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A discussion oriented Bible study on the Seven Deadly Sins and Fruit of the Spirit
Sin and Sanctification

A Topical Group Discussion Bible Study
on the Seven Deadly Sins and the Fruit of the Spirit


Sin appears to be a topic that 21st century American culture seeks to avoid at all costs.  The concept that the entire human race will be judged against a God given code of conduct is politically incorrect.  To further suggest that we are all sinful and in need of a Savior is derided as closed minded and intolerant.  To a limited degree this is due to a misunderstanding of the concept of sin.

According to The NIV Exhaustive Concordance Hebrew to English and Greek to English Lexicons, the most frequently used words translated as “sin” in the Bible are variants of hata in Hebrew and hamartia in the Greek.  The roots of both words are archery concepts of missing the desired target.  For example,  Judges 20:16 uses hata when it states “Among all these soldiers there were seven hundred chosen men who were left-handed, each of whom could sling a stone at a hair and not miss (hata).”  Therefore, in a moral sense, sin is any thought or action that misses the mark of absolute perfection (see Matt 5:48 where Jesus commands us to “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”)

Another often misunderstood aspect of sin is its source.  Many people mistakenly believe that God has arbitrarily declared various pleasurable human activities to be “sin” because he wishes to reduce our enjoyment of life.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  God in His wisdom has declared some activities to be “sin” because he knows of their painful consequences.  God’s boundaries for human behavior are not intended to minimize our pleasure, but to minimize the pain to ourselves and those around us.  Unfortunately human nature’s inherent selfishness and rebelliousness causes us to resent the protections God lovingly seeks to impose.

Sanctification is a rather intimidating word that is actually a simple concept.  The Greek word translated as sanctify, hagiazo, is also translated as made holy, set apart, hallowed and consecrated.  Thus, the core concept of sanctification is the process of becoming more perfect and Christ-like in our thoughts, words and behaviors.  Note that this is very different from the concept of justification, in which our sins are paid for by the sacrifice of Christ.  Justification grants us salvation, sanctification should be our grateful response to this gift.

This study seeks to provide some insights into both the topics of sin and sanctification.  For the concept of sin, we will study the Seven Deadly Sins: Lust, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Pride and Gluttony.  Since it is typically ineffective to simply try to avoid doing wrong, we will also study positive behaviors we should pursue instead.  While there are innumerable positive behaviors we could examine, for our study of sanctification we will focus on the Fruit of the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control.

•          All Bible quotations are from the New International Version unless otherwise noted. 
•          Word definitions are from the Random House Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged Edition.
•          Word usage is based on The NIV Exhaustive Concordance by Edward W. Goodrick & John R. Kohlenberger III.

Mk. 7:14-15, 20-23
What makes us “unclean”?  How many of the seven deadly sins (or a variant) are described here?

Rom. 3:22-26
Who suffers from the problem of sin?  What solution does God provide?  Why was this solution necessary?

Rom. 6:23
What is the ultimate result of sin?  How does this differ from our culture’s view of sin?

Rom. 7:21-25
What inner struggle does Paul describe here?  What negative aspects of this struggle are described?  What lessons can we learn from Paul’s frustration?  What source of victory is described?  When will this victory occur?

Heb. 10:26-31
What warning is given here?  To whom is this warning specifically addressed?  Since we will all sin throughout our lifetimes, what particular attitudes are addressed here?

1 Jn. 1:8-10
What is the result of denying our sinfulness?  What is the reward for confessing our sin?  What attitudes does true confession and repentance require?  Why are these attitudes difficult for us?

Rom. 6:11-14, 18
What is to replace our natural sinful lifestyle?  What two masters do we have to choose from?  What are some specific ways that we can become “slaves to righteousness”?  Why does our culture find this to be an unattractive lifestyle?

Rom. 12:1-2
How is sanctification described here?  How are worship and sanctification similar and different? What attitudes must be avoided to live in this manner?  What attitudes must be cultivated?

1 Thes. 4:3-8
What aspects of sanctification are described here?  What warning is given?

1 Thes 5:23-24
What aspects of sanctification are described here?  Who assists us during this process?  What will happen if we try to do this with our own power and wisdom?

