Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1311639-UNITED-AIRLINES-FLIGHT-93
by marco
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · History · #1311639
On 9/11 the fourth plane. See in the bad man's viewpoint
Ever wondered what it was like for the bad man?. As the 4 men waited to board the 757, people at the gate still making phone calls, suddenly "ladies and gentlemen we will now begin the boarding process for united airlines flight 93". The 4 men stood up but one man stayed back to call his girlfriend to tell her he loved her and goodbye, that man was Ziad Jarrah. "Hello" said his girlfriend, "hello"? i love you , i love you i love you. Making his way toward the gate attendant he handed her the boarding pass and began his long fearful journey to the point of no return. Hi! said F/A Debbie Welsh, 1b sir enjoy, seeing that the other 3 were seated and in positon, he noticed such an empty flight how 50 chairs were also empty. "ding" Hello ladies and gentlemen my name is Jason Dahl and i will be your captain today our flying time today is 5 hrs and 45 minutes, it looks like we are on time but evein if we are not there is still some tailwind to make up along with me is first officer LeRoy Homer, please fasten your seatbelt and enjoy the flight. Ziad still thinking about what was going on, paying no mind to the saftey anouncement the f/a's were making was thinking about wether he did this for the good of things. "Ding" ladies and gentlmen captain here, looks like a 30-45 minute delay im sorry for the delay and i thank you for your patience. Ziad got so carried away with thinking he just realized they were number one for departure. "Ding" Flight Attendants prepare for takeoff please. Saying his pre prayer he was so anxcious that he was sweating. Being in first class the f/a was walking around a lot so he had to make a good time to make his move. Ahamad came to him, (arabic language) what are we wating for?, get back dont bother me when i say you go i say you go. Ok 1b hello sir can i get you your meal and drink?, Uh no im not very hungry yet but water is great thanks, ziad said in good but still broken english. Ziad signaled ahamed to tell ahmed to make the "ward off" (fake bomb), ahamad said ok and told him in arabic. Waiting for 1 minute to pass so no one would feel suspicious about wierd activity going on ahmed went in to the stall. Ahmed made it couldnt even wait and got out, eyeballed ziad, saeed, and ahamed. Everyone saying theyere prayers ziad finally told ahamed and saeed to go. They looked up and wiped themselves, aproaching the purser debbie welsh suddenly they pushed her into the galley corner at knifepoint. She screamed loudly but not enough to hear in economy just yet. "You give us cockpit!", i cant no stop! OW. "Do it now open OPEN!". Ahmed jumped up and took his shirt off when he noticed a man, mickey rothenberg aproaching saeed and ahamed. He shouted allah huakbar!! and stabbed mickey. Passangers now seeing what is happening they are rushed out to economy with now knowing the supposed bomb is on board. Debbie was only wounded as she had a slit wound on her cheek she opened the door. Captain Dahl and LeRoy Homer still got the message about the cockpit intrusion but they didnt know what was going on with all the noise in the cockpit. "Hey what the hell stop SLICE owww! ahh! get outta here!!! ahhhhhhh get outta here!". " Uhh united 93? is that you calling?". "Executive jet 956 did you here screaming just 10 seconds ago??". "Yea i did center i was coming out of 15000 to 20000 and it came up any idea whats happening?". Swoosh the yoke in the forward position as autopilot is knocked off with the pilot and f/o being killed squirming around they turned autopilot off and the plane was in a pitch. Everyone standing up was suddenly brought down, ziad was pulling up so hard nothing was working so finally he gave a good grip and got it moving up, cmon! cmon! he thought. "Ok now united 93 dropped 800 and now is climbing so i want everyone away from him, united 93 united 93 do you here the center?". Saeed came back in, (in arabic) ziad passangers are getting worried what the hell happened?. Saeed they knocked off autopilot it went in a dive go back and control them from doing anything. Ok ziad but make the anouncement when you got everything under control, ok said ziad. Saeed noticed debbie crying behind the snack cart so he took her and said es milar allah!!. No please i gave you your needs please let me live i dont wanna die. Stop! stop! lie down lie down. let go of him (debbie still fixing up mickeys wound to the throat) thats it, NOO !! PLEAS.... SLICE. Gasp Gasp, ok ziad everything here is good. Ziad still worrying about hearing his flight number in the air traffic headphones, ok he said its time, "Hi this is the uh captain and we have a bomb aboard and we are going back to the airport they have met our demands. "Ok now i hear that calling Cleveland center say again slowly", DAMN DAMN ziad said pounding the dashboard of the cockpit. Ok this go off, ziad turned air traffic off and hit the p/a anouncement, This is the captain we have a bomb on board and were going back to the airport we have our demands now stay quiet. In economy all the flight attendants in the galley trying to figure out whats going on passangers call theyre loved ones. Hi mom this is Mark Bingham, no im not okay im on a plane thats hijacked, no i dont know who they are there are 3 of them (no one saw ziad during the attack). Mother?, hello (phonline disconected) guess il try again after. Todd Beamer called the verizion airphone directory line as Tom Burrnet was talking to his wife Dina and saying hes going to cast a vote on to attack the hijackers. BANG CRASH!!! AHHH!!, ziad notices it stalled for 6 seconds when speed armer wasant set so now the engine was really roaring as he full throtled it now saeed got angry and said make sure the identification is turned off. Ziad quickly checked the transponder as it was just turned off. BEEP saeed read a message that said " 2 a/c hit world trade center secure cockpit now" he got excited and told saeed to the the 3 others he was singing on the way down to the other cabin. As passangers gathered in the galley to make an attack flight attendant Sandy Bradshaw called her husband phil to tell him she may not be coming home and people got together to attack the hijackers everyone crying still they needed to work fast. Jeremy Glick just hung up with his wife liz and now he as well went to the back of the plane galley to let the passangers know he was the top black belt in judo and he needed to be in front charging up. They needed water and something heavy so F/A wanda green sugested the snack cart. saeed noticed he was descending still but not enough he made a 230 turn around toward washington then began rapidly descending to 16,000 around. OHH MY GOD WERE GOING DOWN voices cried, ziad thinking it was a roller coaster ride was begining to pull back up to level as the overspeed sound got anoying. Passangers getting in position now but they found on board was Donald Green and he was a single engineer pilot so he was included in the plan. They positioned in theyere seats then finally began to charge. YARRRRRRR AHHH! GOO GOOOOOOO!!! people crying and screaming as they flew up the asile, ahmed began to scream as he was jumped and stripped of his so called bomb, people charged into first class as ahamed banged the door and said, SAEED ZIAD!!!!. Cmon we need to do something help go!. Ziad starting to almost cry he was frustrated to he knocked off autopilot again and took the yoke in his hands mark tom and jeremy tackled ahamed as jeremy snapped ahameds neck todd found a snack cart and said, roll it cmon hit the center of the door let go, AHH!!! as ziad rocked the plane back and forth everyone was now deffinitly scared. they got in ziad surprised ad saeed said ok now pull it in and take it down finish it now!!. Ziad and everyone fighting for controll the plane rolled to a 360 degree bank and they were now nose dived, Donald said I CANT PULL I CANNT!!!! I CAN HANDLE HER. ALLAH HUAKBAR!!! SHOUTED ZIAD AHHH!!!!!. It is 10:03 am Flight 93 is down in Shanksville Penslyvania. DEDICATED TO THE HEROS OF THAT DAY AND FLIGHT
© Copyright 2007 marco (boeingman787 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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