Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1307706-Your-Voices---A-Public-Thank-You
by iQuill
Rated: ASR · Letter/Memo · Community · #1307706
much thanks!
Hardest it is, the decision to bear one's soul to critique. We want people to appreciate what we produce. To feel the satisfaction we feel. To stimulate thought or emotion. To understand what we are saying or possibly, not saying. However, to quote Cyril Connolly...

"Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. "

It is inspiring, amazing and gratifying, to be able to have "self" and people gracious enough to share themselves in from-the-heart commentary. I have received many prepublished reviews provided by the Writing.Com community. Expressive, talented people to whom I acknowledge below.

Unfortunately, now that some poems are published (Abstractions in Poem: Perspectives of Life, Love, and War - Amazon), I have had to remove them from my portfolio, leaving those which are still simmering and not fully cooked.

I am slowly compiling the list of reviews I received and will add names to this letter. Therefore, I wish to convey my gratitude and thanks to all who took the time to provide me commentary.

With special acknowledgement to the below Writing.Com members; you special people who inspire, engage in thought, bring laughter, and in every case, share the impact of this "music."

Here's to you! I thank you here and on momentsinverse.com and will again in print - hopefully this year (2008). I have asked everyone below for permission to publish your review or review exerpt. If I have not and missed you, please let me know.


Your Voices!

2008 Review of "A SCATTERING OF CROWS"
Review By: lenore

Oh this was wonderfull! I really enjoyed the intensity of the visual images! It also has a nice ring to it, when read aloud.

2008 Review of "SUNSPEAK"
Review By: Steel Quill

This truly makes love to the senses...
It's smooth and silky; sultry....
I think the ending is pure genius. "so fit your shoe, to the cadence mystic of mystic morning's coo." It rings of greats like Longfellow and Frost!

2008 Review of "TOMORROW"
Review By: crissy

I feel the pain in this piece. The betrayal, it is so apparent. My heart is aching for the author of this beautifully penned work.

2008 Review of "TWO STEP"
Review By: Jaez

Wonderfully written
full of tender move
of the heart as the,
swaying of the
music carries you

2008 Review of "BRAVO FOUR"
Review By: retiredmom04

An emotional, heartfelt, sad free verse poem. I liked the way you presented it as a short story. You expressed your thoughts and feelings very effectively. The discriptive words you wrote to convey the depth of your feelings enabled the reader to feel the pain and despair that flows through those words. Those words also painted a sad picture in the readers mind of those fallen soldiers.

2008 Review of "THE WINTER WOOD"
Review By: gettingdark

...the imagery was first class with several hints at other pieces of lit.

2008 Review of "SUNSPEAK"
Review By: Stone

Beautiful, like a breath of fresh air. I feel as If I am there right along with you observing as the sunset adorns the horizon. Very strong descriptors which paint a vivid image.

The first stanza drew me:

"see my strawberry dawn?
a slow sliding yawn
bulging, pushing free
from molasses horizons
through itching slits rubbing
knowing this feels good to you
so do what you want
and I'll be good
be good too."


2008 Review of "CONVERGENCE"
Review By: Jaez

That gave me a
complete workout
and Y'm sure
that there will
be, no need of
the use of the
treadmill today.
Your work does
remind me of
another writer.

Review By: phairo

Love the way you use your words, no too overpowering and just enough to keep the reader reading.

What I liked the most!!!

"…and bring me totally to a bass so perfectly riding low hums so exceptionally my base lovely, oh!"

2008 Review of "MOMENTUM"
Review By: bronxdutchman

This is the kind of poem you read, over and over again, and find something new every time you read it. It is a fun poem! I think it's erotic, but I'm not sure. Does'nt matter though- Great fun and great poem.

Review of "MOMENTUM"
Review By: rainbowwalkers

I love your imagery . . . the flow . . . is unique and remarkable, to say the least.

Review of "DARK LENSES"
Review By: Nocturnal

This writing is absolutely outstanding...

My favourite written lines:
Lightening striking twice, convulsing with soul sickness

Blinking now to disengage your stare.

Review of "BROTHER MINE"
Review By: James Scott Lamb

This piece brought back memories of growing up with my three younger brothers. We are old lions now ... our springs and summers as cubs long past. But your words made me sit up a little straighter and feel a little stronger, remembering -- lo, those precious days, many dusty seasons ago.

