Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1306035-Water-Park-Adventure
by TPF
Rated: 18+ · Other · Comedy · #1306035
TPF set out for a fun filled day at the water park.
Warning! May contain strong language or adult related content, do not read if these things may offend you!

"Water Park Adventure"

Lucky sat on the couch against a pillow, feeling very relaxed. In one hand was the remote and in the other was a candy bar, and she took a bite of it and then took turns flipping through the channels, trying to find something decent to watch. "There must be nothing good on this morning", she sighed. She had gone through about fifty channels now and still couldnt find one single decent show on television. "No wonder all the good shows play later in the day", she said to herself. "Because all the crap plays in the mornings". Suddenly, Lucky was startled by the sound of someone yawning and she looked over and saw Missy coming down the hallway while yawning and stretching at the same time. She looked over at Lucky, her eyes still drooping from being tired. "You're up rather early", she said. Lucky nodded. "Of course I am, I've got nothing better to do". Missy rubbed her eyes and then walked over, taking a seat on the couch beside her sister. "Sleeping would be a good idea", she suggested. Lucky rested her head against the soft pillow and started to doze off until something caught her attention; it had been a commercial advertising a water park. "Are you bored?" came a voice from the television. "Tired of the summer heat and exhaustion?" "Yes I am", Lucky replied. Then why dont you and your family come on down to Splishy Splashy for a water park adventure you'll never forget!" The commercial had her full attention now. "We can guarantee you and your family are in for lots and lots of splashy fun! So come on down!" As soon as the commercial ended, Lucky sat up. "That's it", she exclaimed. Missy turned her head and gave her a strange look. "That's what?" She asked. - "Lets all go to the water park", Lucky said. Missy was wide awake now. "oohhh yes, Lucky that's a fabulous idea!" -"Indeed it is", Lucky replied again. "Besides, it would do us all good to get out of this damned house for a change".

She got off the couch and headed to Willy and the stupid's room, then opened the door to announce the good news. Inside the room all of them were still sound asleep. Fluffer with a cookie box under one arm, Junior burrowed under his sleeping bag, Spot with his eyes open, Bee Bee and Todd facing one another, and last but not least, Willy who had appeared to have fallen asleep in his bean bag chair while playing a game. Lucky started shaking each of them in attempt to wake them up. Fluffer sat up and looked around, and then fell back down and dozed off again. Willy had opened one eye and saw Lucky standing over him, and began to mutter words at her as if he were in trouble. "I didn't do it", he mumbled as he stretched out his arms and legs. "You're not in trouble", Lucky told him. He sat up a little and rubbed his eyes. "Why you in here?" He asked, while still yawning. "Well I wanted to tell you, that we're all going to Splishy Splashy today". Willy yawned again and tried to sit up straight. "Why are we going there?" he asked. -"Well", Lucky said. "To get us out of this house today".
Willy was still half asleep but awake enough to hear every word she said. "Cool", he said then he fell back asleep. "Well, you and the others better get up so we can head that way". Willy sat up again, this time he was fully awake and yawned one last time. "How do you expect all of us to fit in the car?" he asked. "Easy", Lucky replied. "I rented a van to take us all there, so come on get up already!"

Getting all her siblings up was no easy task and in fact Lucky was growing impatient. "EVERYONE GET UP NOW", she shouted as loud as possible. Willy and the stupids were up before the others and excited about going to the water park. Alley and Gracie on the other hand didn't care much for it, in fact they were the hardest ones to wake up. Church was no trouble at all, he was also excited because he had never been to a waterpark before. "Everyone put on your bathing suits and swim trunks, and no tennis shoes either, sandals only!" Lucky told them. Missy was thrilled to finally wear her bikini, along with a cute straw hat she picked out to match with it. She admired herself in her compact mirror while putting on some lip gloss. Gracie also wore a bikini, but hers was neon pink, one of her favorite colors to wear. Alley on the other hand wore a tank top and swim trunks, there was no way she was going to wear a bathing suit. Lucky wore her usual, a one piece bathing suit along with her sunglasses. She loaded everyone into the van and they pulled out of the drive-way and headed to the water park. The trip only took them about twenty minutes, and everyone had been dying to get out of the hot van and into some cool water. Lucky found a good parking spot in the shade, and once the van stopped, everyone jumped out.
Lucky made sure she had her purse with her and they all started walking towards the entrance. The stupids were all holding hands while jumping up and down, shouting with excitement. The other people looked at Lucky as if she was one of those crazy mothers who let their children run wild. Once they got in line at the front gate, the heat started becoming unbearable. Missy started fanning herself with her hat, but it wasn't helping that much. "This heat could drive a person mad", she groaned Lucky nodded. "yeah, but the sooner we get inside, the faster we can cool down".

