Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1307881-In-The-Middle
by Billy
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Thriller/Suspense · #1307881
A nice couple lost in the road, someone following them! Find out in this exciting story!
"Check the map again, we didn't cross the border, yet! We're still in the country! It's been only five minutes already!" shouted a short, thin man with his red hair all up in the air to his beloved wife. She's wearing a white dress, trying to make her husband as happy as possible. "We did, look we were at route ninety-one, and that leads to the end of our country," she said. `That's such a bull's shit. I should turn the car!" he sneazed onto the wheel and looked at around the road surrounded by just only trees. There was a lot of trees, they are in the woods. "No!`Look we went here we should just wait and see where we're going!" she shouted back. "Sorry, hon, but im just lost" he whispered back, And give, please give me my alergy pills, I think I got it back." He kept sniffing, till she took out a pill and gave it to her husband, but he continued sniffing. Her husband swallowed the pill violently. "Sorry..." he said once again. " Its fine, Richard..." they didn`t talk about for a half a hour.

Her name was Jade, a weird name, but a name. His name was of course Richard, nickname Dick. They found out that it became harder when your married, you start to have less things to say about your past, when you're married. You`re just the same, both people.

"Ah, great, now this wants us to go faster" said Richard. He stuck his head out of the window and waved his hand. "You can go, already!" The unknown driver didn't pass, but went even faster. "Shit! Is he trying to get in an accident or trying to get us kill!" Richard drove faster and sniffed.

"Do you know where we are?" he said. "Well, if we find the map for here, then I'll know where we are," she answered. Richard chacks his side mirror. "The guy is still following us, its like we are going to the same place we are. Look!" he takes a left turn, the car behind them takes a left turn too. "See!" he now takes a U turn. The car behind kept going the other direction. "Phew" he sighed. Then the car did turned and went back following them once again. "What the phh... I'm going to stop and give this guy a punch on the face!" he yelled. "Maybe, he made a mistake, coincedence do happen," she said. "I feel like taking another U turn and see if this sucker keeps on following us," he sniffed. "No, just drive on Richard, later on he'll turn away, don't panic about it."

Five minutes later and this unknown driver is still following the two arguing couple. "Look there, its someone. Maybe we can ask him some questions!" said Jade. That guy was lifting his thumb up to the air, in other cases this guy was a hitchhiker. They drove beside him and stop. He opened the car window. The guy ran to the window. "Thank you dude! I been waiting hours for a car to stop," said the hitchhiker. "Ya, ya, ya... But do you know where the nearest gas station is?" said Richard. The unknown driver stopped far behind the couple's car. Richard once more sniffed. "Shit..." Richard whispered to himself, then sniffed. "Uh, what do you think I am! We e'r in the middle of shit!" he shouted. "I was just asking bitch," he answered. "Richard!" said Jade. "Tell me shit face are you taking me or what?" he asked. "Not after that..." he gritted his teeth, then sniffed. "Fine! I'm going to the nice guy now! Stop sniffing, I bet you're still high." The hitchhiker went walking to the other car behind. "Gosh! Sniffing! He thinks you're taking cocaine!" gasped Jade. "It's my alergy, I'm just going to let that guy enter that car and let the car pass me, then I'll turn back," he said. Through the side mirror Richard saw the hitchhiker approached the car, he saw the other car's side window open, but then something unnatural happened. A gun came out from the window and shot the guy two blows to the head and heart. His eyes grew! He panicked! "What was that sound..." she said. Richard slammed on the gas petal! A loud screech sound! The car drived fast away! "Shit, shit, shit, shit..." he repeated and repeated. "Slow down the car! Didn't you that sound! It probably came from the car!" she shouted. "Shit no!" he responded. "What`s going on!" she asked. "Nothing," he sniffed. "Then slow down!" she shouted.

His wife kept on complaning to him about stopping the car, but the same answer kept coming up: "Shit no!"

Another five minutes have pass. "Thank god!" he said. There was a information station ahead. "Now, we can get a map," she said. He had no 'time' to explain anything to anyone. He got out and rushed into the station. He was sweating. There was a family of five in the station, waiting. "Are you okay, sir?" asked the worker. "Do you know where the closest phone is?" he skipped the question. "Yah, we have a phone booth over there," he pointed at the side of the street, there was a phone booth over there, but someone was already in it. "I should have spoted that!" he said to himself. He ran out of the station to the phone booth. Jade came out of the car screaming at Richard: "What are you doing!"

