Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1303012-TPF-Lets-Dumb-Down-Things
by TPF
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Comedy · #1303012
Lucky gets embarassed and tries to change her lifestyle.
The Pet Family in "Let's Dumb Down Things"

Warning may contain offensive vocabulary or
explicit content
so DO NOT READ if you are easily offended

for more information about tpf visit www.freewebs.com/tpfr


The school bell rang, and all the students of Mingle Derry High scurried through the hallways to get to class, but Missy and Lucky were still at their lockers because Missy forget her combination.

"Hurry up, Lucky", Missy shouted. "Help me remember my combination number!"

Lucky rolled her eyes and began naming a list of numbers seeing if any of them sounded famliar to her sister.

-"You should of just written the number down, you know?" Lucky said. Missy stomped her foot and folded her arms. "I had it but I lost it", she snapped.
Lucky just rolled her eyes and continued helping her sister with her stupid problem.

Suddenly the final bell rang and Missy began to panic. "The bell rang, we're late, do you know what this means?" Lucky shook her head at her sister and told her to forget about the locker. "-Forget it", she said. "It's your fault for losing the fricken number!". Lucky had no time to ague with Missy, instead she started heading to class, while Missy just stood there pouting and whining then darted after her sister, tripping on her heels as she ran.

By the time both of them got to class, the teacher was already handing back test results from yesterday. Missy took a seat and flipped over her paper only to see a big fat black "F". She grunted and showed Lucky her test. "You don't even apply yourself", Lucky said. "So why do you care about your test grades?"

-"You're both morons" came a voice from behind Missy, which was none other than the voice of their obnoxious brother, Willy. Lucky didn't even bother turning around, she knew that she would only invite herself for harassment. Willy laughed at his sisters and started chewing on his pencil, and the teacher reached over and handed him his test. Missy turned around in her chair and smirked at him. "I bet you got an F too", she said. Willy flipped the paper over and opened his mouth as if he were about to gasp. Missy's eyes widened as she died to know what score he had gotten. Judging by the look on his face, it had to be better than hers. The moment was ruined as Willy faced his paper in her direction, revealing nothing other than a 0. He didn't even complete his test, either that or he wrote down stupid answers trying to be funny.

Seeing that Willy's test score was nothing, Missy still felt like an idiot. She looked over at Lucky's score and saw an A. She frowned at her sister and tried not to show her jealousy. But then she heard the voice of her other brother, Church; he was bragging about having an A++. That wasn't really anything new, Church always got the top scores because he was obsessed with learning and all he ever did was school work, even though Science was his biggest passion. "I got an A plus plus, an A plus plus", Church chanted over and over. His chanting soon wore out its welcome and Willy got up and grabbed his test paper, then ripped it. Seeing this Church burst out in tears and began whining. "Why did you rip my test?" He cried. "You ripped my A plus plus test paper, how could you?" Willy held back from wanting to punch his brother so instead he just pointed at him and laughed.

The teacher soon got tired of the noise and demanded that all of them be quiet before she started sending students out of the classroom and into the scorching heat outside. Being that it was only the month of September, the weather outside was hot almost at 100 degrees. Any student stuck in that would surely suffer from either heat stroke or dehydration. And so it was best not to get on the teacher's bad side today.

Missy slouched in her seat, and looked over at Lucky. Then she put her head down on the desk and started falling asleep, but then she heard a snap and woke up to see that the teacher had slammed a yard stick on her desk in attempt to wake her up. "No sleeping during class", the teacher snapped. Missy nodded and kept a straight face, careful not fall asleep again. The teacher then ordered the class to take out their literature books and start reading quietly. Lucky reached for her backpack and pulled it on her lap, and then opened it to take her book out. She pushed folders and notebooks aside trying to find it but saw that it wasn't there. "Oh my god, where the hell is it?" She said to herself quietly. Lucky lowered her backpack and saw the teacher standing before her with a stern expression.
-"Where is your book, miss Lucky"?

Lucky was trembling with fear as she openly admitted she didnt have it with her. The teacher kind of nodded as if being okay with it, but then she pointed to a corner in the room and told Lucky to go stand there. "I will not tolerate this", the teacher told her. "You are to bring your materials to class everyday, no exceptions!" Lucky felt like screaming, but most of all she wanted to run and hide, here she was standing in the corner and to make things worse the teacher put a dunce hat on her head. Lucky growled under her breath and clenched her fists. She could hear the laughter coming from her classmates and it drove her insane.
Willy laughed the hardest, nearly crying and even Missy was laughing when usually shes the one who would forget her book. Lucky continued standing there with her arms folded; she was livid and could hear herself scream inside. This isn't fuckin fair she thought to herself.

