Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1309051-The-Hunt
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1309051
Can Dareth save his town from a blood thirsty owlbear?
It was a dark night. The moons were shrouded in darkness. The wind barely stirred and so there was total silence. A young boy was out on this night. His name was Dareth. He had long brown hair. His eyes were light blue and he stood about two hundred and twenty three centimeters tall. He was following a hulbuk’s tracks. As he followed the tracks he noticed something about them. The hulbuk seemed to be running. He looked at them with curiosity but continued following them.
After following them for a while he came to a clearing. Dareth gasped in horror at what he saw. The body of the hulbuk was torn in pieces. The bones of the animal were picked clean and blood was splattered everywhere. He looked around. There seemed to have been a struggle. Dareth also noticed some weird tracks. It had a print of a large creature with five large claw imprints. They went deeper into the forest. Dareth stared into the thick trees but turned back. It would take him at least a day and a half before he was back in his village.
Coranth was a small town. It was located in the forests and was right beside a large winding river. Dareth had heard many stories of the old days when Coranth was a mighty city. It was the largest and strongest empire in those lands. That was changed since the Great War. During the war a mighty army of demons destroyed Coranth. Then it was sacked by a horde of many horrible creatures. The people returned one hundred years later to rebuild their homeland.
As Dareth entered the village he saw a man. It was actually a half elf for you could see its pointed ears. He carried a sword and a bow with a full quiver of arrows.
“Hello Dareth,” the half elf said, “any luck?”
“No Ferrin,” replied Dareth, “but I did see something. I’m going to report it to the elders and Xanthar.
Ferrin looked at Dareth in puzzlement, “What did you find?”
Dareth retold the story of tracking the hulbuk and finding its body that was torn to pieces and the strange tracks leading into the woods. He parted with the half elf and headed towards the far side of town. Xanthar live in a hut about a kilometer out of town. He enjoyed the life of solitude and hunting in the wild. In the old days when Dareth was young a large green dragon ruled over the lands of Coranth. His name was Rhendros and he had killed Dareth’s parents. The great hunter Xanthar had slew it with a magical arrow that pierced its heart.
Dareth knocked on the door of the hut. He heard no noise and entered. The he heard a sound behind him and turned around. There was the old hunter. He had silver hair that many thought was very odd and mistook it for white. He stood as tall as Dareth but probably twice as old. He had a white sword at his hip and carried a longbow with a full quiver hanging from his back.
“Xanthar I have to tell you something.”
Xanthar looked up and smiled, “Yes.”
Dareth retold the story to the hunter.
“Hmm,” mumbled the old hunter, “I believe by the looks of those tracks you mentioned I would say that the creature who devoured the hulbuk would be an owlbear.
“Owlbear?” Dareth said in confusion.
“Yes an owlbear,” the hunter said, “and I intend to kill it.”
Dareth looked up in astonishment, “But you are too old. I will go kill it. I’m much younger and more in shape.”
Then all of a sudden Xanthar drew his sword and slashed at Dareth’s head. Dareth barely drew his own sword in time to block it.
“What was that for?” Dareth exclaimed.
“To test your reflexes,” Xanthar simply said and sheathed his sword.
Dareth did the same and stared at the old hunter. He’s fast! His speed rivals that of even mine and I’m way younger and more fit that him.
“Fine,” Dareth said in a stern voice and walked away.
“Oh, Dareth! Meet me on the west edge of town. I will talk to the elders and tell them of our hunt.”
Dareth walked home slow. When he reached his house in the village he unpacked his stuff and slumped onto his bed and waited for sleep to overtake him. The he heard a knock at his door.
“Who is it?” Dareth asked irritated.
“It’s me!” said a voice.
Dareth rose quickly and rushed to the door. He opened it and there stood a girl. She had long blonde hair and wore a simple dress garment. She had brown eyes and stood almost as tall as Dareth.
“Uh, hello Aryna. What brings you here?”
“I heard about your hunt. I want to go too.”
Dareth looked in alarm, “What! I can’t let you go. It’s too dangerous. Nope. No way.”
“Well, I’m one of the few spellcasters left in this godforsaken village so you will let me go or I will force you to let me go.”
Dareth couldn’t believe it. Xanthar and now Aryna. Pretty soon the whole village would want to go.
“Fine, fine,” Dareth said, “meet me at the west edge of town tomorrow at dawn. And be sharp or else I’ll leave you here.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll be there,” Aryna said and strode away.

In the morning Dareth arose and packed his things. Then he headed out to the west edge of town. He was the first arrive. Before the sun even touched the horizon the other two companions had arrived.
“What’s this a little lady going on a hunt,” mocked Xanthar as he came walking.
“Yeah, and you have a problem with that,” Aryna said a strong voice and walked right past him.
“Well, I guess I will need someone to tell my story when I’m gone.”
“What do you mean “when I’m gone,” Aryna said turning around.
“You are a bardess are you not?” Xanthar said smiling, “this is my last hunt.”
“What!” Dareth and Aryna exclaimed in astonishment.
“I must go after this hunt. I had a feeling that I must go. Don’t argue. It will just make this hunt less exciting.”
