Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1310964-Seraglio-of--the-Gods---Segment-04
Rated: XGC · Chapter · Erotica · #1310964
Chapters 16 through 20
Chapter 16

Awakening an hour later, I rolled over to watch Vulcan sleeping on his back beside me. His snuffling snores were what had brought me out of my exhausted sleep. I smiled but stopped when I saw the wound on his shoulder caused by my teeth. I’d never bitten anyone before and wondered if I’d done any other damage to his body. A close examination of what was visible didn’t show any other bite marks, but then I was only able to see him from the front.

I wasn’t complaining since he had a magnificent front. Without realizing he might wake up from my touch, my hand reached out to smooth his disheveled hair back off his forehead. His snoring stopped and then continued a few seconds later. I decided to explore a bit more while trying to be careful not to wake Vulcan up. His soft snores, or lack of them, would alert me.

The next part of his body to get my attention was his chest. I could feel the muscles under his tight skin and brushed my fingers lightly over one of his nipples. It felt so good, I leaned down to flick my tongue over it. That felt even better, and I stayed there to fully satisfy myself he tasted as good as he felt.

I stopped to check on his snoring before deciding it was safe enough to travel further down. His flat abdomen tempted me to shower it with kisses, starting at his navel and descending even closer to where his penis nestled in a thick patch of black pubic hair. Feeling daring and slightly wicked, I ran my fingernails gently over the full length of his shaft. It surprised me to watch how it changed even in his sleep. Once again, I stopped to listen for his snores.

Still hearing them, I removed my fingers and placed my mouth around him instead. Thinking back to when I compared him to a rutting pig, I decided he definitely did not taste like chicken. With still more of him to explore, I reluctantly circled my tongue one last time around his penis, even more surprised at how hard it had become.

His long legs, stretched out in his sleep, as usual took up most of the bed. One leg showed the scars from his youthful fall to earth, but they didn’t take away from the beauty of his body. Slowly, I brought my hand down to his right foot and caressed it. I’ve always thought feet were the least attractive part of a person’s body, but Vulcan’s foot felt wonderful under the stroking of my fingers. I ran my fingertips over the bottom of his foot, ready to leave it and continue over to his other leg.

I jumped and pressed his foot between my breasts in shock at hearing, “Melody, if you keep tickling me there, I’ll never get back to sleep.” There I was, kneeling at the bottom of the bed and holding the foot of a squirming man, both of us totally naked.

To add to my embarrassment, a masculine voice from the doorway called out, “Vulcan, our father sent me to tell you to join us in the great hall at noon day.” Before I could turn around to see who it was, the man was gone. His last words before disappearing out of the room were, “Okay, you two can carry on. Just pretend I wasn’t here.” His laughter followed him out into the courtyard.

* * *

Chapter 17

I dropped Vulcan’s foot as if it were on fire. “Who was that?” I looked around for my dress to cover myself in case more visitors came by. “Don’t any of you believe in a little something called privacy?”

Vulcan grabbed me around my waist and pulled me to lie beside him. “Ignore him. It was just my brother.” He nuzzled my neck, quickly making me forget my complaint about lack of privacy. “We still have a few hours before daylight, so do you want to go back to sleep or continue checking out my body?”

With that, Vulcan let go of me and rolled over on his stomach. He was facing me as I lay there and had a wicked grin on his handsome face. I made a big show of yawning before closing my eyes. “Sleep sounds better to me. Besides, I think I found all your interesting parts already.”

I squealed at finding myself tackled by a large, naked man and thrown onto my back. Vulcan’s fingers lightly dug into my ribs, and I dissolved into giggles since he had found the most ticklish spots on my body. We both soon were breathless from laughter, and his tickling progressed to softly stroking my body. When he bent to take my mouth captive, I felt the beginning of a beard on his face. Dark hair already surrounded his mouth and covered his chin. More than ever, Vulcan radiated danger and reminded me he was a god and not a mere human male.

“Are you still sleepy, woman?” Vulcan took the slow shake of my head for his response. “I remember I said last night that next time I would be gentle. Is that right?” This time, he didn’t wait for me to answer, but move down to tease a nipple with his active tongue. His beard tickled the sensitive skin there, and I felt myself raising my body to urge him on. He took the hint and cupped the breast in his hand, pushing and pulling on the flesh. His teeth replaced his tongue, and then he finally took my breast into the hot, wet cavern of his mouth.