1 Pet. 2:9
How are God’s people describe here?  What role for God’s people is described?  What can we do to better fulfil this role?

The Seven Deadly Sins

Definition: A remarkably great desire or capacity for something.
Heb: zalal - Gluttons, gorge, profligate, worthless; Gk: phagos - Glutton

Note: Though seldom mentioned in the Bible, some early Christian moral teachers believed that gluttony, desire that is never satisfied (for food, wealth, power, fame, etc.), was one of the core sins that was the root cause of many others.

Prov. 23:1-3
What specific situation is described here?  What warning is given?  Why is this good advice?

Prov. 23: 20-21
What forms of gluttony are described here?  What are their results?

Prov. 28:7
Why would simply being a companion of gluttons be a danger?  To what extent should we avoid people that could be a negative influence?

Eccles. 5:10
What form of gluttony is described here?  What other sin is this similar to?  What results from this form of gluttony?

Matt. 11:16-19
What accusation is made against Christ?  What is the basis for this accusation?  Why did Christ choose to ignore the advice of Prov 28:7?  How does Christ respond to this accusation?

Definition: A passionate or overmastering desire.
Heb: hamad - covet, desire, lust after;  Gk: epithymia - desires, cravings, lust, passions, longing.

Ex. 20:17
What aspect of lust is outlawed here?  What specific desires are mentioned?  What other desires are applicable?

Job 31:1
What promise did Job make to himself?  What can we do to behave in a similar manner?

Prov 6:23-29
What warning is given here?  What can result when lust leads to extra-marital sex?

Ezek. 23:28-30
What form of lust is condemned here?  What punishment is described?  How is this applicable to nations as well as individuals?

Matt 5:27-28
What sin does Christ equate with adultery?  Why would this be?  Why is this instruction directed at men?

Eph. 4:17-19
What does Paul say we must avoid?  What happens to those who give themselves over to their lusts?  Are these lusts ever satisfied?

Jas. 1:13-15
What sinful progression is describe here?  What role does lust play?  How can we keep this progression from getting started?

Jas. 4:1-3
What results of covetousness are described here?  Why does this occur?  What prevents us from getting what we desire from God?  How can we develop a more God pleasing attitude in this area?

1 Jn 2:15-17
What more general definition of lust is used here?  Where does this attitude come from?  How can we combat these attitudes?

Definition: A high or inordinate opinion of one’s own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.
Heb: gaon - pride, majesty, arrogance, pomp.  Gk: kauchaomai - boast, brag, pride

Deut. 8:10-14; Hos. 13:6
What source of pride are we warned about here?  Why is this particularly applicable to 21st century America?

Ps. 138:6
Who is the focus of God’s attention?  What warning is given to the proud?  Why will the proud be distant from God?

Prov. 13:10
What result of pride is described here?  Why does this occur so frequently?

Prov. 16:5
What is God’s attitude towards the proud?  Why would God behave in this manner?

Prov 16:18; 18:12
What warnings are given here?  Why does pride often cause this result?

Is 2:11-12, 17
What does God have in store for the proud?  Who will be vindicated?  Why?

Rom. 12:16
What antidote to pride is mentioned here?  What can result from this attitude?

1 Cor. 1:27-31
What approach has God taken to establishing his kingdom among us?  Why would he do this?  What does it mean to “boast in the Lord”?

Eph 2:8-10
What is the source of our salvation?  What should this eliminate from our attitude?  What should result from this gift?  How can an attitude of pride prevent this from happening?

1 Pet. 5:5-7
Who are these verses addressed to?  Why would this be?  What warning is given?  What antidote to pride is given?  What can be the result of a humble attitude?

Definition: A feeling of discontent or jealousy, usually with ill will, at seeing another’s superiority, advantages, or success.
Heb: qana - Jealous, envy, zealous.  Gk: phthonos - Envy.

Ex. 34:14;  Deut 6:14-15; Zec 8:2
How does God describe himself?  Why would He have this attitude?  Why is it not a sin for God to behave in this manner?  What can we conclude from this?

