Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1311526-Summer-Love-Part-1
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Young Adult · #1311526
A new and fresh summer read that is sure to interest you with its hip characters.

A Kikela Robert’s Creation
“Summer Love”

“So, are you really an angel?”
I twisted my lips in a “kiss my ass” sort of look as I turned to meet the owner of the unfamiliar voice. I knew what he was referring to. It never failed. The angel wings and halo tattoo got me more attention than I could want. But I guess that was my intentions when I chose to place it on my left shoulder blade. So on a hot day like today, I was exposing the tat by wearing a tank top.
I turned my head in his direction glaring at him from behind large, dark shades. My pony tail was sitting high on my head, and when I turned it brushed my neck. My hoop earrings bounced off the side of my face. A diva on any day.
“It depends on what angle you are looking at it from,” I replied. Then proceeded to lift my top just so, exposing the counter part of the first tat.
There, just above the waist of my denim mini, on my right lower back was another tat. Small horns, a spaded tail and pitch fork. I didn’t even look to see his reaction and went back to talking with my best girl friends.
They were laughing at the brotha who thought he was getting some play with that tired line I had been hearing since the first day I stepped out with my new body graffiti. I could be rich if I charged every male that had said those exact words to me.
“So what are we doing again, because you know you skanks will make plans and then change y’alls minds a hundred times right up until the night of.”
That was Shanna’s loud mouth. She was the only one of us who had gotten knocked up before graduating from high school. Being a single mother, you had to have your schedule planned out in advanced so that you could have your shit together. It was our annual Summer Bash we had been throwing since we all met in middle school.
All five of us had summer birthdays and decided to throw one big party every year. We alternated whose birthday it would fall on and this year it was my turn. July 4th was the day. My dad says it’s the reason why I’m such a bomb shell.
He was right.
“Bitch, we know you got to get back to lil’ man. So we just gone convene on this subject until next weekend,” Alexis suggested after gathering her discarded shoes from the sand.
We all agreed to finalize or at least discuss some more details next weekend. July was pushing up fast and even though we still had to cover Memorial Day weekend, July would be here before we knew it. 
Without saying my usual good-byes, I hurried through the small crowd that was evacuating the shore. The sun was kissing the horizon and the freaks do come out at night. At least on Pensacola Beach they do.
“Yo, skank, why you rushing off so fast? You hooking up with Cam later?”
Without turning around I stuck my middle finger up high over my head. I reached the side walk and dropped my flip flops down so that I could slide my pedicure feet into them. This is the part I hate, the sand between my toes. I would definitely have to hit up the free vacuums at the first Tom Thumb I came across.
“Hey Mesha, you ok?” Shanna asked as she and Tamia approached on their way to Shanna’s red Misibishi Gallant.
“Yeah, everything is everything. Alexis doesn’t punk me,” I replied just in case she thought that Alexis’s comments had somehow rattled me. She should know me better than that.
“Naw, that’s not what I meant. You were unusually quiet, even for you. And this is your year and all as far as the B-day Bash is concerned.”
I stared into her angelic eyes for a moment. Despite being a young mother, Shanna was the sweetest person. She had always taken on a motherly role in our eclectic group.
“I’m good,” I reassured her. I hugged them both as they continued to the parking lot.
I felt a hard shove to my back and didn’t immediately respond to the offense. Alexis was the biggest kid you could ever meet. But when it was time to act like an adult, if you didn’t know any better you would swear that she had an identical twin. Her complete opposite.
When I finally turned around to meet her smug grin, I brushed invisible dirt from my shoulder.
“Oh, so it’s like that skank?” she stood there as if at any minute something would jump off. The departing beach goers were slowing down as they passed us awaiting a potential cat fight.
Then she doubled over with laughter. I just shook my head as I pulled my shades up to rest on top of it. Glancing down at the large face of my time piece I ignored Alexis’s hysterics.
“Yo, Angie, what are you up to tonight?”
“Gurl, I have no clue. This was it for me. I might catch up with Brian, but I don’t feel like babysitting a grown ass man tonight.”
I nodded my understanding as Alexis finally got over herself praise of a joke that wasn’t funny.
“Y’all ain’t right. Up tight bitches I hang with. I need to dump the golden girls and get with some real chicks.”
“Alright chica, we’ll catch you on the flip side,” Angie replied as they joined the parking lot retreat.
I stood there watching the sun say its last good-byes and wondering what could I get into. The scene on the beach was already changing as the night crowd began to take over. I didn’t want to go, but didn’t want to stay alone. I was really avoiding an unsolved dilemma that I had been ignoring for weeks now. Still no closer to an answer, I started to take a step when a light tap was felt on my left shoulder.
“Now that your girls are gone, let’s be for real.”
It sounded familiar, only because I had heard it a while earlier. I turned around prepared to give him the “real” me as he put it. But when I turned I looked at him, I mean really looked at him. No shades, no barriers, just he and I standing on the side walk inches apart, words failed me.
