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A discussion oriented Bible study on the topics of Angels, Demons, Hell and Heaven |
Heaven & Hell, Angels & Demons - A Biblical Introduction to the Supernatural A Topical Group Discussion Bible Study in Four Lessons INTRODUCTION In some ways the Bible is similar to a gigantic jigsaw puzzle box in which God has mixed together a number of different puzzles. One task of the diligent Bible student is to carefully examine the Bible, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to extract the different puzzle pieces and fit together the different pictures. For the most important Christian doctrines (e.g., salvation by faith not works, God’s nature as both a just and merciful God, the diety and humanity of Christ, etc.) the Holy Sprit has inspired the Bible’s writers to include all the necessary puzzle pieces to form a complete picture. For some of the less critical Christian doctrines (e.g, predestination, the sacraments, etc.) it seems as though the Holy Spirit has only included some, not all, of the puzzle pieces. This study seeks to explore portions of the Bible where God in his wisdom has chosen to provide very little information (e.g., Where did Satan and the demons come from? What are angels like? etc.) This study attempts to bring together in groupings the main Bible verses that speak about Heaven, Hell, Angels and Demons. However, the reader is warned that while the author has done his best to appropriately extract and group these verses, he may be mistaken in some areas. Similarly, other studies on these topics should also be taken with a grain of salt since God appears to have chosen to avoid clearly addressing many aspects of these topics. Remember, the Bible tells us everything we need to know about God and the supernatural, but not necessarily everything we want to know. Enjoy the process of studying these fascinating topics, but avoid the temptation to become dogmatic and force the scripture to provide information in areas God has chosen to give us only partial knowledge. Demons Isaiah 14:12-14 Satan? Note: originally described the king of Babylon, “morning star” is translated as Lucifer in the Vulgate. How is Satan described? What is his sin? What resulted from this sin? Ezekiel 28:12-17 Satan? Note: though describing the king of Tyre, these verses appear to also describe Satan. What appearance does he have? What attitude does he display? What is his sin? Rev 12:1-8 War in Heaven How is Satan described here? Who is the woman? Who is her child? What do the stars symbolize? How many fall? Who fights in the war of Heaven? What results from this war? Gen 3:1-15 Satan’s Temptation of Eve What methods does Satan use in his temptation of Eve? What is the main temptation? How is this similar to Satan’s fall described in Isaiah? What results from Adam and Eve’s sin? What curse is given to Satan? John 8:44 Satan’s Character What is one of Satan’s primary characteristics? How was this seen in the temptation of Adam and Eve? What warning should we take from this? 2 Cor. 11:13-15 Satan’s disguise How is Satan describe here? How is this similar to the description in Isaiah? What warning does this give? Luke 4:1-13 Satan’s Temptation of Christ When does Satan tempt Christ? What methods does Satan use? How does Christ respond? Was this the end of Satan’s temptations? What can we learn from this? 1 Peter 5:8 Satan’s attacks How are Satan’s attacks described? What method does a lion use when hunting its prey? What can we learn from this to better resist Satan’s attacks? Rev 12:10-12; Job 1:8-11, Zech 3:1 Satan’s activity How is Satan’s activity described? What specific example is given? What warning is given? What assurance is given? Lev 19:26, 31; 20:6 Commands concerning sorcery What commands are given here? Why are these commands given? 1 Cor 10:18-22 Sacrifices to idols What danger is described here? What warning is given? Ex 7:10,22, 8:18-19 Pharoah’s sorcerers What were these sorcerers able to do? What were they unable to do? What can we conclude from this? 2 Thes 2:9; Rev 13:11-14, 16:13-14 Satanic Miracles What are the forces of evil able to do? What warning does this give to us? What can we do to avoid being deceived? 