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by lay
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Romance/Love · #1305775
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    “He’s what!?” Alexis Walters said and watched with horror as the cup of coffee slipped from her hands and unto her carpet.
  “Damn it ” she said and went into the kitchen for her cleaning materials, leaving John to follow her.
  “ yeah..he just moved in this morning. Everyone’s talking about his strange return.” John said quite uncomfortable.
    “What the hell does he want here in Oakville?” she said taking out a cleaning cloth and stood up to face him.
  “Well, he has lived here most of his live, and he does have a mansion here.” he pointed out and  she gave him a skeptic look.
  “Oh come on. Leo Thomas hasn’t set foot in Oakville for six years..and suddenly he’s moving in?” she asked surprised and a bit angry which surprised her.
  “Well all I know is that he’s a doctor or something and he works for the best hospital in the country.”  John said impressed.
    ‘Well, good for him.” Alexis said and passed him and went to clean the carpet.
  “So are u gonna look for him?” John asked and Alexis turned around startled at what he just asked.
    “Why the hell would I?” she asked, already knowing the answer to the question.
    John was about to say something when Lily came in excited.
    “Hey mom, hey  uncle John  Guess what?’ the six year old said jumping up and down her glasses doing the same on her nose.
      “What?”  John asked scooping her up in his arms.
      “I got a A on my drawing today..look ” she said and showed him the picture she drew with her mom, her grandmother and father and him.
    “Wow  That’s pretty.” he said and kissed her.
    “ go show your  mommy.” he said placing her down and she ran to her mom who was waiting with open arms.
      “Look mommy, here’s you and here’s me, grandma and grandpa and uncle John.” she said pointing at who was who.
    ‘It’s pretty baby. Why don’t you paste it on the wall in your room.” she said and Lily jumped at the idea then ran off.
    Alexis stood up to see John staring at her.
    “What?” she asked and turned her back on him, knowing what he was gonna say next.
  “ you can’t hide it Alex. Lily’s the spitting image of him. Don’t you think that he’ll figure out that she’s his?” john asked sadly.
    “No..he won’t.” Alex said sadly but firmly.
      “Look, I know that it’s hard to accept the fact that he left you when you were pregnant and I would love to beat the crap out of him now, but u can’t deny that she’s not his and that he needs to know.” John persisted, walking over to her and hugged her.
  “ I know, I know....but why now? Why after six years?” she asked and wiped away the tears coming to her eyes.
  “ I don’t know Alex. Just promise me that you’re gonna go see him. I could come with you if you want.” he offered but she shook her head.
    “No, it’s my problem to deal with.” she said and backed away and went into the living room to finish  wiping up the mess she made.
    John looked at her sister and sighed. She was always the stubborn, independent one in the family. It was a gift and a curse. Her stubbornness had led to her being pregnant. Leo was a good guy but John knew that Leo was going through some things with his parents, and that it wasn’t the right time for her to be around him, but she insisted that he needed her, and she went. Not caring that dad threatened to send her to boarding school, but she went any ways.
    But John had to admit it. He thought that they were gonna be alright. Anyone could see that they were crazy about each other and everyone thought that they would last, although Leo’s parents didn’t accept the relationship. They always thought that she wasn’t his 'type' and that he could do better. Leo had got into a rage and started to yell at them, telling them to butt out. And  a week later he was gone. No body knew why and nobody questioned why he left.
    Alex was left to have the baby alone, although John was there with her in the delivery room. He thought about how much Leo missed. To see his daughter smile at him for the first time, to hear her cry, to hear her say daddy or to even see her walk. Not being there to teach her how to ride a bike and when she got her first cut...to not see her off to school....he missed a lot, six years of his daughters life and now he was back....and he knew.
    That was what he was afraid to tell Alex. That leo knew about his daughter and that’s why he came here. Instead he lied to her and told her he was just clueless about his return as everyone else. When  he was the one who told him.
        A few weeks ago, Lily became really sick with her asthma. Alex was torn, seeing her daughter in the hospital, not eating for days or even sleeping. John couldn’t take seeing her like this..so he called Leo. At first he didn’t believe, but John had faxed him a picture of her, Leo could no longer deny that she was his and told him that he would be there as soon as he could. And now..here he was..he had come through with his word.

