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Rated: E · Fiction · Sci-fi · #1309221
Mission Report 1, filed by Lt. Andhar L'Drasket De'lir of the FEA
Firsthand Debrief Report- 1, File- 15, Reference# 6.0051, Filed: 6/17/2014 (Earth Date) by Lt. Andhar L'Drasket De'lir S.B. of the ISF of the FEA

CLASSIFICATION: Priority 5 Top Secret
MISSION: E.I.M. "Cancer 8"
MISSION TYPE: 2 person covert op, long term
MISSION DURATION/STATUS: 14.89 Earth Years / Aborted
PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: a) Infiltrate & discredit leadership of United States of America to soften the target for invasion by causing social chaos. b) Aquire inside knowledge of USA's military, political and economic infrastructure c) Aid in the long-term goal of colonizing Earth, eliminating most of it's Terrans and enslaving the survivors
LOCATION: Sol 2, Planet Earth (Terra 3), North America, U.S.A., Washington D.C.

OVERSIGHT BOARD: Imperial Colonization Board Alfa 8 under Chairman Deniri Skaek of the Imperial Senate

PRIMARY OPERATIVE: Andhar L'Drasket De'lir
Species- Andromedian (Grey) / Earth Terran (Human) Hybrid, genetically & biomechanically enhanced nanocybernetic humanoid entity
Sex/Subspecies- Male
Age- 211 Earth Years
Social Class- Free citizen of the empire, grade 1
Rank/Title- Leftenant 4th degree of the 3rd Imperial Space Fleet (ISF) of the Federated Empire of Andromedians (FEA) / Level 2 Spy Boss
Home World- Sol 5, 4th moon (De'liria 4) of the 1st planet (New Andro) in the domed colony of Sosfae

SUBORDINATE OPERATIVE: Orillius Palladium VI a.k.a. "Shift"
Species- Nordinian Terran (Human), biocybernetically enhanced humanoid entity
Sex/Subspecies- Male/Caucasion
Age- 48 Earth Years
Social Class- Conscripted noncitizen of the empire, grade 4 (owned property of the Andromidian Geothermal Energy (AGE) Corp. of Nordinia on lease to the FEA)
Rank/Title- High Conscript, 2nd degree of the Terran Extrasolar Espionage Service (TEES) of the FEA / Level 1 Infiltrator (on assignment with the ISF)
Home World- Sol 7, 2nd planet (Nordinia), in the southern polar colony of Blue'tah 1

