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A children's soccer game. |
The ground was uneven. It had been worn down to the bare dirt in places. The light brown soil was cracked from the lack of rain and sweltering sun. Patches of grass had been trampled down and lay as if it would never stand straigh again. A hint of honeysuckle drifted in the air, but was masked by the tangy smell of hot, sweating bodies. People of all sizes lined the edge of the field, while others watched from under umbrellas to shade themselves in the burning heat. The thud came the minute Maria's foot made contact with the black and white ball which moved quickly. Darting, rolling, dodging. It bounced into the chain link fence on the far side of the field, causing it to wobble and quiver. As the ball moved from grass to bare dirt and then back again, each player reacted differently. Josh pointed and yelled directions to Anna as she dribbled the ball. Seth with the torn shirt slapped a nearby shoulder. Kids watching from the sidelines shouted encouragement, while three boys raised their arms and jumped into the air shouting. The ball headed to the end of the playing area as dark gray clouds began to move in the sky. The children swarmed around it like ants attacking a grain of sugar. As the ball made contact with Jose' knee, it flew into the air. It hung there as everyone watched, eyes glued to the ball, trying to guess where it would land. When it hit the ground, Seth gained control and kicked it hard and straight. As the ball shot past the lone orange marker, cheers exploded into the air. The goal was perfectly executed. Three teammates ran with their arms wrapped around each other. Broad grins matched the determination in their eyes. As they joined the others a crooked circle was formed. They stood close together, like small ducks around their mother. The ball was moving again, and cheers went up from the sidelines. As large drops of rain began falling, the ball didn't stop it's forward motion. As people ran for shelter fading into cars or buildings, the smiles on faces shone brightly. |