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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Emotional · #1314752
Jesse fears what might happen after her daughter runs off.
Jesse looked out the window and wondered if she was doing the right thing. It was the day before Thanksgiving and Paul was coming to visit.
He had called a week ago to say he wanted to see Emma for the holiday. Jesse could have come up with some excuse so that he wouldn’t come, but she knew that would be wrong. She just prayed he would show up and Emma wouldn’t get hurt.
Things had been going perfectly. She and Zach were getting along great and Emma loved him. He continued teaching her to ride as well as how to take care of her pony. She was flourishing under the attention Zach gave her and Jesse didn’t want to ruin that.
She had also settled into school. Emma was able to meet some children her own age before school started. Jesse had made it a point to attend church every Sunday and any functions around town so that she and Emma would meet people and feel more at home.
Emma wanted to start taking dance lessons because some of her friends were, and she had even been invited to a few sleepovers. With her birthday coming up soon Emma was already making a list of friends to invite.
Jesse sighed. Maybe Paul had changed and he would give Emma the attention she craved. The fact that he had called to say he’d like to visit had Jesse hoping he was finally making an effort.
Jesse heard the car coming down the drive.
“Emma,” she called, “your dad’s here.”
Emma came running down the stairs with the biggest smile on her face. “Daddy,” she said running out the door.
Jesse followed her outside and stood on the deck. She watched as Paul got out of the car and scooped Emma up.
“How’s my girl,” he said as Emma hugged his neck.
Jesse watched them and wondered what had gone wrong with their marriage. Sure she had changed some, but as she had gotten older she wanted more out of life. There was nothing wrong with that, except Paul had stayed the same. Because he still acted like a child Jesse had to be the grown up and that had caused problems. She had to be the serious one, taking on all the responsibilities of the house and Emma. It had been tiring. Whenever Jesse had needed help Paul always made her feel guilty for asking.
Jesse pushed those memories away. Paul was here for a visit, not to stay, her life would not go back to what it was.
“Hey,” Paul said to Jesse walking up the stairs. He gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“Nice place. Kind of in the middle of nowhere.”
Jesse sighed, he was already starting. Seems like he always follows a compliment up with some type of criticism.
“That’s why we like it.” Jesse said turning to walk in the house. Emma held on to Paul’s hand like he would disappear if she let it go.
“It’s freezing here. What is it, like fifteen degrees out,” Paul said with a look of distaste.
“It is Montana, Paul. I told you to make sure you brought warm clothes.”
“California is the place to be. Great weather. Houses are near stuff.”
“I’ll take your word on that,” Jesse said. “Emma, why don’t you show your dad around.”
Emma grabbed Paul’s hand pulling him along. “Here’s where all my toys are and...”
Jesse could hear Emma’s excitement. Although she was not glad to see Paul herself, she was glad he came for Emma. She would endure his comments and be pleasant for Emma.
She wished she could see Zach. Jesse had really wanted to spend the holiday with Zach and his family. The Baker’s were the type of family Jesse always wished she was a part of. They enjoyed spending time together, had great stories to tell about growing up, and listened to each other without putting one another down when the other did not agree.
They had all welcomed Jesse and Emma with open arms when they had joined them at the Labor Day barbeque. Both Emma and Jesse had immediately taken to Zach’s mother Amanda. She was a wonderful loving woman who was definitely the rock of the family. Although Jesse had seen Zach’s brother Reese, she had never actually met him until that day. He looked like an older version of his sons, Jeremy and Alex.
Jesse bonded immediately with Zach’s sister Kelly who was only a few years younger than Jesse. Kelly had two children Cameron who is ten and Hallie who is seven.
Kelly’s husband Jack was probably one of the most doting husbands and father Jesse had ever seen. He anticipated what Kelly wanted, he would bring her a drink or a napkin without having to be asked. He paid attention to his kids and participated in any game they played.
Yes the Baker’s were the type of family Jesse had always wanted to be a part of.
“And she has white on her legs and I can ride her alone. Mom, Dad wants to see Candy. Can we take him to see her?” Emma looked up at Jesse with pleading eyes.
