Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1304571-Spirit-Ending
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Death · #1304571
A man is found at the wrong place at the wrong time.
He left the nightclub to stumble across 16-year-old Rachel King dead in the middle of the back alley.

Jon bent down to feel for a pulse. He picked up his hand only to see red. He stared at the vigor body surrounded by gore and plasma.

He ran out of the alley for help, passing a frail eccentric elder woman. She had crooked yellow teeth and wiry hair. She staggered into the back ally to see Rachel laying there.

"Oh lord, for the sake of this young girl. A victim she must be,” the woman chanted. She picked up the cell phone from her jacket pocket. She called the police.

"There is a deceased woman in the back alley of the Grooland Night Club. I saw a very guilty male running out of the back alley. Hurry,” she said hanging up the phone.

She waited patiently on the ground praying.

"Dear lord, this young soul is for ever punished. Resent the guilty and free her very heart. Adulation and Faith bring such a murder to their feet. Please, lord helps me free her now and forever forgive the pain,”

The police soon arrive to greet the old woman.

"Ma'am, are you the one you called us about a dead body?"

"A very guilty man ran out of back alley. This is what I found,” she explained sourly.

"Apparently it looks like she been dead for at east an hour. An autopsy will tell us an exact time and cause of death,” She is starting to slowly limp and vigor is setting in.

"What about the guilty?" asked the woman?

"We will need you to come down to the station so we can get your statement,”

"Anything to bring justice to this young soul,”

An officer escorted the woman to a cop car to take her down to the station. A couple detective shows up to investigate.

"It seems we have an aboriginal female in her mid to late teens. There is no identification," said one of the detectives to another. Rachel had a skirt on with a Cree symbol on it.

"It looks like the cause of death is blunt force trauma to the back of the head," the other one said.

Jon meanwhile came running back after attempting to find a phone but he didn't have a quarter. He saw police cars there already and decided it was safe to go home. He would leave a statement in the morning.

The old woman was at the police station giving a description.

"Miss Jackson, I need a description of the guy you seen running out of the back alley,”

"I know it I see him. He had light brown hair, he was a red T-shirt-shirt, black pants. There was a scar right below his eye. The look of panic, as if he committed the crime was written all over his face. I knew something happened when he came jolting out of the back alley. He took the life of an innocent girl"

"You can't go around accusing people of committing crimes without proof,”

"That is why red blood is dripping from his very hands. The Lord knows what happen, and the soul of the very girl needs justice," she ranted.

"We will do everything we can to find who did this to her. What you need to do is go home. You've done enough. We will call you if need anything. "

"You know where to find me. I left all my important stuff with that witty dude at the front,” she chuckled.

"Yes, Miss Jackson,” he said. "Have a great night,”

Miss Jackson left the police station and headed back towards the street. She scuffed across the street and continued down it ending up at her house.

One of the police officers heard about a dead body and went to see what is up. He felt sick to his stomach when he saw the girl. His face was pale and he didn't know what to think.

"Does her family know?" he asked to the police and detectives hanging around.

"We don't know who she is?"

"Rachel King, my high school friend’s daughter,” he said. He turned and left. He felt very sick.

On the other side of the town in a rough neighborhood, Rachel King's family heard the bad news. Loud lamenting came from the house and could be heard throughout the neighborhood. The police silently leave the family to their grief.

A few days later in the laboratory. Detective Greg Free was going over the evidence found at the crime scene when Detective Latoya Life came walking in.

"I have the autopsy results for Miss King,” she announced

"What did you find?" he asked.

"Surprisingly, she died of strangulation,”

"So that wound on the back of her head wasn't her cause of death,”

"That is the shocking part. That happened after she was already dead, and it happened at east two hours after she died,”

"Who strangles a girl then hits her over the head with a foreign object?

"Do you have anything?" she asked

"We have a hair from an unknown male, and saliva from the same guy. We have no other leads,”

"I have a bruise on the victim's neck of the shape of a hand. It measures 9 inches,”

"We have a description, DNA, and hand print. We need to put an alert out to the public and hope someone else comes forward with a better description than Miss Jackson's gave,”

The detectives continue to investigate. A few days later they got a description of someone that matched the one Miss Jackson gave. They called Jon Jims to come in.

He and a few other people were put into a lineup. Jon was numbered three. Miss Jackson was brought in.

"Are any of these the one you seen running out of the back alley?"

"There he is. Thank the lord. Number three; he is the guilty one,”

The officer let her go and they took Jon aside.

"Jon Jims. Where were you the night of July 5 around 10:00 pm? "

"I was in the Grooland Night Club when I left at around 1:00am,”

"Would you have any objections over giving a hair sample and saliva sample?"

"You can have my DNA,” he said. The detective took a piece of his hair and his DNA sample and let him go.

They called for a rush on it to see if it matched. Less then one day later, they had a match.

The police went to the fast food joint where Jon worked, and entered the building.
They talked to the cashier.

"We are looking for Jon Jims,”

"I'll get him, just one moment,” The cashier got up and headed for the back. Jon came back.

The officer faced him against the wall, and snapped handcuffs on him.

"Jon Jims You has the right to remain silent. If you decide to give up that right, anything you say or do will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you don't have one, one will be appointed for you.
Do you understand your rights?"