    Leo Thomas looked through his bed room window at the sea, torn between emotions. He had a daughter, he found out a few weeks ago when John called him and told him about her and that she was sick, really sick and Alex needed his help.
    Alexis....Oh god, it must have been hard, he though, another emotion tearing at him. Knowing that she was the one who had  suffered the most when he left.  To bear their child alone...their child. For God’s sake, he didn’t even get to hold his daughter in his arms and look down at her precious face. To feel his heart do a 360 when she smiled at him. To hear her cry and call out daddy...to see her take her first step....
    Leo felt like his inside was tearing away, not being able to stop all the emotions he was feeling. Emptiness,  hurt, pain, love, anger. Anger at him self for allowing his parents to send him away, anger for not standing up to them, anger for not being there for the woman he loved and anger at her too..for not telling her about his daughter. She knew where he was, she had his address..his parents said they gave her...he waited for her to write him..he sent over 140 letters to her and she hadn’t written him back...not one..she hadn’t told him about the pregnancy, about his daughter.
    The anger turned to hate and he slammed his fist into the wall and turned away, his grey eyes blazing with anger.
    “Jason” he said picking up the phone.
    “Cancel all my appointments for the day. I have someone to see.” at that he replaced the receiver and went to his closet. Alexis Walters had a lot of explanation to do..and he wanted it now

  Alex got up off the couch to answer the door and on her way she called to Lily.
  ‘Make sure you’re ready for bed by the time I get there, and make sure you have on you’re.....” her voice trailed off when she turned around to stare into the most gorgeous grey eyes she’d ever met....Leo’s grey eyes.
      “What do you want?” she asked and cursed herself afterwards on how rude she might have sounded..but who cares right?
      “We need to talk.” he said and walked pass her into the house.
  she stared at him and tried smiling at him through gritted teeth.
    “ I don’t recall me inviting you in.” she said and looked has he shrugged it off.
    “ so what? I invited my self in.” he responded.
      “ what do you want Leo?’ she asked and glared at him.
      “I think you already know why I’m here Alex.” he answered and walked up to her and she took a step back.
        “Well, you must be mistaking, I don’t have a clue.” she replied and saw a flash of anger in his eyes.
    “Don’t play games with me Alex.” he said and closed the distance between them.
    “Leo...” she said and looked up at him
  “ I want to see my daughter Alex, I want to see Lily.Now.” he said angrily and she backed away from him instantly.
      “You know about Lily?” she asked , her mind working at top speed.
    “Yes I know. I want to ask you one question, just one.  Where you even planning on tell me that I had a child?” he asked looking at her with hurt in his eyes.
      Alex was about to say something when a small voice spoke up behind Leo and the both turned around to see lily staring at them.
      “Mom?” Lilly asked walking into her room, her long brunette hair reaching down to her waist. She had on her glasses and Leo thought she was the most smartest looking six year old he’d ever seen.
    “Lily?” Leo asked looking at the girl and she looked up at him.
      “You’re very tall.” she said and he smiled.
      “People tell me that a lot.” he said and held his breath when, her two dimples at the side of her cheek sinking deep.
    “Hmm-mm.” she answered and nodded her head and then looked at him and then looked concerned.
    “Why are you crying?’ she asked and real enough tears where running down his cheek.
    Alex couldn’t say anything, she didn’t trust her voice and she watched as tears ran down her cheeks when Leo bent down and scooped Lilly into his arms.
  Leo held his daughter tight in his arms, and silently thanked God for her. She was his, his.  The funny and surprising thing about it is that she didn’t scream or yell or kick. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek and with that simple movement, Leo burst out in tears. He had a daughter, oh God it felt good to have her in his arms.
    “You okay now mister?” she asked and looked at him and he nodded and placed her down back on the ground.
    Lily went to her mom and looked up at her.
    “Why are you crying mommy?” she asked and her mom smiled at her.
    “I’m just happy darling.” she said and looked at Leo.
      “Why mommy? Is it because of the mister over there?” she asked and looked at Leo then to her mom.
      “Kinda. Lily, I need to talk to you ....we need to talk to you.” she said and looked Leo again and he came over and they went to the couch.
      “Lily, we have something important we want to tell you.” she said and Lily smiled at them.
      “Is he you’re new boyfriend mommy? I like him better than the other one.” Lily said and Leo looked at Alex, a question posing in his eyes but Alex looked away.
      “ no baby, he’s not my boyfriend, actually he’s a very important person in your life. I know this might be hard to hear Lily but....”
          “He’s my daddy?” Lily asked and Leo and Alex looked down at her at the same time and  she looked up at them smiling.
    Leo nodded and Lily jumped off the couch happily, and ran into Leo’s arms.
    “I never had a daddy before.” she said hugging him and Leo’s arms wrapped around her small body.
      “I never had a daughter before I either.” he said, his eyes filled with fresh new tears.
      Leo held her like that for a few minutes and then placed her down back on the floor and she rushed over to Alex.
  “Mommy, can I call Kelly and tell her. Say yes mommy..pleeeeeaaassee” Lilly said looking at her mom pleadingly and she nodded and Lily ran up stairs to her room.