The other two companions didn’t say word until later.
The three companions traveled until high noon. They stopped for a short bland lunch of bread and dried meat. After that they headed on their way again. When the sun fell and darkness over took them the companions set up camp for the night. After dinner the spread their bedrolls and laid down for sleep.
“I’ll have first watch,” Xanthar said and settled himself against a large tree on the edge of the camp. That night Dareth dreamt of the night that his parents were killed. He could see their bodies sprawled on the ground. He screamed but nobody heard him. The all of a sudden he awoke. He looked around and saw that Aryna was already up.
“What is it?” Dareth asked in a sleepy voice.
“It’s the owlbear,” answered Xanthar.
He looked into the woods. He saw nothing but then all of sudden he heard a rustle and then a large hulking beast burst out of the bushes. It was covered in feathers and hair. It had large claws that could probably rip right through armor. It charged Xanthar first. It swiped at his head but Xanthar ducked and slashed at the beast. The owlbear turned around and attacked Xanthar again. This time he was thrown across the camp. He fell against a tree and fell limp. Then the beast rushed Dareth. He sidestepped and barely dodged it. Then he heard a voice behind him. Aryna was weaving a spell. He got out of the way but the creature rushed her. Then it stopped right in its tracks. A paralyzing spell. He took his chance and rushed the beast. He slashed wildly at the thick hide. As the owlbear started to regain its speed Xanthar ran beside Dareth and stabbed the beast several times. The beast roared in pain and ran into the woods.
“Are you okay?” Dareth asked Xanthar.
“Just some bruises but I’m fine. You are a warrior Dareth! You faced the creature just like a skilled swordsman.”
“Thank you,” Dareth replied and turned towards Aryna. “Are you alright?”
“Yep. I think we should rest. The owlbear really tired us out.”
“No,” said Xanthar, “we need to finish this quickly. If we take time to rest we are letting it rest too. Plus, we are three and it’s alone. Together we should be able to slay it.”
The three companions packed their belongings and followed the tracks the owlbear left behind. Half an hour later they came to a large cave.
“I believe that this is its lair,” Xanthar said drew his sword. Dareth did the same and fetched a stick. Aryna said a few words and they had a torch. The three companions walked into the cave ready to face the beast. The came to a large chamber. Then all of sudden the heard a noise behind them. They all turned around and came face to face to the owlbear. It charged at them bellowing in a screeching voice. Xanthar charged it and parried its first couple blows but was slowly being pushed back. Aryna cast a spell that shot a bolt of cool, blue light at the owlbear. It howled in pain and looked at its mid section. It was entirely frozen. It roared and swung wildly. The it caught Xanthar in the air. It threw him across the room and the hunter fell to the ground. Dareth could hear the moaning of the hunter but could not go and help. Then the creature rushed him. He ducked and slashed at the creature’s side. The it swung back and Dareth felt a sharp pain erupt in his back. He heard some singing and saw that Aryna was weaving another spell. Then he heard a loud screech. The creature swung wildly around itself trying to slash at some invisible foe.
“What did you do to it?” Dareth said standing up. The pain his back was increasing. He had to finish this fast or else the would be finished.
“I blinded it!” Aryna said and drew her dagger. Dareth and Aryna approached the mad beast trying to not be hit by on of the wild swings from the creature. Aryna found and opening and stabbed the owlbear but was knocked aside.
“Aryna!” Dareth said as he saw her body fly across the cave. He gripped his sword and charged the creature. He swung wildly and managed to wound the creature but was caught by one of the claws and was thrown back. The owlbear seemed to have regained his senses and ran over to Dareth’s body. Just as it was about to tear through his head a figure walked between the creature and him. He saw as the figure was torn on the stomach. He felt the blood splatter on him. Then he looked in surprise. It was Xanthar! He arose wearily and gripped his sword in anger. He saw the owlbear push aside the limp body. The it turned to meet a sword. Dareth plunged his sword into the creature’s heart. The owlbear looked at him with astonishment and fell to the ground, dead.
With tears rolling down his cheeks Dareth ran to Xanthar’s body. He saw Aryna rush over too.
“No Xanthar!” Dareth cried.
“It’s okay my boy,” the hunter said, “I needed to return to the heavens. My life here on this world has been a pleasure.”
“What do you mean return to the heavens? You’ve been there before?” Dareth asked in a puzzled voice.
“Yes my boy. I am the White Warrior, Rothann to the dwarves, Eli by the elves, but most of all I am known as Palavine.”
Dareth couldn’t believe! He was actually looking at the great god Palavine.
Dareth, I see great potential in you. If you make the right decisions Coranth may be a mighty city once more. And when that happens I will descend from the heavens and grant the peoples of Coranth the right to be clerics and priests once again. And Aryna, please tell of the story of Palavine and Xanthar. Good bye Dareth and Aryna.”
Then the champion of light, Palavine turned into white dust and floated back into heavens.
Dareth looked at where the body used to be.
“C’mon Aryna, let’s go home,” Dareth said as the headed out if the cave and on to their home.

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