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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Drama · #1311310
An unfinished story inspired by my friends thoughts of running away from everything....
    He woke on the third ring, answering just before it went to voicemail.
    “Hello…”  He said low as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.  He heard strained breathing.  “Who the……Cassie?”  He snapped awake.  The only person who would call this late would be his long time friend Cassandra Lawler. 
    “Brian…”  The voice was whispering, scared and grating.  “I need help.”
    “Where are you?”  He asked, grabbing his jeans and throwing them on.
    “In the house, I locked myself in.  He is passed out in the truck.” 
      “I can be there in twenty minutes Cassie.  I want you to pack a bag with your things.  Don’t leave the house.”  He told her firmly.  He heard her mumble a yes.  “Don’t worry I’ll be there soon.”  She hung up on him and he cursed loudly.  His large dog Stryker jumped up when he did.  “Come on boy, let’s go.”  He pulled on his boots and headed out.

      It was a very dark night; no moon could be seen in the sky.  Brian thought that could be a good thing.  He sighed to himself.  It must be bad if she called him this late and agree to leave.  Cassandra had been his first love, long before his crushing marriage to Janice, before the divorce and his quest for freedom, which only brought him back here anyway.  She never married, but lived with her boyfriend of five years in the center of town.  Brian never liked Gregory Hickey.  They grew up together, same school same church.  Gregory liked to make the girls cry and fight as a kid.  He still does, thought Brian.  He would love for the chance to show him how it felt to be hit, but he promised Cassie long ago that he wouldn’t “stoop to his level”. 
    Slowing down, he pulled around the side of the house, which was on a nice corner lot.  He could barely see Gregory’s rusty truck parked in the driveway that pulled around to the back of the house.  Stryker growled low. 
      “Easy boy, I know how you feel.”  He soothed the dog, gently rubbing his head.  “You wait right here, understand?”  Brian quietly opened the door, and left it ajar, not wanting to make noise until he had to.  He could see Cassie at the front window.  He walked to the porch.  She opened the door for him and grabbed two bags from the staircase.  Brian grabbed them from her, and she picked up one more and her pocketbook. 
    “Got everything?”  He said low.  She nodded, hesitating slightly.
      “Clothes, personal items, my jewelry.”  She told him.  “I don’t know what else to bring.”  She was ready to cry again.
      “It’s okay Cassie.”  He whispered to her. 
      “I didn’t have much to begin with.  And I don’t need anything from the kitchen, or bedding right?”
      “I have enough of that.  Just take anything that you will need, anything sentimental.”  He told her, and rushed back out silently taking the bags to the truck.  Sighing she looked about her.  In the five years she lived her, they barely lived on the weekly salary Greg made at the shop and she made sewing.  The sewing machine was too large to pack, and she took a lot of her notions and material.  She packed her photo albums, the few items from her childhood she had left, and her jewelry.  There wasn’t much else.  She had no car, no electronics of her own here.  Books were too heavy, though she did take her two journals.  Hidden in her purse was all the money she saved up.  The bank accounts were in Greg’s name.  She nearly screamed when Brian came back inside.
      “It’s just me Cassie…”  He whispered in her ear.  “Are you ready to go?” 
      “Yes.  There is nothing else here for me.”  Looking up at him, she tried hard not to cry.  He held her hand and led her outside.  He helped her into the truck, pushing Stryker away when he started licking her.  They left quickly. 
      “Thank you.”  She said so low he barely heard her.  She was crying silently large tears falling onto her lap.  Stryker rested his head on her shoulder from the backseat.  Brian was surprised at how much his dog liked her.  Stryker never really took to anyone other them himself.
      “Always, you know that Cassie.”  He said, reaching out to hold one of her hands in his.  “What happened though?  What made tonight the night?”  He asked her.
