Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1304205-Sleepover-Great-Time-or-Disaster
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Teen · #1304205
When 5 kids have a co-ed sleepover, what will happen? To be continued. -FiCTiON-
Chapter 1: Seriously?!

Allie sat on the brick wall, singing to herself while listening to her ipod and reading. She had long brown hair that matched her eyes. Her nose had a diamond shaped top, and light freckles dotted along her nose and cheekbones. She was about 5 feet and 4 inches tall, but most of her friends were taller than her. She was 13 years old and going into 8th grade. As her multitasking continued, Allie minded her own business, reading one of her favorite books, Cirque du Freak, for her third time. She sung to the song Walking Disaster by Sum 41, (luckily little kids were far away from her). She was sitting on the bridge's brick wall, above the lake.

She turned the page when she felt a breeze on her neck. Just the wind...She thought. As she read the breeze got warmer and heavier. Allie took out her headphones and turned around to see a blonde figure right next to her face. She screamed, and jumped, almost falling off the brick wall.

"BRITTANY!" Allie screeched as she clutched her heart. "Don't do that! You freaking scared me!"

Brittany laughed her original laugh, slapping her leg from the satisfaction of freaking out her best friend. Through giggles she said, "That was hilarious though!"

Allie rolled her eyes, closed her book and turned off her ipod. "So Brittany? What did you scare the living daylights out of me for?!"

Brittany smiled devilishly. Which was something quite disturbing on her face covered with blonde locks and tan skin. She was about the same height as Allie, but taller by a millimeter it seems. Her nose had a cute little bump on it because she keeps getting hit there. Allie always was told by her, 'If you throw something and it hits my nose, PLEASE BREAK IT!'

"Well...I convinced my mom that we can have a sleepover with Jake and Caleb and you at Sam's house! What do ya think?!"

Allie's jaw dropped. They had been planning to have this sleepover with these guys for so long, but never been able to convince Brittany's mom to say yes. "Se-se-seriously?!"

"Yes! And since my Dad isn't home for a week, he'll never know! And since your staying at my house because your Mom isn't home, she won't know either! Perfect eh?!"

"Yes!" Allie squealed. "Did you call Sam and Jake and Caleb? We'll need pizza! And a bottle for spin the bottle and lots of snacks and games and mov-!"

Brittany smacked Allie in the side of the head. "Yes, everything is worked out! Just need to pack clothes and stuff! So come on!" Brittany grabbed Allie's wrist and thrust her forward to her house. As they ran they giggled over the fact of their first co-ed sleepover as teenagers.

Chapter 2: Whatever You Say!

Caleb's cell phone rang uncontrolably. He picked it up and answered, "Hey."

"Caleb! Did you get a call from Brittany asking to sleepover at Sam's?" Jake asked.

"Uhh yeah...But I don't know if I'll go because I think Brittany kinda likes me...I don't know."

Jake laughed, "Ok Caleb...Whatever you say! Anyway I'm probably going just for the fun of it...Plus I'm probably going to prank someone while they are sleeping...And Brittany likes me." He said sneakily.

"Allie?" Caleb answered immediatly.

"How'd you guess?!" He replied annoyed his sercret was blown.

"Who else have you sprayed their locker with ax? And blame when you pushed MY stuff down the hall? Hrmm??"

"...Brittany likes me! Bye!" And Jake hung up his end of the phone.

"Well, I better pack." Caleb hung up his phone and grabbed his backpack to begin putting his things in.

Chapter 3: Oh Crap

Sam sat on the couch in the gameroom, thinking. Dear lord what was I thinking...We're going to die...Good thing Ben is out of the house, now he won't go "best buddy" on Brittany... As he thought thing the front door opened and a voice called out, "Hey Sam! I decided to stay home tonight!" Ben ran up the stairs and gave Sam a punch in the arm.

Sam faked a smile, and thought, Oh crap.

Chapter 4: Here We Go

Allie closed her maroon backpack, filled to the top with clothes and personal items. Brittany was almost finished packing, (she was still looking for some acceptable pajamas!). She tossed shorts and t-shirts out of her dresser and onto the floor. And some onto Allie's head. "Brittany! Just get some pants and a shirt and lets go!" Allie growled throwing clothes off of her head.