OVERVIEW: On stardate 12775.51 At the Nordinian capital, Norda, I boarded the ship, "Titus IX", a midsized Terran cargo cruiser, with 5 other Andromedian officers of the ISF and a Terran conscript. His name was O. Palladium and he was a typical Terran of Nordinian ancestry; tall (even for a human), muscular, long blond hair, pale blue eyes, etc. On lease to TEES by the corp that owned him, he had been borrowed by the ISF and specially selected by my superiors to help me fullfill this mission due to his special modifications.
Because of the classified nature of my mission I had Palladium confined to quarters for the 570.19 light year voyage as I knew he'd been briefed on the mission prior to departure. I didn't want him talking to his fellow Terrans on the ship who, besides the Andromedian captain and the Bio-Droid engineer, made up the entire 10 member crew. Terrans are surprisingly resourseful and foolishly loyal to thier bretheren so I didn't want to risk word leaking to the Free Terran Republic (FTR) warning them of our intentions toward Earth.
Because it is known that the FTR has spies even among our own kind, I stayed mostly in my quarters during the short voyage through subspace. Since most of our species have cyber-empathic nano-upgrades nowdays, I was not taking the chance of my brain waves being scanned for details of Cancer 8 by a curious or traitorous Andromedian. I left my stateroom only rarely to plan the mission in detail with the Terran whom I code named, "Shift", as his nanobiological upgrades allowed him to change his facial features and body shape with a thought.
Upon entering Earth's orbit Shift and I boarded my personal shuttle down in Titus IX's cargo hold. It was a Class 4 Momodian Multicorp Saucer (MMS). Powered by an array of customized nanofusion microreactors, the small titanium alloy craft was outfitted with a concealment device, triple gravity amplifiers, a tractor beam generator and an antimatter ion emitter for space travel. The weapons array consisted of an eight unit antimatter missile array, a long range pulse laser, a photodisruptor directed energy beam and an EMP generator.
I allowed Shift to pilot my shuttle onworld and was surprised at his skills. Not only was he was an expert pilot, he was also incredibly intelligent, for a Terran that is. While planning the mission details during the voyage from his homeworld he actually had several creative peices of input. Over the millenia Terrans have proved quite useful to our kind and I was proud to be part of thier final conquest. I was very much looking forward to seeing thier world of origin fall.
When we entered the planet's atmosphere it was night over the North American continent and the lights of the terran cities glowed brightly over most of the surface. It reminded me of the way Andromeian 1 looked from orbit 1000 generations ago. The importance of our mission to take control of Earth and eliminate most of it's Terrans became apparent to me at that moment. With a little help from our enemies Earthlings could someday surpass even our empire in power and wrestle control of the galaxy out of our grip. That was the last thing we needed after the recent FTR inspired rebellian on Momo 5 and the ensuing rise of the Terran & Momodian Resistance Army (TMRA). With the slaves and resources that were to be gained after conquering Earth I was sure we would be soon crushing both the TMRA and the hated FTR.
As the MMS entered the atmosphere Shift switched to gravity drive. The resulting electrical feild charged the partcles of the outside air creating a halo of white light causing our circular craft to appear as a glowing orb in the clear night sky over the eastern section of the continent. Being so visible made me uneasy but part of Cancer 8's objectives were to frighten and panic the public below. What better way than to fly over thier heads in a craft that most earthlings recognozed as belonging to hostile aliens. After all, years of brutal abductions, shoot downs on both sides, and government cover-ups had had thier effect on Earth's public.
As we decended toward our planned drop zone the MMS's computer picked up a trio of aircraft approaching from the south, not far out and closing fast. The scanners relayed that the craft were what the Earthlings called, "jet planes". Primitive vehicles that rely on liquid semiorganic fuel for power and aerodynamics for lift, they still could be slightly dangerous to smaller craft such as mine. This late in the game I wasn't taking any chances, nor did I have reason to be subtle.
Mentally relaying the command to my ship, I sent out an antimatter missile to intercept. The three jet planes were in a tight enough formation that only one missile set with a low charge was needed. It was still a little of an overkill but I felt I had a point to prove; interfere and be destroyed. I watched via hologram a the missile detonated in thier midst with a blinding flash. The Terran pilots had no time to react. The three air craft were instantly vaporized along with thier crew.
Smiling, Shift nodded his aproval and we sped on toward the USA's capitol city of Washington D.C.. As we neared the city we slowed down to reduce power, thus eliminating the halo of light that illuminated our craft.
We also engaged the concealment generator. That particular model worked by projecting a holopicture of our surroundings around the craft. While not making us totally invisible to human eyes it would certainly help, especially in the dark of night.