1 Ki. 14:22-26
What did Judah do to arouse God’s jealous anger?  What punishment did Judah receive?

Prov. 3:31-32
Why might we be tempted to envy sinful people?  What can result from this attitude?

Prov. 14:30
What consequence of envy is desorbed here?  Why would this be true?

Prov. 23:17
What attitude are we to avoid?  What attitude are we to cultivate in its place?  How will the latter attitude help us overcome the former?

Prov. 27:4
What is jealousy compared to here?  Do you agree with this assessment?

Eccles. 4:4
According to this verse, what is the motive force for economic success?  Do you agree?

Mk 15:9-11
What was one of the motives behind Christ’s crucifixion?  What caused this attitude to develop?  What might cause us to develop similar attitudes towards others in the church?

Acts 17:4-5
What aroused the jealousy of this group?  How did they respond?  Is this a normal response?

Rom. 11:13-14; Phil. 1:15-18
How does Paul seek to use envy to his advantage?  Is it possible for negative motives to have a positive result?

1 Cor. 3:1-3
What is a symptom of spiritual immaturity?

2 Cor. 11:2-3
What attitude does Paul have toward the Corinthians?  Why?  Is this attitude a sin?

Jas 3:14-16
What results of envy are described here?  Have you witnessed this in your own life experiences? What can we do to defuse these types of situations?

1 Pet. 2:1-3
How is the group of sins listed here related?  What antidote is proposed?

Definition: Habitual disinclination to exertion; indolence; laziness.
Heb: rapah - lazy, abandon, fail, feeble, slack.  Gk: nothros - lazy, slow.

Prov. 6:6-11
What advice is given to the sluggard?  What warning is given?

Prov. 12:24; 13:4
What is the opposite of laziness?  What results are described for these two behaviors?  If this is true, why do so many people choose a life of laziness?

Prov. 15:19; 22:13
What types of behaviors and attitudes block the sluggard’s path?  What can we do to avoid these attitudes?

Prov. 18:9
What is laziness compared to?  Why is this true?

Prov. 19:15
What result of sloth is described here?

Prov. 26:13-16
What behaviors of the sluggard are described here?  What appears to be the core problem (vs. 16).

Eccles. 10:18
What result of idleness is described here?  How is this a form of poor stewardship?

2 Thes. 3:6-13
What activity does Paul criticize here?  What punishments does he recommend?  What counter example does Paul provide?  Why does this make Paul’s advice more valid?  Why did Paul behave in this manner?  What additional negative behavior can result from idleness?

Definition: Strong, stern, or fierce anger; deeply resentful indignation; ire.
Heb: hema - wrath, anger fury, rage, venom.  Gk: orge - wrath, anger, enraged

Prov. 22:24-25
What warning are we given here?

Prov. 29:11
What is a sign of foolishness?  Of wisdom?  Why is it often so difficult to control our anger?

Prov. 30:33
What is an inevitable result of anger?  Why?

Prov. 15:1; Eccles. 10:4
What are some methods for overcoming anger?

Eccles. 7:8-9
What is a common source of anger?  What is the antidote to these types of attitudes?

Is. 13:9-11; 65:1-5
What has Israel done to anger God?  How is God’s day of vengeance described?

Jn. 2:13-17
What arouses Jesus’ anger?  How does He react?  What does this event teach us about anger?

Eph 4:26-27, 31-32
Is anger a sin according to these verses?  What advice is given?  Why is this a good idea?  Why is this so difficult to do?  In vs. 32, what it the key to conquering our anger?

Col. 3:5-6; 1 Thes.1:10
What provokes God’s wrath?  Why does God react in this manner?  What escape has God provided?

Jas. 1:19-20
What advice are we given here?  What warning is given?  How can we put this into action?

Definition: An excessive, extreme desire for something, often more than one’s proper share.
Heb: basa, besa - greedy, dishonest gain, break ranks.  Gk: pleonektes - greed, lust, exploit.

Prov. 15:27; 28:25; 29:4
What consequences of greed are described here?  Why does this tend to happen?