"But I can't find any!" She retorted, still pawing through her doors.

Allie picked up a striped pari of pants, "What about these?!"

Brittany turned around, "But those have a hole in them!"

Allie gave her a confused look, "Where?!"

"In a...private spot."

"Ohhhhhh!! Nevermind...What about these?" Allie grabbed a polkadotted pair of capris.

Brittany frowned. "Fine, if I have to. Let me get a shirt..." She pulled out a pink shirt and stuffed that and the capris in her bag. "Let's go." She slowly walked out the door.

Allie grabbed Brittany by the shoulder and turned her around, "Brittany are you, scared?"

"No. I'm not scared but nervous. Only because I really don't want Ben there...You know why..."

"Yeah...I'm scared! You know Jake will do something to me if I fall asleep!"

"True!" Brittany laughed, "Well Sam told me Ben won't be there...So I don't know why I'm worrying! Let's go! Oh and Allie, your going to be with your boyfriend in the closet for 7 minutes in heaven!" She jumped down the stairs and out the front door.

"No!" I called out jumping down the stairs, "Sam and I wouldn't do that!" I raced my way next to Brittany. Sam's house was right down the street, and we got there in minutes.

We walked up to the door and Allie's rang the doorbell, "Here we go!"

Chapter 5: What Happened?

Caleb walked down the stairs, followed by Sam who was quite more energetic by far. Sam pushed Caleb out of the way and opened the door. "Hello." He formally bowed. Allie and Brittany giggled and Allie gave Sam a big hug.

They walked up the stairs and put their stuff in the guest room, Sam and Caleb trailing behind them. The four went into the gameroom and saw Jake sitting on the couch playing xbox 360. "Hey," He grunted.

"Well that took much effort." Allie remarked and sat down on the other couch. Sam followed and sat next to her, laeving Caleb and Brittany still standing. They made no eye contact nor talked, until Jake stood up and walked over to Brittany.

"So Brittany, I just beat Caleb's record on Oblivian."

"No you didn't! I beat your's!" Caleb retorted pointing at Jake. Brittany had huge eyes, and left to sit on the couch Jake had left. The three watched Jake and Caleb fight until Ben walked up the stairs and into the room. He sat down next to Brittany.

"What are they fighting over?" Ben asked Brittany. She just shrugged her shoulders, then looked at Sam. She gave him a look that said, "What the heck? Why is he here?!"

Jake grabbed Caleb by the shirt and dragged him into the bathroom arcoss from the guest room.

"You know Brittany like's so give it up!" Jake whispered.

"She doesn't like you! She likes me! Can't you tell by the way she looks at me!"

"She doesn't even look at you! But I can make it so she does!" And Jake punched Caleb in the eye.

Caleb grabbed his left eye, "What the hell?!" Caleb looked up and punched Jake in the jaw, making a popping noise. Blood oozed from his mouth. They gave each other evil looks until Caleb walked out of the small bathroom, Jake following.

When they arrived in the gameroom, Ben was holding Brittany between his legs and around her stomach. She was facing forward, but looking at Sam and Allie with pleading looks. Ben took a look at the two boys, one sporting a black eye, and the other bleeding from the mouth. "What happened?"

Caleb and Jake looked at each other real quickly, and Jake answered, "I slipped on the rug and hit my chin on the sink..."

"He's such a clutz!" Caleb laughed.

Allie asked next, "Then what happened to you Caleb?"

He thought a moment looking at his feet, "Well...I looked in the mirror and saw my beautiful face, and saw a zit and...punched myself to get rid of it..."

Allie, Sam, Jake and Ben started to laugh hysterically, Brittany on the otherhand forcably giggled. Allie saw her faking and suggested, "Let's go jump on the trampoline or something."

Everyone nodded and started to walked towards the stairs, but Allie and Brittany lagged behind a a bit to talk in private. "Thanks Allie. I thought Ben wasn't going to be here!"

