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Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1303612
well its just something a toying with
Chapter 1:
The Beginning

“It was the hottest Saturday in the world” thought Christopher Daniels as he lay, flat on his back, in a large swaying hammock in his back garden. Christopher, or “Chris” as he more usually known, Daniels was sweating profusely. Millions of tiny beads of sweat trickled down the back of his neck and down his back. The many beads of sweat gave him a refreshing tingling sensation that he appreciated in this terribly hot weather, unfortunately for him the sensation departed after only a couple of seconds. Chris had been lying there for what seemed like countless hours which in actual fact had only been twenty minutes.
Chris never liked the sun, in fact because of his dislike to its sunny rays; his skin was always a pale color. The only reason he was lying out in the hammock was because his mother was cleaning the house. Chris hated his mother. In fact, he loathed his mother with great passion! His mother, Delilah, was an obsessive, paranoid, over-hygienic … well, you get the idea. He hated his mother ever since The Accident that happened one day five years ago. Chris never liked to mention or even remotely fantasize about that day.
Chris glanced effortlessly at his watch. It was around four thirty in the afternoon. Without even realizing what he had done, almost instinctively, Chris got up and went over to the wide-open kitchen window of his two-storey home. (This was only open to allow the toxic fumes from his mother’s cleaning supplies escape.)
“Mum?” Chris questioned into the dark kitchen. “Are you there? I was wondering if I could go over to David’s house.”
“Huh?” Replied Delilah, as she popped her head up from under the sink, which she was scrubbing intensely, to see who had beckoned her. “Oh, its you. What do you want?”
“Can I go over to David’s please?” Chris asked with a subtle tone of begging in his voice.
“Fine, do whatever you want” She grunted. “Don’t be late, or else!”
Chris didn’t even hear what she had said to him; he left immediately after she had allowed him to leave his toxic fume infested house. But as Chris left his house he didn’t recognize the woman who was sitting in the bench under the old sycamore tree across the street, she starred at him until he disappeared round the corner. Then with a cheeky smirk she evaporated into thin air, unnoticed by the others around her. Chris continued walking down the suburban street until he received a sharp jolt power itself through his spine from his back to his neck. This wasn’t the first time it had happened to him and he quickly moved down the street.
Chris Daniels was a young, handsome and well-built lad. He had an oval and pale face with a few freckles across his cheeks. His face was blemish less, besides his freckles, and he had a head of short brown hair that was cut fashionably, with his hair in the shape of a V at the back. He was wearing a slim vest like top with no sleeves and a pair of baggy old faded jeans. His favorite pair of sunglasses was perched precariously on the top of his hair and they slid off the top of his head and on to the bridge of his nose with all the sweat that radiated from the sun. He also had a lot of upper-body strength, and a six-pack, for a sixteen year old, this was due to the fact that visited the gym everyday to escape his wretched home.
As Chris walked down the Bally Barnes Road on that unimaginably hot day, many kids moved out of his way. This was partly because he was older than them, him being sixteen and all, but mainly because he was the local bully. A few years back, when his dad died, Chris fell in with the wrong crowd. He began smoking, vandalizing buildings and terrorized little kids. He had long been past those days but the children still retained mental and physical scars as painful reminders.
David’s house was situated at number forty-seven on the Bally Barnes Road; this was at the far end of the street. As Chris drew nearer and nearer, he heard the unmistakable sound of the Kerly family lawnmower. After he had taken no more than two steps he had seen Mr. Kerly, David’s father, pushing the lawnmower up and down his garden, chopping away at the grass which had become too overgrown.
When Mr. Kerly saw Chris approaching he turned off the lawnmower to greet him.
“Well hello there Christopher!” Mr. Kerly said as he took a firm hold of his hand. “I bet you’re looking for David, he’s up in his room, I think”
“Thanks Mr. Kerly!” Chris shouted as he strode in through the open front door to the Kerly household. He heard a faint “you’re welcome” coming from the garden and the distinctive sound of Mr. Kerly’s lawnmower starting up again.