      “Everything just came crashing down….nothing I do is ever right.  He had come home drunk and started up with me for not having something ready for him to eat.  It was after midnight and I had already cleaned up.  He started to get rough….I tried to tell him to be careful.”  She could feel Brian looking at her.  “I’m pregnant Brian.”  She confessed and when he didn’t say anything she continued.  “He started getting more violent.  I just couldn’t take it, and managed to lock him out.  Then he passed out him his truck.” 
      “How far along are you Cassie?”  He asked finally, his voice hoarse.
      “I don’t know, I’m guessing only a few weeks.”  She told him.  “I tried to believe it wasn’t true when I first started to get sick.  I don’t know what to do.”  She was shivering.  “Do you think he’ll look for me here?” 
      “He better not.”  Brian warned pulling into his garage.  He turned off the truck.  “Let’s just worry one thing at a time.”  He pulled the bags from the truck and unlocked the door that leads from the garage to the house.  Cassie followed him in.  He headed straight upstairs, bringing her things into his bedroom.  “You’ll stay in here.”
      “But it’s your room.  I can just stay on the couch Brian.  I don’t mind.”
      “No, you’ll stay here.  This way I can watch from downstairs.”  He told her, finally getting a good look at her.  There was a bruise on her upper arm and her lip was bleeding a bit from where she must have been biting it.  “Who the hell does he think he is, laying his hands on you?”  She sat down hard on the bed.
        “I don’t know anymore.”  She said wiping her eyes hard like a child.  “When I say I want to leave, he just keeps reminding me that I have nowhere to go.  No family.  No money that he knows of.  I don’t even have a car.  And now, with the baby….”  She trailed off. 
        “Well, you have me.  I promise to help any way I can.  You don’t need money or a car yet.  You are staying here.” 
        “I can’t put you out like that Brian.  It’s not fair to you.” 
        “Screw that….I am not going to watch him destroy you.  Not anymore.”  He said forcefully.  He sighed.  “Come on, let’s get you settled in and them get some tea in you to warm you up.  We can figure everything out one step at a time.”  He opened a dresser drawer and started moving some things around to make space for her clothes.  He would bring some of his clothes downstairs later.  She was opening one of the duffel bags she brought.  She refolded her clothes before putting them into the drawer.  Greg didn’t like her in anything revealing, so she mostly had tee shirts and pants, a few long skirts she made, and her underwear and bras. 
        The second duffel had her fabrics and notions.  Going through it she took out a small tin that held pins and pulled out her emergency cash.  Closing the duffel she pulled it to the corner of the room.  The last bag had her jewelry, photos and other sentimental things.  She pulled out an old worn bear and placed it on the bed.  Brian stared at it; remember the moment she got it.  About eight years earlier.
          “Can you keep this somewhere safe for me?”  Cassie asked him, handing him her money and small pouch of jewelry.  He took it from her, and placed it in a drawer.
          “It will be safe here, don’t worry.”  He told her.  She saw him staring at the bear.  “I can’t believe you still have that.”
        “Why wouldn’t I?”  She said to him.  He had bought it for her when they were dating, she always slept with it either holding it or kept next to her.  “I always have it near me.”
        “Ready for that cup of tea?”  He asked, clearing his throat.  Stryker headed out before them and lead the way.  He pulled out a chair for her at the table and then set about boiling water.  His house was small but well kept for a bachelor.  There was the master bedroom and bath upstairs, downstairs was a large kitchen and living area, as well as the mudroom and a bathroom.  The basement was finished but used for storage.
          “What happens now?”  She asked him.  “If I stay here, he’ll find me eventually.  You know that.” 
        “Do you want to go back to him?”  He asked her. 
        “No.”  She said firmly.  “I am tired of being scared of him, of not being able to go out, or be with who I want.” 
        “Then you’ll stay here while I tie up some loose ends.  Then we are leaving here for good.”  He poured the hot water into a mug for her and added a tea bag.  She looked at him in disbelief.
        “I can’t afford to leave, start over.”  Her hand brushed over her stomach unconsciously.  Protective.