He had these beautiful brown eyes. And I say that because at the moment I couldn’t find the right words to describe what they were doing to me. He was a full head taller than me and his broad shoulders eclipsed my shadow as the sun was now on my back.
He was fine.
He was more than fine, he was handsome.
His biceps bulged under his open buttoned down shirt and his khaki shorts hung loose from his narrow waist. I could make out a sculpted torso under his wife-beater and decided to end my assessment there before I wound up taking him home.
I got my act together and the “real” me stepped forward.
“How real do you want to get?”
He smiled and my heart slammed into my chest. I placed my hand over the delicate organ to make sure it was still there.
“I don’t know. It depends on you,” he casually replied. “You can start by telling me you name.”
My name? He wanted to know my name. What was my name again? Ok, that certainly never happened before. Stunned silent? I think I had been out in the sun too long.
“So we’re not being that real? Ok, my name is Mike.” He extended his hand for me to shake.
It took me a moment to connect the gesture to actual movement. I was focusing more on his lips than what was rolling over them.  And when my hand slid into his, the thin sheen of sweat that had covered my bare skin was disturbed by goose bumps that seemed to start where his hand touched mine and spread upward to cover my entire arm.
“No, just Mike.” He chuckled softly as if he had it all together and I was some dumb struck young girl who was shaking the hand of her first crush.
I pulled my hand back upset with my reaction to this mysterious man that I had never met before. I was sure that I had run into or heard of anyone worth knowing in the ‘Cola. So where had this Mike, been hiding?
“Are you gonna return the favor?” he asked.
But before I could answer a group of fast moving guys approached him. They playful grabbed him putting him in choke holds, rough housing the way little boys do.
“Hey, man who’s the purty lady?” Not attractive enough.
“Yeah, Mike. I know this ain’t you.” Too short.
“I still haven’t gotten her name yet. So back up and let me get on my game,” he replied easing into their language and style. Completely different from the persona he had been using with me. Funny how people were much like chameleons.
“I wasn’t passing it out,” I said as I turned and headed towards my Honda Accord. His boys’ presence had snapped me out of my temporary daze and I was me once again.
I could hear them dogging him after I had left him hanging. I didn’t understand what had just happened. I didn’t want a man to have that much power over me. As fine as Mike was, I was the only power holder in any relationship. On that thought I was back to thinking of a solution to my unresolved issues.

~KD Morrell KD Morrell KD Morrell KD Morrell KD Morrell~

“I don’t chase behind no one. If I’m worth your time you would have been out at the beach instead of where ever the hell you were.”
“I was waiting on you to hit me up. I didn’t think you wanted me out there while you were with your girls.”
This...this was my problem. I had been with Cameron for over a year. He was my baby. But that was the problem. He had begun to act like a big ass baby. Instead of the 27 year old man that I had gotten use to having on my arm.
“Cam, that is just an excuse. You know I want to spend as much time with you when we do have the chance.”
“Let me make it up to you. Let’s do something tonight. Go back out on the beach and cuddle under the stars. Listen to the water hit the sand and talk about the future.”
He sounded so sincere. And I would have fallen for this game a few months ago, but this is how it had been going down for a while. And now that I was hip to it, I refuse to keep accepting his bullshit.
“I wanted you there so that you could help plan this. It’s my birthday year. And where are you? Nowhere. When I call you don’t answer. I leave a message, you can’t even text me back to let me know you’re not coming, you’re busy. Hey, at least tell me your still on earth. I’m sick of this Cam. I’m sick of being stood up and I haven’t told you how I really feel about all this because I’m not an insecure bitch, but I’m starting to have my doubts along with my suspicions.”
I was mentally tired. Still trying to get the problem solved without having to lose the man I came to care for. I loved him. And for all the power I had on him, obviously it wasn’t enough and I didn’t like losing control. If there was another woman, then fuck it. She could have his ass. I was only 23. I had plenty of time to find a real love. And if Cameron wanted to lose out on all of this, than forget him. I was through.
“I know babe. And I wanted to be there. I just didn’t think is all.”
Damn straight you didn’t think. I would have chalked that up to him being a man, but there are some men who do think. I needed one of them. In fact, I was on the hunt to find one of them. In the mean time, I would let him try and make it up to me.

I was doing a little better after spending Sunday evening with Cameron. I felt our original chemistry flow around us with the salt breeze coming from the gulf. It was nice. Something that we haven’t had in a long time. Things weren’t exactly perfect, but for now I could clear my head and focus on summer.
I had just graduated from the University of Florida with a 3.4 GPA. I wanted this time to relax, let the fact that I didn’t have to ever go to school again unless I chose to, sink in. I was officially a grown ass woman with a degree. I already had several job offers. Orlando, Florida to Atlanta, GA, even North Carolina. The east coast was waiting for me; all I had to do was choose.
Cameron needed to get with that, or he would be left right here, without me. Twenty-seven and still didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life. He had a degree from the University of West Florida in Communications and worked at West Telemarketing as a Team Lead. His salary was OK, nothing to gawk at. But he could be doing so much more. And I just can’t keep telling this man that. He had a few years on me, and should have already known his potential.