Jesse looked over at Paul who was eyeing the big screen TV in the corner. Probably dying to watch golf, Jesse thought.
Paul hated horses and would never come within fifty feet of them when he and Jesse were together. He had never come to see her ride and refused to let Emma learn.
“Sure. If we hurry we can get there before she gets her dinner.”
“Yay!” Emma said jumping up and down. “I’ll get my hat.”
Emma ran off to her bedroom to get her cowgirl hat. She never rode Candy without it and had made Jesse go back home more than once when she had forgotten it.
“Do you want to borrow a heavier jacket and gloves,” Jesse asked putting on her own scarf and heavy coat.
“No, I’m fine. We won’t be too long will we?” Paul asked looking over at the big screen again. Jesse could have slapped him He hadn’t changed. He had seen Emma, given her ten minutes of attention and now it was all about what he wanted.
“Emma, don’t forget your gloves,” Jesse called and walked out the door.
P aul drove while Jesse gave him the brief directions to Zach’s. Jesse had spoken to Emma about not mentioning Zach in front of Paul. It’s not that Jesse didn’t want Paul to know that she was seeing someone, it just wasn’t any of his business. She preferred to let him think she was alone and crushed because they were no longer together.
“God, does it ever get warm here?” Paul said stuffing his hands in his pockets.
“Come on Daddy. Wait to you see her. I can brush her and take care of her myself.” Emma smiled up at her dad and Jesse’s heart tightened.
“I’m sure she’s great honey, let’s see her and get back to the house.”
Jesse was gonna loose it. Would it kill him to be excited for Emma for just an hour? Emma ran ahead to Candy’s stall and opened the door.
“Should she be going in there by herself?” Paul asked.
“Emma had become an excellent horse person. She is a great student and has learned a lot.” Jesse said not adding that she was not the one who had been teaching Emma about horses.
Emma tied Candy and starting brushing her, “See how I can reach her head by myself Daddy. She just stands there and lets me take care of her.”
The pony nuzzled Emma’s hand looking for a treat. “Come pet her Daddy. She won’t hurt you.”
“I’m fine over here honey. I can see you. Your doing a great job,” Paul said shivering, “Are you almost done?”
Jesse had it.
“Can I talk to you outside?” she said walking away hoping Paul would follow. “What is your problem? Did you come all the way here to spend time with your daughter or sit and watch TV?”
“I am spending time with her.”
“Oh, yeah,” Jesse said trying not to raise her voice, “you gave her a hug, saw her room and then eyed the TV the rest of the time.”
“I didn’t come all the way here to listen to you preach to me about being a father Jesse.”
Jesse looked towards the barn door to be sure Emma was still inside, “Then be a father. Give her your attention. Be excited about the things that make her excited, even if you just pretend. That was always your problem Paul. You never got excited for other people, but always wanted us to be excited for you.”
“Why should I be excited about being in a state I never wanted to set foot in? It’s freezing here and you live in the middle of nowhere. Are there even any other people around here?”
Jesse knew he would not understand why she had chosen Montana. Paul had never been an outdoors type person. He preferred flash, where she preferred simple. He would never change and he would never understand her or Emma.
“Can’t she hurry up?”
“You need to keep your voice down,” Jesse said.
“Why, she can’t hear us out here. I saw the stupid pony so we can leave.”
Jesse looked up to see Emma standing in the barn doorway holding Candy by the bridle. Emma was obviously going to show her dad how she could ride her pony.
Emma turned and climbed up into the saddle, “Emma,” Jesse called. But Emma just turned Candy and rode back behind the barn an up the over the hill.
“Great, now where is she going?” Paul said throwing his hands up.
Jesse took a breath, “You need to leave now. Go back to the airport, get on a plane and leave.”
“What? What did I do?”
Jesse was yelling now, tears in her eyes, “She was so excited you were coming. All she could talk about was how she was going to show you how she could ride her pony. And for once you couldn’t suck it up and pretend to be interested in what she was doing.” Jesse walked towards him forcing him to back toward the car. “Leave and don’t plan on coming back. If Emma wants to see you again I will bring her to you.”
“You can’t keep me from her,” Paul yelled.