        “I can.  I’m not just going to leave you somewhere.  We can do this together.”  He told her, taking a deep breath.  “You know I’ve always loved you Cassie.  Just trust me for now.”  She nodded, staring at her tea cup.
          “I’m not used to this….”  Looking up, she found his blue eyes staring into hers.
        “We just have to keep you safe until we can leave.”  Stryker yipped at his heels.  He smiled.  “See, even Stryker agrees.”  Cassie even smiled at that.  “I should be able to close up shop here, and get a place in the next week.  Do you have anything you need to do?” 
          “No.  I have my stuff here…all the money I could save up.”  She sipped her tea slowly.  “Not many would notice if I disappeared.” 
          “We have to stick around for a little bit, otherwise it will look suspicious.”  He told her.  “Let people just think that I am moving, again.  Like I always seem to be doing.”
        “And me?”  She asked.  “What will people think about me leaving so suddenly?” 
        “They will think that he drove you off.”  He told her honestly. 
        “Or that he hurt me finally….”  She looked up at him.  “I know what people have said, about him being abusive.  Drinking at the bar all day and night.”  She gave a sad laugh.  “They wonder why in hell I stayed with him that long.”
        “Why did you Cassie?”  He dared to ask her.  Dreading what she might say next.
          “Life is funny that way.  When you finally realize what you want, it’s gone.” Her voice had gone so low he strained to hear her.  He sighed and stood up, pacing.  “Brian, don’t.  What happened in the past can’t be changed.”  She grabbed his hand when he walked past her, forcing him to stop.
        “I’m sorry Cassie.  Sorry for a lot.”  He whispered into her hair as he gathered her into his arms.  Wasted time, wasted dreams, and all because of a stupid mistake he made seven years ago.  “You better go rest.  You must be exhausted Cassie.”  He told her, changing to subject.
      “It is late…I don’t mean to keep you up.”  She said, going to say more, but he stopped her.
      “Don’t.  Don’t apologies for everything Cassie.  You haven’t done anything wrong.”  He told her.  “Let me go get some blankets and towels for you.”  He put the mug into the sink and headed upstairs.  In the hall closet her grabbed a large plush towel and a hand towel, and placed them in the bathroom for her, along with a fresh bar of soap.  In the bedroom he got out his extra blanket from the closet and a clean sheet for the couch, and grabbed a pillow from the bed.  He felt her eyes on him.
      “Thank you, Brian, for everything.”  She said from the doorway.  He was waiting for her to argue about sleeping in here, but she just grabbed a clean shirt from the drawer and went to the bathroom to wash up.  He headed downstairs, to think the night away.

        Cassie settled into the bed, to try to sleep.  Everything smelled like Brian, a clean masculine scent.  So unlike old beer and cologne, this is what Greg reeked of.  She sighed hard and curled into a tight ball around the bear. 
        Brian sat on the couch the blanket and sheet next to him, forgotten.  What a stupid mistake he made back then.  How he had not only ruined his life, but Cassandra’s as well.  He and Cassandra had dated for several years.  She was younger than him at the time, not yet twenty-one.  He made the worst mistake by cheating on her one night, when he was out drinking with his buddies.  The stripper, Janice, came back to him a month later.  She was pregnant.  He tried to promise her the support she would need, but Janice had a nasty streak and found Cassandra.  She told her what needed to be said to make her leave him. 
      Brian had no choice, in his mind, he married Janice thinking that everything was ruined now.  But it was just starting.  They moved away from here, anticipating the birth of their child.  Brian was devastated when the baby was born, and he wasn’t the father.  It was rather obvious, but the DNA test done at the hospital proved it.  He immediately filed for divorce.  She fought it, and two years later it was finally granted.

      When he made his was back home, he found that Cassandra still lived there.  He parents had moved far away, and because of Greg, they had disowned her.  Greg had indeed trapped her.  Brian had destroyed anything innocent and trusting about her.  Greg just ground her into nothing.  A shell that he controlled.  Brian sighed loudly and Stryker sat up to stare at him. 