Allie shrugged, "Maybe he changed his plans, or was grounded. Either way it's not good..." They began walking down the stairs and to the backyard. Before They opened the door, "Brittany, if anything akward happens say I'm thirsty. Ok?"

"Ok. Thanks."

Allie nodded and they walked to the trampoline.

Chapter 6: Sick Man!

Ben was jumping extremely high, considering he was the tallest by a foot or two. Sam was jumping also, trying to steal Ben's "bounce" as Jake and Caleb tred not to punch each other by the look in thier eyes. Hrmmmm...Maybe Caleb didn't "punch himself" and Jake didn't hit the sink.... She shruged her shoulders Not my problem.

Allie boarded the trampoline, giving Brittany a look only a girl could unterstand. Nodding, Brittany slid through the rope hole onto the trampoline. No one really paid attention to the girls until Ben asked if either of them could do a flip.

"Well, I can but not really land on my feet...Sometimes but not well..." Allie laughed to herself, remembering when she almost broke her neck while on the trampoline with her friend's mother and some older boy and friends. As Jake and Caleb gave Allie a funny look as if to tell her she was a freak. She looked back replying, "What?!"

Jake and Caleb just began to whistle and pretend to walk away. "Bastards.."She whipered. "I can't whistle...Grrrr." As Sam raised his eyebrow to the unheard comment, Brittany answered the long ago asked question from Ben.

"Uhh...I don't think I can flip..Hah." She answered not nervously, somehow.

Ben smirked, and cleared the trampoline of the "munchkinz" (to him at least). The five 13 year olds sat on the side, about to watch some amazing trick as Allie put it, using air quotes around amazing.

He didn't even have to bouce really, he jumped once and then he fliped once in the air, and started another flip, but landed on his back. "Ow," He laughed.

Everyone laughed spontaniously, lightening the mood. And Brittany, Jake and Caleb forgot about all their problems. The five began jumping around Ben, joking of course. Then Brittany dared to jump over him, but instead lodged her foot in an inapropriate and private place...

Ben cringed and Brittany fell. Turing around she apologized immediatly, as the laughter of Sam, Allie, Jake and Caleb increasened. Allie whispered into Sam's ear, "Maybe she landed there on purpose!" And the giggling increased between them two, giving Ben an opportunity he couldn't pass up.

"Well, at least Sam wasn't down here, or else he would have lost his manhood and a little someone would be unhappy..." The laughter roared from Brittany, Jake and Caleb but made Allie's jaw drop in shock.

"Oh my god!! You are sick man!" And Allie shivered in disgust, Sam did the same thing. But Brittany gave Ben a high five! "Urgg..."

Chapter 7: Even Me?

Only minutes later, did we eat dinner. Yummy pasta with garlic bread. After we went upstairs, and played guitar hero. Quite hilarious when Jake and Caleb played the song "Jessica" against each other, trying to impress a certain blonde girl sitting next to the brown-eyed couple on the couch.

"Ok, Brittany I'm playing you!" Allie announced, geetting up from Sam's lap and stealing away the remotes from the two boys who were trying to poke each other's eye out with the whammy bar.

Britt stood up and sat on the ground next to Caleb, making him blush without blushing (if that makes sense) and making Jake cring without showing any emotion, except his eyes full of rage. Allie sat on the footstool behind the two boys and Brittany. They began playing, medium of course. Allie won, something not usually said (but screamed out of lies....). Affterword Brittany took a trip to the bathroom giving Allie a quick few seconds to ask the idiots about their obsession, but Caleb beat her to the punch.

"Ok, does Brittany like me or something?" He questioned.

"No, does she like ME?!" Jake asked.

Allie laughed hysterically, "NO!" She laughed so hard tears running down her face. "She doesn't like either of you! You just her friends."

"Even me?"

Allie turned her head and saw Ben sitting on the couch, she had completely forgotten about him. "We-well...Your-" Allie began but Brittany entered the room.

Leaving Allie to hand over the guitar shaped remote to Sam, and massage her temples from the headache.

