Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1315168-Seraglio-of-the-Gods---Segment-08
Rated: XGC · Chapter · Erotica · #1315168
Chapters 36 through 40.
Chapter 36

Ares swung me around and bent me backwards over the bench. This arched my back and brought my breasts close to his hands. With his hips pushed hard against my body pinning me against the bench, this left his hands free. I cried out in pain as he used them to savagely crush my breasts.

“I don’t know why he threw you away, but his loss is my gain.” He moved one hand up to my long hair and tangled his fingers in it. “Hold still, slut.” He brought his mouth close to my face, preparing to attack my mouth with his. As he whispered exactly how much he was going to enjoy another of Vulcan’s castoff women, I gathered saliva in my mouth and spit directly at him.

“That, whore, was a mistake.” With those angry words, Ares reached into a hidden area of his clothing and brought out a golden chain. It was similar to the one Vulcan had recently removed. There was a dark aura surrounding it, however, which had been missing from the other one. “You will regret that, and your punishments as my slave will be severe.”

He swung around when we heard a voice cry out, “Don’t do that. Let her go.” The elderly Grace had come into the forge and was pulling on Ares’ arm. She was trying to keep the chain in his hand away from my body, begging him to release me. With a vicious backhand blow, Ares struck Grace, causing her to fly back and crash into the iron forge behind us. Over his shoulder, I watched her fight for consciousness, but lose the battle to sink onto the floor. Blood started leaking out of her mouth, and I realized she had suffered some internal injury.

“Now,” said Ares, very softly and with an edge of fury in his voice, “no more interruptions.” He wrapped the chain around my body as I tried to break free from his cruel grasp. The click of the end links coming together was loud in the room, and against my will I stopped struggling. “Are you ready to obey me?” I tried to shake my head, but the weight of the chain increased the longer Ares waited for my answer.

“Sabrina was getting too insistent on becoming a mother and having my child.” Ares finally was able to see his chain was starting to force me into submission. “I think I’m going to give you the honor instead.” Tears started down my face when I watched him remove his loincloth and toss it on the floor. The weight of the chain increased even more and forced me down on my knees. Ares stood over me standing with his legs apart, proudly showing me what he would soon be using to impregnate me.

* * *

Chapter 37

“Get away from her, you bastard!” Vulcan’s voice thundered around the work area.

Ares started laughing. “You’re too late. She’s mine, and I can do whatever I want with her.” He reached down and dragged me to my feet. The weight of the chain eased somewhat, but it continued to painfully dig into my flesh. “You took off your chain, so now she’s wearing mine.” He yanked me against his body. “That is until I tire of her, or you get another tasty slave for your bed.”

Ares started for the door where Vulcan was standing, forcing me to follow by keeping his arm tightly around my waist. “I do admit, brother, you have fine taste in females. This one might even keep away the ennui for longer than your last whore, Astrid, did.”

Vulcan refused to move to let us pass. “I said, get away from her. Look at her hand if you think I’m letting you take her out of here.” His voice had softened, but contained cold menace.

Ares cowered in front of his brother when he saw my hand. I had no idea what was going on between the two males and stood there shaking in terror. After Ares reached down to remove the chain from my body, I again fell to my knees, this time in overwhelming relief. Ares stepped over me and tried get around Vulcan to the outside. “I didn’t see it,” he said, fear making his voice quaver. “I thought you’d thrown her away like the others.”

Vulcan ignored him for the moment and came to where I huddled on the floor. “It’s all right, Melody.” He lifted me up and held me in the protective circle of his arms. With Vulcan’s attention centered on me, Ares headed unimpeded for the outside door. Vulcan swung around, keeping me next to him at all times. “I will tell Jupiter of what you did. You know the rules of the chain, and you know the punishment when you break one of the rules. Now leave us!” Without another word, Ares almost ran out of the forge and disappeared from view.

With my face buried in Vulcan’s neck, his familiar scent helped me forget the pain Ares had inflicted on me. The sound of a groan coming from near the iron forge broke through this wonderful feeling. Vulcan let me go and quickly went to where Grace was lying. I followed him and knelt down beside her body. She slowly opened her eyes and looked up at Vulcan, a sad look on her sweet face.

“I think it’s time, Vulcan. It hurts so much, and I think it’s time for me to go. Please help me.” I saw him nod at her request. He helped me up and guided me a short distance away from Grace. She closed her eyes, and the last words I heard the old woman say were, “Take care of him, Melody. He rescued me from Ares long ago, and I’ve been his faithful servant since then.”

What Vulcan did next convinced me, if I had any remaining doubts, of the goodness in this particular god.