Thank you for that.

Review By: John Kelley

Wow how totally awesome!!! Its rare these days that i give 5 star reviews but this deserves it! As I read this I had a thought come to mind. And I just added it to my "You Can Quote Me On This......" file. It is quite simular to yours! I hope you will take some time out and check it out as well Keep on writing and Ill keep on reading!

Review of "WATER HOLE"
Review By: Uma

Wow...I really liked this because it felt well crafted, thought out and true to poetic expression. This was my favourite stanza:

Mind rewritten, remote.
Over rolling, I choke.
Last second throes, oasis of woe.
Mind's prose, late and rote."

I also think the way you began the poem really grabbed my attention because of the unusual "Hurt do I" - almost posed as a question but written as a sure statement.

There's something bitter about this poem and it almost makes the reader uneasy - the "oasis of woe" seems to lie in wait for 'travellers' to come across it and suffer. There's something inevitable about it all.
Yeah, I thought your poem was really cool.

Review By: Dimitra Papageorgiou

A very good idea but into verses! Excellent flow and choice of words! Very strong and deep this poem is! Thank you! :)

Review of "BIRDENED"
Review By: Starr Rathburn

Oh, wow. You really got me with those last few lines...I was hoping that the way "Birdened" was spelled was intentional! Glad that I wasn't let down.
Again, the images you use are strong and clear, and I can almost see this happening before my eyes. (Or maybe I should write, behind my eyelids!).....

Review By: winklett

beautiful & terrible all at once. moving and real.

Review of "QUICKENING"
Review By: djdilliodon


Review of "17TH MAN"
Review By: Lahtnamas Wise

Beautiful. I have never been to the sea, but I was conjuring up images of a great ship and it's crew on the ocean. Then I looked deeper and was pleasently surprised (through a little research.......sheepish grin) to discover the wonderful detail in this poem. I truly enjoyed reading this, and look forward to more.

Review of "BIRDENED"
Review By: Pam

This is absolutely beautiful. This is poetry. Thank you for a wonderful read.

Review By: LadyScorpion

An absolute delight to read aloud! What else can I say? I am not worthy........I am not worthy.....LOL Please NEVER put down your pen. You have a talent I can only aspire towards. Brilliant. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing such a splendid work.

Review By: Ryan Ingram
Wow. I loved this. This is how I want to write. Very nice.

Review of "SAID THE POET"
Review By: intwodeep

love it...bugged out man

Review of "BEHOLD WOMAN"
Review By: LadyScorpion

Read aloud, this is a very erotic, extremely luscious, testament to a woman. Everything a woman ever wanted to hear was in these lines. Will you marry me? Just kidding, my heart belongs to another, but any woman would swoon to such a beautiful poem. I look forward to reading more of your work, thank you for sharing this!

Review By: Deb

Wow! What an artistic, passionate piece, creator created, I take it you are into art as well as writing? I could imagine if you were, that your work would be as expressive and emotional as your writing. Write on!!! Love it! Brilliant!

Review of "17TH MAN"
Review By: Starr*

This is a well-written poem, full of imagery and subtle rhyme....there's a maturity to it that I rarely see. It's a nice change, and a poem that is worthy of re-reading several times.

Review of "DARK LENSES"
Review By: Sherri

This is a sensational military poem. It certainly shows the research made before penning it, and the imagery is superb.

Review of "26 FOOLS TO YOU"
Review By: Deb

Amazing use of metaphors,it reminded me of 'lucy in the sky with diamonds' in that sense. Your poem reflecting extreme agony, lost hope amongst a ship of fools, a hopeful vision that revealed your mustard seed, still, waiting, slow growth revealing the end of agony, the beginning of new hope, familiarity and love. Interesting reading, well done.

Review of "CARETAKER"
Review By: Nikki

Awww! This was so beautiful! This was such a romantic piece. I know that you were talking about a secret admirer, but you could also be talking about a loved one that has passed on and looking over their loved ones! I suppose that you could think of it both ways. Good job!

Review of "26 FOOLS TO YOU"
Review By: winklett

This sounds like some great performance poetry -- it cries out to be read aloud, and I hope you do so. very imaginative and sensory-filled -- culinary deliciousness all over the place!
© Copyright 2007 iQuill (iquill at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1307706-Your-Voices---A-Public-Thank-You