Chapter 8: Let's Play...

"Now what?" Allie asked after everyone was tired of guitar hero, (almost five hours!).

Everyone shrugged. Caleb was laying on the ground with his hands behind his head, deep in thought. Sam and Allie were sitting next to each other holding hands while Jake was on the footstool looking at Brittany and Ben, who were together...But too close for confort. Jake was looking with interest, Brittany staring back, pleading for asistance with the glare in her eye.

"Hmmmm. Let's play truth or dare!" Allie suggested.

The guys nodded with interest, but Brittany was resistent, but finally agreed. Allie grabbed a pillow and sat down on it in an open space. Brittany did the following but the guys were scared. "Come on, just get a pillow and sit on it so we can begin!" Brittany encouraged.

"Ehhh, I'll play but I'm not sitting on a pillow, that's gay." Jake said sitting down next to Brittany.

"Well you kinda are..." Allie whispered as Sam sat next to her. Caleb sat next to Jake and Ben sat between him and Sam. When all was settled, the game began...

Chapter 9: Truth or Dare?

"Truth or Dare?" Ben asked Allie.

"Hrmmm. Since no one says the truth anymore, I'll pick dare," Allie replied.

"Ok...I dare you and Sam to be locked in the closet, in the dark for 7 minutes."

Everyone ooed at the dare, and Allie took a look at Sam and back to Ben, "Your evil."

"Yes, but you have to do it!" Brittany giggled.

Allie groaned as her and Sam stood up. "This will be interesting," Sam commented as they walked torwards the closet, the crowd following them.

"Very," She replied as they opened the door and stepped in. The lights were turned out and it was completely black. Ben called out he was starting the timer. They just stood there, completely still, scared almost at what would happen. She looked up to where his face would be.

"Will you kiss me?" He asked.

As they leaned in, they had a peck on the lips. Then moving back they looked into each others eyes, (though it was pitch black) and smiled. Time flew in the closet, but outside was another story...


Ben held the timer on his wrist. He looked up at Brittany, "So, are you a good kisser?"

She raised an eyebrow at him, "Why?"

Jake shifted a little while standing right next to Caleb. He looked at him with worry in his eyes. Caleb looked pretty darn scared too. But luckily, Brittany didn't show her emotion. But seriously, she was more nervous than anyone else in the room.

Ben took a step closer to her and said, "Well, I wanted to know...Because you do look like a good kisser to me..."

Brittany took a step back at the same time Jake and Caleb stood still mortified at what Ben had in store for Brittany. He kept closing in on her, and she kept backing up until she fell over the kickstool and was on the floor, helpless. Jake took a step forward, but Caleb pulled him back and whispered in his ear, "Ben would beat both of us up, don't go unless he makes a move." Jake nodded at the logic, but was still uneasy.

Brittany tried to get up but Ben held her down with his arms, and tried to kiss her, but she moved her head and kept her lips closed. Jake and Caleb ran to the scene, punching Ben to get up. He looked back at them and punched Jake in the stomache and slapped Caleb across the face. As this happened the timer of seven minutes went off very loudly, letting Sam and Allie hear it all the way from the closet. They opened the door to the scene of Jake and Caleb fighting Ben and Brittany trying to crawl away. Allie screamed and Sam rushed to fight off Ben.

"Brittany!! Come here!" Allie yelled as Brittany limped away between the footstool and couch. She stodd and ran to Allie, and they hugged and Brittany tried not to cry, but Allie burst into tears.

Sam, Jake and Caleb were trying to hold down Ben, but he stood up and walked to his room. As he passed Allie and Brittany he shoved them, making them trip and fall to the ground. There was a foosball table, but instead of soocer it was ice hockey right next to them, and as they fell Brittany hit her blonde skull on the corner and Allie landed wierd on her ankle. There were two yelps of pain as Ben slapped his bedroom door. Brittany was then knocked uncounsis while Allie clutched her ankle.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." Allie repeated over and over again as tears rushed down her face. Sam looked back from where he was and saw Allie on the ground crying uncontrolably. He ran to her instantly, making Jake and Caleb look over to where Brittany lay, dead looking. The two rushed to her, and held her from the ground. Blood was dripping from her head, staining her hair.