I took a deep breath and blew it out of my mouth. I said I was not going to let this weigh me down. There were so many opportunities out there. And if he wasn’t willing to acknowledge that, then I would. I reminded myself of that as I did another quick approval of my appearance before heading to work.
Even though it wasn’t necessary, I still took the internship at Lakeview. I was a youth counselor and counseled potential drop outs, depressed students, and many students that are sent to the facility with no real problems. The school just didn’t know what else to do with them.
I loved it though. I saw a lot of my old class mates’ little brothers and sisters. Had a lot of conversations about old teachers, and tried to get their mind geared toward finishing at least High School. If they could get through those three or four years, it might motivate them to continue on to college.
I could easily set up shop here in Pensacola, but I needed to go. I had been here practically all my life and after spending four years in Gainesville, my mind was set. Pensacola wasn’t for me.
I was thinking this and carrying an arm load of case folders that needed to be filed in the archives. I wasn’t paying attention to the guy standing in the lobby. And as I passed by heading toward the file room where the archives were stored, I wish I had turned my attention that way as I always do. But this morning I was preoccupied with confirming my future and didn’t notice him.
I was startled when Michael, I mean Mike, waltzed over to me with that GQ smile plastered on his handsome face. My heart reacted in the same way upon seeing his perfect chops and I dropped the stack right on the floor.
This shit was not cool. And I couldn’t understand how, after only meeting this man once, he could have this affect on me. Mesha, get you self together mami.  I scolded myself as I clumsily stooped to pick up the folders. I was trying to bend in a pencil skirt, while figuring out how I was going to restack the ton of folders I was carrying, and still look like I had it together in front of the man that made me feel like I had no clue.
“Let me help with that,” he offered and squatted before me and the files.
The office was buzzing with the beginnings of rumors that would take me weeks to dispel. These old hens needed some excitement and I hated that it was now at my expense. The Diva, Mesha, losing her cool around a handsome and mysterious guy. Oh yeah, I could hear the chatter now.
“I’m fine. I can manage on my own.” I just didn’t want to be near him.
“No, it’s my pleasure. After all, I have that effect on women.”
I looked up to see his grin and the attitude I wanted to have disappeared. He had my total attention and I didn’t know why. We stacked the scattered folders into two little stacks and he followed me to the archives.
Once behind closed doors I lit into him.
“Why are you here? Are you like stalking me now?”
He chuckled. And the sound of it sent chills through me wetting my thong. I cannot believe this shit. I was aroused by his laugh? Suddenly, there wasn’t enough air in the room. I felt light headed.
“No, I’m not stalking you. I’m just persistent. You walk off without giving me your name, so I took that as a challenge,” he replied and looked at me with pure concern. The lines that creased the corners of his eyes when he smiled and laughed were now replaced with a worry lines as he assessed me.
“Are you ok?”
He proceeded to take a step closer, but I waved him off with my free hand.
“I’m fine. Just surprised to see you here. How did you know where I worked if you didn’t know my name?” I had to keep him talking while I figured out what was it about him that stole my breath.
He relaxed again and his poised demeanor returned along with that camera worthy smile.
“Now that took a little ingenuity.”
I started filing the folders I held in my arms as he spoke softly and confidently. I wasn’t really focused on what he was saying as much as I was on the sound of his voice as he was saying it.
“But I can’t disclose all of my resources. So you will just have to take my word for it.”
“Your word for what?”
He looked at me as if my head wasn’t screwed on tight. I was looking like an air head. The more I grew uncomfortable around him, the more anger I felt for not having the control I was famous for. The Diva seemed to run and hide when he was around. I took the stack of folders from his arms and turned my back on him.
“Look, I don’t appreciate you showing up on my job when I didn’t even give you my name. If I had of known my body art would get this kind of attention, I would have thought twice before getting it.”
I hope that was enough to turn him away and I wouldn’t have to figure out what it was about him that made me lose my mind.
“I get it. I took the wrong approach. But you can’t blame a man for going after something he finds intriguing.”
No such luck.
I listened as he took his time leaving the room, but didn’t dare turn to watch him. I pretended to file, but had lost focus a long time ago.
The door opened and just when I thought I would pass out from the suspense he opened his mouth.
“By the way, the tattoo was only one way of getting at you. I have several more if you’re up for it.”
The door closed and I was left feeling as if I had been holding my breath the entire time.

~KD Morrell KD Morrell KD Morrell KD Morrell KD Morrell~

“I need some advice.”
Shanna called right after Mike left Lakeview. I was still rattled after our encounter and agreed to meet my girl for lunch. We were sitting inside the dimly lit interior of Piccadilly’s near the entrance so that we could catch the sun light.
I wasn’t too big on cafeteria style dinning but Shanna loved her some country cooking and I obliged just to get my head clear of this morning’s events. We were laughing about nothing when she suddenly looked serious.
“What kind of advice?” I wiped my mouth with a napkin using my counselor voice.
She giggled nervously not use to me being professional. She held her line of vision down as if she were contemplating whether to continue or forget that she had opened her mouth. 
