Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1305088-Seraglio-of-the--Gods---Prologue
Rated: GC · Chapter · Adult · #1305088
Originally a short story, I've updated this prologue to my novella of mythological times.
I have just one request. Because this novel was published years ago, it's too late to make any corrections or changes.

Therefore, if you have any suggestions for improvement or find typographical errors, PLEASE KEEP IT TO YOURSELF! My hands are covering my ears, and I do NOT want to hear it. La-la-la-la!

This is also an eBook for sale on Amazon, but I left it in my WdC portfolio so members could read it for free.

Parts are a wee bit naughty, but I think you all can handle them. Please enjoy.


As I sit in my kitchen this morning writing in my diary, my tired mind keeps going back to last night’s exciting and prolonged sexual encounter. When the handsome stranger sitting next to me in the dark movie theater leaned closer to caress my nearest thigh, there was no way I could know what we would do all night. Even now, I can’t believe how much I enjoyed his frenzied, often painful lovemaking after he took me to that nearby, rather sleazy motel.

His harsh command of “You must learn to obey without question” was repeated with each new lesson I received in total submission. Forcing me to obey him instantly, he eventually told me he was a satyr. At first I thought he meant he was simply a man with strong sexual urges, but I was wrong. In the space of a few hours, he changed me from an independent woman to one who eagerly gave in to his every sexual desire. I admit I even shamelessly begged for more. When he pulled out of me for the last time, I experienced such loneliness that I wondered if I’d ever feel complete again.

He rolled off and stayed lying beside me for a few minutes, as we both tried to catch our breath. Eventually, the naked man stood and crossed the room to the table by the window. I stayed in bed, still too exhausted to move and simply enjoyed watching the overhead light shining on his sweat-soaked skin. I was grateful he gave me a few minutes to admire that glistening body before motioning me to come to the table.

When I reached the being I finally realized was truly a mythological satyr, I saw him open the black case he had placed on the table earlier that evening. I was about to speak, when he shook his head to silence me. I only caught a glimpse of the item he pulled from the case, but saw it was a delicate chain made up of flat gold links. I thought I spotted Egyptian hieroglyphics engraved on each link. Before I could examine, it, he moved and put both arms around my waist.

I felt the weight of the chain resting against my skin, soft as a feather. When he brought his arms back, each hand held one end of the chain. For the first time since leaving our sweaty bed, I heard my sweet satyr’s whispered, “I lock this chain, and only He who will come shall unlock it.” With that, he placed the ends together. In silent awe, I watched one end melt into the other until there was only one link. He then removed his hands from the chain and let it drop to end draped around my hips.

“I don’t understand. Why are you giving me this?” The satyr ignored the confusion in my voice, and didn’t answer. Instead, he turned to close the black case and locked it, after which he quickly put his clothes back on.

When he opened the motel room’s door, I remained standing by the table, helplessly waiting for an explanation. “Come here.” His sharp order broke into my thoughts. Without hesitation, I went to stand in the open doorway, my naked skin finally cooling as the morning breeze reached me. “I’m leaving now,” I heard him say, “but I’m more than satisfied that you’re ready for He who will come.” Before I could ask any questions, he continued, “You must never try to remove the chain. When He sees it around your waist, He will know I have finished preparing you.”

Almost in tears, I managed to get out, “Who is He? Prepare me for what?”

Still ignoring my questions, my mythological lover gently ran a finger down my cheek and wiped away the tears that had started to flow there. “He chose you, and He assigned me to teach you total submission. Remember my lessons well while waiting for him. Unlike me, He will tolerate no disobedience, and his punishments are quick, harsh and permanent.”

He continued his instructions to me. “Only He can remove the chain, and He forbids you to even touch it. You will know by the weight of it when He is near and ready to claim you as his newest conquest.” I watched as he placed the locked, black case on the ground by my bare feet. “This is his, and you are to keep it until He comes for you. Also, only He can open it, so don’t even try. He will know if you tried or if you touched his chain of possession, so I warn you one last time to obey these orders.”

With that, I watched him leave the motel and walk toward his black car. After getting into the vehicle, he drove out of the motel’s parking lot and disappeared forever. Not caring now if anyone saw me, I picked up the case and walked to my car.

As I sit here finishing my note and remembering the pain and pleasure my sweet satyr gave me last night, I suddenly feel a subtle increase in the pressure of the chain on my hips. Until now the slight weight was barely noticeable, and I’d almost forgotten it was there underneath my sheer nightgown.

The chain is becoming heavier with each passing minute, and the previously cold metal is starting to turn warm against my skin. As I yank up the nightgown, I can see the chain is starting to glow. Holding the bunched up material in both my hands, I fall to my knees, terrified of what is about to happen.

Through the screened window by the front door, I can hear heavy, male footsteps coming up the steps. There is no hesitation in them, as if the person knows I’m there for him on the other side of the door. I started rocking back and forth on the floor, terrorized by what my unknown future would be like. With the chain’s heavy weight pinning me to the floor and unable to move, I watched as my unlocked front door slowly opened.

He who will come walked inside, looked down at me, and said…

* * *

To be continued in next segment.
 Seraglio of the Gods - Segment 01  (XGC)
Chapters 01 through 05.
#1308964 by J. A. Buxton

© Copyright 2007 J. A. Buxton (judity at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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