Fifteen minutes later, the bell rang and the class was dismissed. Lucky took off the hat and crushed it with her fist and then threw it on the ground, stormed to her seat and grabbed her stuff to leave. Outside waiting for her, was Missy, and Lucky avoided her as soon as she got out the door. "Well, are you ready for our next class?" Missy asked. Lucky grunted and kept walking, not even stopping for her to catch up. Missy ran after her sister trying not to trip and fall, as the shoes she was wearing weren't meant for running. "Lucky, I'm sorry I laughed", Missy said. Lucky stopped and turned to face her sister. "Just shut up", she snapped. "Never in my life have I been more embarassed! And to make it worse, the whole school is going to know and everyone is going to harass me till I can't fucking take it anymore!"

Missy couldn't think of a word to say, she knew it was best not to say anything at all, especially when all Lucky would do is bite her head off about it.

Lucky didn't feel like going to her next class, instead she decided to do the unthinkable and skip it. "I'm skipping class", Lucky said to Missy. "I'm not taking chances with being harassed". Missy couldnt believe what she heard, after all these years of having a perfect attendance record, her sister suddenly skips? - I don't believe my ears", Missy spoke. "Skipping class just isnt you, Lucky". Lucky grabbed her sister by the frills of her shirt. "There's a first time for everything", she replied. "Besides, even if I skip people will still harass me, so what if I was to act like Willy and the stupids and not care what people thought of me?" Missy blinked in response to what her sister was saying. To her it was absolutely unheard of, her own sister wanted to sink down to the level of their immature, retarded brothers and all because of one embarassing incident.

-"This is insane, Lucky", Missy said. "You think if you became one of the stupids, the others wouldnt harass you? They'd make fun of you ten times more!"

-"I don't care", Lucky snapped. "Fact is, like them I wouldn't care, Fluffer doesnt care if someone calls him a fat ass right? Junior doesnt care if he's cross-eyed or picks his nose! None of them care about what other others think about them, Missy"

Missy sighed and stood with one hand on her hip. "Did you ever stop and think that they were too stupid to know people were making fun of them?" Lucky rolled her eyes. "They know people make fun of them", she said. "They just laugh and brush it off, I mean look at Willy? People make fun of him and he makes fun of people right back". Missy applied some cherry lip gloss and admired her reflection in her compact mirror. "Willy is just a moron, you wouldnt want to become an asshole like him", she added. Lucky shook her head at Missy and just stood there glaring at her. "I'm doing it", she said. "From now on, you can call me Lucky Stupid". Missy sighed and shrugged her shoulders.

Lucky smiled and waited for the class bell to ring, so she could meet up with Willy and the stupids and start learning their ways. Missy stood to the side just watching her sister, wishing there was some way to get through to her.

The bell finally rang and Lucky saw Willy and Junior dart out the door as if they were racing eachother. She started following them trying to go un-noticed but Willy saw Missy standing by herself and knew something was up. "Wheres the dunce?" Willy asked Missy. -"She's one of you now", Missy said. "One of us?" Willy raised an eyebrow. -"That's right", came a voice from behind him. "I no longer want to be smart and get good grades, I want to slack and act like a moron not caring what others think of me". Willy just laughed at his sister. "So you want to be a stupid eh? One of us? -"Yes", Lucky said. "Because it seems you guys have it so much easier than I do". Missy could tell Willy was all over this one, in fact he had a stupid grin on his face. "Becoming a stupid means you have to give up all the things you did before, like cleaning house, bitching, sleeping in a bed and watching soap operas" Willy said. Lucky didn't like the thought of having to give up some of the things that she enjoyed but realized in order to change, sacrifices must be made. "Alright", Lucky said. "I will give it all up to join your ranks".

"Done then", Willy grinned. "Junior, blow your nose with your hand and Lucky you shake with him on it". Lucky gritted her teeth, she had no idea what she was getting herself into, and when Junior held out his hand, she was hesitant to shake it. "C'mon" Willy said, as he encouraged her. "Shake on it, become one of us".

To Be Continued.....

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