“Oh, I wouldn’t dream of it. But something tells me I won’t have to worry about her wanting to see you.”
“She loves me Jesse,”
“Yes she does. And every time you are near her you break her heart. Go, now!” Jesse yelled.
Paul just stared at her then turned and got in the car. J Jesse watched to make sure he was gone before she turned towards the barn. She didn’t think Emma would have gone far and may even be watching from a distance.
Going into the barn to wit she headed for Zach’s office and sat behind the desk and cried. She cried for her failed marriage, she cried because she didn’t want to feel hate towards Paul, but mostly she cried for Emma who once again would be heartbroken that her dad had let her down.
Wiping her face Jesse got up and walked to the barn door. She was getting worried Emma should have been back by now. It had only been about a half hour, but it was cold out and would be getting dark soon.
What if Emma had fallen and was hurt. She was upset when she left and probably was not concentrating on riding. Jesse started to get scared. Emma could be lost. She could freeze when it got dark. Jesse went to Ty’s stall and got him out to tack him. She couldn’t just sit her and wait she had to go and look for Emma. While she got Ty ready Jesse had the most horrible vision of what could happen to Emma making her fear grow.

The look on Jesse’s tear stained face told Zach there was something very wrong. “What is it?” He said walking over to Jesse. She was shaking as she tried to buckle Ty’s bridle straps.
“It’s Emma,” Jesse choked out, “She’s gone.”
“I have to go find her, she could be hurt, she could freeze out there,” Jesse cried. “I should never have let him come.” The tears were flowing down Jesse’s face. “Zach, we have to find her, she’s all alone…”
“Get one of the other horses ready,” Zach said to Alex who was with him. Zach grabbed Jesse’s shoulder and made her look up at him, “Tell me what happened.”
“Paul,” Jesse said trying to control her crying, “he upset Emma. Emma heard him say things about us living here and about Candy just being a stupid horse. She rode off on Candy. She’s been gone so long. Zach she could be hurt. She rode off upset, she could have fallen.”
Zach’s jaw clenched. He already knew Emma’s father was a jerk and now the little girl could be in danger because of him.
“Call Bill, tell him to come and stay with you,” Zach said to Jesse as he finished tightening the girth on Ty.
“What do you mean? I’m going to look for her.”
Zach turned to Jesse, “Jesse, you’re in no condition to ride. You’re upset and scared. Alex and I will find Emma. You stay here in case she comes back,
“No, I want to go with you. She’s my daughter-” Jesse was near hysterics now.
“And I’ll find her.” Zach said and led Ty out of the barn. Alex was already mounted and waiting for him. Zach mounted Ty,
“We’ll find her Jesse. Call Bill.” With that he and Alex turned and rode off. Jesse just stood there staring after them. She couldn’t stop the tears. T
he thought of something happening to Emma was ripping her apart. “Dear God, please let my baby be alright.” Jesse went into the house to call Bill.
Zach’s anger at Jesse’s ex was replaced by concern for Emma, at least for now. Emma had become a good rider. Zach had taken both her and Jesse out on several rides to teach them how to find there way home as well as what to do if they ever got hurt while riding alone. O
One of the main things was to always tell someone where you were headed, but of course Emma didn’t do that this time.
He knew Emma was sensitive about her father. She had never really mentioned him to Zach and Zach had never asked. But according to Jesse Emma worshipped her dad even though he always seemed to let her down.
Zach headed east hoping that Emma would have gone in the direction that he had ridden with her in the past. He loved going out with her and Jesse. Everything was so new to them that they had him looking at the land in a new way. He smiled remembering how Jesse and Emma had made him look at the rock formations and try and figure out what animals they looked like.
The elephant Emma had swore was there, looked more like a bug that had been squished by an elephant to Zach. Zach was hoping that it was that elephant that Emma was headed for. Besides being an elephant, Emma always wanted to come back to those rocks because she liked to climb up on them and look down at the surrounding area, she said she felt like she was on top of the world up there.
As Zach rode closer to the elephant rocks relief flooded him. Candy was grazing peacefully beside the rocks and he looked up to see something sitting on top. He and Alex rode up slowly as not to startle Emma.
