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Rated: E · Poetry · Religious · #1309926
From the shepherds to the Savior, the star saw it all.
                                          The Star

With glory shone the star that night, it’s light on Bethlehem fell.
God’s only begotten Son is born, to the world His coming did tell.
It told of a birth like no other has been, a birth to redeem man fallen in sin.
Shrouded in darkness the world did lie, for this world, a Lamb would die.
Why would He die, a Lamb so fair, for a world that took no notice or care?
To provide a gift, sent from above, purchased one day with His shed blood.
Found not at a tree, no paper and bow, this gift came by a crimson flow.
A debt He paid, one He did not owe, now all who call to heaven can go.
Go to the home He’s gone to prepare, a home of such beauty that none compare.
Made just for the redeemed to abide, a place for His bride to be by His side.
O what a land where no tears ever fall, and all can go if on His name they call.
Eternity to spend will it be heaven or hell?  In the Bible it’s told how one can tell.
Tell if you’ll live with the Lord on high, a mansion in glory, home when you die.
Whosoever shall call on His name He will save, receive the gift that our God gave.
God gave His all for a world lost in sin, and promised by His blood I could win.
Win the battle that was lost long ago; when a serpent to hell wanted all to go.
A fruit that seemed pleasant was his bait, and Adam and Eve just could not wait.
Out of the garden, by sweat man is fed; we live under the curse until we are dead.
We enter life dead in trespasses and sin, once we are born the trouble begins.
We start out in life so lost in the way, stumbling in darkness we hope for the day.
A day God promised in His Word long ago, penned on paper so all could know.
Know of a birth, in a manger we’re told, even though it was bitter and cold.
Swaddling for clothes and straw for a bed, I know it is so for in the Bible I read.
How He came to a world dead in sin, that through His death new life would begin.
O how the Son on that day did shine, born of a virgin, a birth so divine.
Divinity clothed in the flesh of man, a mystery of God for no one else can.
Pay the debt of sin that all men owe, first born of the seed that Adam did sow.
He was born of the Spirit, sent from above, proof to all of God’s true love.
He loves the world that in sin still lies, proved His love as on the cross He died.
Born in a manger on a night long ago, so that all that believe to heaven can go.
Go to a home in heaven on high, prepared by the Savior where we never will die.
Life more abundant is what He wants for me, now that I’m saved His path I see.
The shepherds saw a star above, and followed that star to the proof of God’s love.
How do I know that God loves fallen man?  God said so before the world began.
We love Him now because He loved us first, living waters he gives to all who thirst.
So hunger and thirst for His righteousness now, for in His presence all will bow.
We bow like the wise men so long ago, and pray that to heaven with us you will go.
So accept God’s gift that He gave that day, call on His name and you He will save.
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