Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1312238-The-Cost-to-be-Free
by froggy
Rated: ASR · Essay · History · #1312238
outlines the idea of freedom actually not being free at all
Freedom is a word we all know and long for. When we are teenagers freedom means alot to us. The age of 21 we think will grant us this freedom to do whatever, whenever we want. No more listening to our parents or other adults! Well freedom just seems like another word when you reach the age of 21 and realize you still are not completely free.
So is freedom truly free? I say no. No matter how free we think we are their is always a price to pay and someone to answer to. Freedom is only free to an extent. Just look at what our freedom as a nation has cost us. Lives of our ancestors, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters. How can it be that we live free with this as the price. People came to America to get away from the rule of England to find their freedom. Well they found that when they arrived even the free world had rules. We still have laws to abide by, and people to answer to. So how can we say we are completely free?
Let's look at a few encounters where our freedom has cost someone somewhere, shall we. When we look back through the years we see where wars have been fought and lives have been lost to keep our country free. When this great country was started slaves were used to work the fields and do the labor around the house. These were men and women that had no freedom. We had the civil war to free these people. Many men were lost in this great war to grant freedom, lives were lost. So we see where this case of freedom was not free. We had World War one and World War two that was fought to keep our country free, yet the same goes many men lost their lives. So we see again that this freedom was not truly free. Today we are waging a war to help other countries gain freedom from terrorist and to protect our own country from the same. Yet the freedom these countries are gaining is definitely not free. We are losing more and more men and women everyday to gain a little freedom. If freedom were truly free it would be given without cost of lives. It would be granted without having to answer to someone higher up the ladder.
Not only did our freedom cost lives, but we have to work daily to keep ourselves free from debt.
As much as we would like to think of freedom as being free I cannot say it is. I see the lives it has cost and the prices we pay everyday to keep freedom in this and other countries alive. The only freedom we have is the freedom we are given at the cost of others.

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