Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1314019-Taffys
Rated: GC · Short Story · Thriller/Suspense · #1314019
teenage kids where one of them has a severe episode and what happens at Taffy's
They could see very little as they lie on their backs at the beach and look up at the bright, blue sky. It was the middle of summer break for these four high-schoolers. They had spent the beginning of the summer racing around the countryside in a frenzy to expel the trapped energy acquired from months at school. Now they are relaxed and calmer.
One of the four, a girl by the name of Angela, rolled on her side to face the boy who was next to her, Bryant. Their tan skin almost matched as she touched his chest. “I’m hungry,” she said lazily.
“You’re always hungry,” he answers as he sits up. He looks to his left, opposite of Angela and sees his best friend, Kevin, and his girl, Tiffany holding hands but asleep. He considers leaving them here to burn while he takes Angela to get lunch, be decides to wake them and offer them a chance to come along.
Bryant gets up quietly and grabs his water bottle. He carefully positions himself above the sleeping couple, about to pour the water. It is only then that Kevin speaks up, “Don’t think it.”
Bryant kicks some sand on his friend, but does not pour the water. “How did you know what I was going to do?” he asks while he gathers his belongings.
“Come on, dude. I’ve known you since I could walk. I know everything you are going to do,” Kevin answers as those it was a common fact. He wakes Tiffany and dons his clothes over his swimming trunks.
“Where are we going for lunch?” Kevin asks.
“How do you know we are not going to a movie or something? Maybe we are just bored and are going to go home and play video games,” Bryant is surprised Kevin would guess it was lunchtime.
“Come on, it is 2:30. Angela is always hungry by two. I know this,” Kevin smiles casually.
“I was thinking Taffy’s. They have good BLT’s there and I want one of those,” Angela pipes up to answer that question.
“Sounds good to me. How ‘bout you, honey?” Kevin agrees to Angela’s idea and turns to the fair-skinned blonde next to him.
“Sounds great. I like Taffy’s,” she smiles at him and pushes her hair back. They have not been together long, but they already feel a good connection. The four of them finish gathering their belongings and head to Bryant’s car. It was nothing fancy, just good enough to get around town in. Within minutes, they arrive at Taffy’s.
There is only one other car in the parking lot, and no one in the dinning room. They walked in and took a seat. A minute later an older waitress came out to take their orders. She pulls her pen out from her high tied bun and a little pad from her white apron, which seemed dull next to the yellow dress she wore. It was easy an easy order, four bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches with mountain dews for the boys and diet coke for the girls. She did not even bother to write it down.
The four friends sit around talking. After a few minutes, Tiffany excuses her self to go the restroom, taking her purse with her. Since they could not see one, she decides to head to the kitchen to ask about one. While she is gone, the conversation continues with a different turn.
“What do you guys think of her?” Kevin asks his friends while he looks at the door she just went through.
“I’ll be honest with you, Kevin. She seems needy. She seems to cling to you quiet a bit. It seems as though she is very insecure about you leaving her or something. I don’t know if this is something you need. I know you are still getting over the last girl, but I don’t know if jumping into a relationship with Tiff is good. I will grant, she is pretty, but something doesn’t seem right,” Bryant is leaning over the table. He has never been comfortable around Tiffany. As they spend more and more time together, she seems to make him more and more uncomfortable.
“I’m going to agree with Bryant. I really don’t think she is the one for you. She seems to be the very jealous type. I don’t even think she really believes me when I tell her that you and I are just friends. I think that she thinks I’m doing something with you behind her back. I think this one isn’t going to work for you too well in the end,” Angela was also leaning towards Kevin. She desperately wanted him to listen to what she was saying. She does not mean to be mean; she just does not trust the girl. She does not like the way Tiffany looks at other women like they are going to try to make a pass at Kevin. She always seems to be on edge.
As Angela was finishing her piece, there was a quick series of bangs. Tiffany bolts through the door immediately following the noise and calls to her friends. “Hurry, the cook just slipped and he looks hurt!” She was hanging onto the door, half in and half out of the doorway.
The four of them rushed to the kitchen. When they got into the kitchen, they found Tiffany standing behind a counter, holding a gun. The waitress and the cook were dead. The cook looked surprisingly like Kevin, dark Italian skin with his hair parted down the center. “You, you were going to steal my boyfriend. Your type always steal my boyfriend. You guys always try to steal them. I won’t let you this time. Just like I didn’t let this woman. I saw her, she was all over him. I’ll get you first!” Tiffany raised the gun in front of her and fired. Angela tried to move, but there was just no time. She screamed as the bullet hit her, but was dead before she hit the ground, blood pooling around her as she lay there on the ground.
“And you! How dare you cheat on me. How dare you go for those evil broads. How dare you! I know you will. You may not have yet, but you will. You always will. I’m sure that as soon as I left, you were all over her, and she you! I know it! How could you do this to me?! Now I’ll have to punish you.” The second shot was fired as she finished her rant. Kevin, unlike Angela, did not even try to move. He just fell in a heap. There was a little grunt from him as the air and life rushed from him.
“I bet you think you’re just going to get away with this! You did this. You brought that broad around. You brought us here. You did this! I can’t let you tell them otherwise!” Tiffany’s rants have become screams. Her voice was more terrifying to Bryant than the murders. He turned quickly to run, he wanted out of there. He did not even make it to the door directly behind him though. His body landed on top of poor Angela’s.
Tiffany’s breath was coming hard now. She surveyed what she did, and then started to shake. She dropped the gun and started to cry. At her feet were the dead cook and waitress. In front of here were her dead friends. She did not seem to know where they came from.
When the police arrived to answer complaints of bullets being fired, reported by neighbors, they found her still standing as she was. Her statement is as follows:
“When I and my friends arrived, there were two cars in the parking lot. No one was in the dinning room. I just assumed it was the employees’ car. We ordered our food, four BLTs and 4 sodas, mountain dew for the boys and diet cokes for us girls. We were waiting for our food when we hear a series of loud bangs. We rushed into the kitchen to find out what the noise was. We wanted to make sure no one got hurt. Upon entering the kitchen, we found the cook and the server dead. Two men wearing masks came at us. They killed my friends and then handed me the gun. I was too scared to do anything.”
Tiffany’s purse had been gone through and they found pictures of former boyfriends, all Italians, all looking like Kevin. Her history had been gone though, and they had found a history of paranoia. The forensic evidence singled her out as the killer. They questioned people about the possibility of a second car. All the witness said that yes, there were two cars, but when the police arrived, there was only one. That was the only detail that did not add up. No one knows what happened to that second car.
© Copyright 2007 Sarah Arnette (cherished at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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