* * *

Chapter 38

The dreary work area around Grace started to coalesce into a shimmering mist. I held my breath in awe as every color I’d ever seen, and a few I didn’t recognize, slowly filled this mist. The slight sunshine coming in through the open door soon had the area sparkling like every star in the night sky. The mist started to spread out away from the forge and soon encompassed the section of the room where Vulcan and I were standing.

I looked up into Vulcan’s face and saw he was smiling at Grace. He tightened his arms around me when he finally noticed I was watching him. “Don’t be afraid of what you see, Melody. It’s what she wanted and truly deserves. Give her your full attention now and wish her well.”

Obeying him without asking any questions, I watched as the rainbow-tinted mist started to swirl faster around the elderly servant. It must have simply been my imagination, but Grace appeared to have fewer lines on her weathered face, perhaps because of the peaceful expression there.

The faint fragrance of lilac came from where Grace was lying. No longer did I smell the forge’s pungent smell of hot iron and smoke. Vulcan whispered into my ear, “Grace always loved spring when the lilacs only bloomed for such a short time.” The aroma of lilacs grew stronger, but never became overpowering.

I cocked my head to one side, wondering if I were dreaming when the sound of delicate music reached me. The musical instrument and the music itself were unfamiliar to me, and I felt unexpected peace at hearing it. The colors in the sparkling mist vibrated to the rhythm of the music, slowly at first but moving faster and faster as the music intensified. I turned to Vulcan in surprise when I suddenly could taste the music. The rippling notes of the strange instrument roamed around my mouth and teased any taste bud it came across. Flavors exotic and known merged around my tongue when the music climbed to a melodious crescendo.

The thickening mist covered Grace, hiding her from view under a tapestry of brilliant colors. The music ended with a glorious sound the angels in heaven would envy, and the smell of lilacs in the room and the various tastes in my mouth gradually disappeared. Vulcan took hold of my hand and walked with me over to where the elderly servant was lying next to the forge.

Only she no longer was elderly, but a young woman who looked no more than 18 years old. Her eyes opened, and she smiled as she watched us coming toward her. “Thank you, Vulcan.” She said this in a voice filled with unmistakable happiness. Closing her eyes one last time, Grace vanished right before us, leaving me speechless in shock and Vulcan laughing in pure delight.

“Where did she go, Vulcan?” I managed to ask once I got my voice back.

“Home, Melody, home at last.” Vulcan grabbed me around my waist and swung me around and around, as he continued to laugh. “Let’s do the same and go back home to our bedroom.” He put me back on the floor and gave a little nudge to get me moving. “I still have a story to finish that I think will explain what just happened with both Ares and Grace.”

* * *

Chapter 39

With Vulcan in such a good mood, I thought this might be a good time to make another complaint about the filthy conditions in his home. I had figured out what I would say when we walked into his bedroom.

“Do you approve?” he asked, a big grin on his face. In front of us was a room without a speck of dirt or single item out of place. The king-size bed no longer had on white, cotton sheets covered with various vaginal contributions and many of Vulcan’s dried little soldiers. Instead, there were immaculate satin sheets in the deep shade of blue that I knew matched the color of my eyes. Pillows with satin coverings in the same shade of blue piled against the headboard inviting weary heads to rest on them. I saw a thick fur coverlet from some unidentified animal neatly folded at the foot of the bed.

I walked around the bed before answering Vulcan. The rancid smell of filthy sheets no longer offended my nose. Instead, I inhaled deeply and could have sworn I was back on earth standing in my yard breathing in the smell of fresh cut grass. Vulcan stripped down to his naked flesh and climbed into the bed. He sat upright against the headboard after supporting his back with many of the pillows.

“Do I take your silence, woman, as approval?” Vulcan leaned over to where I was standing next to the bed and easily pulled me in next to him. Once again he spread his legs wide and tucked me between them so my back was resting on his warm chest. “Are you ready for me to continue the story about the chain of submission, or do you want me to do this instead?”

Before I could tell him my decision, I felt him push my long hair to one side and start nibbling my neck. The slight pain from tiny bites, as he went from shoulder to ear, Vulcan quickly soothed with the wet heat of his tongue. “I think I’d like to hear…” I managed to get out before my senses started to swim when his active tongue found my defenseless ear. Leaning my head slightly to one side gave him easier access, and I felt his tongue exploring inside my ear in great detail.

At the same time, Vulcan was giving equal time to different parts of my body. His arms came around me with one hand sliding down to pat and massage the tender flesh between my legs. With his other hand, he forced me against his own body until I felt his growing erection pressing hard against my ass. His hips moved ever so slowly, and his penis slid into the space between the cheeks. Back and forth his hips went until finally he guided his hard erection into my rectum.