Allie cringed as she moved her leg to see if Brittany was ok. "Brittany?" She questioned. She looked to Sam, tear-stained face, "Is she ok?"

Sam placed a hand on her shoulder and replied, "She'll be fine, Jake and Cale will take care of her. But are you ok?"

"My ankle hurts like hell." She said, taking a look at her left ankle. It had turned red and purple and was swelling like crazy. "I think it's broken or sprained..." Sam rolled his hand over it and Allie cringed. "Ow!"


"It's ok, but what's going to happen to Brit?"

Jake turned looking serious, "I can't feel her pulse."

Allie coughed, chocking on her own spit. "WHAT?!" She bit hard and wiggled her way to Brittany and put her hand on her neck to find a pulse. She had a sigh of relief, then began to yell, "JAKE YOU IDIOT YOU SCARED ME TO DEATH!"

"What? I felt her wrist and there was no pulse!"

"Her wrist to too far away from her heart! God...What they teach you in school and why I do not know..." Allie then put her hand over Brittany's open mouth to see if she was breathing. "OH MY GOD, She's not breathing!"

Caleb looked up and almost screamed, same with Jake and Sam. Allie tried to get her to start breathing by pressing firmly right under her neck, multiple times. About to give up and make Jake give her CPR, she started to cough loudly and came back into consisness.

She asked wearily, "What happened?"

Allie grinned, "You almost died and I broke my ankle, fun time what do you think?"

She giggled, "Splendid!"

"Ok Allie, I think we have some bandages for your ankle until you can go to the doctor. I'll sneak into my parents bedroom...My dad would yell at me for letting my girlfriend break her ankle." Sam said giving her a kiss and walking down the stairs. Brittany looked at Allie with a devilish grin.

"Oh shut up!" Allie said. Jake and Caleb laughed with Brittany at Allie. She groaned. "Urgg. So now what? We've all been hurt at least once today, except the Bosco's..."

They shrugged, then everyone heard yelling from downstairs. Everyone giggled and laughed spontaniously as Sam ran up the stairs, away from his yelling father. He panted and said, "I told him Jake was playing with my pocket knife and he cut himself on accident...Then he got mad at me for letting him play with my knife!"

Everyone laughed at him. Then he sat next to Allie and started to wrap her ankle with the bandages. Once he was done, he helped her walk to the couch and Jake and Caleb helped Brittany because she was still unsteady with sight and being able to walk. The all sat on the couch and turned on the tv to comedy central. Scrubs was on, and everyone had a good laugh. Slowly, everyone fell asleep on the couch...


Jake shook Caleb, trying to get him to wake up. Caleb just groaned and rolled over. "God Caleb, wake up!" Jake slapped him in the face.

Caleb sat up and yelled, "NO! MONKEY NINJA'S DON'T ATTACK ME!"

Jake covered his mouth, wanting to keep him from waking up everyone and spoiling his devil plan."Shut up you idiot! Do you want to wake up the whole neighborhood and spoil all the fun?"

Caleb rubbed his cheek and asked, "What is your master plan anyway?"

Jake looked at Sam, Allie and Brittany sleeping on the couch. Allie was in the middle leaning on Sam and Brittany was turned the other way laying on a pillow. Caleb was on the other couch with Jake. "Shhhh." He said putting his finger to his lips, then dragged Caleb to the guestroom. He locked the door, and pulled out a sheet of curled paper from under the pillow on the bed.

"What's that?" Caleb asked poking his finger to the paper.

"Our plan..." Jake replied cunningly opening up the sheet, leaving Caleb to gasp at the genious prank.


When Jake and Caleb came out of the guestroom for a final time, (after many trips to the kitchen, Sam and Ben's rooms, and in Allie's purse) they had their plan completely ready for action. Jake held a bottle of AX, a jar of only pickle juice, and hair jel. Caleb was holding a tiny flashlight, a small megaphone, and a diary.

