Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1308321-You-Know
by jacko
Rated: E · Article · Adult · #1308321
observations of life over 50
You know you're getting old
The lady at the supermarket checkout asks " Do you need a hand with your packing luv"

You find yourself wanting to tell the young policeman, who you have just asked directions, to "Take your hands out of your pockets and stop slouching"

The silver haired pensioner steps out into the road with his Lollipop stick to stop the traffic so you can cross safely, as if this isn't bad enough takes you by the arm too.

A very young  gentleman, wearing a suit and carrying a clipbroad, stops you in the street and asks "Have you been in an accident or been injured?", you want to reply "No, but you could be" but no, you reply politely "No I always look this way" wonder what his excuse is?.

You tell someone your age and they no longer say "My word you don't look it".

You pass a shop window and catch a glimpse of yourself and see your mother looking back, yes my mother was a lovely looking woman but she was older than me for goodness sake.

A double glazing salesman knocks at your door and  asks  if your parents are home.

Okay, you can't turn back the clock and lets face it you are not the same person you were 10 years ago so what can you do?

Look at it this way you may not be over the hill but you do have a wonderful view of the valley, my what a wonderful valley it is too.

So why not get yourself a part-time job working with old people, it won't make you look younger but it will make you feel younger.

Join the local Over Sixties Club, lie about your age.

Let the lady in the supermarket do your packing, saves you from doing it.

Look directly into the eyes of the nice young policeman, smile sweetly and tell him you think he is doing a wonderful job.

Accept that this lovely silver haired gentleman is trying to prove that the age of chivalry is not dead.

The young man in the suit with the clipboard is just trying to scratch a living from someone's misfortune.

When people no longer think you don't look ten years younger that you are, remember neither do they.

Shop windows do make one look older so don't expect too much.

Who needs double glazing anyway.

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