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Rated: E · Fiction · Children's · #1313865
Follow the new exciting adventures of Zuda and the rest of The Dusk Skull Crew!
The strong winds blew through the stormy clouds over Shark Port. The rain swept through the dark water like a snake slithering across the ocean. The town people took cover for the night and locked their door's tight. Its been three day's since the storm had begun and many of the fishermen had disappeared while on the ocean. The sun had set over Shark Port casting shadow's over the cove.

A ship came into the view of the old port. The guards watched the ship stop and dock. A tall man walked out of the ship leading his crew off. He had a big pirate hat and a dark black coat. His green eye's glowed through the mist and a bird perched on his shoulder. The guard walked towards him silently.

" I think ye' better leave there matey's. Thy' Ports been hav'in a bit of trouble and we ain't wanting to lose another soul on the cursed sea's." The guard said to the man.

The man frowned. "You shouldn't be stoppin' me lad, or if you move, we might not cost any harm around here."

The guard turned pale and stepped aside. " Yes... pass immediately... we don't want trouble here..." the guard shivered.

The man smiled and walked by him with his fifteen other crew mate's. The Captain was named Hook Boot John, one of the deadliest captain's of the black sea's and one of the most feared. Hook Boot John was rarely on land and was an odd soul who hardly ever fought only if it was for gold. His second in command was Jacopo, his skills in daggers has driven him to the most wanted and is mostly seen in Shark Port. The rest of the crew was also most wanted but none of the less, they were always a rare sight. They walked into the empty docks of Shark Port. Not a face was spotted through the heaps of fish and barrels along side the ports edge. Ships of all sorts, big and small, sat motionless in the mist.

" We'll take a rest at the SharkTooth Inn tonight and we'll do business tomorrow. " said Hook Boot John. Jacopo nodded. " Can we do a bit of scurrying around? "

Hook Boot John rolled his eye's and sighed. "Don't cause any ruckus though. If I wake up tomorrow mornin' with guards around me, you'll all walk the plank!"

Jacopo stood motionless. " Yes captain." he said and he walked away with the other crew mate's. Hook Boot John walked down the docks quietly. When he disappeared into the mist, five kids peeked out around the corner of the inn. The oldest was a teenaged girl named Zuda, second was a twelve year old named Ben, two seven year old's named Robert and Charles and a six year old named Mikari.

Zuda ducked behind the corner. She put a finger on her lips and signaled them to stay down. " Ok what are we suppose to do again? Talk to the inn keeper Willy or get something?" Charles asked.

Robert gave him a stern look. " Be quiet! Hook Boot John will kill you if he found us."

Ben shrugged. Zuda gave them both a glare. " Both of you shut up! He's coming!"
She whispered.

Hook Boot came into sight through the mist. The money in his pocket swung back and forth and the chimes made Zuda grin with happiness. All her life, she and her cousins plus her brother wished they could become pirates and to become masters of the black sea's. Yet they had a secret that could never be reviled. Hook Boot John was the one after their secret but Zuda was the only one who knew it, the Treasure of Dusk Cove. Hook Boot John growled and walked into the SharkTooth Inn. Silence surrounded them as they crept out of their hiding places.

Robert yawned. " Well nothing happened, lets head back to the hideout and get some rest." he said.

Zuda turned around and grabbed him. " We aren't going back remember? We need more information first about Hook Boot's plans, by tomorrow evening we are leaving Shark Port so they don't follow us straight to the cove! If we get the Treasure of Dusk Cove first, we can have a very fast escape and bring the rest of the group with us at dawn. Now first we need to talk to the Innkeeper Willy so he can distract them for us" she said walking towards the door of the Inn.

Ben smiled. " What if we get Sylvester to do it, or maybe even Ariel?"

Zuda shook her head. "It wont do, I know Willy more then anyone. His folk tales are the most popular in Shark Port!" Zuda said as they entered.

Robert stopped in his footsteps. "But what if Hook Boot John will be somewhere listening? Everybody know's that Hook Boot John can't be killed. Not even you can kill him, even though your sword skills are a work of art." he said.

Zuda didn't listen to him, she just walked into the dark SharkTooth Inn of Shark Port.
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