When you first entered the Kerly home the first thing that caught your eye was the polka doted, luminous yellow and blue hallway. David’s mother was an artist and she decorated the house herself. All of the homes furnishings and fitting were so … creative. They had telephones that looked like bananas, a cuckoo clock with a creepy owl that cawed like a crow instead of a cuckoo, a giant fake camel that was covered in dust in the living room and many, many more inventive creations.
David’s room was located at the far end of the upstairs corridor. As Chris climbed the pink carpeted stairs he noticed the Kerly family portrait at the top of the landing across from the stairs. In the portrait he could see Mr. and Mrs. Kerly in the back, standing in front were David and his younger brother Tom. Tom looked just like his mother as did David but the two boys didn’t look the same and Mrs. Kerly was holding David’s youngest sibling, his sister Emma. Emma took after both her parents but she had her dad’s nose. The family looked dreamily content. The portrait triggered off memories of his dad. He quickly forgot them and continued up the stairs, removing a tear drop from the corner of his left eye.
As he approached his friend David’s room, after passing his sleeping sister’s room, he could hear random rave songs emanating from a stereo in his room. Chris grabbed hold of the silvery door knob and turned it to open the door. As he entered the room the first thing he saw was his best friend David standing fully upright in his boxer shorts and a pair of socks with a look of shock on his face.
“Oh God!” David squealed as Chris entered the room, coiling his arms around himself and trying to curl into a ball while standing. “You scared the crap outta’ me!”
David Kerly was a little taller than his best friend and had a tanned body from head to toe, which was plainly visible, and his wide watery blue eyes made him look like a newborn puppy. His dirty blond hair was cut to resemble Chris’, even though David had had this hairstyle first, and his legs were strangely hairy for a blond person. He didn’t have nearly as much muscles as Chris but he was a surprisingly good fighter when he wanted to be. Even when he was standing practically naked you could tell he had a much defined fashion sense with his black Calvin Klein boxer briefs and matching socks.
Chris laughed quite hardly, almost gasping for air as David slowly relaxed his body and returned it to its most upright position. Chris plonked himself down on David’s computer chair and made himself feel comfortable as David continued getting dressed.
“So, how are ya this fine day?” David asked sarcastically as he pulled a new looking t-shirt over his head of blond hair. “This bloomin’ heat is unnatural!”
“Sure I’m grand, and yourself? I just thought I’d stop by for a chat and I know! This heat is cruel” Chris replied watching David try to button his jeans. “There too small mate, try you’re other ones”
“My other ones are in the wash!” David yelled as he continued his useless battle with his jeans.
“Then put on some tracksuit bottoms instead” Chris suggested politely.
“NO!” David replied with a voice of thunder. “They’ll clash with my outfit!”
“Don’t be so stupid” Chris told his friend who still hadn’t given up on his task. “They’ll do fine”
“No. I’ll just have to change again.” David said as he gave up on his futile attempts on buttoning his jeans. “It’ll only take me a minute”
“Whatever” Chris said as he picked up a magazine that was lying on top of David’s computer. “I’ll be reading if you need advise”
“Ha-ha. Very funny” David said he practically tore off his shirt and jeans.
As he took off his clothes and put them away neatly into his wardrobe he threw his now too small jeans over by his rubbish bin. David now stood in his boxer briefs and socks once more as he rummaged through his wardrobe for a suitable outfit. After some time of scouring his wardrobe he pulled an old worn shirt and a pair of tracksuit bottoms. He slipped them on quickly and told Chris where he was going. Chris, who was buried in the magazine, didn’t hear him but saw him go to leave the room.
“I’m coming” Chris told David as he put back the magazine. “Where are we going?”