Leo turned around when Lily was out of sight and turned to look at Alex, the anger was still there but it had stilled when his daughter came into the  room.
  “ we need to talk Alex” he said and went to were she was and she looked at him.
    “I know” she said softly taking a seat.
      “Why Alex? Why didn’t you tell me that we had a daughter?” he asked the anger bowling up in him.
      “I did ” she said standing, facing him and Leo looked at her in disbelieve.
      “ how can u stand here in front of me and lie to me Alex? Can’t you just tell me the truth?” he asked turning his back on her.
      “I am telling the truth.” she said in a pleading voice and she was about to say something when Leo spun around and the hatred she saw in his eyes silenced her before she could even begin.
          “Six years Alex. Six years of not knowing that I had a daughter. Six years of me missing out on my daughter’s life. Six years Alex! ” he shouted and she jumped back wards.
      “I know okay  But I tried to tell you that you had a daughter. I tried over and over again, but the manager told me that I should give up. That you have no time for me.” she said as tears slipped down her cheeks remembering what Henry, the manger had said to her.
        Leo looked at her stunned at what she had just said. She had tried to contact him. She had tried to tell him. Leo took a step towards her and she looked up at him.
      “When was this?” he asked
        “ a week after I found out I was pregnant. I didn’t believe it at first but I went to the hospital and the doctor said I was. I was so excited when I heard and when I got home I tried calling you to tell you but the front desk picked up. I told them to tell you that I needed to speak to you and I said it was very important. They said they would tell you immediately when you came in. When  a week came and you didn’t returned my calls I tried writing to you. I had to send I t to the company because I didn’t know where you were living at the moment. I kept trying and trying and I continued calling and calling until one day Henry took the call and don’t me to stop bothering you. That you already had things to worry about without me adding to it. He said..”
Alex voiced trailed of and Leo came more closer.
      “What did he say Alex.” Leo asked but she shook her head
      “Alex, tell me what he said to you.” he said, his voice deadly quiet.
    “I can’t.” she said crying and covered her face in her hands.
      Leo came up to her and held her firmly by her arms and gave her a gentle shove making her look up at him.
    “What did he tell lyou?” he said again and she stared up at him for a moment.
    “ he told me that...you didn’t want to be involved with a tramp and that you had better things to do than to waste your time with me. He said if I ever called again he would call the cops and file an harassment charge against me.” she said and again buried her face in her hands.
    Leo let go of her and stepped backwards. He couldn’t believe what he just heard. He just couldn’t. He had trusted Henry. He looked up to him. How could he do this to him?
  Leo looked at Alex crying and the pain, the hatred..all of it just vanished and he made his way towards her and enveloped her in his arms.
      “I’m sorry.” was all he could say as she held on tight to him crying.
      “I’m sorry too...I thought you had forgotten me and didn’t want anything to do with me. I thought...”  Leo arms tightened around her, ,never letting her go. Not again.
    “I thought you hated me.” she said finally and Leo drew back and stared into her eyes, into the hazel eyes he loved, just like the woman to whom they belonged.
      “ I could never hate you Alex. I admit to being angry..but I couldn’t hate you. Ever.” he said, cupping her face  in his hands and slowly bent his head.
        Alex voice trailed off as Leo’s mouth came over hers. Alex suddenly felt her body beginning to warm all over and she felt her body melt into his. Leo’s hand moved to her back, then to her waist and up and down again. They shouldn’t be doing this. She shouldn’t be doing this...but it felt so good to be in his arms again. It felt...right. Her thoughts were scattered when his tongue slipped into her mouth, his hands at the back of her neck, his fingers running through her hair.
    Leo stopped and rested his mouth on her cheeks and closed his eyes.
    “I missed you Alex.” he said and took up his head and looked into her eyes....searchingly.
      “Did you miss me?” he asked not taking his eyes off her.
  “Leo...” she said but she was hypnotized by his grey  eyes. Those color combination in his eyes few people had and a lot would kill for.
      “What happened between us Alex? What went wrong?” he asked but before Alex could open her mouth Lilly walked in, drawing her teddy with her.
      “Lily. What’s wrong hunny?” Alex asked picking up her daughter and combing her hands through her hair.
    “I couldn’t sleep mommy.” the little girl said, re-arranging her glasses and  her bottom lip trembling.
  “Well, why? Did you have a nightmare?” she asked and the girl nodded and she hugged her.
  “Oh hush darling. It’ll be alright.” she said and rocked her in her arms. Leo came over and looked at Lily.
  “You want me to come upstairs with you and read you a bed time story?” he asked and Lilly’s face lit up and she nodded vibrantly.
    Leo looked at Alex.
    “Can I?” he asked and she hesitated for a minute.
  “Yes.” she said and Leo took Lily in his arms and began up the steps.
    “Do you like puppies Lilly?” Alex heard him ask while he took Lilly up the stairs.
    “I LOVE them. Mommy says I can’t have one because I ‘m too young.” she responded and Leo laughed.
    “Maybe mommy’s right. Taking care of animals is not such and easy task.” he said and with that they came out of view.