      “Easy boy.”  He whispered as he smoothed the sheet over the worn couch, tossed the pillow at one end, and laid down, covering himself with the blanket.  “Life sure has a way of hitting you in the stomach, eh Stryker?”  He stared at the ceiling, picturing Cassie in his bed, curled up with the bear.  Sighing, he tried to sleep the night away.

        Stryker woke him up…growling at the pounding at the door.  He cursed loudly, grabbing the bedding and tossing it into the mudroom.  He prayed that Cassie stayed quiet upstairs. 
      “Heel, Stryker.”  Brian said as he opened the door.  Greg stood there, eyes bloodshot, along with Mitch Gold the local police chief.  “What can I do for you Mitch?”  Brian asked, ignoring Greg completely.

        “Morning Brian, sorry to have disturbed you.”  Mitch said obviously just as annoyed with bothering him as Brian was.  “Greg here says that Cassandra Lawler ran out on him last night.  We were wondering if you had seen her.”
      “Don’t think I can help you there Mitch.  I say it’s about time though, don’t you think?”  He couldn’t stop himself from saying it, Mitch had been called to that house more times than either of cared to remember. 

        “Now, what the hell are you saying about me?”  Greg slurred.  He moved towards Brian, but was stopped by Mitch and the menacing growl from Stryker. 
        “Cool it Greg, the man is entitled to his own opinion.”  Mitch said pushing him away from the door.  “If you see her, let me know.  Greg has said that she stole some things from the house, and I have to look into it.”  He sighed and nodded his goodbye.  Brian watched them get into the older sedan then closed the door.  He turned to head into the kitchen for a well needed cup of coffee.  Looking up the stairs as he passed, he saw Cassie in the bedroom doorway.
        “Cassie…”  He whispered, knowing she had heard what had just gone on.  He headed upstairs.  “You okay?”  She looked half asleep, her long hair was disheveled, and hung about her shoulders.
        “The knocking woke me up.  I didn’t think he would get the police involved.”  She said. 
      “I think Mitch took it upon himself to get involved.  To make sure there was no foul play.”  Brian said, pulling her close to him.  “Don’t worry about it, we’ll be gone from here soon enough.”  He felt her nod.  “Go get dressed, I’ll put up some coffee and breakfast.”
      “No food, please.”  She said, looking through the drawer for something to wear.  “I can’t really eat in the mornings anymore.”  She shook out a long skirt and blouse and headed into the bathroom.  Brian went back downstairs, taking care to close all the curtains and making sure the door was locked.  No use being careless.  He put up a pot of coffee and got out two mugs and the sugar.  He remembered she never like cream in her coffee.  He went into the mudroom and grabbed the bedding, and headed upstairs to fold it and put it neatly on a chair in the corner of the room.  Just in case anyone else knocked, at least they wouldn’t see that he, or someone else, was sleeping on the couch.  He heard the shower running.

      Cassie let the water run hot, steam covering her body in a cloak, sighing, she stepping in gingerly, gasping at the shock of the heat on her bare skin.  She needed to feel clean again.  Her long hair nearly reached her mid-back, and was a dark russet color, like a bay colored mare, thick and straight.  She took her time washing, lathering her hair several times before a final rinse.  Turning off the water, she stepped out and dried off.  She quickly brushed her teeth and wrapping the towel about her, grabbed her clothing and opened the door.  The cool air tingled on her skin as she went back in the bedroom.  She was startled to see Brian there, folding a sheet. 
      “Oh, jeeze.”  He said, staring at her.  He blushed.  “I thought to be finished before you got out.”  He apologized to her.
        “It’s alright, it is your room.”  She said, looking down.  He could see another old bruise on her shoulder.
      “How many Cassie?”  He asked mad that the son of a bitch could ever hurt her like that.  She looked up confused.  “How many bruises are there?”  Cassie blushed.