Not all my senses concentrated on my breast and the tender ministration Vulcan was giving it. I also felt his knee sliding between my legs and gently pushing them apart. Once settled comfortably on top of me, he carefully guided his penis in and started a smooth and steady rocking of our bodies. I heard him whisper as he kept up a slow rhythm, “Shh, Melody, I promise you I’ll be gentle. Just relax, and I won’t let you fall.” He had heard my cry last night about falling from the precipice he had pressured my body to climb.

Even though he promised to be gentle, I could feel the sexual tension building in him. He was using all his willpower to resist the urge to dig deep inside me in a few powerful thrusts. His hard penis entered an inch at a time and slid back slightly each time. Meanwhile, his mouth remained on my breast, and he placed his left hand on the bed to raise his body slightly up off me. The fingers of his free hand found the tender spot above where he was slowly pushing his penis into me. His fingers stroked and rubbed, at first gently. Only when the powerful movement of his hips brought his long shaft completely inside me did he increase the tempo of his teasing fingers.

* * *

Chapter 18

He removed his hand from the bed, and this allowed his body to cover me once again. When he leaned slightly to one side, this gave his probing fingers full access while leaving his penis lodged tightly inside me.

“Please, you’re hurting me,” I said, between sobs, when his index finger stopped its harsh rubbing and jammed into the same opening as his enlarged shaft. I’m not sure what had changed him from the gentle lover of only hours ago to this sadistic rapist. The pain Vulcan was inflicting had me struggling to get free of him.

It took a few seconds for the pain to subside when he finally removed his penis. With his finger still inside and gorging a path through the delicate skin of my vagina, Vulcan used his other hand to grab one of my legs and brutally use it to twist me over onto my stomach. It was a relief from the pain when he brought both hands to pin my arms above my head.

“Woman,” he said in a hoarse voice, “you have bewitched me into forgetting you are simply my slut to do with as I please.” I could hear his harsh breathing next to my ear and wondered what I’d done to displease him.

“What did I do wrong?” I begged. “I only want to please you, and I thought you felt the same about me.”

“No woman or goddess can please me. You’re all whores like Venus and Astrid, sharing what’s between your legs with others.” Vulcan pushed himself off me and left me crying helplessly on the bed.

For the next hour, I heard him out in his workshop, the sound of the large hammer on his anvil reflecting his overwhelming anger. He appeared calmed down with the rising of the summer sun. Eventually Vulcan returned to where I was lying on the bed, unsure of what he wanted me to do next.

When he sat on the bed and pulled my unresisting body into his arms, I felt his hands touching the bruises he had caused only an hour before. Being a god, he didn’t feel the need to apologize for raping me, but I knew his rage was gone.

“Vulcan, please trust me to never betray you with another.” He accepted this tearful promise and reached down to touch the golden chain still wrapped around my hips.

“No,” he said quietly and removed his hands from the chain, “not yet. Perhaps soon, but not today.” He gently pushed me back onto the rumpled sheet, and our lovemaking continued for the next two hours, exhausting us until we fell asleep in each other’s arms.

I woke first and leaned over to kiss his naked shoulder. He slowly turned to pull me against his body. His eyes were still sleepy, but they snapped open when the same voice we’d heard before interrupted us. “Haven’t you had your fill of the slave yet, my brother?”

* * *

Chapter 19

I swung around to see who was there. I couldn’t help staring at the vision standing in the doorway. Well, not exactly a vision but the most perfectly formed male specimen I’d ever seen leaned casually against the door frame. The light from the early morning sun seemed drawn to and surrounded him like a brilliant aura.

I felt something touching my arm, but couldn’t take my eyes off the blonde god in front of me. His hair curled around his ears, and he had wide blue eyes the color of a cloudless summer afternoon sky. I watched, mesmerized, as his sensual mouth spread wide in a grin, and I pulled away from the annoying feel of fingers pinching my arm. My eyes traveled slowly down the long, slender body. His skin, lightly kissed by the sun, appeared a creamy tan. Like all the other gods, besides sandals laced nearly to his knees, this one wore only a single breechcloth. Sadly, it covered him from his waist to high on his thighs.