"Yes, I'm innocent," is all he said.

He soon found himself being booked and sent to a cell. It was very drab. The walls were yellow; it contained a toilet, and a bed with a flimsy mattress.

He bilked at the wall. His face was full of spleen, and fury. He couldn't get it past him why this was happening. One day he is working, eating, and go on with everyday life and within a twenty-four hour period, he is in jail charged with murder.

Jon heard a guard come by. He stopped at the jail cell.

"If it isn't Jon Jims. You enjoy murdering young woman?"

"I didn't kill anyone,” Jon roared.

"Tell that to the judge,” he cachinnated. Jon was so angry but managed to hold in his anger. He smiled back at him and then went to lie on the bed. He stared at the ceiling.

Miss Jackson was making her way to Rachel King's family home on the rough part of time. She passed through some degraded streets. She reached the house of the victim. She knocked on the door and a man dressed in black answered.

"Hello, young woman but we aren't interested in visitors,”

"Even the old woman who could assure that we put away the guilty man responsible for your daughter so calamitous bereavement,”

"I'm interested in who you are, may I have a name?"

"Miss Helen Jackson,” she smiled.

"Helen Jackson, that officer told me about you. You saw that son of a bitch who killed my daughter,”

"We will put him away. I don't appreciate Lucifer, Mephistopheles, and Satan. He is all of those and more. The lord, the Supreme Being of our Earth can't allow this to go unpunished. You hear me,”

"Miss, Jackson, I Bear Stone King will assure you that no body will get away with my daughters murder,” he sounded harsh.

"I did some double-O, and I came up with the name of the guy I saw. Jon Jims is his name. He is in police custody and his bail I heard was abstained,”

"Thank you for helping us. I think that guy needs a visit,” he said.

Miss Jackson finished her conversation with Big Bear and left the house. She smiled.

"The lord won't save you Johnny boy. Big Bear is one angry father, and if everything goes my way you will get yours and the spirits will be released and Rachel will be left to rest,”

A month went by and Jon and his lawyer were trying to get past the murder charges. Jon got the courage to ask his lawyer Millie Miller one day.

"What are the chances I'll get off with these charges?”

"There is a possibility,”

"A possibility. Even you said all the evidence points to me. Is their any hope?”

"I'm looking over the surveillance tapes over the night club and their is a time around 9:30 and 9:50 that you weren't seen. I know you said you were in the bathroom. You have no alibi. You understand that,”

"I understand in other words that I'm going to be convicted for a crime I didn't do,” he said angry.

"I'm doing all I can,”

"If I do get off I'll need a restraining order from that crazy old lady who continues to chant on about the lord,”

"You relax why I continue to work on a defense. Court is in three days,”

He next three days went by quickly and the next thing is everyone is in court. On the stand, Miss Jackson was brought to the stand.

The DA was sent up.

"Miss Jackson, is it true you saw Mr. Jims running out of the back alley with blood on his hands?"

"Yes?" she said.

“Did you notice any facial expressions?”

“He looked panicked to me,”

"I have no further questions for the witness,” the DA said and sat down. Jon's lawyer stood up.

"Did you see Jon Jims actually kill Rachel King?" she asked.

"He looked...,” she began.

"Yes or No,” she interrupted the witness.


“How do we know he actually killed her if she actually didn’t see him do it?”

"I have no further questions your honor,”

“We will call another witness, Joe Cane,” the judge announced as Joe approached the stand.
“So, Mr. Cane. Did you see Mr. Jims coming out of the back alley,”


“What was his expression like?”

“He looked worried,”

“I have no other witnesses,”

“So,” Miss Miller said standing up “I assume you didn’t see him do it, correct,”

“That is true,”

“I just proved my point. No one actually saw him,” I said, “I have no further questions,”

"We will now call Jon Jims to the stand,” the judge announced. Jon got up and took the stand. The DA approached the stand.

"Jon Jims, can you explain where you were between 9:30pm and 10:00pm the night of Rachel King's murder,”

"I was in the bathroom of the night club,”
“Do you have an alibi?” he asked


"Would you say that explains why your hair and saliva were on her body?"


“Explain how it got on her body?”

"I found her body later that night and I checked to see if she had a pulse which she didn’t,”

"Why didn't you report the crime then?" the DA pressured for an answer.

"I couldn't find a phone,”

"Why couldn't you go and use the night club phone?"

"It never occurred to me,”

"It never occurred to you because you killed the victim,”

"Objection,” yelled the lawyer.

"Sustained,” said the judge.

"One more thing, is it true your hands are nine inches long? The same length as the bruise on her neck,”


"No further questions,” the DA said. The lawyer approached.

"Is it true you didn't leave the night club until around 1:00 am?”


"The surveillance proves he left at 1:00 am, proving he wasn't near the victim when she was murdered,”

"He has no alibi proving where he was between 9:30 and 9:50pm. That gave him a perfect opportunity to kill the victim,”

After a little bit of evidence was shown and questions asked, the jury was asked to make a decision. Three hours later the jury came to a verdict.

"What is your verdict?" the judge asked.

"On the charges of first degree murder we find the defendant not guilty,”

He was released. Three years later and there is no new leads on the murdered of young Rachel King.

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