“Relax, Melody, and, yes, that’s it.” Vulcan’s words were soft and seductive as he bent my body forward to allow his penis to penetrate deeper into my ass. One hand still was teasing the area around my vagina by rubbing it softly. His stroking there increased in intensity as his penis dug in deeper and harder.

I let out a cry when Vulcan removed his hand and pushed my face down onto the satin sheet. At the same time, he pushed my legs forward so I was kneeling in front of him. He had removed his penis while doing this, but not for long. Getting up on his own knees, he found the place where his hand had been teasing, and inserted his penis there in one deep, rather painful stroke. His hands clutched my buttocks as he started sliding in and out, faster and faster.

“Ares will never have you,” I heard Vulcan whisper. His hands on my cheeks steadied both of us when he forced himself deeper into my body. When he moved his hands from my ass to hold onto my hips, he muttered in a harsh voice I hardly recognized, “I’ll kill you before I let any other male have you. Do you understand?” Those words should have terrified me, but I felt no fear of Vulcan at all. His powerful body continued to assault mine, pushing my senses further and further out of my control.

“Please, Vulcan,” I begged, starting to sob from the painful pressure building inside me. “Stop, no, I can’t, you’re too big.” Vulcan ignored me, if he even heard my cries for mercy, and continued slamming his body against mine. I could hear the sound of moisture between our heaving bodies even over his repeated threats of a brutal death if I ever betrayed him. My vaginal secretions had started flowing in my sexual excitement, and his penis deep inside me became less painful.

Just when I felt I couldn’t last much longer, Vulcan gave one last powerful thrust into my body, dug his fingers deep into my hips, and let out a loud yell of male satisfaction. This triggered my own climax, and my scream of release from the overwhelming pressure inside me mingled with his. My vagina filled with his sperm, and this helped relieve the pain his penis had caused.

It took a few minutes for our breathing to return to normal, and Vulcan stayed inside me the whole time. I love feeling him like this, soft now within me, I thought, knowing soon he would pull out and leave me feeling empty and a bit lonely.

When he did, he brought me up to lie next to him, and we both drifted off to sleep. Vulcan’s last tired words were, “The story of the chain will have to wait until later.”

* * *

Chapter 40

Early the next morning, I woke to find Vulcan still sound asleep, lying on his stomach, and sprawled out on the bed. He had tucked an arm around me and was holding me tightly against his side. I was not about to complain since I’d discovered Vulcan enjoyed a bit of cuddling in the morning.

The smell of coffee reminded me of Grace and the wonderful way she had left us. Someone other than Grace had come into the bedroom while we slept and left a basket with our breakfast near the door. I lifted Vulcan’s heavy arm off me as carefully as I could, but he still woke up yawning and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

“Is that coffee I smell?” He rolled over and sat up, still yawning. “You’re going to get some for me, aren’t you, Melody? After that workout you gave me last night, I don’t have enough strength to get out of bed.”

“The workout I gave you?” I laughed after saying this, but went and brought the basket back anyway. Inside, I found a covered carafe of hot coffee, two large mugs, and some freshly made scones. Bette, the old servant who did most of the baking, had outdone herself, if the delectable smell coming from the basket was any indication. After I’d poured the coffee and handed a mug to Vulcan, we sat back and ate our breakfast in companionable silence.

I finished first and waited for Vulcan to swallow the last of his scone before clearing the breakfast detritus from the bed, sweeping off any remaining crumbs, and reaching down to put the basket on the floor.

“Okay,” I said, getting into my favorite position between his long legs and leaning back against his chest, “I’m ready for the rest of the story about that terrible chain you created.”

Vulcan put his arms around me, but went no further. “Where did I leave off?”

“The body of Iris had just washed up on the rive bank. Baptiste had ridden up next to her. Then what happened?”

“Let’s see if I remember. Oh yes, he got off his horse and bent over her. It wasn’t pity that drew him to the side of the young woman. He just wanted the golden chain still around her lifeless body. After removing it and placing it in a pocket of his long coat, he again got on his horse and rode off toward the village.”

I turned around just far enough to see Vulcan’s face. “What happened to Iris after that?”

“It wasn’t until two days later that a man from the village out hunting for game came across her naked body. He wrapped her in his shirt and carried her back to her parent’s home. The other Vestal Virgins paid homage to her and gave Iris a proper burial, even though she no longer was a virgin and one of them. The story of the chain might have ended there, but for the unsatisfied lechery of Acteon Baptiste.”

* * *

To be continued in next segment.
 Seraglio of the Gods - Segment 09  (XGC)
Chapters 41 through 45
#1315978 by J. A. Buxton

© Copyright 2007 J. A. Buxton (judity at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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