Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1308337-the-men-of-tobacco-road
by rayne
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #1308337
The Arrington men-Kenneth jr.Derek,Charles,Greg and our cousin Nathan Holmes
Good evening ! Kenneth,I sure hope you save some of Mrs.Emma's pot roast for everybody else..  Yea,man I did...where's Derek and Charles? Oh,they're still out in the fields,they'll be in shortly..Have you seen Pops? I saw him right after lunch,he was heading towards Mrs.Anns'..What's with that look? Pop sure has been spending an awful lot of time over to Mrs.Anns',don't that look a little suspicious to you? Well,I haven't really thought about but I guess your right..We'll get Derek on it right away..Get Derek on what,Oh hey there bro.Well me and Ken was just saying how Pops was spending a lot of time over to Mrs.Anns' house lately and we're curious so you have to check into it bro...To late,I already have Nathan checking on it.We should have known that nothing gets by to ex-marine.Ah-h don't be jealous fellas,I'm just sharp like that..Like a knife.What's up,what are you Arrington men up to? Well it seems like Ken and Greg are a little uptight about pops seeing mrs.Ann...Oh,he's seeing someone? when did this happen?Charles,chill out let me finish..Pops has been sneaking off around lunchtime for the past 3 weeks treking off down the road to see mrs.Ann so I got Nathan on it and I should have a report from him by the end of the week,so you all just be patient and let the smart Arrington handle things..Oh shut up,your'e conceded Derek,oh no baby brother,not conceded just smart..

Wow it's sure is cool tonight.D has had me working on finding out about mrs.Ann McCombs..It's taken up all of my time lately..Sheryl has been upset  with me for not spending time with her lately,but I couldn't tell her that I've gone back into the PI business after I told her that I've quit the business,but that's my life my adrenaline gets going when I do that,I love it..But,this case has me puzzled,,I can't find any information on this Ann McCombs,it's like she just WHAM!! all of a sudden just showed up here in Brewster nothing..Damnit I almost missed my turn..I don't know why my cousins live so far out of town,Ken,D,Charles,and Greg Arrington my first cousins but  we're more like brothers since I was the only child,uncle Ken and aunt mattie took me in and raised me like one of their own.Five boys was a lot to handle back then but they managed to love me and care for me after my mom,Corrine died,aunt Matties' oldest sister.My father Lester couldn't handle my moms' death so he dropped me off at uncle Kens' house and left,never saw him again..Wow,I get speechless every time I drive up at the "mansion" as we use to call it..I sure hope Kenneth Jr.saved some food..old Ken Jr. "pig",as aunt Mattie use to call him,eats up everything in sight,I'm surprised he doesn't weigh 300 pounds..

Good evening everyone. I knew I could find you all in the kitchen. How are my favorite cousins? We are all doing well, humph I guess pig is doing extremely good since his mouth is full. Hey stop it with the teasing Nate, I can't help if I enjoy food. I know you do, I'm glad that you have a exercise regime if not you would weigh over 300 pounds. Now since we are finished with this enjoyable bantering, Nate what did you come up with? after chewing his food, nothing cuz, I mean it's just like she dropped out of no where, like she doesn't exist. Who! Damn Charles what planet did you come from man? Are you sure you belong into this family? Why is everyone looking at me! D, fill me in please. As we were discussing dad's new love interest Ms. McCombs, Ooo right, right. Nate here, was just reporting that their is no news on her. Nate do you mind continuing? Sure, as I was saying this lady came from nowhere, I can't find a single trace on her. I had my contacts at the Bureau helping me and they came up empty, so I am assuming that Ann McCombs isn't her real name. So, how do you propose we find out who she really is? Well Ken, I have something in the works, and I should have a report hopefully soon with her true identity.


Hmmm That Kenneth Arrington is something else. I never would have imagined that at my age I would find happiness again. After so many years and after all I have been through. I hope and pray that he doesn't find me again. I don't know what I would do. But I can't think of the bad, I need to focus on the future. Let the past stay in  the past. I'm 56 years old now and much wiser. I'm beginning to settle down in this comfortable little town of Brewster, North Carolina. The people are wonderful and very friendly and the few women that I have met seem to be nice. I just have to remember that Angelique Martin no longer exist. Ann McCombs does.

I don't know why I'm unable to rest well at night, you would think after all of this time I would have been able to shake the ghost. Things are on the upswing, I just have to remember that from now on, but it is so hard, I keep looking over my shoulder every time I think I see someone who resembles Lester, the ghost, as his friends and family so fondly calls him. He is the blackest of the black, in color and soul. I beat myself up every time I think about it, why did I allow myself to get involve with the devil. I  guess his charming ways overwhelmed me to the point that I gave in to it. I was a lonely soul back then, no self esteem, no family, I thought he really cared for me when in all actuality he was destroying me, my spirit and my soul. It took a long time for me to overcome the fear of the "ghost". That look he use to give with those reddish eyes and when he was drunk, you best to stay clear, he would hit any and everything that comes within arms reach of him.

The day I left with just nothing but the clothes on my back and $1000.00 in cash that I had saved from stealing out of Lester's wallet over the five long years, I wished I had stolen more.

© Copyright 2007 rayne (chances at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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