I tried to relax and become her friend again. “You can talk to me. What’s up mami?”
She sighed heavily then made a tent with her hands, her elbows on the table. She looked directly at me.
“Jonathan wants to come back.”
I was a little stunned but tried not to let it show on my face. Jonathan was Shanna’s weakness. Not only had they been together since freshmen year of high school, but he had fathered JJ, Shanna’s adorable little man. We all thought that John and Shan would be down forever, but during our freshmen year in college he cheated. And Shanna forgave him. Later she decided that they should let it go. Not because she didn’t love him, she just couldn’t deal with the rumors, the “he said, she said” bull that went on at any black college. FAMU was no different. 
“So how do you feel about that?”
“How do I feel? Mesha, how do you think I feel?” She sat back in her seat covering her face with her hands.
I could tell my girl was stressing hard over this. I didn’t claim to understand her dilemma, but could see that she had a tough decision to make. What was the answer to a question like that? Do you forgive the man that you have loved all your life? The same man that fathered your child? If I were faced with that decision I would….I honestly don’t know what I would do.
“What would make you happy? What could you live with? What could JJ live with?” I was sounding like the counselor I had spent the last four years studying to be, but wanted to comfort her like the friend I had always been. I just didn’t know how to approach such a sensitive topic.
“He makes me happy,” she stated as she pulled her hands away and looked up at me. Her eyes were watery and I knew she was fighting to stay composed.
Deciding that she needed a friend more than a counselor, I tossed a five dollar tip on the table and grabbed her hand as I stood. I led her outside and we walked down the short side walk to the parking lot, my arm draped over her shoulder.
“Just give him another chance. You love him. He loves you, and he loves his son. So if it makes you happy and it will make lil’ man happy to be with his father on a regular bases, then take him back.”
She looked at me and smiled through the tears. She turned and hugged me hard. We had always been closer to one another than the others. I loved her like a sister and wanted my girl to be happy.
“I know you though. You don’t just tell someone to forgive a cheater without having some type of reassurance.”
My girl knew me well. I had been thinking about doing a little detail where our boy Jonathan was concerned. Just a little drive by to make sure he was legit.
I was grinning to myself as I thought of the possibilities.
“Turn that up!”
I smiled as I watched Shanna two step her way to the center of the crowd. It was Sunday again and we had decided to change it up a bit and hang out at Wayside Park. It had been awhile since I’ve graced the presence of those who frequented the recreational area. I glanced around at some familiar faces remembering high school. Some I was still cool with. Some I had lost contact with. And others that I had never been down with.
I was feeling good. These were the moments that made every day a little better. Just knowing that at the end of the week you can experience peaceful carefree moments like this one.
My smile broadened when Cameron returned with our drinks.
“You good?” he whispered into my ear so that he could be heard over the music.
“Yeah, I’m good.”
He planted a brief peck on my cheek as he moved away to chat with some of his good friends.
“Betta make sure Cam didn’t spike that. You have that boy on rations so often now a day he may feel the need to resort to extreme measures.”
I playful punched Angie in the arm as Tamia laughed along with me. Still, even after the laughter I sniffed my drink before taking a small sample of it. They laughed even harder as we continued to sit on the wooden table tops and watch the crowd display their best dance moves.
My high was lovely and I just wanted to live for today and keep this feeling that I had. But nothing good lasts forever. At least not where I come from. And as the thought enter my mind, Cam approached me.
“Hey babe. You good?”
“What’s up boy, you just asked me that like two minutes ago.”
“What I tell you?” Angie laughed.
Ignored her comment focusing on Cameron’s weird behavior. He looked back as if he were searching for something or someone and then gave me his attention again. I stared him down, looking right in his eyes. I knew he was buzzed. Both from the drinks and the paraphernalia that had been floating around.
“Cam, don’t start no dumb shit. What’s up? You about to bounce?”
He licked his dry lips and I knew then that he had one too many hits of whatever was circulating. I added that to the list of things I wouldn’t put up with when I found that thinking man I was searching for.
“You mad?” he asked me, unable to focus.
“No, I’m cool. Who’s driving Cam?” I asked him like I was his mother.
He stood there as if he didn’t understand what I was saying to him.
“Duck is driving.”
I pursed my lips as if I didn’t believe him. He knew I knew Shaun, or Duck as they called him, didn’t drink heavily and violating his probation was the last thing on his mind. I hadn’t seen Shaun standing with him and the others and I wondered just how naïve Cameron thought I would be.
This was a grown man. And I had already done my good deed for today Lord. So if he gets himself into some shit, I mean some mess tonight, please don’t hold me responsible. And please watch over this man.
I waved him off without saying another word. He had killed my natural high.
“Mesh’, have you seen Alexis?”
I took a deep breath and turned my attention to Angie.
“Nah, I haven’t seen her recently. Why, what’s up?”
“I’m looking out for my ride and that skank done up and left me. Trying to be the DD and all. I hope she make it wherever she going.” Angie shook her head waving her short sandy brown locks.
