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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Other · #1304248
I hated the ending to Neon Pink by Pearson. Keiko became a sex-slave. Here, she's rescued.
Author's note:  I wrote this in response to the story Neon Pink by Fret Pearson (a handle.)  I found that story online and the ending infuriated me just as much as learning of the escape and betrayal of the Geisha's sister in Memoirs of a Geisha.  I had to write an alternate ending to this tragety where a character from my stories saved Keiko and transported her to another world.  This story was written for my benefit alone but I decided to publish it anyway.

Furthermore, (most) of these characters (and the story "Neon Pink") are not my own work.  Not that it matters since I didn't flesh them out much, and I doubt anyone cares.

Neon Pink:  An Alternate Ending
And then as I was sitting in the car making out with the girl who had involuntarily become a slave, there was a flash of light, and the car swerved before stopping.

“What the heck?” asked Rob, stopping the car.

Outside was a crater, complete with smoldering flames.  The earth gave a slight tremble and a gust of wind rocked the car before a man stepped out of the crater.  He looked at me, then at the driver and our captors and he stuck out his arm.  In a second my world changed; Rob was unconscious on the grown with a pile of dirt piled on his head, we were ripped free of the car and an earthen barrier surrounded us.  A ball of haze surrounded me and my friend and the stranger as we stood on an empty patch of ground.

“Hi,” he said.  “:I heard you were enslaved by an evil curse in Pearson's universe.”

Curse?  What was he talking about?  I loved my new slutty body…

He continued, “Unfortunately the spell affects your reasoning, and the lousy author didn’t care about your well-being after a long-effort to flesh out your character.  That’s just wrong and I’ve come here, from the ever-world to save you from the evil that you’ve become enslaved to.  I’m here to undo your programming and restore to you your free-will.”

Understanding dawned on me, “No!”  I shouted like a feral animal but in an split-instant he pulled out a strange quiver from a holographic device in his hand, followed by a greek bow.  I noticed that he was wearing gloves as he unleashed an arrow which stuck me, penetrating deep into my bossum.  Before I could feel faint or dizzy he pulled out a neon-pink post-it note-the same one I had written earlier which had been crumpled and disgarded.  He had unfolded it and flashed it before my eyes before I could turn away.  My eyes read the words and my body shook and everything went black before I could ponder over their meaning.

I awoke to a humid blast of tropical air and sunshine pouring down from a canopy of trees.  A man was sitting on the dirt next to me and so was the girl I’d been trying to save.

“Oh,” he said mildly.  “So you’ve awakened.  How do you feel?” 

I looked down at myself and realized that my chest was flat and I wasn’t feeling sexual thoughts.  I felt memories returning, including literacy and everything I had lost.  I was free again.

“You should be free, but would you like to test it?”

Boy did I ever!  But I still didn’t know who this man was or what was his agenda.  “Thank you for saving me…”  I said slowly, “but if its all the same I’d want to know your name and why you turned me back.”

He turned on me and said with utmost care, “My real name is…well actually I can’t tell you, sorry.  But a lot of people call me The Yellow Haze.  Could you call me that?”

“Sure.  And my name’s J-“ He cut me off before I could finish.  “Don’t!  I already know your name.  Now lets make sure the curse is removed before we do anything else.  I’m going to order you to do something and if the curse is removed you should be able to refuse.  Are you ready?”  He grinned at me knowingly.

“Yes!  I mean, no!”  I said changing my answer from enthusiasm to defiance.  I glared at him with my eyes, and focused on resisting whatever he said next.

“Okay, get ready….here goes.  I order you to jump up and down ten times,” he said with a commanding air.

“NO!”  I shouted at him, and then the two of us were grinning, laughing and then dancing in circles at the pure joy of the return of my ability to think freely.

He  suddenly reached out and hugged me and I shoved him away in fear that it was a trap.  He looked surprised and then looking anxious tried to regain his composure.  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

I had remembered that he still hadn’t told me why he’d saved me. 
“Why did you rescue me?”  I demanded.