It wasn't too long before they moved up and bought their tickets, and as soon as they got through the rotating gate, they rushed to one of the nearby lounging pools. The water felt cool and refreshing, and neither of them wanted to get up until they saw all the cool water slides and rides. "Oh man", said Willy as he observed one of the biggest slides there. "This is the place to be".
-"Alright", Lucky announced. "We have all day to spend here, so I'm letting each of us split up, but the rule is to meet eachother right here at this pool, understood? The others agreed and took off as fast as they could, while Missy and Lucky went to find a locker to put their purses. "This place is packed", Missy complained. "Yeah, well I guess they all had the same idea as us", Lucky added. "Guess so", Missy said. Lucky found a locker and put her purse and other valuables away in it. "Well since its just you and I", Lucky said. "Where should we go first?" Missy took the map of the park from her sister and looked at it. "Why don't we go to Lagoon Springs?" Missy suggested. Lucky took the map from her and saw what it was. "It's like a river", she said. "You float in tubes and just drifft around in circles". - "Sounds good to me", Missy winked.

Meanwhile, Willy, Junior and Fluffer were waiting in line to get on one of the slides. "This one is called the Whirling Tornado", said Willy as he watched others take their turn. "It's supposed to make you dizzy all the way down". Fluffer grinned. "DIZZY", he shouted excitedly.
"Yeah", replied Willy. "Dizzy to the point of puking out your guts". Fluffer eyes got big and he started crying. "I DONT WANT TO PUKE OUT MY GUTS". Willy laughed and slapped him on the back. "Don't worry, for you it's a good thing". It got closer and closer to their turn and Fluffer was shaking in terror as he watched others before him go down it. Junior kept jumping up and down, trying to climb on his back. "No", Fluffer snapped at him. "No climb!" Junior stopped and started jumping up and down against the railing, trying to get a better view of the water slide. "Whoa", he said. "it goes fast!"
The moment finally came when Willy, Junior and Fluffer were next to go down the monstrous slide, and Fluffer let out a big gulp as he looked down. "BIG HIGHS!" he whimpered. Willy got into the raft with Junior and waited for Fluffer to get in. "C'mon", Willy called to him. "Get in so we can go down". Fluffer backed away. "No" he shouted. "No go down slide!" Willy grumbled, and started to grab Fluffer by the trunks. "Get in", he demanded. "Now". Fluffer chickened out and started to pull away. "C'mon Fluffer", Willy said. "I was kidding about you puking out your guts, just get in the raft". Even Junior tried to encourage his fat brother to get in, but Fluffer was too scared. "I'm too scared", he cried. One of the guys behind Fluffer was getting impatient and pushed fluffer into the raft with the others and they started going down it. At first it was too fast for him and he kept screaming, but then he started laughing. He finally got over his fear and was enjoying himself, until they got to the end where they landed in a six foot pool of cold water. Fluffer made a big splash and struggled to get out of the water. Willy dragged him to the shallow end and he and Junior set off for the next big water slide.

Bee Bee and Todd were playing on a jungle gym type water slide, taking turns landing into the pool. Each time they landed, they would laugh and get up and do it again and again. Church had been watching them, wondering where the others were; he walked over to where Bee Bee and Todd were, and climbed up the ladder to the top of the slide to see if he could locate the others. Todd noticed him standing and then he lunged forward and pushed him down the slide. Church landed hard on his butt in the little pool and gave his cousins an angry look. "That was mean", Church scolded. "Mean but fun, I'll do it again!". As church climbed back up the ladder again, he noticed Alley walking along the sidewalk; she saw him and started laughing. "Yo Church, that kiddie pool suits you", she joked. Church rolled his eyes and shook his fist at her. "For your information I am having what you call F.U.N." Alley just rolled her eyes and kept laughing. "Yeah okay, I hear ya, fun in the kiddie pool?" Church let out a sigh and walked off to find the others.