Alexis was a drinker and since she always picked up Angie whenever we hung out, Angie was always the Designated Driver. I was too upset to think about Alexis. For all I could care right now, Alexis and Cam were in the same category for making people worry about them. Whatever, fuck it. I said another prayer for Alexis and set my mind toward having a good time without them.
“Don’t worry about it Ange. She a big girl. You need a ride?”
“Yeah. When you heading out?”
“As soon as I can get back to feeling the way I was feeling a minute ago.” I tried to laugh to make myself feel better about the turn of events.
“Ok, that’s cool. Just don’t dip on me.”
I smiled. And then the base dropped and “my song” came on.
“Tat, tat, tat it up!”
That’s what I was talking about. Fuck Cameron, fuck Alexis. I had no time to baby sit grown ass people. I danced my way through the crowd checking for prospects. I was going to find me a fine brotha, with a cute smile and some moves that could keep up with mine.
I found just that, and immediately remembered the saying “be careful what you ask for.” Standing in front of me was Mike. His beautiful smile caught my attention first. I appraised his gorgeous features, his flawless body, and the look he gave me when he spotted me heading toward him still bopping my head to my theme song.
I danced right up to him disregarding anyone who may have been standing near him.
“Those tats getting you unwanted attention again?” he asked as he began to match my moves.
I just smiled. Already Mr. Mike had several points on the board. I was content on gaining my high again after having it literally smashed by two people who had been working on my nerves since the start of my carefree summer.
“So we being real now, or am I still working with no name?”
I glanced back at him over my left shoulder, giving him that innocent look to match the tattoo located there. As the song changed I slowed my sway and turned to face him.
“We can be real, but you already got my name.”
“I want to hear it from you?” He said as he placed his hands on either side of my waste keeping me swaying.
“Nice to meet you Mesha. Now I know what name to call when I’m having those dreams you seem to invade,” He replied with a sly grin.
I was Jell-O. This man was working me and I considered giving in. Thought about his potential, but was unsure of how he made me feel. How his presence commanded my attention. Held it hostage with little room to break free. What was a diva like me to do?

I must admit that I hadn’t expected to see her tonight. Was surprised when I saw that cute ass dancing my way. Didn’t care that the mere sight of her scared away the chicken heads that had been boring me all night.
She was on a different level and they knew it. Could feel her coming before she was even seen. The salted breeze carried her delicate sent, and all I wanted to do in that moment was kiss her. Take her and lay her down and see her live up to the other tattoo that was planted just above the round of her apple bottom.
Yeah, that’s that shit, I agreed with R. Kelly as the song began to play. She was slowing her groove and I grabbed her waist wanting to keep her from leaving.
“You gone let me go?”
I grinned as I shook my head. “Why you in such a hurry? We just met and I want to get to know you.”
She smiled, licked her lips and then slowly pulled away from me.
“I said we can be real. And this is me saying, maybe another night.”
She walked away, looking back once over that left shoulder. She was an angel, sometimes, and naughty at others. A battle we could all relate to.
“Man, you should let that go. Girls like her are too much, too feisty to deal with, or too high maintenance. You can look at ol’ gurl and see it. That diva shit written all over her face.”
Ray was in my ear, hating, blocking because he could never pull someone on Mesha’s level. But he had forgotten who he was talking to. I wanted someone like her. Needed someone like her.
When I first heard about Mesha, it was in passing. My boy Will was giving me the tour of Pensacola and telling me that most of the women were bops. Didn’t want anything but a man to spend on them. Wasn’t looking for anything out of life but a free make over and weekends spent at the clubs.
Most small towns are the same. Once you have lived in one you can understand the mentality that seems to take over my black people. As if all there was to life was standing on the corner and never getting out and exploring the world around them.
My pops use to say that the big city had the same kind of people. But the difference in a small town is they leave, get somewhat of an education and feel they have to come back to the dump they had just left. Sit around with half a degree and live the “ghetto fabulous” life. I was determined to end that cycle with me. In my family at least. I was spending the summer with my boys, living out that last free summer before I hit the road to man hood. Paying my own bills, doing for myself.
This summer I was only looking to have a good time. Good food, good parties, lots of time on the beach, and some good loving. I didn’t plan on finding my challenge.
Mesha had grabbed my attention the moment I first saw her. She was alone that day. My boy still dogging out the women here. How he had been through majority of the descent ones, and others he had heard about. My mind was made. I knew how it worked in a small city. Everyone had been with everyone. Certainly no place to find your equal. I was thinking that and listening to him when I saw her walk out of Underground Stations.
Her long brown and golden streaked hair was down around her face, and she was wearing a pair of navy blue slacks, a pale blue fitting blouse and some pale blue slip on loafers. Girl could dress. Several points for her already. If I was going to have a summer fling, she had to match my style.
I asked Will did he know her. She was dressed professionally, but she didn’t look older than me. She passed by us and Will just shook his head.
“Her, you don’t want to mess with.”