1 Sam 16:14, 23 Saul tormented What is the source of Saul’s torment? What led to this condition? How is this an example of the passive will of God? Luke 4:33-37 Christ drives out a demon How does this demon react to Christ’s presence? What does he know about Christ? How does Christ respond? Why does he quickly silence the demon? How do the people react? Luke 8:26-33 Christ drives out Legion What is unique about this demon possessed man? What special ability does he have? How do the demons react to Christ? What do they fear? What happens when the demons leave this man? What can we learn from this? Luke 10:1,17-20 Christ sends the 72 How does Christ send out these followers? Why? What special power is given? How does Satan react? Mark 9:17-29 Christ heals a boy What symptoms does this boy have? What is the demon’s goal? How does the demon react to Christ’s presence? Why were the disciples unsuccessful in driving out this demon? Mark 3:22-27 Jesus accused What accusation is made against Jesus? Why is this accusation made? How does Jesus respond? What is Jesus’ implication in vs. 27? James 2:19 Demons knowledge of God What do demons know about God? How do demons react to God? Why? Acts 16:16-18 A successful exorcism What special ability does this slave girl have? What gives her this ability? What message does she shout? Why would Paul seek to silence her? What method is used to drive out the demon? Acts 19:13-16 A failed exorcism Who attempts this exorcism? What method do they use? What understanding do these demons have? What special ability do they give the man they possess? Why does this exorcism fail? ANGELS 1 Thes. 4:16 Christ’s return announced Who has the privilege of announcing Christ’s return? How is this done? Dan. 10:10-13, 20-21, Dan.12: 1, Jude 9 Michael What is Michael’s rank? How does he show authority over Satan? How does he show authority over demons? What hierarchy in the spiritual realm does this suggest? What activities in the spiritual realm do these activities suggest? What additional roles does Michael perform? Dan. 8:15-17, 9:20-23, Luke 1:11-20, 26-38 Gabriel How does Gabriel interact with Daniel? With Zechariah? With Mary? What is common among these four visits? How are the reactions of each of these people similar? What does this tell us about Gabriel? Ezekiel 1:4-14 Four living creatures of Ezekiel What are the major characteristics of these creatures? What do you believe the four faces symbolize? Ezekiel 10:9-14 Cherubim How is this description similar to chapter 1? What additional information is given? Gen 3:24, Ps 99:1 Roles of the Cherubim What two roles for the cherubim are described here? Rev 4:6-8 Four living creatures of Revelations What are the major characteristics of these creatures? How are they similar and different to those described by Ezekiel? What is their message? Isaiah 6:1-5 Seraphs What characteristics of seraphs are described? How are they similar to the cherubim/four living creatures? How does Isaiah react to his vision? Gen 16:7-12 The first Biblical description of an angelic appearance Who does the angel appear to? What is his message? How is this similar to other angelic visitations? Ex 3:1-6 The burning bush How is the fire in the bush initially described? How is it subsequently described? What can we learn about the use of the term “angel” from this? Ex 14:19-20, 23:20-23 Protection for the Hebrews What roles does God’s angel perform here? Is this an angel or God Himself? 1 Chron 21:16, 27-30 An angel strikes Jerusalem How is this angel described? How does David react to this angel’s appearing? 1 Kings 19:3-9 An angel strengthens Elijah What service does this angel provide? How does this serve God’s purposes? 2 Kings 19:9-16, 35-37 An angel destroys Assyria’s army What challenge does Sennacherib make against God? How does God respond directly? How does God respond indirectly? Ps 34:7, 35:5-6 Angelic intervention What positive angelic intervention does the psalmist describe? What negative activity? Dan. 3:38, 6:22 Angels protect Daniel and his friends What angelic protection did Daniel and his friends experience? Why would God use this method for protecting His followers? Matt 1:20-21, 2:12-13, 19-20 Angelic dreams What messages does God give through these angelic appearances in dreams? Lk 2:8-14 Jesus’ birth announced Who does the angel appear to? How do they react? Why would they react this way? What is unique about this angelic appearance? Matt 4:11, Mk 1:12 Christ’s temptation What role did angels perform here? When did they assist Christ? Why did they assist Christ? Lk 22:39-44, Matt 26:52-54 Gethsemane What act does an angel perform here? Why was this help needed? What help could Jesus have requested? Why didn’t He make this request? Matt 28:2-7, Mk 16:4-7, Lk 24:2-8 Jesus’ resurrection announced How are these accounts similar? How are they different? How do people react to the presence of these angels? What roles do these angels