Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1309045-The-Battle-Lines
Rated: E · Poetry · Spiritual · #1309045
The high cost of man's rejection of God's Word, and the high cost God paid to restore man.
                                                The Battle Lines

The battle lines were drawn many ages ago, it happened when man to God’s Word said no.
God said not to eat from one certain tree, but man for him self just had to see.
See if for sure in that day he would die, the serpent said, “go ahead, it was all just a lie.”
What would it hurt, what would it harm, the serpent beguiled and turned on the charm.
So eat they did on that dreadful day, when man to God’s Word “no” he did say.
Man rejected the Word that was pure and true, his own will is what he chose to do.
Man chose to do what man wanted that day, he rejected all and now all will pay.
Pay the price of sin and shame, caught hiding from God, when God called his name.
Man had it all, paradise and rest, no sweat for the brow just one little test.
Pass the test and peace it would be, perfect fellowship with God for all eternity.
But the battle lines were drawn many ages ago, all because man to God’s Word said no.
Now an adversary we have and a fight we are in, the devil’s our enemy and his weapon is sin.
He aims at us all to injure and kill, he ruins and wrecks and plagues us still.
A life of heartache, sorrow, and shame, he has in store for each and every name.
We enter this world just a sinner to die, and leave a stone by a grave to mark where we lie.
So fall into ranks and take up your swords, rally around the banner for the battle is the Lord’s.
The Lord is our General, our Captain, our Friend, and has promised to go with us to the very end.
The fiery darts fly and the snares have been laid, but cheer up my brother the price has been paid.
The price of victory was paid long ago, when to an old rugged cross the Savior did go.
In agony He hung there, suffered, and bled, the war that He fought, He fought in my stead.
The battle lines were drawn many ages ago, it happened when man to God’s Word said no.
The Lord said it was finished, the victory is won, the Bible tells all it was by God’s Dear Son.
To the Son of God the enemy gave in, defeated and conquered with no way to win.
But still the devil fights to hinder God’s own, yet the Bible to all makes his end to be known.
The Lake of Fire we are told will be his final end, torment and suffering when he is cast in.
Not for a moment, not for a day, but forever, and forever, and forever, the Bible does say.
And though that day will come, still we are left in the fight, so till that day, give all your might.
Wear your uniform with honor, keep your sword at hand, be ready to march, and take a stand.
Let us stand on His Word lined up with what’s right, walking by faith and not by sight.
May we not falter, break ranks and run, Lord let us march on, till the victory is won.
The battle lines were drawn many ages ago, it happened when man to God’s Word said no.
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