Missy and Lucky had been sitting in tubes, relaxing all the way through the lagoon springs. "This is so fun", Missy said as she splashed water around with her hand. "Yeah, this is great, so relaxing", Lucky added. "I wonder if the others are okay". -Missy stood up in her tube and started to move around in the water. "I'm sure they're fine", she replied. "I'm sure they are having the time of their life here, I know I am".
Willy and Junior were now waiting in line to get on a slide called the Side Winder. They both had tubes under their arms, awaiting their turn. Willy looked down to see if Fluffer was still in the pool from the last water slide, and surprising enough he was. Willy saw some litle kids splashing Fluffer and trying to get him to play with them. Willy laughed at the sight of this and even had Junior laughing with him. Willy then called out to Fluffer, wondering if he'd come join them again. Fluffer heard Willy's voice but didn't know where he was, so he just stayed where he was. Out of no where Spot popped out of the water and poked him. Fluffer slapped his hand and told him to stop. "Beeeeeee", Spot yelled then laughed and kept poking Fluffer. Willy watched and kept laughing. "The idiot can't see us", he snickered.
-"D-uh, yeah", Junior agreed. "He can't see us, hes so dumb". Spot continued to annoy Fluffer and Fluffer got really mad so he started yelling. "LEAVE ME ALONE SPOT", he shouted. "YOU ARE BEING ANNOYING NOW! Spot finally stopped and ran over to where Bee Bee and Todd were, he decided to bother them instead.

Willy and Junior got into their tubes and sat on the beginning of the slide, then started going down it. The slide wound around and around in a loop all the way to the bottom where they came to hault as they splashed into the pool below. "Woooooo", Willy cheered. "Fun shit!". Junior agreed and they both climbed out of the pool and headed over to where Fluffer was. "Hey fat ass", Willy yelled. Fluffer started looking in every direction but didn't see him, till Willy got right in his face. "Right here, moron". Willy shouted. Fluffer started grinning as he was happy to see his brothers. "Come with us", Willy said. "We're going to another slide called the Plummet. Fluffer decided he didnt want to sit in the pool any longer so he followed Willy and Junior to the next big slide.
The line was very long but that didn't stop them, up above the slide was a giant bucket that filled with water then tipped over dumping it all over the people below. "Can't wait till we get under the giant bucket", Willy said. Fluffer watched it and saw one of the younger kids crying to their mom. "That kid is a wuss", Willy scoffed. "Mommy the water burns!" Junior and Fluffer both laughed at his impressions of the little kid. Junior laughed so hard he nearly pissed himself, but managed to gain enough control to hold it. "The bucket filling up sounds like someone peeing", Willy joked. Junior tried to keep from laughing but couldnt help it. "It sounds like a toilet backing up", Willy continued. Junior's eyes started to water from the laughter he tried to supress. "Wouldn't it be funny if someone pooped in the giant bucket"? Willy joked again, but this time he caused Junior to lose control and he pissed himself right then and there. "Gross" Willy exclaimed as he saw it run down his brother's legs. "Feel better now pissy pants?" Junior nodded and cracked a smile with his tongue hanging out the corner. The bucket filled up and began to tilt, dumping water all over them; Fluffer started to panic and yell. "I CANT SEE" he shouted. Willy laughed and slapped him. "Yes you can, you retard". Fluffer opened his eyes and let out a sigh of relief. "I thought I was blind", he said. Willy just shook his head and laughed at him, "okay retard".

It wasn't long before it was their turn to go down the massive slide, and once again Fluffer chickened out. "You're on your own", Willy told him as he went down first. Junior stood watching, and then he prepared to go down next. "D-uh, meet you at the end" he told Fluffer as he scooted himself down the slide and cheered all the way to the bottom. Fluffer started chewing on his nails nervously and then he gathered his confidence and sat down and started slowly scooting himself till he started sliding on his way down. He burst out laughing in excitement and even put his short fat arms in the air, but then he saw that the end part of the slide was enclosed and he watched as he slipped right in and then he closed his eyes tight. Junior was waiting at the end of the slide for Fluffer but didn't see him come out. Willy started scratching his head, wondering what was taking so long. "Did you see him come down?" Willy asked Junior.
Junior nodded "Uh yep, he came down I saw I saw". - Then where the hell is he?" Willy said in disbelief.
Fluffer opened his eyes and noticed it was dark around him. "Uh night time already?" he asked himself and then started to move but realized he couldnt. "OH NO!" he yelled out loud. Willy came closer to the end and noticed it moving. "You've got to be shitting me", he said. "The fat fuck is stuck in the water slide!" Willy burst out laughing and Junior joined in. "That fat ass got stuck in the tunnel on the way down!" Willy and Junior were laughing so hard their faces were red, and the others around them began to wonder what they found so funny. And then it got even better as Willy saw a couple of kids go down the slide but not come out. "They're all stuck", he laughed hysterically. "I can't breathe", he gasped. "My side hurts!" Willy and Junior decided to ditch Fluffer, leaving him stuck in the tunnel yelling and screaming for help.