He didn’t comment further. As if that would knock me off my game. I was already hooked at first sight. I felt like Chris Brown, it was the first time someone’s looks had set me on fire. From that moment on, I knew I wanted to get to know her better. Oh yeah, I thought, as I remembered the lyrics to the song. Something definitely was gone get done.
When I spotted Mesha at the beach last Sunday, I didn’t think she was the same girl. It was amazing how a change of clothes and hair styles could give a person a totally different appeal. I was even more intrigued. Had to know who this girl was. This female that could pull and hold my attention without knowing her name.
I grilled Will that night after missing the opportunity to get her information. He told me about her current dude. How she was on a different level than these other small city chicks. I didn’t care; she was what I was looking for. Small city girl who had her shit together. Knew she had more potential than what was offered in her current surroundings.
That I could see already. I just needed her name and any other vital info he could dig up. I got her name, her place of employment and waited 48 hours before jumping in.
I had to walk away. Mike was magnetic. It was the only word I could find at the moment. I just felt drawn to him. I know, I know. You’re thinking, gurl what is your problem? I was supposed to be looking for a better man. Shedding myself of an old life that I would soon be leaving behind. But I had to admit. Mike overwhelmed me.
I didn’t know what to think or how to react to him. He wasn’t so easy to put off and I don’t think I really wanted to put him off. I was confused. That was a better term to use. I didn’t understand what it was about him.
I shook off the jumble of mixed emotions and returned to our front row seats where Angie, Tamia, and Shanna were still getting it on and poppin’.
“Where you been? I noticed Cam left. And Alexis snuck out on us too.”
I didn’t comment on Shanna’s observations. My mind was screaming at me and I needed to do what I do best to clear it. Hanging here had lost it appeal and I needed to recover before Monday. Sunday always set the tone for the entire week. If I went home bitchy now, I would be feeling it for the rest of the week.
“You talked to Jonathan lately?”
She kept her smile but the humor had left her voice. “No. Not since me and you talked. I needed some space to think for awhile. Didn’t want to make any rash moves. Know what I mean?”
I nodded my understanding. Good, she hadn’t made any sudden moves.
“Besides, I know you hadn’t got at me with what you wanted to do.”
I stared at her. My girl knew me too well.  “I got something in mind. We can start on it tonight if you want.”
“Depends on what you want to get into.”
I just smiled to my own amusement as I laid out the plan.

~KD Morrell KD Morrell KD Morrell KD Morrell KD Morrell~

“Why did I let you talk me into this?”
I didn’t respond. I was still looking for an easy access through the Azalea bush just below the window. We were outside of Jonathan’s three bedroom rental. He had invited Shanna to come over tonight, but she had declined, still trying to make up her mind. Being in the presence of John would only make things difficult. When I managed to shove my slim body between the bush and the window I peeked in.
“Mesha, what do you see? Is he in there?”
I loved Shanna but she didn’t understand the meaning of quiet.
“Mesha!” She attempted to whisper really loud.
I turned away from the window to address her. I placed a finger over my lips to quiet her. I turned back toward the window and didn’t see anything. I could still hear the music playing and there were cars scattered about the front drive.
“Come on.”
Not waiting to see if she were following, I circled around the house easing my way through the gate and into the back yard.
“The den sits off to the back of the house,” Shanna informed me.
“Yeah, the music is getting louder.”
I peeked around the corner making sure no one was outside and noticed a sliding glass door several feet away.
“Is that the den?”
I crept closer and stopped just before the glass. The vertical blinds were drawn shut, but we were still visible through the slits.
“You see anything?”
I glanced over at her. “Next time, you stay in the car.”
She placed both hands on her hips and pursed her lips. “Sorry Nancy Drew. But I’m not hip to the art of black woman detective work.”
“Shan, just shut up will you. Sometimes you have to get a little dirty. Guys have spies; we girls have do things on our own. Spies might be the one sleeping with your man.”
I turned back toward the sliding door taking a peek in.
“Humph, ain’t that the truth.”
I could make out several people. Some I knew, a lot I didn’t know. Both women and guys were present.
“Did he just decide to throw a house party?”
“I guess. Said he wasn’t up to going out to the beach tonight. Wanted to stay at home.”
I finally made out Jonathan when he entered the room carrying bottles of Smirnoff.
He passed several out and placed the others on the coffee table. He took a seat at the card table and picked up his discarded hand. I couldn’t make out any conversation. The music was too loud.
“Call him and see if he answers.”
I handed her my cell and continued to peek in as she dialed his number. He picked up the phone and Shanna placed him on speaker.
“Hey baby, you good?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just calling to see what you were up to.”
“I’m good, hold a minute babe.”
I watched Jonathan get up from the table despite the looks of annoyance from some of the other card players and walked out of view again.
“Yeah, Shanna you still there?”
“Yeah, I’m here.”
“You thinking about rolling through? I would really like to see you. How my lil’ man doing?”
“He’s good. Still at my mom’s. I’m on my way to get him and then I’m heading home.”
“Why don’t you both stay over tonight?”
“You sound like you’re busy.”