He took a grave look at me.  “I’m a slave myself and I couldn’t stand to see a fellow sentient being forced against her will into such a terrible fate when I could rescue you from the author’s enslavement.  You see, I too am being controlled by a being from another world-I’m told to go here, or to go there and I can’t leave this world until my millennium-long quest is over.  I sympathize with your plight and couldn’t leave you a sex-slave when you clearly had fought long and valiantly against it for the better course of 20 or so pages.”

“Hold on, what are you talking about?” I asked him.

He sighed and his expression turned to boredom, “It always comes to this…” he said slowly.  “Very well, you are a character written in a story that was published on a sex-forum in another universe. The author that created you wanted to publish a story about a good woman who was corrupted by a love-spell and forced to be a sex-slave against her will.  But I had the time and resources to save you, and today, I did just that.” 

“I don’t beli-“

He interrupted me before I could finish.  “Here’s the printed story that describes intimate details of your life over the last couple of years. I’ll let you read it and I’ll return in a little bit when you believe me.”  He dropped a pile of printed pages onto the ground.  “Theres some food on the ground if you get hungry.  See you in a couple hours.” 

Then a gust of wind blew into my eyes and I had to close them.  When the wind abated I looked around but couldn’t see the stranger.  I set to reading the story while eating some peaches lying on a plate in the dirt.

         Two hours later I had finished the story when he came up behind me.  “So do you believe me now?”  he asked.  “Maybe…but how did you know all that about my life?”  He sighed, “You still don’t get it do you?  Your ‘life’ and indeed this whole universe you’re walking in is part of a fictional reality created by some horny teenager.  I saved you from this world and plan to place you on another safer reality where you won’t ever be affected by evil love-spells again.”

         “You mean I can’t come back here?  What about my friend?”  she asked.

“Well Keiko, your friend was pretty stupid for playing with bad spells like that, but I’ll undo the programming to her and drop her in your world anyway.  I’ll give her a second chance at good just for your sake as her friend.  As for the place you’re going, it’s a parallel world to Earth so you won’t notice much difference except you won’t run into many friends you know.”

         “I can’t stay?”  I asked.

         “Well…I won’t say that you can’t stay, but I’d feel safer sending you to another world.  I’m involved in a long odessey to return home right now and I doubt that I’ll ever return here, or much less have the time to save you if you fall spell to another curse.  So I’m going to transport you to another safer world.  In fact, I have to do it now, for I can waste no more time.”

         He raised his hands and a white chain whipped out of the sky, splitting the canopy of trees above and creating a black void. 

         “I wish you all the best in life young Keiko-chan.”  Then he said something in Japanese, but I didn’t understand him since I’m an English-speaking Japanese-American. 

         Recovering my wits, I said “Thank you.”  Even if I didn’t understand all of what was going on I did understand that he had saved me from a fate worse than death.  Gratitude welled into me, “I don’t suppose there is any small way I can repay you?”

         He grinned.  “No, you’ve done much by coming back to the world of sanity.  In fact I have a small gift for you before you leave.”  He tossed something tan at me—
I caught it—it was a sea-shell.  As soon as I caught it my lower private parts began to tingle. 

         “This will restore the broken skin that was stolen from you by the author’s evil.  I hope you’ll be many time more resilent to losing your virginity than you were in the story.  Now take care and good luck to you in life.”

         I started levitating toward the starry expanse inside the fissure in the sky.  I decided to return the blessing, “And I hope you get home safe and sound soon!”  I said, really meaning it.  His face was becoming small and harder to see as I rose higher but I could still hear his last shout.  “Stay free!”

         Then my head penetrated the expanse and I blinked in the darkness.  After a while I found my eyes closed, and opening them found myself on Earth.  In the days that followed I returned to college, got a job as a journalist and a small home.  I met my friend and life turned out well for me on my new earth.  But my gratitude still goes out to my liberator from another world, a slave who freed me.  And when I think of him, I sure hope he’ll get home alright.
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