Leo opened the door to Lilly’s room and was faced with a bright blue and pink colored walls with pictures of Dora and Blues Clues and drawings covering it up. In one corner she had a book shelf filled with fairy tales and fiction stories, and in the other lay Lilly’s toys and a small chair. It must be the chair Alex sits in and reads to her.
    Lilly had a closet on the other side of the room and then last but not least a covered key board lay at the opposite wall.
  “There we go” he said, removing the sheets and placing her gently on the bed and covered her up.
      “Which story you want Lily?” Leo asked standing beside the book shelf.
  “Umm...Cinderella.” she said and snuggled down in the sheets.
    “Cinderella it is then.” he said and took up the pretty blue book and went to sit in the chair. He brought it up to her bed before sitting down.
    “Ready?” he asked and she nodded.
  “Okay then. Here it goes.” he said and felt a warm feeling when he began to read to his daughter.
“Once upon a time, there was a girl called Cinderella...”

After Alex cleaned up, she went up stairs to see if everything was okay. She found Leo reading the last line of the book she had come to know so well from reading it to Lilly so often.
    “....and Cinderella and the prince lived happily ever after....the end.” he said and closed the book. By that time Lily had already fallen asleep. Leo didn’t move immediately. He sat there for about a minute then got up. He bent over Lily and removed her glasses from her face and set them down on her bed side table. Then he did something that made tears come to Alex’s eyes. He slowly bent down and brushed her hair from her forehead and then slowly lowered his mouth and placed a soft kiss there. He lingered in that position for a minute and then raised up and turned around to see her there and he just stared at her.
  “I didn’t see you there.” he said looking away from her. He couldn’t cry again. Not here. Not in front of her. Alex walked into the room and stood in front of him. She used her index finger to lift his chin, making him look at her.
    Alex was shocked at what she saw. Longing, love. All she wanted to do now was to hold him in her arms and kiss him and tell him everything was gonna be alright.

Leo looked into her eyes, knowing what she might see. A weak, hopeless, defenseless man. But when he stared into those hazel eyes all he saw was compassion and love..even a little pity. At that moment it didn’t matter to Leo that he was now crying. She reached out and wiped away his tears with her thumb at that same time rubbing along his cheek.
    Leo couldn’t hold it in any longer. He laid his head down on her shoulder....and cried.

to be continued....
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