“Well hey there,” he said smiling, “What’s a pretty girl like you doing way out here?”
Emma didn’t move. She was sitting up with her knees to her chest and arms wrapped around. He head was buried in between. Zach could see her shaking but he wasn’t sure if it was from crying or being cold.
Zach got off Ty and turned to Alex, “Ride back and tell Jesse we found her. She seems o.k. I’ll be behind you shortly.” Alex nodded and rode off.
Zach climbed the rocks and sat next to Emma and placed a blanket over her shoulders. “I sure do love it up here. You can see everything around you.”
He waited hoping Emma would say something. He wanted to take her and hug her and tell her everything would be o.k.
“Emma,” he said softly, “Your mom told me what happened.” Zach heard sniffling and went on, “I’m sure your dad didn’t mean what he said. Your mom says-”
Emma raised her head, “he did mean it. He called Candy stupid. He’s the stupid one,” she cried.
What could Zach say, he agreed with her. “He never likes anything I like. All he cares about is his stupid friends, and stupid golf.”
Zach handed her a rag from his pocket so she could wipe her face. Emma cried harder, “why can’t he love me?”
Zach heart broke. He put his arm around Emma and pulled her to his side. “Emma, sometimes it’s hard for dads to understand there little girls. Just because he doesn’t like the things you like doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you.” Zach wanted to tell Emma what a looser her dad was, but he didn’t think that is what the seven year old needed to hear. “He came all the way here to see you didn’t he?”
“Yeah, but then he said all those mean things. I heard him arguing with mommy. He doesn’t care about us. Why can’t he be like you?” Emma said looking up at Zach. “You always help me and never yell at me or call my ideas stupid.”
Zach looked down at the little girl he’d come to love and wasn’t sure what to say. “Emma, you and I are lucky because we like a lot of the same things. That’s what makes us such great friends. But there are things you like to do that I don’t”
“Like what?” Emma asked.
“Well,” Zach didn’t want to hurt her feeling more, “I hate to tell you, but” Zach bent lower so he was whispering, “I really don’t like playing Barbie’s. If anyone found out they’d make fun of me.”
“But you play Barbie’s with me all the time,” Emma said like she couldn’t believe what she was hearing.
“I do so I won’t hurt your feelings. I think your dad is just not sure how to tell you he doesn’t like doing some things. So instead he always tells you he’s busy or he can’t. It’s just his way.”
Zach could see Emma shivering under the blanket. He looked up and knew it would be dark soon which meant it would get a lot colder.
“Emma, your mom is really worried about you. Why don’t we ride back to the house? Candy needs her dinner, then we can make some hot chocolate and watch whatever movie you want.
“What about my dad?”
“Your dad is gone. Your mom sent him home.”
Emma dried her face, “Hot chocolate sounds good.”
Zach stood up and helped Emma climb down the rocks. He took Candy’s reins and looped them around his saddle.
“Why don’t you ride up here with me so that you can start warming up,” Zach said. He settled Emma in front of him and wrapped the blanket around her then headed for home.

Jesse was frantic by the time Bill had arrived. She was walking into the barn to saddle another horse when he pulled up.
“Come in the house, let’s make some coffee. They need it when they get back.” Bill led Jesse to the house. While he made coffee she told him what happened.
“She just rode off. I could tell she was upset,” Jesse said, new tears running down her cheeks.
Bill placed a mug in front of her and Jesse looked up at him, “if anything happens to her Bill…”
“Nothing is going to happen to her. Zach will find her and bring her home.” Bill filled their mugs for a second time while he listened to Jesse talk about her ex-husband.
“He wasn’t a bad man in the sense that you think a man is bad, he just was not attentive. He always thought of himself first. I always put Emma before myself and him, and I think he was jealous of that.”
“Some men just aren’t meant to be dads,” Bill said looking at her. Jesse smiled, she was glad Zach had her call Bill, it helped to have him here while she waited.
Both she and Bill jumped up when they heard the hoof beats. Jesse ran out the door and onto the porch just as Alex came to a stop.
“We found her. She’s fine. Zach’s bringing her back.” Bill came up and put his are around Jesse as she started to cry all over again. She wanted to ask Alex where they found her, but knew he must be cold and tired.