“Well I’m going downstairs” David said matter-of-factly. “I’ll be back in a minute; I’m just getting some food for us. Make yourself comfortable”
With that, David left the room and proceeded down the hall to the stairs leaving Chris behind in his room. Chris turned around and went over to the computer desk and grabbed the magazine that he had been reading moments before. He then plonked himself down on David’s bed and kicked of his runners. While he was alone in his friend’s room he noticed something different; the room was oddly untidy. David’s room was of average size and a window at the far end. David would usually, as Chris had seen many times before, that David kept his room tidy, but his room was strewn with clothes and objects. Clothes were hanging out of some of the presses and a dirty pair of underwear was lying on the floor beside him. Chris thought that his brother must have messed it up and continued reading.
As David walked slowly downstairs he felt strange. Usually his house was full of his parent’s friends but the house was eerily quiet apart from the sounds of his dad’s lawnmower which had moved to the back garden. David stepped into his kitchen and moved towards the fridge. He took out two bags of popcorn and left. On his way out he felt even stranger, it was as if someone was watching him. As he left the kitchen and walked towards the stairs, the woman who had been standing outside his kitchen window smirked and walked away. As she did David turned around hurriedly, his back burning with intense heat, as if he knew she was there, to see nothing but his back garden and his dad moving the lawnmower rhythmically along the lawn.
“Well you took your time, didn’t you?” Chris asked him sarcastically. “No, I’m only jokin’ with ya mate”
“Hey Chris, did you ever get the feeling that someone was following you?” David asked his friend. “Like just out of curiosity”
David paused for a minute. He had felt that someone was tailing him all week, nearly for a month now, he didn’t know if he should worry David at all.
“No, why do you ask?” Chris pried, his voice becoming shaky. He didn’t want to tell David the truth. He had in fact thought he was being followed for over a week. The strange occurrences started to happen around the same time. Chris had pondered about this many times before but decided not to say anything.
“No reason, just curiosity” David replied hastily. “Anyway, flick on the telly and move over.”
David would have kicked off his trainers also but he never put any on in the hurry he was put under by his friend. Instead, he hopped onto the bed with Chris as Chris turned on the television. The two sat unaware as the woman had been outside David’s door since he arrived back into the room.
“Boys” The mysterious lady sighed. “Ignorance must be bliss”
And with that she evaporated into thin air.
“Oh, flick back! Flick back!” David yelled. “I love this show!”
Chris turned back to channel three and David beamed as You’ve Been Framed came back onto the screen. As Chris put down the remote with one hand and grabbed a handful of popcorn he noticed the time on his watch.
“Oh crap!” Chris yelled nearly choking on the popcorn that had entered his mouth. “Its goin’ on quarter past nine! My mums gonna’ kill me!”
“Why don’t you call her and ask her can you stay here” David suggested felling relieved. “We’ll have a rite laugh!”
“Will I be allowed though?” Chris asked. “Will you ask your dad?”
“Right come on. You get the phone and I’ll ask me dad.” David replied with a tone of joy that made his voice go a little squeaky.
“Let’s do it!” Chris said in a weird but humorous voice.
And without any further delay the two boys rushed through the door and down the flight of stairs with David nearly tripping over the big-eyed cat ornament that was situated at the side of the stairs. When they reached the bottom of the stairs the sound of the lawnmower was well gone and the faint scent of smoke was coming from the kitchen. As David pushed open the kitchen door he spotted his dad by the window having a quick cigarette.
“Hey dad” David said to his father as he handed the phone to Chris. “Dad, I was wondering if Chris could stay the night”
“Huh? Oh, eh, yes. I don’t see any problems with that but …” Mr. Kerly said to the two boys. “I have to go away tonight on a business conference and I’ll be away for the weekend and your mother took the kids to your aunt Isabella’s for the weekend too. I suppose Chris can stay, but only if his mother allows him”
“Thanks dad! You’re the best. When are you leaving?” Mr. Kerly’s son enquired.
“Right now actually. I just needed a quick fag before I left” Mr. Kerly replied as he threw his finished cigarette out of the kitchen window.