Shift found an open field just outside of town along a major roadway to drop himself off at. He landed the craft amid a some sort of bushy flora and, dressed as a high class Earth merchant, exited the craft with out delay. Cancer 8 was under way.
"Good luck, Spy Boss", Shift said to me using his primitve verbal skills. Terrans never did like projecting thoughts to communicate, even when they were outfitted with the biocybernetic hardware for it like this one was.
"Luck has nothing to do with it, conscript." I projected into his mind, "Remember stay within mission perameters. I'll be watching."
The terran nodded and stepped out of the hatch without another word.
I rose the ship upto a safe level and watched on the holoscreen on the console before me as Shift began to walk down. When he was a safe distance away I engaged the gravity and shot off to the west.
For the next several rotations of the Earth around Sol 2 I divided my time beetween covertly abducting Earthlings so I could run experiments designed to find thier weeknesses, terrorizing them as I flew around thier cities, and drawing thier military air craft into engagements. Occasionally I would head to one of our many undersea ocean bases around the planet to resupply but for the most part I had very little down time.
Once I even managed to down an FTR scout ship that was in the process of entering the atmosphere. A well placed laser burst at the right moment turned the enemy ship into a shooting star.
In the meanwhile Shift was accomplighing his mission with much success. Upon arriving he had managed to actually infiltrate the highest level of America's leadership. By vaporizing newly elected USA leader President George W. Bush's top advisor, a terran named Karl Rove, and replacing the man with himself, Shift had instant access to everything from top secret military data to President Bush's personal life. Also as the President's top advisor, Shift could steer Bush any way he wanted. And that's just what we did.
I monitored Shift via a subspace bio-link built directly into his central nervous system and linked to my ship, allowing me to see and hear everything he saw and heard from the safety of my control room. The system worked two ways allowing me to send mental commands, data, and images to him through subspace from any where in the solar system. Basically the head of the government of the USA, our primary enemy on Earth, was partially under our control.
By the end of Bush's eighth Earth year as leader Shift had helped lead him into an unwinnable war, allowed the President to make serious policy errors, and helped the leader of America to lose the faith of his subjects.
Shift was able to provide us with countless pieces of valuable intel as well. We learned of thier progress in the reverse engineering of downed FEA ships and technology smuggled through our blockade of thier system by the FTR. Thankfully they hadn't gotten very far at that point.
We also learned of weapons they were producing to defend Earth from the FEA. Apparently they had begun to develop a primitve pulse laser. We learned of the project's location and I planned an antimatter missile strike.
From low orbit I released all 8 maximum charged missiles on the desert facility, but only after knocking out thier defenses with an EMP at close range and a few well placed laser pulses. It was completely obliterated by the attack along with all personel. We later discovered that two FTR scientists were eliminated in the strike along with thier ship.
Shortly before Bush left office Karl "Shift" Rove resigned. I felt it was time he assumed a new role.
In Earth Year 2008 a Terran female, Hillary Clinton, was elected President of the USA. Shift eliminated her husband, himself a former president named Bill Clinton, and assumed the identity of "First Husband". Things were going quite well until the FTR showed up in E.Y. 2011. That is the time that the FTR allied with the TMRA and a rogue faction of the FEA's political wing, Grey Night, ran our blockade with over 2,500 vessels and almost 100,000 soldiers.
Countless FEA ships through out the system were destroyed in the attack. Every one of our under sea bases were over run. I barely managed to escape with my life, fleeing to our Fleet Base on Earth's moon. FEA forces regrouped there and counter attacked destroying a good portion of Earth. In the ensuing violence President Clinton herself was killed. Luckily her husband survived.
Reinforcements eventually arrived from all factions and the mercenary race of Sasquatchians joined the struggle on our side. We had to promise the brutes half of Noth America but it was worth it as the big hairy creatures made superb shock troops and absolutly terrified the Earthlings.
Shortly after the outbreak of full scale war, I lost contact with Shift while we were planning a coup to place him directly in power. I assume he was killed after being discovered by the FTR. I heard through our spy network only that "Bill Clinton" had mysteriously dissapeared with out a trace.
Now as it has been an entire Earth year since losing Shift, I must sadly end my mission. Cancer 8 would have led to Earth's surrender to the FEA as planned had it not been for the surprise attack by our enemies. It would have been more efficient to systematically eradicate the Earthlings peacefully, however, I am sure that the war will do that anyway.
I consider Cancer 8 a partial sucess and I look forward to my next assignment.

© Copyright 2007 T.H. Willis (todd88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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