Jer. 6:13-15
What accusation does the Lord make against Israel?  Who is included in this accusation?  What punishment is promised?

Ezek. 33:31-32
What accusation does Ezekiel make?  Who is this accusation addressed to?  How is this applicable to Christians in America today?

Matt. 23:25-26
Who does  Christ accuse here?  What accusation does he make?  Why is greed often a hidden sin of “good” people?  How can this make it even more dangerous?

Lk. 12:13-15
What is Christ asked to do?  Why does he respond the way he does?  What warning does Christ give?  Does our culture agree?

Lk. 16:13-15
What warning does Christ give us here?  Why is this true?  How do the Pharisee’s respond?  How does our culture respond?  Why?

Eph. 5:3-7
What sins are listed here?  Do these all seem like serious sins to you?  Why would God take them so seriously?  What other sin is greed compared to?  Why is this an accurate comparison?

1 Tim. 6:6-8
What antidote to greed is described here?  Why is this attitude so difficult to develop?  What can we do behave in this way?

1 Tim. 6:9-10
Is money evil?  Is there anything wrong with being wealthy?  What attitude causes problems?  What can be the result of these types of attitudes?

2 Pet. 2:3,14
What attribute of a false teacher is described here?  How can this help us to avoid this type of person?

The Fruit of the Spirit

Note:  It is interesting that many times the words used for the Fruits of the Spirit are used in the Bible to describe God rather than a human behavior.  Thus, to develop these characteristics in our daily lives is to become more like God.

Definition: The benevolent affection of God for His creatures, or the reverent affection due from them to God.  Affectionate concern for the well-being of others.
Heb:  ahab, hesed - love, unfailing love, lovers, friends, mercy, kindness  Gk: agape - servant love; phileo - familial love; eros - sexual love

1 Cor. 13:4-7, 13
According to these verses, what is love like (which of the Fruits of the Spirit are listed here)?  What is love not like (which of the seven deadly sins are listed here)?  How is the love described here different from the powerful emotions our culture equates with love?  What are the dangers of associating love with emotions?

Ps. 25:6-7
What is David’s request of the Lord?  What does he base this request upon?  How should we behave in a similar manner?

Song of Songs 8:6-7
What are the attributes of romantic love described here?  Why is it impossible to maintain this level of emotional intensity?  What trap do we fall into if we expect to always feel this way?  What can we do to keep our love for our spouse strong?

Hos. 6:4, Joel 2:13
How is Israel’s love described?  How do we often demonstrate this same behavior?  What promise of restoration does Joel describe?  What is the basis of this promise?

Matt 5:43-46
Who are we to love?  How is this possible?  What is to replace our desires for hatred and revenge?

Matt 22:35-40
Who should be the first object of our love?  Is He?  Why not?  Who should be the second object of our love?  Are we allowed to love ourselves?  What does Christ mean when he says “All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments”?  What are some practical ways we can obey these commands?

Jn. 3:16; Rom 5:8
How does God demonstrate His love for the world?  Why would He do this?  What have we done to earn this type of love?

Jn. 15:12-13
What command does Christ give here?  How did Christ demonstrate His love?

Rom. 13:8-10
According to Paul, what is our debt to one another?  What are some specific ways to pay this debt?  How is the law fulfilled?

Eph. 5:1-2, 25
What command does Paul give here?  What example for the proper lifestyle is given?  What particular group is addressed?  What would be the result if we all behaved in this manner?

Heb 12:4-6, 10-11
What is one method God uses to show His love for us?  Why does He do this?  What are some specific ways that God does this?  What are some negative ways for us to react?  Some positive ways?

1 Pet. 4:8
What specific attribute of love is described here?  When is this easy to do?  When is it difficult?  What are some specific ways for us to do this?

1 Jn. 3:17-18
What specific demonstration of love is called for here?

1 Jn. 4:7-11, 16, 20-21
How is God described?  How did God prove His attitude towards us in actions?  What does God expect from us in return?  If we are unwilling to love others, what does this indicate about our faith?