They walked up to Allie, clutching the items they held as if they meant the world to them. Caleb placed his items carfully on the footstool and moved Sam farther away from Allie, trying not to wake him up. He then turned on the flashlight as Jake opened the pickle juice jar, and began pouring it slowly all over her face and shirt. They using the hair jel, he took her hair and made spikes all over the top of her head, and as a final touch used AX to keep the hair in place, and make her smell horrible!

"Should I do the honors?" Caleb asked holding the mini megaphone in one hand and the diary in the others.

"Yes you should." Jake replied smiling his devil smirk.

Caleb pressed the speaker button, and opened the diary, "EXTRA EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT! HERE I WILL READ ALOUD ALLIE'S PERONAL AND PRIVATE DIARY!"

Allie rolled off the couch and screamed. She felt her face, the pickle juice dried and was all sticky, almost attaching her hands to her face. She shuttered a scream. Shaking her head, she realized her hair was not on her neck, but in the air sticking in random places, and sniffing the air she smelt the strong, and disgusting smell of AX.

Brittany and Sam both awoke and started listening to Caleb reciting the diary. "OH MY GOD! TODAY SAM ASKED ME OUT! IM SOOOOOOOO HAPPY!! I SWEAR TODAY IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE! I HAVE A DISORDER HE IS SOOOO HOT!" He turned a few pages, as Allie screamed. "FIRST KISS! OH MY GOD, I HAVE BUTTERFLIES ALL AFTERWARD!" Caleb turned a few more pages and started to recite again. "TOMORROW I'M LEAVING FOR AUSTIN FOR MY DAD'S..." Caleb dropped the diary and the mini megaphone. He had a look of horror in his eyes. He turned to Allie, who was crying on the floor, Sam holding onto her. Brittany was about to attack Caleb and Jake.

"Why did you stop reading!" Jake yelled. Caleb turned back around to see him, and shook his head. "Why?"

Caleb walked over to Allie, and put a hand on her shoulder and said, "I'm sorry. For everything." She nodded, tears rushing down her face.

"What?!" Jake yelled.

Brittany grabbed onto Jake's collar and dragged him into the guestroom. She shut the door and began to yell and scream at him. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? WHY DID YOU DO THAT?! THAT WAS THE LOWEST WORST THING TO DO TO HER IN A TIME LIKE THIS!"

"What are you talking about?!" Jake asked.

Brittany sat on the bed and whispered, "Do you know why Allie is staying at my house?"

He walked over and sat down next to her, "No."

"Her mother went to Austin to sort out some orders of bank and life insurance."

"Why did she have to do that?" He asked questioningly.

She looked at the ground and sighed, "Her father passed away."

Chapter 11: "Shit."

Jake's mouth was hanging far from his head. He spoke no word, just thought in astonishment. When he finally bulked up the courage to say something, "Se-se-seriously?"

Brittany nodded. Then she stood up and cocked her head at the door, implying him to go apologize. He nodded as she did, and walked out, her following him. He opened the door, and saw something he thought was impossible.

Allie was sitting inbetween Caleb and Sam, playing with her crazy hairdo, all laughing! She looked at her wet t-shirt and laughed spontaniously. Then she laid eyes on Jake, but quickly she turned her attention away and back on Sam and her crazy hair.

"Umm Allie?" Jake said, grabbing her attention, and of Caleb and Sam.

"Yes..." She questioned out of formality more than interest.

"I'm sorry." He apologized, and he really meant it.

Allie sighed, "That's ok...You didn't know and I know you weren't meaning to go that far. Right?!" She said 'right' with such force and glanced from Caleb and Jake, striking fear in both.

Both mumbled, "Of course not!" "Why would you even think that?" and "Are you going to hurt us?" Randomly at the same time.

Allie rolled her eyes in a comical sort of way, then looked to Brittany. She smiled back and said, "How are we to get back to sleep now? What time is it anyway?"

Caleb yawned and replied, "2 or 3 o'clock I suppose...But I'm dead tired."

"Same." Jake replied.

Brittany yawned and agreed, so did Sam.