“Naww, just a few of the guys over hanging out. Nothing big, I told you that. You could still come by. The party doesn’t have to last all night.”
“Maybe next time. I was just seeing how you were doing.”
“I would be better if you were here. But I understand you have a lot to think about. Just don’t take too long. A nigga might have to come kidnap you.” He laughed walking back into partial view, Smirnoff in hand.
“Alright, I’ll talk to you later.”
Shanna flipped the phone closed and handed it back to me.
“You want to see?” I asked after watching John take his seat again with a disappointed look.
“Nope, I’ve had enough for tonight.”
I nodded my head and we quietly made it back to the cars where Angie and Tamia were waiting.
Next Time.

“Why you ‘igging me?”
“I’m at work Cameron, I can’t talk to you right now.”
I couldn’t believe he had called the office. After ignoring his phone calls over the last few days, you think he would have taken a hint. I wasn’t feelin’ him right now. Sunday had really burned me and I wasn’t being polite about it anymore. Either he gets his shit together or I was out.
“Mesha, I’m sorry. You know you’re my baby girl. Why you gotta dog me like this?”
I took a deep breath, clutching the phone away from my ear as I messaged my temples with my free hand. I had an appointment at 11:30. It was now 11:17 and I still needed to look through the student’s file before I spoke with him.
“What’s up? What do you want me to do?”
Get the fuck out of my face would be nice. “Nothing Cam, just be you.”
“Let’s hit up Seville. It’s College Night.”
I glanced at the clock again and down at the file I hadn’t opened yet. “Sure.”
“Alright, babe. I’ll be through there around nine.”
I agreed and replaced the receiver. He knew me well. And knew I wouldn’t start an argument over the phone and around the ol’ hens at the office. But he better be prepared for what I had in mind this evening. Because if he seriously thought that it was going to be a simple make-up session, he had another thing coming.

~KD Morrell KD Morrell KD Morrell KD Morrell KD Morrell~

I decided to dress down. On nights like this it was a good idea to have on some jeans and a pair of comfortable kicks so that if things got out of hand, I wouldn’t be spraining an ankle trying to get hood on somebody.
I brushed my hair down and clamped a portion of it back to keep it out of my face. I traded in my large hoops for some studs and left my neck bare. I slid on several thin, silver bangles and adjusted the straps of my grey tank top. I tucked the strings of my white and grey Air Force One’s and took another look in the mirror before heading out the door.
Cam was just pulling into the drive way when I closed and locked the front door. I waited as Duck slid from the front seat and hopped into the back with Tony.
“What’s up Mesh’?”
“I’m good.”
“Why you thugged out?” That was Cam opening his big mouth.
“Sometimes it’s like that.”
He let it go and we headed down town to Seville Quarters.
“So you still mad at me?”
I didn’t answer as we continued to walk the short distance from the parking lot to the club entrance.
“Mesha? You gone act like this all night?”
“Come on baby, let it go.”
I presented ID at the door and walked in ahead of him. I hadn’t spoken with any of the girls today and didn’t know if I would run into them or not. It didn’t matter; I could push Cameron around on my own. I just needed a quick fix and it was a done deal.
After ordering a Mandarin Smirnoff Twist I made my rounds.

I was trying to relax, enjoy my summer, but coming to Pensacola was looking like a big mistake on my part. I could have joined my Pops in Atlanta and got an early start on apartment hunting and my new life as a grown man. The beach was nice, but this wasn’t what I expected. Even the bops were a turn off. And the only girl that had pulled my attention didn’t seem interested.
I was no stalker so going back up to her job uninvited was a hell no. I left an open invitation and even after the scene at Wayside Park she never made a real move. I was quickly making up my mind to head north after Memorial Day. I had promised my boy I would stick around at least until then.
“Where your girl at?”
I took sip of my Hen and Coke assessing the medium height, slim, chocolate brown chick that had approached my table. She had a short hair cut like Kelly Rowland in the Dilemma video. Her tangerine colored halter dress fit her small hint of curves and drew my roving gaze toward her barely there cleavage and slender neck as it tied behind it.
She was attractive. Not what I was hoping for, but there were possibilities. I placed my drink on the table and leaned forward ready to lay down my game.
“She’s right here.”
I was stunned, in a good way. She eased up to me placing a light hand on my shoulder. Even dressed as if she was about to hit up a bar brawl, she was gorgeous. I checked “Tangerine’s” reaction. She huffed but didn’t dare open her mouth. She turned on her wedged heels and stormed away.
“Tell me something?”
She sat down across from me taking a sip from my rock glass. She was playing the bad girl role well.
“What do you want to know?” she asked after returning the drink to the table.
“Why these chicks run when they see you?”
“No confidence. They know their limits and instead of being confident and secure in who they are, they just run.”
“Small town mentality,” we both spoke at the same time.
She smiled. I smiled.
“So, where your man at?”
She didn’t answer as she took a sip from her own drink. But I could see the mischief in her hazel eyes as she held the clear bottle to her lips.
“I was feelin’ that girl you just scared away.”