“Put Star away, we have coffee inside.” Alex nodded to her and turned towards the barn.
Jesse turned and hugged Bill, “He found her. He found my baby.”
“Let’s get some fresh coffee on and some food together. I’m sure Emma will be hungry when she gets here.”
Jesse tried to help Bill but she couldn’t stop looking out the window. Finally she saw them coming down the hill. Candy was tied to Ty’s saddle and Emma was sitting in front of Zach with his arms wrapped tightly around her. Jesse ran out the door and met them half way across the yard.
“Mommy,” Emma said looking at her. Alex came over and took Emma from Zach and carried her into the house.
“Put her in front of the fire so she can warm up,” Bill said.
J esse followed and immediately took Emma in her arms when Alex put her down. Holding onto Emma Jesse cried.
“I’m sorry I ran away. Please don’t be mad at me,” Emma said looking at Jesse with tears in her eyes.
Jesse put her hands on Emma’s face, wiping the tears away, “Emma, I’m not mad at you. I’m just glad your home.”
Zach came in and looked over at Jesse and Emma. Jesse was sitting on the floor with her back against the couch and Emma on her lap snuggled against her. Bill came over and handed him a steaming cup of coffee.
“Thanks,” he said taking it.
“She gonna be okay?” Bill asked.
“Yeah. She was just upset and cold when we found her.”
Bill looked at his grandson, “how did you know where to find her.”
Zach set his cup down and looked at him, “because I listen to Emma.”
Zach walked over and squatted down, “how about that hot chocolate?” He said smiling at Emma.
Emma shook her head and snuggling back into Jesse.
Jesse looked at Zach, “Thank you. Thank you for bringing her home.”
Zach smiled and reached out to wipe the tears from Jesse’s face, “your welcome.”
Bill and Alex were putting there coats on to leave. “I’ll drop Alex off on my way home. You all set here?”
Zach looked over at Jesse and Emma, “yeah, I think were good for now.” Zach ran his hands through his hair.
“You okay?” Bill asked.
Zach ran his hands over his face, “Yeah, I’m okay. Emma could have…”
“But she didn’t and she’s home,” Bill said. Bill turned to leave, he’d never seen his grandson show a lot of emotion. Zach cared a lot for both Jesse and Emma, and Bill had no pity for what Zach would do to Jesse’s ex-husband if he ever came back to town.

Zach came and sat by Jesse. He handed a warm cup of hot chocolate to Emma, “extra chocolaty,” he said.
He looked at Jesse, “do you want me to take you home?”
Jesse looked down at Emma who was still in her lap, “Emma,” Jesse said pushing the hair from Emma’s eyes, “are you ready to go home?”
Emma shook her head, “I want to stay here with Zach.”
Jesse looked at Zach. “How about that movie? I said you could pick it,” he said to Emma.
Jesse looked at Zach with all the emotions she felt inside. Never before had she been so scared. Jesse knew how much he loved her and Emma, he said so with every one of his actions.
“I should run home and check on the dogs,” Jesse said.
Zach stood, “I have a better idea. How about I run to town and pick up a pizza and the dogs. While I’m gone you two can pick out the movie.”
Jesse smiled, “That sounds perfect. How about it Emma? Should we make Zach watch a girlie movie tonight?” Emma giggled.
Zach bent and gave them both a kiss on the head, “I’ll be back.” Jesse watched him go.
Emma looked up at Jesse. “I didn’t mean to run off. Daddy just made me so sad when he called Candy stupid.”
Jesse watched as tears welled in Emma’s eyes and tried not to cry. There was nothing worse than seeing your child hurting.
“I went and sat on the elephant rock and cried. I was just going to sit there for a little bit, until daddy left. Then I started to get cold and I didn’t want to move,” Emma said sniffling. “But I didn’t get scared, I knew Zach would come and get me. He’s always there helping me. He listens to me and makes me feel important.”
Jesse didn’t know what to say, Zach made her feel the same way. So she just held Emma and thanked God that Zach had come into their lives.

© Copyright 2007 boomergirl (boomergirl at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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