"Ehh, I could go a WEEK without sleep...CALEB!...JAKE!" Allie emphasized. Jake and Caleb both started whistling automatically, looking in random directions. "Well you guys can all get to sleep, but I'm going to get this crud off my face and out of my hair!" Allie giggled, and grabbed her bag out of the guestroom and went to the bathroom to take a shower. She locked the door and started to get ready.


When she had finished cleaning up, she put on fresh pajamas (luckily she brought an extra pair!) and began drying her hair with a towel. While she did this, she heard footsteps in the next room, the gameroom. Someone probably going to the bathroom. She thought. Walking out of the bathroom and placing her things back in the guestroom, she slowly progressed into the gameroom. Having a once-over, she automatically saw Brittany, the blonde bombshell (That's a lie, it just struck me funny and in the mood!) missing. Allie's eyes widened, and went straight to Ben's door, which was slightly cracked open. His door was slammed shut! He must have come in here and taken Brit! She screamed within her head.

Running to Sam, she then shook him awake, babbling and freaking out.

"Wha? What's going on?" He mumbled, obviously not all the way awake.

"Ben's got Brittany!" She said, quietly so Ben wouldn't hear in the next room.

He was alert instantly, and sat up. "Wake up Caleb! I'll get Jake, he'd punch you if you woke him up!"

She nodded and shook Caleb awake. He had an episode though, something about flying pigs and world domination. Jake scratched his head and walked over, Sam walking behind him clutching his stomache from being punched there from a grumby boy. "Let's go." Sam said.

Allie began walking there first, but Sam held her back by her shoulder. "Allie, you can't go!"

"This isn't the time Sam! Just let's go recuse Brittany before she isn't a damn virgin!" Allie yelled, and shook Sam's shoulder off. She walked confidently to Ben's door leaving the three boys in shock.

"Dang. She has a way with words..." Jake said.

Sam just studdered a bunch of undescribable words.

"She's pretty when she's angry." Caleb dreamily tilting his head staring at Allie still walking to Ben's door.

Sam and Jake both looked to Caleb instantly. Sam looking vicious and Jake looking astonished. Caleb tried to redeem himself by saying, "For you Sam! Not me, you!" Then he rubbed the back of his neck and looked down and the opposite way.

Sam held up a fist but, "Come on guys! She's in there!" Allie whispered loud enough for them to hear. Sam put it down, but mouthed to Caleb 'I'll deal with you later'.

They ran to the door and peaked in. Brittany was sure there, but still asleep. That's why they heard no protest from her. Ben fell asleep by gripping her tight, one leg over top of her and another hand resting on her breast. "Shit." Allie whispered.

Sam walked in without the others, and stood next to Ben. Allie, Jake and Caleb peered through the cracked open door. Sam held onto arm and tried to pull it away, but instead he gripped. "Shit!" Allie said again, yet louder. Sam shrugged his shoulders and Jake walked into the room. He clutched Ben's leg and tugged. His leg didn't budge, but again started to grip Brittany tighter. "What the hell?!" Allie whispered quite loudly.

Caleb went in this time and tried to tickle Ben on his neck and stomach, but indtead Ben punched him in the face (while asleep!), leaving a fist mark. "Oh dear god!" Allie said rushing into the room. She went onto the otherside of the bed where Brittany was the nearest. She pushed on the two sides of her stomach making Brittany laugh spontaniously, waking her up and hunch together having her knee pop up. And when her knee did this it hit Ben in a private spot, waking him up and screaming in unbearable pain. "RUN!" Allie screamed. Everyone rushed out the door and slammed it shut. They ended up on the couch, laughing in fits of laughter so uncontrolably tears stained their faces, and their lungs almost burst.

And Sam forgot all about beating up Caleb.

Chapter 12: Como te llamas?

Allie sat down on the couch, an ice pack on her ankle. "I HAD to run, why didn't I just hop away from Ben's room? God."

Brittany sat next to Allie, "Thank you Allie. You saved me but not those stupid boys."

"HEY!" They three guys say from the other couch.

"It's true!" Brittany shot back. "Does is really hurt?"