Definition: The emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something good or satisfying,; keen pleasure.
Heb: samah, simhah - joy, glad, rejoice, glee, pleasure.  Gk: chara - joy, happiness, rejoicing, happy, glad.  Note that this is very similar to charis, the Greek word for grace.

Prov. 10:28; 12:20
Who will be blessed with joy?  Why?

Matt 28:5-8; Lk. 24:40-43
How do the women at Christ’s tomb react to the angel’s message?  How do the disciples react to Christ’s appearing?  Why would they have these mixed emotions?  Why is this a message of joy for Christ’s disciples?  For us?

Lk 2:8-12
What message does the angel give here?  How do the shepherds react?  Why is this a message of joy?

Lk. 10:1, 17, 21
What attitude do the disciples have at the end of their mission?  How does Christ respond?  What source of joy is mentioned here?

Jn. 3:26-30
What gave John the Baptist joy?  What attitude was crucial for John to experience this joy?  What can we learn from this?  Why is this so difficult?

Jn. 15:9-12
What attitude do these verses suggest is necessary for us to experience true joy?  How is this attitude made evident?  Why would this attitude be necessary?

Jn. 16:20-22
What circumstances do these verses suggest is necessary for us to experience true joy?  How should this affect our expectations of the future?  What promise does Christ make?  When will this promise be fulfilled?

Acts 13:49-52
How do believers react to persecution in these verses?  How does this suggest a difference between joy and happiness?  What gives them the ability to respond in this manner?

Rom 12:12, 15
What source of joy is mentioned here?  Who are we to rejoice with?  Why can this sometimes be difficult?  Which of the seven deadly sins can get in the way?

2 Cor. 8:2; 1 Thes. 1:6
What circumstances did these churches face?  How did they respond?  What does this teach us about true joy?

Phil. 1:25-26
Where does the Philippian church get its joy?  Why are these a solid foundation for joy rather than our earthly circumstances?

1 Thes. 5:16-18
When should we be joyful?  What attitudes listed here can help make this possible?

Heb. 13:17
Who is this verse addressed to?  Who will benefit?  What can we do to bring joy to our church leaders?  What do we do that reduces their joy?

Jas. 1:2-4
When does James say we should be joyful?  How can this possibly be true?  What is God trying to accomplish in these situations?

1 Pet. 1:8-9
How should we react to God’s message of salvation?  Do we?  Why or why not?

Definition: Freedom of the mind from annoyance, distraction, anxiety, or obsession, etc.; tranquillity; serenity.
Heb: salom - peace, safe, success, prosper, friend.  Gk: eirene - peace, peacemaker, tranquillity..

Num. 6:24-26
Who is the focal point of this blessing?  What blessing is offered?

1 Chron. 22:7-10
What was David’s desire?  Why was this desire denied?  Who received this task instead?  Why?

Job 3:23-26
What is Job’s lament?  Have you ever felt this way?  Is it possible to have peace in such circumstances?

Job 22:21-22
What attitude is required to have peace with God?  Why would this be?  Why is this so difficult?

Ps. 37:37-38, Pr. 12:20
What encouragement is given here? What warning is given?  What does it mean to be a “man of peace” and to “promote peace”?  How is peace different from simply being a state of mind?

Pr. 16:7
What encouragement is given here?  Is this a promise that applies to all circumstances?

Is. 9:6-7, 53:5-6
How is the Christ described here?  What will be a key characteristic of His reign?  What was the cost of this peace?

Is. 26:3-4, 32:17
What keys to peace is described here?  Why would this be true?  What type of peace is offered?  How is God described?

Matt 10:34-36
What warning does Christ give here?  Why does this strife occur?  How should we behave in this type of situation?

Rom. 5:1-2
How is peace with God attained?  What are some of the results of a restored relationship with God?

Rom. 12:18
What difficult command is given here?  What important qualifier is included?  What can we do to live in this manner?

Rom. 15:13
Who is the source of joy and peace?  How do we normally seek to obtain peace?  Why do our own efforts typically fail?