“We’ll call her now” David said and the two boys walked off into the hall. “Call her now, hurry up”
“Hold on, hold on. It’s ringing. Hello? Mum? Hi! I was just wondering if I could stay the night in David’s. And before you ask, Mr. Kerly said it was okay.” Chris told his mother who, by the sounds of her, was drinking heavily. “Thanks mum, night night. Love you, bye-bye”
After she had hung up on him he gave David the phone back and told him that he was allowed to stay over. The two boys told Mr. Kerly who was just walking through the front door and then headed upstairs. When they had both climbed the stairs David entered his room first and beckoned Chris onwards.
“Come on would you!” David yelled. “Here, pick what movie you wanna’ watch”
David showed Chris an array of DVDs ranging from Die Hard to Dirty Dancing. After the two boys had scrutinized all of David’s DVDs they eventually picked Scary Movie. David turned back on his television and put the DVD into the machine. Before watching the movie the two boys undressed from their clothes and left nothing but their underwear. (This was because the heat was unbearable, even at night). David unmade his bed he hoped into his comfy bed. A sleeping bag had been pulled from under David’s bed and Chris dove right into it as he was desperate to fall asleep. David grabbed the remote control and switched to the channel in which the DVD would be viewable. When the opening credits of the film appeared the two boys fell silent and, as if someone (or something) had cast a spell on them, hypnotizing them into a dazed trance. The movie passed quite quickly. The two boys occasionally laughed at different parts of the film even though they both had watched it previously nearly fifty times!
After the movie had begun showing the names and positions of the people who helped create the movie, David turned off the television and turned to his friend who must have dozed off towards the end of the film.
“Chris?” David asked his friend quietly as he tried to stir him from his sleep. “Chris!” David’s voice became louder and more desperate.
“CHRIS!” He shouted loudly and Chris seemed to jump a mile off the floor. “I’m so sorry! Did I wake you?”
“Oh, ha ha!” Chris replied to his friend sarcastically. “You know right well you did it on purpose.”
“Whatever! Anyway I need to talk to you.” David said and made his voice so low it was almost inaudible. “Do you know when I asked ‘ya ‘bout being followed?” David told his friend speaking with the utmost honesty.
“I told you, I never for a minute thought of being followed!” Chris snapped, still not wanting to tell him.
“Well if you say your not, then okay.” David shrugged as he replied. “But I think I am been’ followed! I always fell weird when I’m alone, that’s why I suggested you stay over! I get these sudden hot surges in my body! I know someone’s watching me!”
David sat back in the bed looking worried and as Chris saw this he knew he had to tell David everything. He had felt as if someone was watching him. He had felt odd whenever he though someone was near and he had to tell David everything.
“David … I haven’t been completely honest with you” Chris said awkwardly as he stared continuously at his feet. “I actually have thought I was being followed. Ever since the heat wave. Whenever I’m alone I get a sort of electric shock or something. It’s really weird”
David suddenly sprang out of the bed, practically naked once more, and stared at his friend, Chris, with his puppy dog eyes enlarged and ever blue, as though Chris was a delectable bone.
“Oh God! My hot flushes started when the heat wave appeared. I thought it was a coincidence when I felt hot in the heat wave but now that I know hat you fell weird too, it’s definitely not coincidence!”
David was now pacing the room in his boxer briefs looking as if he had entered the deepest of thought; as if he had entered the center of his brain’s thinking space. Chris got out of the sleeping bag that was given too him by David and was striding towards David in his underwear also. But before Chris had any chance to speak David had already began to speak.
“Wait a minute!” David said suddenly with a freakishly striking resemblance with Albert Einstein as he pulled an Einstein pose. “What if we have the same stalker like person following us and whatever?”
“Well, eh … maybe, but that still doesn’t explain why we both feel different whenever it happens” Chris replied, still deep in thought.
© Copyright 2007 Irish & Proud (mcgeezer06 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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