tsk Tsk, Mary, I excpect more of you fine." The joker sat up and walked toward the glass staring up at the terrifyngly tall mary. "We will go quid pro quo." Mary just crossed her arms and laughed. "Isn't it a little corny for you to do Hannibal Lector?" "Mary if you want my help you will shut up and listen

"Now when you decided to kill all these people you weren't thinking from the perspective of evil." The joker smiled, "I Mary, am one of few people who sleep soundly at night." "This killer in his mind thinks he is doing what's right." "It's all over is killing style." What style, asked the expectant Mary. "Look at the man he's killed and how he's killing them." "Well he's.... " "Exactly Mary, he's killing mobsters who support the supervillian community." "He's killing them with the powers of supervillians." The joker laid out 24 case files, the number of supervillians in Arkham at the time, out on the table in front of Mary. "He's killing them with the abillities that resemble those possessed by the Super criminally insane." "But why!" shouted Mary looking on with a hand running through her hair.
"That my dear, is for another time." "WHAT!" she shouted with a bewildered look. "I haven't gotten to entertain a crowd in forever Mary, said the joker, "If you want more you're going to have to let me preform in front of a live audience, once a month if you please!"

Chapter 3

"We wear the costumes for the kids. We can lift mountains, bend steal and beat speeding bullets. But it's all about the kids. If I wear a big red suit with a lightning bolt on my chest and look like a goof it's all right." All because It might cause some kid to believe in hope!" Captian Marvel on Mary's new outfit two months before fawcett's destruction.

Mary stood in the back of a seedy dive with her hands across her lightining shaped shirt and thought about the events that led to her being in this spot.

"Unacceptable" said Gilbert Exeter, the head shrink at Arkham Asylum. "The joker's psychosis would only be worsened by implying that his antics are amusing." "This could in fact be drawn as tacit approval." Mary put her hands on the table and said "I have already secured Mary Marvel to guard him, he won't escape." "I'm not concerned with escape." "He's making remarkable progress which will be shattered by this." "Doc," Mary blew air out into his face with an expression of frustration, "I need his cooperation, I can't not have it!" "Well this is exactly what I'm talking about." "You people allow the Joker and the others outlets for their extreme psychosis." Mary felt her eye's narrow but then shrugged it off and just barreled through "Please doc..." "Alright fine then, be it on your hands." Mary nodded walking out into the hall.

The joker with a last rubber chicken pie joke exited the stage to a rather stunned room. "Well Mary, my dear how did you like my preformance." Mary just gritted her teeth and said "Joker I kept my end, now I want the information."

"Tsk Tsk, you know that I don't like it when you talk to me like that, we'll have to fix that attitude of your's someday." "SPILL IT!" she shouted slamming him into a wall.
"Well if you insist, he said, "Our killer is killing with the powers of other specifically those who reside in Arkham Asylum, He does not like criminals. He is targeting the networks of supervillian underlings with their powers. He does not however attack the supervillians themselves. He has shown a remarkable knowledge of all these things..."

"Oh my God!" Mary said with a hand covering her mouth. "He works at Arkham Asylum."

Exactly, now then I must be..." The joker began to walk away as mary picked him up and flew him back to Arkham already beginning to think about going through their personnal files.

Chapter 4
"Evil isn't always a as clear cut. Is it really a bad thing to kill a killer. To kill a rapist? Why do I have to wear a damn hand cuff into battle." Mary Marvel a month before fawcett's destruction

Mary Baston, Hal Jordan, and Jimmy Olsen sat there with files spread out on the floor.

"I still don't know how I missed it." Mary said with a beer in her hand as she examined Gilbert Exeter's file for the fifth time. "The man who has been the head psychologist at Arkham for ten years. He has the access and the motive. I just can't figure out how he's doing it." Jimmy looked at mary and said "Well maybe he isn't just using the prisoners in Arkham currently but over the years." Mary and Hal looked at him and without another word they ran out the door racing to the Asylum Mary called Bishop and laid out what had happened

"Gilber Exeter's father was a mob boss, real scum of the earth too. He was however from all reports a good father. His father was one of the first mob bosses to be taken out by the new supervillans. He dedicated himself to rehabillitating these supervillans so that they wouldn't be able to hurt anyone else. Where Gilbert finally lost it was five years ago. His sister was killed by a pair of mobsters who were trying to provoke Harvey dent's two face persona. He believes that without mobsters that support these peoples Psychosis they would not be nearly as dangerous or violent as they currently are."

"But how is he using their powers Mary?" Bishop asked loading his gun with a loud 'click'

"Thats what is so amazing. He seems to use a modefied form of the Mad hatters cards. The only diference is that instead of controling them he channels their powers into him. The only thing we can't understand is who modefied this technology." "Alright Mary we'll be there in an hour, don't do anything stupid."

Mary just shook her head and motioned for Hal to join her as jimmy kept the van running.

"Hal I think we should change." Mary said with a smile. "I was just having the same thought mary." said Hal. Together the soared off to confront the mad amalgalem killer.

Chapter 5
"It's not about the powers, mary." "It's about what you do with them." You are not black Adam." "Your my sister and I love you." "Be true to yourself Mary" Billy Baston in a letter with the picture of them in the swing.

Mary walked into what looked like a large food room as Hal came in through the other door. "We know your here Gilbert." "It's okay you don't need to be afraid. You just need help." Gilbert slammed into from the side except he was wearing a mask that looked like that of an ancient demon. He was wearing a black magician robe. "the names Gex Bitch!" he said throwing some powder into her face. "Scarecrow poisin, she shouted in horror."Superman how...." And Mary was flying into a wall having just been punched by the imaginary superman the dust conjured.

"MARY, Hal shouted running toward her as he was got by a plant that held him fast in it's grip. "Mary it's not real, superman is dead this isn't real."

"I know, She said wiping tears from her eyes as she stood her uniform torn down one shoulder and dirt on her black uniform. "But Gex might be soon!" Gex took this in stride as he raised a freeze gun and fired it as he fired firefly's flamethrower at the same time. Mary took the blasts head on and with a single determination she advanced until she was close enough to grab the guns from Gex's hands and throw him into the wall. "You killed 40 people." she yelled at him as she advanced looking like an accusing ghost of death. "And you killed millions Mary, he shouted, so tell me Mary what makes you different from me." Mary growled and lifted him up. "This." and she threw him into a cell and closed the door crushing the mad hatter hat into pieces. Gex took off the demon mask and grinned, "You are no different then me Mary Marvel. You'll be in here like me someday." "Maybe" Mary said and then walked off without looking back at the indignant Gex.

Mary walked with Hal past the jokers cell and noted that he wasn't there. Mary layed Hal on the wall and ran in to see a guard on the floor with a smile and a note

"I hope you enjoyed r work together my dear but as you solved the case I found myself losing intrest with this place. Good luck and I hope you survive Mr. Gilbert Exeter. P.S. C U soon love Mr. J."

Mary who was shaking visibly looking at the dozen or so corpses on the ground grabbed Hal and walked swiftly out of the building."


"You failed."

"No, please, I know I can defeat her."

No." said the dark figure as she held up a hand and took the card from the table. "Not only did you fail but now Joker is out and about and causing trouble for my plans."

The dark figure reached out and put a small mechanical object behind Gex's brain frying him and turned around as he began to sputter incoherently.


Jimmy Olsen was staring at pictures of Mary Baston turning into Mary Marvel with shock and rage on his face.
© Copyright 2007 jungle (superdude6666 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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