2 Cor. 13:11
What attitudes contribute to an ability to live in peace?  What assurance is given?

Phil. 4:6-8
What antidotes anxiety are described here?  Why is this so difficult to accomplish?  What encouragement is given?

Jas. 3:17-18
What attitudes contribute to peace?  What does it mean to “sow in peace”?  What harvest will result?  Should we always expect a positive response from our work as peacemakers?

Definition: The bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, pain, etc. without complaint, loss of temper, irritation or the like.  An ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance in waiting.
Heb: arek ap - slow to anger.  Gk: makrothymia - patience with people and hypomone - persevere, endurance, persistence, standing firm, patience with circumstances.

Ps. 37:7
What attitude are we to have towards God?  Why is this often very difficult?  Why might it be even more difficult today than in David’s time?

Prov. 14:29, 15:18
What behavior is described in contrast to patience?  How does in manifest itself?

Prov. 19:11
What is a key to patience described here?  How does patience express itself?

Prov. 25:15
What is a powerful tool for persuasion?  Why would this be true?

Rom. 5:3-5
What can God accomplish through suffering?  What set of characteristics does God desire?

Rom 12:12
What aspect of patience is described here?  What other behaviors are mentioned?  How can these other behaviors improve our patience?

Eph. 4:2-3
What attitudes are mentioned along with patience here?  What results from these attitudes?

Col. 3:12-13
What bahaviors are mentioned along with patience here?  How are these behaviors interrelated?  What does it mean to “clothe ourselves” with these attitudes?  What important attitude should result from these behaviors?

1 Tim. 1:15-16, 2 Pet. 3:8-9
How is Christ’s patience described?  What is the intended result of God’s patience?

Heb. 12:1-2
What is required to succeed in the Christian race?  What needs to be our focal point?  What happens when we lose this focal point?

Jas 1:12
What reward for perseverance is described here?  Why is perseverance necessary to gain this reward?

Jas. 5:7-11
What examples of patience are given here?  Based on these verses, what should be prepared for in this life?

Definition:  A good or benevolent nature or disposition as a person.  Indulgent, considerate or helpful.  A deep-seated characteristic shown either habitually or on occasion by considerate behavior.
Heb: hesed - love, kindness, unfailing love, mercy.  Gk: chrestotes - kindness, tenderness, good.

Gen. 32:9-10
What attitude does Jacob have towards God?  What attitude has God had towards Jacob?

Gen 39:20-23
What situation was Joseph place into?  How did God bless Joseph?

Ps. 141:5
What form of kindness is described here?  Does this seem odd to you?  How can confrontation be an act of kindness?

Prov. 11:16-17
What benefits result from kindness?  What attitudes are a contrast to kindness?  What results from these negative attitudes?

Prov. 14:31, 19:17
What specific form of kindness does God seek?  What encouragement is given?

Is. 54:7-8
What words does God use to describe His anger?  His compassion and kindness?  Why should we be able to take great comfort in this?

Is. 63:7-10
How is God’s kindness described here?  How did Israel react?  What response from God did this cause?  What warning should we take from this?

Jer. 9:23-24
What attitudes are we to avoid?  What God-like attitudes are we to pursue?  How does God react when we behave in this manner?

Lk 6:35
What difficult form of kindness does God ask for here?

Rom. 2:4
What is the intended result of God’s kindness?  Rejection of God’s kindness comes from what attitude?

Rom. 11:22
What two attitudes of God are contrasted here?  What warning does this give to us?

Eph. 2:4-10
What is the ultimate example of God’s kindness to us?  What responses does God seek?

Eph. 4:32
What form of kindness does God call for here?  If we refuse to obey this command, what attitudes are we exhibiting?

Col. 3:12-13
What bahaviors are mentioned along with kindness here?  How are these behaviors interrelated?  What does it mean to “clothe ourselves” with these attitudes?  What important attitude should result from these behaviors?

1 Thes. 5:15
Who are we to be kind to?  What attitude must we avoid to live in this manner?  How can kindness be a tool to break a cycle of bitterness?  Why is this so difficult to accomplish?