“If she got scared of little ol’ me, then you don’t want her.”
Point taken. “Still, there were some possibilities. Besides, it’s not like I’m getting any play from you. So why you clearing the field if you’re not interested?”
She grinned. “Who said I wasn’t interested?”
“No one said you were either.”
She laughed softly. “You got me there. But isn’t that part of the game?”
“Maybe, but we’re both grown. Sometimes you don’t feel like playing the game.”
She nodded her understanding.
As I stared, noticing how her eyes danced, I saw three brothas heading our way.
She didn’t look surprised to see them. For a minute she ignored the one who had called her name taking another sip from her Smirnoff.
“What Cameron?” she asked still looking at me not addressing him.
“What’s up man? Why you playing me like this?”
I watched her expression change as she turned her attention toward the guy.
“My prerogative.”
By then Will had come to my aide. “What’s up?”
“Nothing, Cameron was just leaving.” She stood to make her point clear.
Rather than make a scene the guy left, his pride broken.
“That’s cold Mesh,” another said before leaving in the direction of the others.
“You good?” Will asked.
“Yeah man, I’m straight.”
Will exchanged a look with Mesha before rejoining the girl he was hittin’ on.
“Let’s get out of here,” she suggested. The smile still had not returned to her face.
I agreed and tagged along out of curiosity.
“So where are we going? I rode with Will.”
Her grin, a seductive and devilish one. I followed as she led me toward a silver Honda Accord with all the original factory parts. It told me two things, she wasn’t big on modifications, but that meant she wasn’t flashy either.
She hit the alarm unlocking the doors. We got in but she didn’t immediately start the car.
“What’s wrong?”
“You remember the point in which you realize you care for someone?”
She was looking straight ahead talking in a far away tone.
“I guess.”
She started the engine and pulled away. We headed up Palafox and turned onto Cervantes heading toward 9th avenue. She appeared to be in quiet thought as we drove the speed limit. The music was low, no hard bass shaking the interior. Soft R&B from an oldies station was filtering through the speakers.
Already I had learned several things about Mesha without having a real conversation with her. Some things I liked, some things I could deal without, but she was still a mystery and still pulling and holding my attention the way no other woman had.
We drove through the light at 9th Avenue passing the Krispy Cream Doughnut Shop. I don’t think I had been out this way.
“You want to talk about what happened back there?”
“Not really.”
The light caught us at an unfamiliar intersection. 
“If you are trying to use me to make dude jealous then you can drop me back off at the club.”
She didn’t respond, not even an expression change. The light turned green and she peeled away from the intersection bringing the car to a 60 mph gaunt. Then just as quickly as she had accelerated, she pressed the brakes slowing the car down so that she could make a left turn.
I was completely out of my comfort zone, but having been the crazy man to get in the car with her in the first place I tried to remain calm and prayed she wasn’t some crazy chick.
I tried to read a street sign. We were on 20th avenue. I hadn’t been out this way before. We rolled up on a large clearing; I could see water in the distance. She turned into the parking lot and cut the engine near a one story building. To my right were a dock and a lighted bridge in the background. Ahead of us were a play area and more water.
“Bayview Park,” she replied.
“I admit that when I saw you tonight I wanted to make him jealous. I’m just tired of his bull shit. He needed to know that I could get up and leave at anytime.”
I looked at her. She was so beautiful. Had me feeling like she was crazy, but still beautiful. She looked over at me and smiled. I mean a gentle smile, almost as if she were vulnerable. A new side of her I hadn’t seen.
“You think I’m some crazy ass chica right? I know, I would too. I just didn’t think I really cared about him that much. I mean I knew I cared for Cam. But not in the sense that I’m actually feeling sorry about what I did to him back there.”
“No, you’re not crazy, you just have a heart.”
She grinned. “Well, you don’t know me then. Cameron is the longest relationship I have been in. And the only one I had been feelin’ like that. I guess it wasn’t really working to begin with. We met during spring break last year when I came home. Spent the whole summer together, then I was back at school in Gainesville. Christmas break is when I started noticing the difference.”
“Yeah, summer love usually wears off by then,” I joked to lighten the atmosphere.
“I guess. But tonight, I actually felt hurt. I mean, I care about him.”
We sat in silence for a moment or two. I don’t know what was on her mind, but I was thinking back to the first time I saw her in the mall. And now that I was sitting in a car with her, listening to her talk about a man that she was realizing she cared for, I didn’t know how I felt.
“So where do I fit into all this?”
She looked over at me. I couldn’t read her expression.
“I don’t know. Honestly, you drive me crazy. I’m not myself whenever I’m around you.”
I smiled. “You mean you lose that Diva appeal when you are alone with me.”
She sucked her teeth rolling her eyes as she looked ahead again. “Men, I tell you.”
“What’s that suppose to mean?”
“It’s not my ego, its truth.” And just like that I was feelin’ her again.
It was as if the rush from the earlier drama had evaporated and that part of her that seemed to appear when she was with me had returned. 
© Copyright 2007 sweetchaos (bluemoon33 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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