While I sat there staring and wondering what hid under that snow-white cloth, I felt someone pulling my hair. This forced me to turn and face an annoyed Vulcan. He wasn’t mad, just resigned to one more female forgetting him when the man by the door was in the same room. “Melody, if you can stop staring at him long enough, I’d like you to meet my stepbrother, Apollo.” At my questioning look, Vulcan simply said, “Our parentage is complicated.”

“Well,” said Apollo, deciding he had waited long enough, “Jupiter is requesting your presence now. The situation is too dire for him to wait any longer.” He turned to leave and said on his way out, “Send your slave back to the women’s quarters and hurry. Jupiter has ordered the various gods from all the various countries to meet at his great hall within the hour.”

Vulcan reluctantly got out of bed and put on his own loincloth and sandals. When he handed me the dress I’d discarded the night before, I realized our time together was over, at least for today. “I have to leave you now, but wait outside after you’re dressed for the old woman. She’ll bring you back to be with the other women until I found out what this crisis is about.”

He gave me a quick but passionate kiss before limping outside where Apollo had been waiting for him. I walked outside to wait for the old crone and watched the two brothers rapidly cross the courtyard toward Jupiter’s large granite palace. I had no idea how the old woman knew to come for me, but she soon arrived and escorted me back to the women’s quarter.

Upon climbing the stone stairs and entering the large room, I noticed other elderly servants had earlier returned the concubines of all the other gods. I looked around for Sabrina, but saw she was the only one still missing. Five minutes later, she arrived, crying hysterically and pulled roughly into the room by the same old woman who had gloated over Astrid’s death.

I ran to her, shocked to see she had a black eye and a bloody cut on her upper lip. She no longer seemed the same vivacious redhead I’d met the previous day. Ordering the old woman away from us, I led Sabrina to a fountain near one corner of the large room and washed the blood from her face.

Knowing the answer already, I asked, “Did Ares do this to you?” When she nodded, I waited to hear the reason for his brutality. Her explanation, overheard by the other women now surrounding us, sent ripples of horror throughout the room.

* * *

Chapter 20

“Ares was summoned to Jupiter’s great hall,” Sabrina started out, wiping tears from her eyes. “His rude brother came with the message Jupiter was furious. It seems the Titans captured and spirited away Ares' son, Eros.”

The old lady who had brought her back rudely interrupted, “That can’t be true, you worthless slattern. Jupiter banished the few remaining Titans to Tartarus back in the dark time.” She sneered at Sabrina. “I remember those days, and there’s no way they escaped out of that underground prison.”

Still hazy on mythological history, I asked the rest of the women, “Who are the Titans, and why would they kidnap a child?”

“Eros isn’t a child and hasn’t been one for centuries.” Sabrina tried to ease closer to me and away from the old woman. “You might know him better by his Roman name, Cupid.”

The old woman started to leave the crowd of women around us. She decided I needed to learn the truth, though, and this wasn’t not out of the goodness of her wretched heart, “He’s the bastard son of Ares and Venus. You know who she is, don’t you? She used to be the wife of your master before he caught her in bed with his brother, Ares.” Her spiteful laugh followed her as she walked away once more. “He divorced Venus after seeing her in their marriage bed acting like a dog in heat.”

Before I could learn more, loud noise outside in the courtyard had all of us racing to the balcony. Below us were dozens of gods, both important and minor, all heading for Jupiter’s palace.

“It’s bad,” whispered the small Asian woman I’d met on my first day.

“Mae Li, how can you tell?” another woman, with skin as black as ebony, asked this. She was new to the seraglio and had only been here a week or two before I arrived.

“Do you see that large red-haired male with the beard next to little Loki? Well, that’s Thor, the Norse god of war. If Jupiter summoned him, it can only mean they will be preparing for battle against the Titans.”

* * *

To be continued in next segment.
 Seraglio of the Gods - Segment 05  (XGC)
Chapters 21 through 25.
#1311488 by J. A. Buxton

© Copyright 2007 J. A. Buxton (judity at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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