2 Tim 2:24-26
What are the attributes of an effective spiritual teacher?  What can happen if these attitudes are missing?

Tit. 3:4-7
What caused God to create a path to salvation for us?  What was not one of God’s reasons?  Who was involved in establishing this path?

Definition:  Moral excellence; virtue, kindly feeling; kindness; generosity; excellence in quality.
Heb: tub - good things, goodness, prosperity.  Gk:  agathosyne - active goodness, good

Ex. 33:19-20
What aspect of His nature does God offer to show to Moses?  What does God not show to Moses?  Why would this be?

Ps. 23:6
What does David anticipate from God?  Why would David have this confidence?

Ps. 27:13-14
What does David anticipate from God?  What is sometimes required?

Ps. 69:16-18, 109:21
What requests does David make of God?  What is the basis for this request?

Ps. 145:5-9
What attributes does David use to describe God?  What response does David recommend?  Why is it that we often do not respond in this manner?

Matt. 5:14-16
What should result from our good deeds?  Who would we prefer to get the credit?  How can we overcome this natural inclination?

Mk 10:17-18
How is Christ addressed?  How does He respond?  Why would He respond in this manner?

Lk. 6:35, 43-45
What difficult instruction does Christ give here?  What do good behaviors and words indicate about a person?  Why are we usually better at applying this to others than to ourselves?

Rom. 2:7-11
What is the reward for those who seek to do good?  For those who do not?

Rom. 7:18-25
What struggles should we expect when we try to do good?  Why do we have these struggles?  How can we be victorious in this struggle?

Rom. 15:14
What confidence does Paul have in the Christians of Rome?  What gives him this confidence?  What can happen to people that have knowledge without goodness?  Goodness without knowledge?

1 Cor. 15:33
What threat to our good behavior is mentioned here?  How can we balance this truth with our need to be active witnesses to our culture?

Gal. 6:9-10
What can happen to our desire to do good?  Why can this occur?  Who is to be the recipient of our good deeds?

Eph. 2:8-10
What is God’s intent for our lives?  Why should we have this attitude?  What does it mean to be “God’s workmanship”?

Eph. 5:8-10
What is the fruit of the light?  How are these attributes interrelated?  What is to be our goal?

2 Tim. 3:16-17
What is a necessary preparation for us to do good?  Why would the be true?  What can happen when we attempt to do good with only our own knowledge and wisdom?

Heb. 6:5-6
What warning is given here?  How is “falling away” different from the doubts and struggles normal to the Christian walk?  Why does God behave in this manner?

Heb. 10:24-25
What is one of the important purposes of the Church?  How can we be more effective in fulfilling this role?

Jas. 4:17
How does James expand the definition of sin here?  Does this seem reasonable to you?

1 Pet. 2:11-12
What behaviors are we to avoid?  What attitude are we to have towards this world?  What result does God desire from our behavior?

2 Pet. 1:3-8
What set of characteristics does Peter describe here?  Why would goodness be listed first?  What should result when we live our life with these attitudes?

Definition:  Strict or thorough in the performance of duty; true to one’s word, promises, vows, etc.; steady in allegiance or affection, loyal; reliable, trusted or believed.
Heb: munah, met - faithfulness, truth, security.  Gk: pistos - faithful, trustworthy, believe.

Deut. 32:3-4
What attributes of God does Moses describe here?  Why should this be a comfort to those who seek to know Him?

Joshua 24:14-15
What call to faithfulness does Joshua make here?  What must Israel give up to be faithful to the Lord?  What must we give up?

Ps. 18:25-27
What encouragement are we given here?  What warnings are given?

Ps. 36:5-7
What attributes of God are described here?  How can this knowledge increase our faithfulness towards God?

Ps. 86:15-16
How is God described here?  Why is the God’s faithfulness so important?  What would it be like of God was not faithful towards us? 

Ps. 89:1-8, 14
How is God’s faithfulness described in this psalm?  What assurances are given?

Ps. 119:71, 75-77
What interesting aspect of God’s faithfulness is described here?  How is punishment and discipline an important aspect of faithfulness?