play? Acts 5:17-20, 12:5-10 Released from prison What interventions do angels perform here? What abilities do they demonstrate? Rev 19:10, Rev 22:8-9, Col 2:18 Misplaced worship How does John react to the presence of angels? How do they respond to John’s behavior? What does Paul have to say on this subject? Matt 13:37-43; 16:27, 24:30-31 Judgement day What role will angels play on the day of judgement? Matt 18:10, Heb 1:14 Guardian angels What roles for angels are described here? How much information are we given? Should we expect angelic protection in our daily lives? Matt 22:29-30 Marriage What insight concerning angels is given here? Mk 13:32, 1 Pet 1:10-12 Limited knowledge What knowledge has been denied to the angels? What do angels desire to investigate? 1 Tim. 21 Elect angels What group of angels is described here? How would they differ from those described in Rev 12:7-8. Heb. 1:1-9 Angels in relation to Christ How are Christ and angels compared here? How are they similar? How are they very different? Rev 5:11-12, 7:11-12 Angels in Heaven How many angels are mentioned? What are they doing? Other verses describing angels Job 4:18, 1 Cor 6:3, 2 Pet 2:4, Jude 6 - Angels charged with error Job 38:6-7, Lk 15:10, Heb 12:22 - Angels rejoice Ps 91:11-12 - Description of angelic protection used by Satan to tempt Christ Ps 103:20-22 - A call to praise God Other angelic appearances Gen 19:1-26 - Angels rescue Lot from the destruction of Sodom (note how the terms “angels” and “men” are used interchangeably, suggesting a similarity in appearance) Gen 28: 12, 32:1 - Angels appear to Jacob Num 22:21-33 - An angel and Balaam’s donkey Judges 13:2-25 - Samson’s birth foretold Acts 10:1-8 An angel appears to Cornelius the Centurion Acts 27:21-26 - Paul encouraged before a shipwreck Rev. 8:1-9:21 - The angels’ trumpets Rev 16:1-21 - The angels’ bowls of God’s wrath HELL Note from NIV Study Bible: The term translated as “hell” in English comes from the Greek word “geenna” which is in turn derived from the Hebrew word “ge hinnom” which means Valley of Hinnom. This was an area used for human sacrifice by fire to the Ammonite god Molech during the reigns of Ahaz and Manasseh (see Jer 7:31-32). It eventually became a perpetually burning city dump for Jerusalem. Matt 5:21-22 Murder and insults Who is subject to punishment in hell? What aspect of hell is described here? Matt 5:27-30 Adultery and lust Who is subject to punishment in hell? How can hell be avoided? Since this is obviously not intended to be taken literally, what point is Jesus making? Matt 10:26-28; 18:9; Lk 12:4-6 A warning Who are we to fear? Who should we not fear? Why? What do we learn about hell here? Matt 23:15, 33 Pharisees condemned Why does Christ criticize the Pharisees? What term does Christ use? What is the meaning of this term? Mk 9:43-49 A warning How is hell describe here? What additional information is given? Lk 16:19-31 The Rich Man and Lazarus What is the point Christ is making in this parable? How is hell described here? What is unique about these descriptions? Since this is a parable, what descriptions are to be taken literally and which are understood figuratively? Jas 3:6 The tongue How is the tongue described? What aspect of hell is mentioned? What practical life applications can we learn from this description? 2 Pet 2:4 Hell’s first residents Who is condemned to hell here? Why? 1 Pet 3:18-20 Christ preaches in hell? Note: There is considerable debate about the meaning of these verses. They would seem to imply that Christ perhaps preached in hell after His resurrection. Jude 1:6-7 Eternal fire Who is condemned to hell here? Why? Rev 20:13-15; 21:8 Lake of Fire Who is cast into the lake of fire? What does it mean that death is cast into the fire? Matt 16:18 Hades What imagery is used to describe Hades? What happens with its gates are breached? Matt 25:41-46 Eternal punishment Who is condemned here? Why? Why was hell created? What do we learn about hell from these verses? Matt 27:45-46 Christ experiences the agony of hell When did Christ experience the pain of hell? How does He describe hell? Matt 8:11-12 Cast outside What imagery of hell is given here? How does it differ from other descriptions? How do the situations of the righteous and the wicked compare? Matt 13:41-43, 49-50 Judgement day How is judgement day described here? What is the destination of the wicked? Of the righteous? Matt 22:1-14 The wedding banquet Who is the king in this parable? What does he offer? What is required to receive this blessing? What is the meaning of the man without wedding clothes? What