The guy looked like he came from Mexico, maybe he was, because he was speaking spanish, but he didn't care. He opened the booth and said, "Can y-you please get off, I have a much more importa-tant call, much!" The guy looked at him strangely and pushed him away. "I don't care," said the mexician. "Please!" he shouted. "Screw off!" he responded. "Look mister! There is a killer coming here and he's going to kill us all! Isn't thar clear!" Richard said. " Is this suppose to be sick joke?" he sarcastically said. "No!" he shouted, "No!" Richard started to tremble. "If this is your way to scare someone off the phone and to get on the phone, your sick!" Richard looked at his watch. "There is no time, he's coming," he thought. He ran back to the car and shouted to his wife to go back in! "You didn't got the map!" she answered. She was acting like a little child, but she got in. He took the car and drove away parked into the woods and waited and watched. "What's going on!" she said. "Shh..." he shushed.

Another five minutes pass. The car went pass them in high speed. He waited another minute. Jade was asleep. He woke her up. "What..." she yawned. "Please tell me if you see a car behind, if you want to live," he said. Then she became serious and looked behind. He drove back to the gas station and parked right in front of it. It was a massacre. The station window was shot through. Everyone was shot, even the family. The mother, holding her headless infant, was shot on the head, as if the baby was shot as she buckled to te ground. The infant skull skitted across the station, blood spattered everywhere. Not one spot of the station wasn`t drenched with blood. The father defended his daughter, they both had holes in their heads. The son`s arm was ripped off his body from a shot, as if the bullet entered his shoulder and exploded. Blood was still dripping from that wound. One eye was open, the other was shot through, right through the pupil. The worker layed on his desk with his feet still touching the floor. There was no sight of any shot from the back, but they knew he was shot from the front. The blood flowed from the worker, it flowed off the desk making it look like a dark red waterfall. The scene was horrifying. What a sick man. Jade almost fainted, but she puked on herself, she started crying and crying. Richard left the car on. He walked out, trembling. His hands didn't stop shaking. He tried to walk to the phone booth without fainting. He took a large breath, then stated to jog to the phone. Two bullet holes layed flat on the booth's glass, on the top, on the bottom. Blood was soaked all over the booth. He saw the mexican also shot in the head too, and on the knee. Richard open the booth. The body fell out, but the terrifying was that the mexican was still alive, he was asking for his help, begging God too. "Y-you you'll be all ri-right..." he gulped, he was still asking for help. The bloody phone hanged, swinning left and right. He took the phone and hung up, then took it out. He reached in his pocket and took out a quarter. "What am I doing..." he dropped the coin, he couldn't think. Then he took his finger and reached to the buttons. He had trouble even pressing the numbers, nine, one, one.

The phone rang once.

The phone rang twice.

The phone rang a third time and still no answer, but then Richard heard an engine, he heard a car rushing over.

The phone rang a forth time. He saw the car, it was the car, that car. He dropped the phone and got out the booth. "Please... Help me..." said the mexican. Richard ran back to his car. The car drove right through the phone booth. The car had trouble for backing up, the car was on top of the mexican. Richard was almost to the reach of his car. The car finally backed up, blood squirted everywhere from the mexican, it was like a sprinkler. Richard reached his car, opened the door entered the car and... The car flew into the station. The bloody car had smashed into the car from the back. Somehow the car where Richard and Jade were in, flipped onto its top and onto the the mother and her infant. Richard slipped out of his car, he wasn't wearing a seatbelt. All injured, Richard could now do nothing. Jade who did had her seatbelt, took it off and got out of the car, crying and screaming. She looked around and found that the car door was ripped open and she saw that it was filled with bags of white powder. She gasped, but she felt something from the back of her head, then from the front of her face, her tears bacame blood. Everything went blank for her, she couldn't think, she couldn't move, she couldn't do anything. She collaspe to the ground. The stranger aproached Richard. "Why?" was the last thing that Richard said. Now he had a hole in the head, then a second hole, then a third, then a forth, until the gun that the stranger had didn't work anymore.

"The only people alive who last see you was your family, knowing that you left for vacation. Everyone that met during the drive is now dead," said the stranger, "That's what you get messing with the mafia! Stealing twenty-three pounds of cocaine, you drug addict! Should have paid, but you were too poor! Now we got back what's ours, and you get back what you deserve! You know this was the biggest bunch we ever got to us... And you decided to steal it! Big Mistake! Don't worry everything will get covered up. The police wouldn't even know you exist. It's not my fault that the hitchhiker died, you shouldn't had talk to him. It's not my fault the family died, they saw you and heard you. It's all for the money, Dick. All for the money..."

Written by Billy
© Copyright 2007 Billy (bulletbilly at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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