Prov. 3:3-4
What blessing is offered to those who are faithful?  How can we make faithfulness a core part of our life?

Prov. 20:6
Is true faithfulness a common attribute?  Why?

Hos. 4:1-2
What condemnation does Hosea make against Israel?  How are the sin’s that Hosea lists symptoms of a cultural loss of faithfulness?  How is this applicable to our culture today?  What happens to a culture that loses a desire for faithfulness?

Matt. 23:23-24
What condemnation does Christ make against the religious leaders of His day?  What has been the focus of this group?  What more important behaviors have they ignored?  How is this applicable to the Christian church today?

Rom. 12:12
What is an important way to demonstrate our faithfulness?  Why can it be difficult under these circumstances?

1 Cor. 10:12-13
What is an important way that God demonstrates his faithfulness?  What are some ways to avoid tempting situations?

Jas. 2:14-17
How does James describe a lack of faithful behavior?  What warning does he give?

1 Jn. 1:8-9
How does God demonstrate His faithfulness?  What must we do to claim this blessing?

Definition: Kindly, amiable; mild; not severe, rough or violent; polite, refined.
Heb: rak - gentle, tender, weak, fainthearted.  Gk: prautes - gentleness, humility, meekness.

1 Ki. 19:11-12
How did God reveal himself to Elijah?  What does this teach us about God?  What do we learn about the need to listen carefully for the Lord’s guidance?

Prov. 15:1
What guidance are we given about our speech here?  Which of these two responses are we more likely to have?  Why?  How can we train ourselves to respond appropriately?

Zech. 9:9
Who does this prophesy apply to?  When was it fulfilled?  Why does the description of a gentle king seem odd?  What does this teach us about the differences between a human kingdom and God’s kingdom?

Matt. 5:5
What encouragement is given here?  How is meekness different from weakness?  How does our culture typically misunderstand this concept?  What will sometimes occur when we act with meekness?

Matt. 11:28-30
What offer does Christ make here?  What is required of us if we are to partake of this blessing?

Gal. 6:1
What attitude are we to take towards those who are struggling with sin?  What warning are we given?  What typically happens if we take a critical and judgemental approach to correcting others?

Eph. 4:1-2
What lifestyle does God desire for us?  What is required for us to be able to live in this manner?  Why should be willing to do this?

2 Tim. 2:24-25
What method of teaching is described here?  Who is responsible for changing the hearts of our adversaries?  What happens when we try to assume that role?

1 Pet. 3:3-4
What type of beauty is temporary?  What type is permanent?  How does God view this type of beauty?  Which type of beauty does our culture value more?  What problems can this cause?

1 Pet. 3:15
What methods should we use when presenting the Gospel message?  What makes this approach effective?  What often makes more forceful approaches ineffective?

Definition:  Control or restraint of oneself or one’s actions, feelings, etc.
Gk: sophron - clear minded, self controlled, self-discipline.

Prov. 25:28
In ancient times, why were city walls important?  How is self-control important for our spiritual defenses?

1 Cor. 9:24-27
What analogies does Paul use to describe our spiritual self-discipline?  What is required to be successful in this task?

Col. 2:20-23
How can a desire for self-control get out of hand?  What happens when we make self-control our god?

1 Thes. 4:3-8
What aspect of self control is describe here?  What happens to those who lack this self control?  What strong warning is given?

1 Thes. 5:6-8
Why is self-control important?  How does it manifest itself?

Tit. 2:1-2, 6
What instructions are directed at men here?  What major challenges do men face in the area of self-control?  How does our culture often make this even more difficult?

1 Pet. 1:13-14; 4:7
What other behavior patterns can help us with our self-control?  What can easily undermine our self-control?  What is required for a healthy prayer life?  Why would this be true?

1 Pet. 5:8
What warning is given here?  What is required to overcome Satan’s attacks?

2 Pet. 1:5-8
Is self-control by itself sufficient for leading a godly life?  What other important attitudes are required?  How is self-control a key aspect of our character?

Eccles. 12:13-14
What does Solomon conclude from his observations of life?  What warning is given?

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