        “A few Brian.”  She felt naked, even though her body was covered by the towel.  It had been a long time since anyone actually looked at her, bare or not.  And even longer since it was Brian.  He slowly traced the outline of the newest bruise…a mark so fine he could see where Greg’s fingers had gripped her shoulder.  There was another on her shoulder blade.  He gently pushed the towel lower, seeing another on her back and hips.  She had stood not looking at him, her face red tinged, from shame, from embarrassment.  He sighed deeply and pulled the towel back up.  He wouldn’t push her more than this, though his body was begging him to. 
        “I’ll let you get dressed Cassie.”  He said low, and he felt her shiver.  She seemed upset when he stopped touching her.  He didn’t realize that she craved his touch, a gentle touch, not threatening or possessive.  Just natural.  “Coffee should be ready.”  He walked downstairs.
      “Oh Brian…..”  She whispered when he was gone.  Sighing and fighting back a few tears, she quickly donned the skirt and blouse, and combed through her long hair.  On a whim she decided to French braid it tight to her head, knowing that it would be curly by nightfall that way.  She slipped on a pair of cream colored sandals and headed downstairs.
      Brian was leaning against the kitchen table when he saw her.  Her hair braided and off her face made her seem years younger.  The skirt was long and full, but gracefully hugged her hips.  The blouse was sheer, giving him the impression that he saw the outline of her breasts.  He inhaled hard.
      “Coffee, no cream, two sugars.”  He told her, handing her a mug.  He hadn’t taken his eyes off of her.
      “You remembered.”  She whispered taking a long sip.  “Thank you.”  She noticed him staring.  “What?”
      “Just….just you Cassie.”  He said lamely, his turn to blush now.  “You look beautiful.”  She turned bright red now, very noticeable on her pale skin.  “Why are you looking at me in disbelief?” 
        “No one has said that to me in a long time.  After a while, you just don’t see yourself like that.”  She said, taking another sip of coffee.  He saw she held the cup tight. 
      “Come here….”  He said, taking her cup and putting it on the table.  He led her to the downstairs bathroom.  He held her in front of him, turned on the light, and made her look at herself in the mirror.  He put his hands on her shoulders.  “Look at yourself Cassie.”  She stared at herself in the mirror.
      “All I see is me, and you.”  She told him, staring not at her image, but his deep blue eyes like crushed velvet, varying shades from light to nearly blackberry.  His dark brown hair was cut short, but still a bit spiky on top.  He was Adonis in her eyes.  Always was.
        “I see a beautiful woman trying to hide all that she is.”  His voice got deeper as he continued to watch her, seeing her chest rise and fall with each breath.  “You just have to remember who you are Cassie, and not what he wanted you to be.”  He pulled back abruptly, not trusting himself to be that close to her.  Her body leaned back instinctively, but he was already moving away.
      “Brian, why do you do that?”  She asked him.  Gathering her courage, she turned to face him. 
      “Do what?”  He said, leaning against the doorway.  He hoped she wasn’t going to ask what he thought.
    “Pull back like that.”  She said looking him in the eye.  He sighed, caught.
      “I don’t want to make you do anything you don’t want to do Cassie.”  He told her.  She continued to meet his eyes.  He walked to three steps to stand in front of her.  “I can’t help how I feel.  I know what I did in the past, but if I don’t pull back sometimes I wouldn’t be able to control myself.”  He told her with brutal honesty.  He felt her shaking against him.  He went to move away, but her hand on his arm stayed him.  She leaned up on tip toes and kissed him.  Barely brushing her lips against his, but he reacted swiftly.  He pulled her to him in a crushing embrace and kissed her back hard.  He could hear her moan softly against him.  One arm around her the other on her face, trying to make sure she was real.  He reluctantly pulled back first.  “Cassie.”  He said into her hair. 
      “Yes, Brian?”  She said against his chest, her breath
© Copyright 2007 Nikki Phoenix (nikkiphoenix at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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