"Yeah. More than before." She lifted up the ice pack and saw her ankle had become a solid purple. "Fuck."

Caleb looked like he was thinking. Jake raised an eyebrow, then Caleb got up and walked over to Allie. Sam was tencing and looked like he was about to tackle him if he did anything to harrass or make a move on his girl. Then Caleb put out his right hand, as if for Allie to shake it and asked, "Como te llamas?" Sam dove for Caleb and made him fall to the ground.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY TO HER?!" Sam yelled.

Allie began to laugh hysterically, Caleb was afraid, Brittany and Jake were just confused. Caleb was stuttering something until Allie said, "He asked me my name in spanish Sam! Calm down!" She stood up and hoped over to them. She kneeled next to Sam. "It's ok you doof." And she kissed him. He blushed as Brittany started to coe, being followed by Jake.

But Caleb was digusted. "DON'T KISS WHILE YOUR ON TOP OF ME! GROSS!" He started to brush him self off after Sam and Allie stood up. Sam helped her to the couch and let her lay on his lap.

"Now what? It's like 6am and none of us have gotten any sleep. Plus I can't walk, Jake can't move his neck too well, Caleb has a black eye and Brittany had a concousion. Who should we hurt now?"

"Your so emo..." Jake commented, making Allie want to go and punch him. She groaned instead. "Well you are!"

"Hrmm. Let's eat!" Caleb suggested.

"Is that all you think about, food?!" Brittany asked.

Caleb shrugged and answered, "Pretty much." Then he ran down the stairs, followed by Brittany and then Jake. Sam had to help Allie hobble down the first few stairs, then she started to swing my the rails.

They all got to the kitchen, and waited for Sam to get them something to eat. The two girls and two guys began to pout and beg for Sam to feed them. He just waved his hand and replied, "Raid the pantry." Three ran, one hobbled, to the pantry and grabbed the junk food. Chips, goldfish, pickles, cheesenips, cheetos, then they looked in the fridge and got Sprites and Cokes. Everyone sat at the kitchen table and scarfed down the junk. No word was said until everyone was completely full. Getting hurt and harrassed can make someone very hungry.

Chapter 13: Never Again

Maggie, Sam's dog, began to bark, then the doorbell rang. The five teen's head jerked up from the intense playing of guitar hero. Caleb had been agaist Allie, and unfortunately, he was owning. Brittany stood up, "That's us Allie, we can't keep my sister waiting."

"Fine," Allie said, finishing off the song, 'Rock this Town'. "Let's go..." She whined. Standing up she said something else, "You know all in all, this was actually pretty fun. Even though we did almost kill each other at a point or two...We should do this again!"

"NO!" Yelled Sam, Jake, Caleb and Brittany at the same time. Then they all laughed.

"Kidding," Sam said, "That was pretty fun, considering I'm the only one who didn't get hurt!" He stood up and walked over the Allie, but tripped on the way. He fell to the ground, and said, "Nevermind..."

Caleb and Jake stood up too, helping Sam. Everyone walked over to the stairs, Allies went down first, swinging so she didn't injure her ankle anymore. They got to the door and stood there. They saw Jenna, Brittany's little sister through the glass, but they paid no attention.

"Well, bye." Brittany said, giving no one a hug because she would give one to Sam, but then she would be force to give one to Jake and Caleb. Three hugs in row would kill her you see. Allie hugged and kissed Sam, and even hugged Jake and Caleb. The two cringed pretty much, but she didn't care, thats how she says goodbye to her friends. After seeing that Brittany whined, "Fine!" She joked and gave each boy a hug, more cringing. Allie opened the door and hopped on one foot out of it, saying hello to Jenna, about the coolest third grader ever.

The two walked/hopped to Brittany's house and talked on the way there. "That was an interesting time." Allie laughed.

"Yeah. It actually was!" Brittany giggled.

"We should do that again!"

Brittany stopped in her tracks and held onto Allie, looked her straight in the eye and said, "Never again."

© Copyright 2007 danish.flowers (danish.flowers at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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