happens to this man? Matt 24:45-51 Faithful and wicked servants How do these servants behave differently during their master’s absence? What is the reward of the faithful servant? What is the punishment of the wicked servant? Matt 25:1-13 10 Virgins What happens to the five wise virgins? To the 5 foolish virgins? What lesson is Christ teaching here? Matt 7:13-14; Lk 13:24-30 The narrow gate Why is the path to hell so easy to find? What symbols for hell are given in these verses? What is necessary to avoid this punishment? Lk 3:9,17; Jn 15:5-6 Punishment by fire Who, according to these verses, will be punished? HEAVEN Old and New Testament words for Heaven Hebrew: samayim - used 416 times - heaven, sky, air, starry, highest heaven Aramaic: smam - used 38 times - heaven, air, sky Greek: ouranos - used 274 times - heaven, sky, air, heavenly (bodies and beings) Greek: epouranious - used 19 times - heavenly, heavenly realms, heavenly things Visions of Heaven Ez 1:22-28 Ezekiel’s vision of Heaven What sights and colors does Ezekiel see? What sounds does he hear? How is God described? How does Ezekiel react to this vision? Rev 4:1-11 John’s vision of Heaven What sights and colors does John see? What sounds does he hear? How is God described? Who else does John see in his vision? How do they behave in the presence of God? Acts 7:55-60 Stephen’s vision of Heaven What does Stephen see of Heaven? How do others react to this vision? Why do they react in this way? Acts 9:1-7 Paul on the road to Damascus What does Paul see? Who does Paul see? What message does Paul receive? What do others in Paul’s group see? Why? 2 Cor 12:2-4 Paul’s vision of Heaven What is the meaning of the term “third heaven”? How does Paul describe his vision? Why? Note: Compare Paul’s situation with John’s in Rev 10:4. Why would God do this? Gen 28:10-15 Jacob’s vision of Heaven What does Jacob see? Who does Jacob see? What message does Jacob receive? Dan 7:13-14 Daniel’s vision of Heaven What does Daniel see of Heaven? Who does Daniel see? How do people react? Matt 3:16-17 John the Baptist’s vision of Heaven What does John see? What message does he hear? Rev 21:1-4, 9-27 The New Jerusalem What life experiences will be missing? Why? How is the appearance of the New Jerusalem described? How big is it? Why is the number 12 mentioned? What is missing from the New Jerusalem (vs. 22)? Why is it missing? Rev 22:1-5 The river of life What is the source of the river of life? What else is described here? Are these literal or figurative descriptions? What is missing from the New Jerusalem? Why? Heavenly Bodies 1 Cor 15:35-38, 42-44, 49 Heavenly bodies How are our heavenly bodies described here? How do they differ from our earthly bodies? Whose body will they resemble? 1 Cor 15:51-56 The last trumpet When will we receive our heavenly bodies? How will this occur? What changes after our resurrection? 2 Cor 5:1-5 Earthly bodies How are our earthly bodies described? How do they compare to our heavenly bodies? What feelings do we struggle with today? Why? What assurance does God provide? Phil 3:20-21 Citizenship What is our true citizenship? How should this impact our lives? What promise about our bodies is given? Other Descriptions of Heaven 1 Cor 2:9 Unimaginable How is God’s reward described here? Why would Heaven be beyond our comprehension? Jn 14:2-3 Christ’s promise What promise does Christ make here? What hints concerning Heaven does He give? 1 Thes 4:15-5:4 Christ’s return How is Christ’s return described? Who will be with Him? How will we be reunited with those who have died? When will Christ return? Lk 23:39-43 The thief on the cross When will we join Christ in paradise? How is this similar to Paul’s teaching in 1 Thes 4:14 and John’s vision in Rev 6:9-11? Ex 19:16-19 Sinai How is God’s appearance on Sinai described? How is it similar and different from descriptions of heaven? 1 Ki 8:27-30; Is 66:1-2 Solomon’s prayer How is God described here? What is Solomon’s request? How does God describe Heaven? Matt 6:19-21; Lk 12:32-34 Treasure in Heaven How do we obtain treasures in heaven? How are earthly and heavenly treasures different? Why would we want to do this? Col 3:1-4 Heavenly focus What is Christ’s position? How are we to live our lives? What encouragement are we given? Acts 1:9-11 Jesus ascends into Heaven How did Jesus depart? Who brings a message of comfort? What message to they give? Col 1:16 Creation of Heaven Who created Heaven? Why was it created? Heb 8:3-6; 9:23-28 The Temple How is the Temple and its sacrifices similar to Heaven? How is it different? Who is the focus? |