Willy ran into Alley on the way to the pool where they all were supposed to meet up and he couldnt resist not telling her what had happened. "Fluffer got stuck in a water slide tunnel", Willy laughed. Alley started cracking up as well. "He got stuck?" She said. "Man I thought he'd end up breaking a slide not gettin stuck in one". Soon everyone but Fluffer arrived at the pool, and no one noticed at first. "I know I got sunburnt", Missy said as she pulled off her sunglasses and noticed the lighter lines around her eyes. "EEK" she squealed.
"Well now that everyone is here we can all get lunch" Lucky said. "Everyone is here right?" She asked again. "Yeah", the others replied. "All here". said Gracie. "Wait a minute", Lucky thought. "I mentioned food and no one yelled... where is Fluffer?"
Willy and Junior pointed to a group of life guards gathered around the water slide attempting to pull Fluffer out. "Oh my god", Lucky exclaimed as she started running towards them. "That's my brother", Lucky said. "Is he alright?" Lucky was silent and watched as they greased the tube and Fluffer slipped right out, along with seven other people who had been stuck. Fluffer was happy to be out and started bobbing in the water to cool off. "ME HUNGRY NOW" he yelled. Lucky told him to go sit at the bench with the others while she picked up a pizza and drinks. While they were eating Willy couldnt help but ask what it was like being trapped inside the tube. Fluffer laughed and said it felt weird. Lucky rolled her eyes and then glared at Willy. "I can't believe you walked off and didn't tell anyone he was stuck, that was very shitty of you, Willy". Willy kept eating and didn't pay attention to her complaining. "Anyways, hurry up and eat so we can get back to having more fun". Missy kept fanning herself with her hat, trying to cool down. "Oh Lucky, it's just so hot out here, I can't stand it". -"Yeah, I know what you mean", Lucky agreed. "But at least we're here and not at home where the heat would be unbearable".

"I'm already bored of this place", mumbled Alley as she tried to put her feet on the bench next to their table. "I am bored too", Church added. "This is not my kind of place". Lucky rolled her eyes and took a sip of her soda. "Well we didn't come here for you two, we came here for everyone so if you arent having fun, that's your own problem".
-"Besides, if you want you two can sit here the rest of the day while the rest of us are having fun", Lucky smirked. Alley glanced over at Church and gritted her teeth. "I know I aint staying here with nature boy", she griped. "Oh really?" Church said. "Well in that case, I'd rather be anywhere else than stuck with an alcoholic loser!" Alley clenched her fist tightly and prepared to punch him in the mouth. "I'm gonna make you regret those words, dickhead", she snapped. Suddenly Lucky interrupted. "Okay, both of you knock it off" she shouted. "Church, Alley start acting your ages not your shoe size". Alley rolled her eyes and sat back down, cracking her knuckles while glaring at Church. "Now if I have to I will make one of you come with me and Missy ,and the other can go with Willy and the others".
"Not a bad idea", suggested Missy as she smiled at Alley. "You're so dead", Alley growled under her breath.

"That's it", Lucky said. "Alley you come with me and Missy, and Church you and Willy can spend some quality time together".
Alley started bitching right away at the sound of this. "Man, fuck you all, I don't roll with the losers", she complained. Lucky sat closer to her and put an arm around her neck. "Well guess what?" She said. "You roll with losers today". Missy chortled and gave Alley and thumbs up. "To, us losers", she winked. "Now, let's all split up once again", announced Lucky. "And let's have some fun!"
Alley folded her arms and tried to act tough to get out of it. "Man, I could be home right now", she said. "But no I'm stuck all the way out here with you faggots". Lucky smiled. "But isn't it great though?" she said. "Spending quality time with us faggots!?"
Alley groaned and started banging her head on the table.
"I think I feel the love", Lucky joked.

© Copyright 2007 TPF (thepetfamily at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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